Alpha Prime

This fic uses ABO Grammar, meaning all pronouns dedicated to Alphas will be capitalized such as "Him", "His', and "Himself" even if they're in the middle of a sentence. Likewise, all pronouns dedicated to omegas will be lower-cased, such as "you're", "his", and "you" even if they're in the beginning of a sentence.

Additionally, commands made by an Alpha using Their "Alpha voice" will be in bold.


All it took was one glance at the omega for Lotor's blood to boil over. At first, seeing him in office attire had been arousing in its own way, like a roleplay kind of thing. Now that He knew he was a modernist now, though, the professionalism had His eyes twitching from the moment Lance walked into His office, coffee in hand.

"Here you are, sir."

Lotor's eyes zeroed in on his waist as Lance set His coffee down and turned, but the dress pants offered little emphasis on what was no doubt a pert omega ass.

"It's summer, you know. you should think about wearing shorter clothes—I'm sure it would be more comfortable."

"I'm sure it would. However, for a company as esteemed as yours, sir, business attire is more appropriate for an assistant."

"Perhaps," Lotor reached for His coffee, eyes never once leaving Lance's invisible ass. "But it is not appropriate for an omega such as yourself. It's alright for you to dress how you wish; I'll make an exception for you."

"This is how I wish to dress."

"omegas do not dress in business attire." Lotor chuckled.

"With all due respect, sir," Lance finally turned around to glare at Lotor, eyes as cross as ever. "I don't think you understand society as well as you claim to, and for the sake of your business, I would suggest you learn, otherwise you'll be left behind by the Galaxy Garrison one of these days."

Lotor rose an eyebrow, holding Lance's unblinking gaze. "...are you looking to get fired?"

"Of course not, sir." Lance stiffly bowed his head. "My apologies if I said something you disliked. However, it's my belief that we should work together as boss and assistant to be as successful as possible. I have no interest in being pushed around, and I think this would work best for both of us if we could put our work first. Please excuse me while I grab the latest papers Throk obtained for you." The omega left as quickly as he'd shown up, leaving Lotor alone in the stuffy room.

The omega didn't belong in His omega belonged in any company. It made Lotor sick to the stomach, and frankly, he wouldn't mind never laying eyes on him again. He would relish in never laying eyes on him again. One way or another, though, He would lay eyes on that omega's pregnant belly...and so, He would also have to look at his smug face...for now.


Most of Lotor's work for that morning consisted of the occasional email. Other than that, He flipped through several of Lance's medical reports from the past, observing everything He had access to.

His plan revolved around simple biology—He would have to start worrying for the future of His business if He required some grand scheme just to win over an omega, after all.

If Lotor knew anything about omegas, it was the amount of power their biology held over them. Lance could have whatever estranged ideals he desired—it would mean nothing. he was an omega—the strength of his mind was nowhere near on par with the strength of his biology. Lotor just needed to find out what day was optimal to strike on...


He lifted His eyes from His screen with a grumble as Lance stood, piling his papers into a neat stack.

"I'm supposed to get off work early today, remember? We agreed on—"

"I remember." He snapped, also standing from His seat to receive the papers Lance had sorted. They were perfectly organized, the task completed half an hour earlier than normal. He would expect nothing less.

Lance drew his phone from his pocket and walked towards the door, but Lotor made it there first, blocking the entrance with a smirk that only widened as Lance bit his lower lip.

"Sir, I thought we agreed—"

"We did," Lotor assured, leaning forward to catch a trace of Lance's caramel fragrance. "But I think you should mind your manners, wouldn't you agree? What should you say to your boss for being allowed to get off work hours earlier than normal?"

Lance rose an eyebrow before suddenly dropping his gaze to the floor. The most exquisite, gorgeous red crawled up his cheeks, and he shuffled back and forth with his hands behind his back like a proper omega. The only thing missing was the eye contact to show his respect, but Lotor could accept his rudeness this once as his shoulders drooped, and those magic words left his mouth.

"...thank you." he immediately tried walking forward, but Lotor stepped in front of him once again.

"Thank you what?"

he bit his lower lip, granting Lotor the fantasy of bruises painting the plump, wet pinkness. "Thank you sir."

"That's a good boy." Lotor grinned and stepped to the side, eyes following Lance's suddenly petite figure as he dashed out of His office.

It was times like this where Lotor managed to find some sense of reassurance that His assistant was in fact an omega.

His pants were tenting up from that small exchange alone as He collapsed back into His seat and lazily wrapped a hand around His clothed length. He could smell the faint aroma the omega emitted like it was clogging the room now as He propped one leg up on His chair to squeeze at the head of His cock. His fingers stopped there, though. After all, He'd accepted the omega's request to get off work early today for a reason.

He quickly dialed His phone, raising it to His ear and letting His hand drop away from His massive bulge.


"Acxa," He greeted, typing into His laptop with one hand. If Lance were present, he'd surely be ogling Lotor the way he always did whenever Lotor 'multi-tasked'. "I'm sending you some files. I need you to look through them and try to discover when it is this omega is buying his suppressants, and perhaps compile a pattern of days he tends to take off from work."

"Sir? Did You say an omega? And work?"

"Ludicrous, I know." He chuckled before sending the files on His laptop. "There. Send Me the results as soon as you've made a discovery. I'll need to plan My schedule accordingly, after all."

"Yes, Sir."

He hung up with a sigh and leaned back into His chair, observing the face of the omega on the files of His laptop. Such an irritating thing he was...yet, the image of his blushing from earlier had Lotor's cock jumping in his pants.

he would look beautiful beneath a proper Alpha like Lotor.


Even without His assistant around for the last few hours of work, Lotor finished everything He needed to complete with time to spare. While things were certainly easier with an assistant to take care of busy work, He didn't mind a heavier workload every once in a while. He was an Alpha, after all—working was His specialty, even without an omega to provide for.

He drove away from the building, leaving it for Ezor to clean and close up. As soon as Acxa narrowed down a date for Lance's heat, He'd have to work overtime to prepare to free up His schedule, so He saw no problem with keeping His work to a minimum for a few days.

The sky was growing dusky, but He could still see well enough to spot a massive crowd of people surrounding the Olkarion mall, not to mention the raised signs with writing that lit up in the dark.

'Free Omegas!'

'Omegas are the future'

'Criminals have more freedom than Omegas; is that a society you want to live in?'

He pulled over into the nearest sidewalk, spitting the bad taste out of His mouth as soon as His door was open and following it out of the car. they were like a flock of birds on top of street wire on Monday mornings with their incessant squabbling. Even as the Alpha police officers pushed them back away from the mall, they continued to push forward, raising the signs high into the air as if their words were something to be proud of.

Lotor scoffed at that, hands tucked into His pockets as He stood off to the side of a crowd of onlookers that had amassed to watch the shameless gathering of mutts. He'd seen protests before, but never one this obnoxious. His eyes scanned through the crowd, then past the faces of the onlookers, just to confirm that they were in as much disgust as He was. To His surprise, He saw one particular onlooker jumping up and down on his tiptoes, snapping pictures with his phone.


He hurried around the crowd to come up behind His assistant, resting a hand on his shoulder. "So is this what you left early for?"

Lance jumped and whipped around with his phone at the ready, as if prepared to lash out at Lotor. As soon as their eyes made contact, though, he flinched away with a gulp. "Sir? What are you doing here?"

"I believe I asked a question," Lotor growled. His chest swelled a bit at the way Lance winced.

"Yes, this was something I couldn't miss."

"'Couldn't miss'?" He took in the sight of the crowd once more, stomach twisting as they chanted something akin to 'liberty for omegas!' It was hard to exactly make out their words when their voices mashed together in uneven squeals.

"What a mess. This is what happens when you put together a bunch of omega—"

"There are Betas, too."

"Don't interrupt Me. It's a sad sight either way. If these omegas just had an Alpha there for them, they wouldn't have fallen as low as they have, making such a ruckus in public. What a loud bunch they are."

"That's the point." Lance took a step forward, as if to physically stand against Lotor. "The louder we are, the better we're heard. Surely that isn't too hard to figure out."

Lotor scoffed. "I'll never be able to understand how an omega's brain works."

"Why don't I help you, then," Lance crossed his arms with a puffy frown, and the adorable look was reason enough for Lotor to entertain him by lending His ear. "Why don't you try putting yourself in my shoes. Our shoes. Imagine a world where, instead of Omegas, Alphas were the ones subjected to prejudice. Imagine if Alphas were viewed as something lesser than human—"

"The world you speak of doesn't exist."

"It's a hypothetical situation. Don't tell me your head is too full of Alpha privilege that you're unable to use imagination?"

"Don't forget who you work for," Lotor growled.

Lance's eyes narrowed, as if he was readying himself for another irritating remark, but a figure suddenly slammed into him, arms wrapped around his shoulders and pulling him back as if to kidnap him.

"What do you want?!" A pair of midnight-purple eyes glared at Lotor as Lance squeaked.


The other omega. He would've spat to the side if they weren't in public. "I figured I'd observe this...shameless display. I'm not the least bit surprised to see you here, though."

Keith growled bitterly, but it was his turn to be interrupted as a pair of reporters rushed over, microphones already raised.

"Mr. Daibazaal! Lotor Daibazaal! Has Your company taken notice of the protests? Is that why You're here? Could You comment on Your thoughts on the recent rise of modernist omega activity?" They were spitballing questions as soon as the mic was tossed in His face.

Lotor's narrowed eyes backed them up, but He still leaned towards the mic. "This is nothing more than an example of omegas not knowing what they're doing. I'm not interested in watching such a thing. I'm only here because I was speaking with My omega assistant." He grinned, eyes travelling to Lance, and the reporters were immediately shoving the microphone towards the surprised omega.

"I take it you're the omega assistant in question? Could you give your comments on what it's like being Mr. Daibazaal's omega? And Sir, could we receive further confirmation that You've finally taken an omega of Your own?"

"What?" Lance gasped, color draining from his eyes. "No! Wait! I'm not...I'm with Keith! Lotor is my boss, that's all!"

"Yeah, he's with me." Keith growled as the two of them clung to each other harder. "What kind of questions are those, anyways? Go back to covering the real topic for tonight; omega rights! Fucking press is always trying to start rumors."

They ignored his crude comments to turn the mic back to Lotor, no doubt eager to hear from Him while they had this chance. "Sir, could we possibly hear Your opinion on the omega rights movement?"

Had the temperature been several degrees less, Lotor's breath would've puffed from His nostrils. Only the media would dare to get in His face like this. As far as He was concerned, the less people who talked about the modernist omega movement, the better—thus why He didn't publicly comment on it much. Shutting it down once or twice wouldn't hurt, though.

"In today's era, the definition of 'omega rights' seems to be lost. Calling this performance part of an 'omega rights movement' is simply illogical. It's a modernist movement and nothing more, because omega rights already exist. omegas have the right to carry an Alpha's child. they have the right to support an Alpha, to extend their Alpha's bloodline, and they have the right to an easy life. Meanwhile, Alphas have the right to provide for Themselves, Their families, and the world, taking a productive role in life while having the right to own an omega. We do not have the same rights, but we indeed have equal rights. Therefore, I ask that the term 'omega rights' not be used to define this mob." He nodded at the crowd that continued to bombard the mall's entrance. "they are extreme modernists who've been lead astray due to being unable to find an Alpha of their own. Nothing more."

"If you don't know what you're talking about you can just shut your mouth!" Keith spat, and immediately, the reporters were thrusting the mic towards him. Before he could comment further, however, another figure walked over to them.

"Hey, break it up."

The reports turned to the newcomer with shining eyes, mic raised. "Mr. Shirogane! Could we please hear Your thoughts on omega rights?"

He glanced at Lotor with wide eyes and quickly grabbed another kid who was standing off to the side. "Matt, would you mind taking these lovely reporters' questions for a minute?" He pushed Matt towards the reporters so they could unleash their onslaught of questions upon him before turning to Lotor, who looked Him over with a raised eyebrow.

"Takashi Shirogane. I never expected to see You here."

"Please, just call me Shiro." He insisted, moving in front of Lance and Keith, who immediately huddled behind Him while peering around His shoulders.

"Did You come to observe this as well?"

"In a way. The Galaxy Garrison actually put this protest together, and naturally, I'm here to represent and offer my support."

Lotor's eyes widened a fraction, caught midway between gagging and laughing. "Support? What kind of Alpha would support a society that's attempting to protest against natural biology?"

"A sensible one."

This time, Lotor did laugh. "So You're claiming to be a sensible Alpha?"

"I'm a sensible person." Shiro argued, completely straight-faced. "Lance and Keith here deserve just as many opportunities in life as you, or me, or anyone else."

Lotor's face fell to match Shiro's business face. "Is that so. I'd heard rumors and read interviews regarding the Galaxy Garrison's modernist tendencies. Even so, I respected Your company for what it was—a business beginning to gain steam. This, however, is taking it too far. I cannot support a business that would publicly assist in a modernist assembly."

"If you disagree with our viewpoints, that's fine. I understand you have your beliefs and we have ours, and I'll respect that."

"I'm afraid I can't say the same." Lotor declared. "I have lost all respect for You, Takashi Shirogane, not just as a fellow businessman, but as a fellow Alpha."

"You never had any respect to begin with—"

"Keith!" Shiro silenced Keith right as the thought of grabbing him by the hair began appealing to Lotor.

"You disappoint Me even more for having not claimed those two omegas yet." He nodded at Keith and Lance hiding behind Shiro. "You seem to have them under Your control. Though, I suppose they are rather irritating."

"Mr. Daibazaal. If you have no business here anymore, and if you're not a supporter, it might be time for you to leave." Shiro's voice wavered between a suggestion and a threat.

His eyes narrowed, but the press seemed to be finishing up with Shiro's decoy, so He turned away with a flip of His hair. "I was preparing to leave, either way. I'll offer You one final tip, though—You may find it much more helpful to give Your omegas a knot. they'll become addicted immediately, and there'll no longer be any reason for this nonsense."

"Goodbye, Mr. Daibazaal."

Lotor spared them one last glance before walking away.

It seemed Shiro truly had no intentions of shoving His knot into those two omegas cowering behind Him.

Lotor would have to be the one to do it, then. To both of them.


Reporters flocked Lotor's building the next day, microphones and cameras raising as soon as He stepped out of His car.

A part of Him had seen this coming, but He still sighed and denied eye contact as He walked towards the building.

"Mr. Daibazaal, could You please comment about the modernist rally from last night?"

"Sir, did Your appearance at the protest last night mean anything? Has Your view of omega rights changed?"

"What are Your thoughts on the Galaxy Garrison organizing a public protest?"

"Sir, if we could just have a moment of Your—"

"None of My views have changed. Move aside."

The reporters instantly split into two rows at the sound of His Alpha voice. He took the chance to leave them outside with a sigh. He was already running late due to traffic, and He couldn't exactly use His Alpha voice on a bunch of vehicles...

"I said get away from me..."

He looked up to see Throk pinning Lance to a wall, arm raised by his head as He grinned and tried to nibble at his neck, only for Lance to continuously turn his head away.

"Aw, come on. your neck is so clean, it deserves a good marking."

"Don't touch me..." he pushed uselessly against Throk, coffee in one hand.

Lotor grumbled and approached them. "Throk, leave the omega alone. he's tired after his street party last night."

Throk rose an eyebrow, slowly leaning away at the sight of Lotor before He was chased away completely by His narrowed eyes.

As soon as it was just them, Lotor grinned at Lance. "you're welcome. you should mind your manners. Say what you need to say."

"And you should discipline your employees better." Lance shot back, still hugging himself as he backed away from Lotor and the wall. "If they can't keep their pants on in the workplace, that'd create quite the scandal. I'll leave this in your office." As soon as he tried to walk away, Lotor was in front of him again, casting His shadow over the smaller omega.

"I said, 'you should mind your manners. Say what you need to say'. Or perhaps your parents didn't raise you with manners?"

he opened his mouth in protest only to lower his head in realization. "...thank you...sir."

"Good boy." Lotor stepped to the side, eyes following Lance as he rushed to get Lotor's coffee to His office.

As diligent an omega as always.


It was back to paperwork from there—mostly for Lance. Lotor had His phone on His desk to text Acxa while looking through past Alpha scandals on His laptop. After all, if He was going to get Lance pregnant, He would have to avoid mistakes made by previous Alphas. Not that that would be a problem for Him.

One article in particular caught His eye—the Galaxy Garrison. He barely needed to read it over to remember their scandal.

His eyes drifted to Lance, immediately picturing the face of that other Alpha from last night. His stomach clenched just at the thought...

"Tell Me, did you know the Galra company is not only leading the world of pharmacy in terms of success, but that we're also the cleanest business there is? We've never had a single scandal—not even when My father, Zarkon, ran the business."

"I'm aware." Lance didn't spare Him a glance.

"I couldn't help but find it laughable that a business such as the Galaxy Garrison has had one of the largest pharmaceutical scandals in history, despite being far, far younger."

That got Lance's attention as he set his papers aside. "What about it? The Holt scandal happened years ago."

Lotor grinned at the slight growl in Lance's voice. "Perhaps. But it's always important to reflect on past accidents made by other companies to keep ours on the right track."


"you came here to learn how I've kept my company successful, did you not?" Lotor's grin widened as Lance settled back into his seat, mouth shut. That's what I thought.

"I suppose it's difficult to blame the entire company, though, when it was just the father and son responsible for the scandal. Still..."

"They were trying to do something productive for society!"

Lotor rose an eyebrow at his raised voice. "'Productive'? The Holt's heat suppressant X5 was an insult to biology itself. Imagine being able to erase all traces of an omega's heat."

"I imagine it every day."

Lotor's eyebrow twitched, though He had expected Lance to say things like that when He initiated the conversation. "Are you claiming to support one of the largest conspiracies of the last decade?"

"I'm claiming that the heat suppressant X5 would have been an effective step forward for society."

"Clearly the government disagrees, seeing as they banned it immediately."

"Well, the government was wrong."

Lotor stood up, glaring at Lance, who glared back. "Had the government not banned it, society would have fallen into disarray. omegas wouldn't be able to do their jobs properly."

"What exactly do you think an omega's 'job' is?"

He snickered, walking around His desk. "you should do your research before you attempt such a haphazard argument. It has nothing to do with what I think. Despite the modernist craze, two-thirds of omegas are still doing a fine job serving their purpose as walking breeding grounds. But it's alright—I wouldn't expect an omega like you to know your statistics."

Lance's chair fell to the ground as he stood, teeth and fists clenched. "Just because society has relegated omegas to the position the majority are in doesn't make that their 'job'!"

"Say what you wish. It doesn't change the fact that the Galaxy Garrison is clearly not appealing to the correct demographic. I suggest you reevaluate your world views if you truly seek to learn from My success."


He paused with a raised eyebrow as Lance seethed.

"This isn't even about your success, is it? You're just looking for an excuse to talk about your rival company—"

"'Rival'?" Lotor scoffed. "The Galaxy Garrison is hardly a rival to Me."

Lance walked around his desk, arms crossed. "Really? Because the Galaxy Garrison has been making headline after headline in media coverage thanks to Shiro's modernist approach. Not only that, but their sales have been skyrocketing exponentially. I would think you'd be interested in keeping track of the success of other companies, but it's alright—I wouldn't expect a narrow-minded man like you to know your statistics."

Lotor's vision flashed red for a brief moment, muscles bunching up, but as He towered over Lance, his smaller frame reminded Him that he was just an omega. Just a foolish omega who was in over his head.

"'Narrow-minded'?" He grinned, shoulders relaxing as He leaned towards Lance. "It would appear you don't know what I am. My father was Zarkon, and My mother was Honerva. Both of Them were Alphas, and both of Their parents before Them were also Alphas."

Lance pulled away, eyes widening as he slowly pieced Lotor's words together.

"For all your talk about being informed for an omega, you clearly never did enough research on My family tree. If you did, you would've known I'm pure-blooded. You would've known what kind of Alpha you were talking to."

Lance pulled back more, but Lotor followed him until he was backed into a wall and forced to cower away beneath the pressure of Lotor's true nature.

His tongue swiped across His lips. "How ironic. you like to act as if biology doesn't matter, and yet you clearly don't seem to trust your body to not give in to an Alpha Prime such as Myself."

his silence was all the agreement Lotor needed as His fingers brushed his chin, but before He could touch him further, a ringing noise buzzed from Lance's pocket.

Both their eyes flickered downwards before Lotor reached down for Lance's phone.

"Stop!" Lance gasped, grabbing Lotor's wrist, cowering back more when He growled.

"Let go."

he shook his head.

Lotor's throat rumbled before engaging His Alpha Prime voice. "Let go." His wrist was immediately freed from Lance's weak grip, stealing his phone from his pocket to see Lance was getting a call from his 'mama'. "Pick up and talk." He pressed the phone to Lance's ear, and a voice sounded from the other line as soon as He accepted the call.

"M-mama?" Lance's voice shook as he glanced at Lotor meekly. "N-no, I'm fine. Just working, as isn't really the best time to call, so maybe you should—!" his words caught in his throat as Lotor's burning eyes bore into him.

Unfortunately, even at this distance, He couldn't make out any words on the other end of the phone, but Lance's continued exchange of pleasantries had Him rolling His eyes.

"No, mama. Don't worry. I'll come down to the hospital after work..."

Lotor's eyes flashed back to Lance at that, practically gluing to his face as he smiled sheepishly and nodded as if his mom could see him before hanging up.


"Get away from me!" he shoved against Lotor's chest, but Lotor didn't move a single inch.

"What were you talking about?"

"Let me go!" Lance's growl shifted into a quiet whine. "Please..."

"Manners won't get you anywhere this time. Tell Me what you were talking about."

Lance shrunk back more, but his mouth moved nonetheless. "M-my papa is in the hospital with a spinal I visit him after work every day..."

A father, hm? Lotor observed him some more. "Tell Me about your family."

"I-I have a mama, a papa, and three older siblings...please stop..."

"If you wish to stop talking, why don't you just stop listening to My demands? After all, if omegas truly are equal with Alphas, you should have no reason to give in to My Alpha voice."

Lance whimpered, and the sight of him cowering against the wall powerlessly made the pit of Lotor's stomach rise with desire.

"That's what I thought. Who is the Alpha?"

Lance's eyes widened in both surprise and confusion, eliciting a sigh from Lotor.

"In your family. Who is the Alpha in your family? I'm curious as to what type of environment you grew up in that allowed you to become such an ill-mannered omega."

he gulped, lips pressed tightly together, looking away as soon as Lotor blinked.

Lotor grumbled and squeezed his chin. "I said who is the Alpha in your family?"

"No!" Lance shook his head adamantly. "There's no..."

"What are you talking about?" Lotor growled. "Tell Me—oh." He took a step back, looking over Lance as the omega hugged himself. "There is no Alpha."

Now that he had more space, Lance backed up more along the wall and met his gaze again. "Yes. My dad is a beta and my mom is an omega. What does it matter to you?"

"It doesn't. It just makes a lot of sense." Lotor chuckled. "Is your family made up of modernists, too? Is that why you're trying to work even though you're an omega? I bet your family doesn't have much money since you're all betas and omegas."

"That's quite the misconception, sir." Lance growled. "We may not have the most money, but it has nothing to do with Omegas and Betas versus Alphas. And while money is why I work so hard, it's more than that." he stepped forward, fists clenched at his sides. "I'm here to change the world. I'm here to rise up and support the modernist movement until society realizes that things need to change. That omegas can't keep being relegated."

Lotor's smirk never left His face. "your words are very much those of a dumb, youthful omega."

"Say whatever you want. I'm omega, yet I still help to provide enough money for my family for now and that's all that matters."

"I could make it easier for you." Lotor moved in once again, towering over Lance. "I could give you even more money. Enough for your family."

Lance quickly backed up with a raised eyebrow. "...a raise?"

"Not quite. I can take care of your monetary issues...if you give up on work, and come be Mine." His grin widened at the way Lance's eyes flickered, as if he was considering Lotor's offer. "As the omega to a wealthy Alpha, you would be able to provide for your family through Me...your issues would be solved. What do you say?" His hand cupped Lance's cheek...and Lance stayed put.

For a moment, Lotor thought He had succeeded—the omega was His. But then, Lance finally pulled away and gritted his teeth.

" I'm not going to become some slut, just for money. Especially not for you. I'm going to provide for my family, and I'm going to do it my way."

"your way," Lotor repeated. "you mean you're going to rely on the money you make as My assistant?"

"That is my current job, isn't it?"

As soon as he felt he had an upper hand, he became arrogantly bold. It would've been enough to sour Lotor's mood, but He was still smiling as Lance ducked out the door to grab some papers.

He'd expected nothing less than a rejection—after all, an omega like Lance didn't know what he needed.

While it would have be easiest to break Lance now, He was content with this, too. After all the grievances the omega had caused Him, it would be quite unsatisfactory to have him submit over money. No, Lotor would only accept a biological surrender; proof that the omega could never live up to the modernist ideal he so strongly clung to.

he would break for Lotor in time...not because he wanted to, but because that was what biology decided for them from the day they were born.


Lance avoided Lotor for the rest of the day, and He let him. He couldn't risk having Lance quit the job, after all...although, He figured Lance would've already quit if he had any intention of doing so any time soon. By the time he was leaving the building, Lotor was sure He'd see him return the next day.

Naturally, He stayed behind in His office past working hours just a while longer, as was routine. Instead of reviewing emails and business plans, however, He scrolled through the folder of information He'd compiled on Lance, most of it basic information anyone could find online if they committed enough time to it.

He scanned through Lance's family tree, grinning as He confirmed their earlier conversation. Lance's parents were indeed beta and omega, just as he'd said, and as beta and omegas, they didn't carry the genes to give birth to Alphas. What a dysfunctional family. This was precisely why betas and omegas weren't meant to be together—they couldn't produce an Alpha to provide for the family.

His phone buzzed a few times, signifying the night was drawing to a close. With a light sigh, He bent down to pack His binders together, glancing at the screen of the laptop one last time when something caught His eye.

He frowned and scrolled through Lance's family tree even more, eyes flickering back and forth, before He finally just ran a quick word search on the page.

The word 'Alpha' didn't show up even once.

Lotor's smile returned as His cock stirred in His pants. There was nothing Alpha about Lance, not even down to the very last gene; he was pure omega.

A pure-blooded Alpha...and a pure-blooded omega...

He licked His lips, imagining how beautiful Lance's pure-blooded omega hole would his body was made to perfectly hold an Alpha's children.

His cock was at full size now, and He could barely even remember that Lance was a modern omega...because he was a pure-blooded omega.

Biology...proof...justification...none of that was important anymore.

Modern or not, this was an omega worthy of Lotor's seed. This was an omega with a body that could carry the heirs to His company.

this was an omega that was born for Lotor to breed.


There's a lot of world building/society building in this chapter. Honestly, the more I build on this society, the more I hate the prejudice going on simply because it's reminiscent of the misogyny from, well, even nowadays...and it makes me feel sorta bad since this fic isn't supposed to end with justice for Lance or anything. Just know as you read this that I do not condone this level of societal prejudice, ever. This is pure fiction and, honestly, pure filth, even if there's a bit of a story element here with the world building.

Anyways, to clarify on the world building, the only way two people can give birth to an Alpha is if there's an Alpha involved in the sex. This is why society looks down on a beta and an omega getting together, or even worse, an omega and an omega getting together; because they can't create an Alpha.

On the other hand, when two Alphas get together (an Alpha male and an Alpha female), their genes can create an "Alpha Prime", which is basically an Alpha with even more intensified supreme traits. Lotor is the purest of Alpha Primes because his bloodline is a bunch of Alpha males and females getting together, and he sees Lance as worthy for him now because Lance is a pure omega, having zero trace of Alpha blood in his veins. While you may think that'd only make him seem less worthy, it means his blood is as omega as it gets, and since Lotor sees omegas as submissive and desirable, he sees Lance having that purity as a trait of maximum desirability.

If you wanna keep up with my writing or you just want to interact with me and ask me questions, follow me on Tumblr; the link is on my profile page! Thanks and bye~

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