Pilot Part 2
Pilot Part 2
???: What are you doing?
???: He likes this song.
???: How could you possibly know that?
???: I checked his facebook page. I mean, he can hear everything, right?
Poker Face by Lady Gaga was put on, as there was a guy eating candy with long black hair and a woman with brunette hair looking at what it seems to be a guy with brown hair and... comatose.
Girl: Auditory functions are the last sensory faculties to degenerate.
???: Is it tho?
The woman sees none other than Ethan though a bit cleaner with a some food in his hands... Chinese. He puts it in the table opening it.
Ethan: Cisco gimme a hand.
Cisco: Yep.
He jogged as he gave Cisco one of the food... until the guy wakes up from it making the woman jump back.
Cisco: *dropping the food* Oh, my god!
Ethan: Cisco!
Guy: Where am I?
Woman: He's up!
Ethan: Get Wells-
Cisco: Dr. Wells, get down to the cortex, like, right now.
The woman started to check on the guy without his permission... no personal space, she had a flashlight and was starting to check his pupil reaction.
Woman: Pulse 120, pupils equally reactive to light. Look at me, look at me.
Cisco: *grabs his shoulder* Hey, hey, whoa, whoa, relax. Everything's okay, man. You're at S.T.A.R Labs.
Guy: *getting up* S.T.A.R. Labs? Who are you?
Cisco: I'm Cisco Ramon. He's Ethan Monroe and Caitlin... Dr. Snow.
Caitlin: *showing a vile* I need you to urinate this.
Ethan: *takes it away* You and pee, man. You want one? Marry it.
Caitlin gasped though the guy still confused walks forward very... confused and lost.
Guy: What is... what is happening? What is going on?
Cisco: You were struck by a lightning, dude.
That just made this awaken comatose guy even more lost... he was struck by a lightning?
Guy: What?
He walks to a mirror very confused.
Ethan: Yeah, seems Zeus got angry and hit you with one.
He looks at a screen which had a camera directly to his chest... he grew abs.
Guy: Lightning gave me abs?
Cisco: Sort of?
Caitlin walks to his side just to speak more facts.
Caitlin: Your muscles should be atrophied, but instead they're in a chronic and unexplained state of cellular regeneration.
Cisco: Come here. Have a seat.
He puts Barry back in the bed as Ethan taps the ground.
Ethan: You were in a coma, buddy?
Guy: C-Coma? For how long?
???: Nine months.
They look back seeing an elder man in a wheelchair... that was Harrison Wells... owner of S.T.A.R Labs.
Wells: Welcome back, Mr. Allen. We have a lot to discuss.
That guy... it was Barry Allen... The Flash... or at least... starting to become it. Now Barry was walking with Wells by the halls of the building.
Barry: It's hard to believe I'm here. I have always wanted to meet you face to face.
Wells: Yeah? Well, you certainly went to great lengths to do it. S.T.A.R. Labs has not been operational since FEMA categorized us as a class four hazardous location. 17 people died that night. Many more were injured. Myself amongst them.
They walked to where it was suppose to be a weird location... there should be a generator but... there was nothing but a burnt place.
Barry: Jeez.What happened?
Wells: Nine months ago, the particle accelerator went online exactly as planned. For 45 minutes, I had achieved my life's dream. And then... Then there was an anomaly. The electron volts became unmeasurable, the ring under us popped. Energy from that detonation was thrown into the sky and that, in turn, seeded a storm cloud...
Barry: That created a lightning bolt that struck me.
Wells: That's right. I was recovering myself... When I heard about you. *start to walk back to the cortex* The hospital was undergoing unexplainable power outages every time you were going into cardiac arrest, which was actually a misdiagnosis because you see, you weren't flatlining, Barry. Your heartbeat was moving too fast for the EKG to register it. Now, I'm not the most popular person in town these days, but Detective West and his daughter gave me permission to bring you here, where we were able to stabilize you.
Barry: Iris?
Wells: Iris, yes. She came to see you quite often.
Caitlin: She talks a lot.
Cisco: Also, she's hot.
Ethan: And annoying... very.
Barry: *anxious* I need to go.
Caitlin: No, you can't.
Wells: No, no. No, Caitlin's right. No, now that you're awake, we need to do more tests. You're still going through changes.There's so much that we don't know.
Barry: I'm fine. Really, I feel normal. Thank you for saving my life.
He walks away quickly though Caitlin looked disappointed.
Caitlin: Really?
That caused Wells to sigh... until Barry appeared again.
Barry: Can I keep the sweatshirt?
Wells: Yeah, keep the sweatshirt.
Barry: Okay.
He runs as Ethan looks at Cisco signaling him with his hand, though the kid didn't understand much.
Cisco: What?
Ethan: Money. You spill it, you buy it.
Cisco sighs as he gives Ethan a few bucks though annoyed.
Ethan: Smart guy.
He walks away with the bucks directly to buy food... again.
Hours Later
So... after talking with Iris and a GCPD and all that... Barry just said that he can run fast... yep he said that. Caitlin was in denial, Cisco was very eager to prove her wrong, Wells was 50/50 and Ethan? Well... he was eating... a lot. They were in some track, owned by S.T.A.R Labs themselves... private area.
Cisco: Dude, 4th burger and you're still eating?
Ethan: To have a perfect body, you must eat a lot.
Cisco: That's not even healthy!
Ethan: That's not the point.
He kept eating while Caitlin did the calculations by Wells.
Caitlin: You don't really believe he can run that fast, do you?
Wells: Well, I believe anything is possible, and in a few minutes, maybe you will too.
Cisco walks to the RV they used waiting for Barry to come out from dressing.
Cisco: How does it fit?
Barry walked out and... holy hell he looked ridiculous. Ethan completely spitted a little of soda from his nose... just to start coughing. Barry was in a very tight jumpsuit which almost reached his knees, the top looked like a tank top. He had air resistant goggles and a weird hockey helmet or something close.
Barry: It's a little snug.
Cisco: At least you will be moving so fast no one will see you.
Barry walks to the beginning with Cisco directing him.
Cisco: See, you thought the world was slowing down. It wasn't. You were moving so fast it only looked like everyone else was standing still... or slowed down. Dr. Wells will be monitoring your energy output, Ethan will deal your speed, mass, etc... creeps me out he knows so much, plus he's the detective. And Caitlin, your vitals.
Barry: What do you do?
Cisco: *smiling* I make the toys, man. Check it.
He shows Barry some weird big round thing... put it in Barry's helmet and it will look like an lightning ear.
Cisco: This is a two-way headset with a camera I modified. Typically designed to combat battlefield impulse noise, or in your case, potential sonic booms, which would be awesome.
Barry: Sonic booms?
Ethan: *coughing* Just run over 767 mph, you'll know when you break it.
Barry: For real?
Ethan: No.
That bursted Barry's bubble... like really. Cisco takes his helmet and works on it, as Caitlin walks towards Barry who was taking his goggles off. She starts to sync the suit with the tablet... though Barry could tell she was a bit... cold... no future pun intended.
Caitlin: What?
Barry: Nothing. I just noticed you don't smile too much.
Caitlin: *moves a strand of her hair behind her ear* My once promising career in bioengineering is over, my boss is in a wheelchair for life, the explosion that put you in a coma also killed my fiance. So this blank expression kind of feels like the way to go.
Barry looked at her a bit sympathetic and definitely a bit ashamed of asking that. Caitlin walks away with Barry looking down.
Wells: Mr. Allen, while I am extremely eager to determine your full range of abilities, I do caution restraint.
Barry nodded putting his goggles on. Moments later, he walks to a sprinting block with the helmet on and device ready. He gets ready to sprint... as he looks back at the others. Ethan grabs the speed radar gun and points it at Barry giving him a thumbs up. Barry takes a deep breath... as his eyes are fueled with electricity as he runs... and by running I mean he literally hits super speed... he sent such force that Ethan lost balance as well as Cisco. They were all shocked... Caitlin walks forward and looks with her eyes widened and shocked. Barry left a red blur and but his face slowly turned into a smile.
Barry: Woo-hoo!
Ethan: *looking at the radar* He just passed 200, wait... 300 miles per hour and it is still climbing.
Cisco: *shaking Ethan* He's gonna reach supersonic!
Caitlin: It's not possible.
Ethan stayed looking at Barry... this was definitely it... the origin of Flash, just a bit earlier... but it was-
Ethan just stayed quiet after that... mentally of course. Barry ran head on to some containers... yeah head on... welp, Central City is doomed.
Cisco: Barry!
Cisco and Ethan ran but noticing how far they were... they ran to the RV and turned it on... this is going to be a long day... a loooooong day.
3 Hours Later
Barry was seated in the bed he woke up, with Caitlin with diagnosis from the injury... he has a distal radius fracture... in a dumb and shorter way to say it like me... a broken wrist.
Caitlin: It looks like you had a distal radius fracture.
Barry: Had?
Caitlin showed an X-Ray of his wrist... the broken bone was completely heal... literally healed... in just hours
Caitlin: It's healed... In three hours.
Barry: How's that even possible?
Caitlin: We don't know... yet.
Cisco was walking behind Caitlin with his helmet in hand.
Cisco: You really need to learn how to stop.
Barry released a chuckle as Wells moves towards Barry... yeah can't say he can walk when it makes no sense... or does it?
Wells: What happened out there today? You were moving pretty well, and then something caused you to lose focus.
Ethan: Was that what is was?
Wells rolls his eyes while Barry started to play with his own fingers still in a thoughtful way.
Barry: I started remembering something.
Wells made a gesture which meant "which is?" As Ethan looked at Barry with the other two still working.
Barry When I was 11, my mother was murder.
That comment did call Caitlin and Cisco's attention showing a sympathetic look.
Barry: It was late. A sound woke me up. I came downstairs and... I saw what looked like a ball of lightning. Inside the lightning, there was a man. He killed my mom. They arrested my dad. He's still sitting in Iron Heights for her murder. Everyone, the cops, the shrinks, they all told me what I saw was impossible. But what if the man who killed my mom was like me?
Wells: Well, I think I can say unequivocally you are one of a kind.
Ethan frowned a little... it was exactly how Patty described it... Barry vs The World. He tried to tell the truth, to help his dad out of jail, which made him become a CSI, so he can prove that the impossible was possible.
Minutes Later
A woman was walking in Jitters looking at a blond man with a very cop like uniform, black jacket, tie and white shirt, like a detective... Eddie Thawne, Ethan's ancestor and the woman was none other than Iris West... Barry's foster sister and for a reason... Barry's crush, which doesn't sound right.
Iris: Can I help you, detective?
Eddie: You can stop acting like you can't stand me when your dad's around.
Eddie showed a little smile as Iris smiles back at him.
Iris: Aww. And I like having a boyfriend who isn't shot to death.
Eddie smiled... as the two shared a kiss... what she didn't know was that Barry was there... he saw how Iris managed to get a love life while he was in a coma. Iris looked to her left side... and she saw Barry, who tried to keep a smile but... he sort of couldn't as he showed his shy face.
Iris: You can't tell my dad. He doesn't know about me and Eddie.
The two were walking now talking about what Barry just saw.
Barry: Doesn't seem like anyone's in on the secret.
Iris: I was gonna tell you. When you were in the hospital, Eddie covered my father's shifts so that we could both be with you. I thanked him with a cup of coffee, and things just kind of happened. And it's good.
Barry looked away but looked in a bit of doubt.
Barry: Dating your partner's daughter... Isn't that against department regulations?
Iris: *looking at him* Why are you so upset?
Barry: I just don't like having to lie to your dad, you know?
But the conversation was cut off short, as they heard a police siren who seemed to have lost control... and behind was a 2000's black mustang. Barry's instincts kicked in... slowing his perception of time as he pushed Iris with himself, covering her as the cop car crashed but failed to hit them. Barry later looked at the driver of the mustang... his face was so familiar... Clyde Mardon... brother of Mark. Barry quickly got up and ran towards his direction.
Iris: Barry?
She looked around but he disappeared by that point.
Iris: Barry?!
The car drove very recklessly in the road... but Barry caught up to it very quickly, as he broke the glass and jumped inside the car, all at super speed. Clyde grunted as he looks at Barry confused quickly going to pull his gun out... but Barry's super speed kicked in again his vision slowing down seeing Clyde's action... just to turn the wheel, causing the car to flip and crash, being upside down, as Barry quickly got out of it, with his head bleeding as he puts his hands in the ground, just to get cut by the glass, he groans looking at his hands... but he sees Mardon already out of the ride... walking away.
Barry: Hey! Mardon!
He got on his feet and Mardon looking back, bit confused but also annoyed. Mark slowly lifts his arms... as from him... smoke started to come out... and he was in a way controlling it, the smoke like if they were part of him. Barry looked confused until Mardon took a few steps back... disappearing, Barry goes to run through the smoke... but heard a car honking. He looks back and the upside down car explodes and the car which was honking flipped in direction of Barry. Barry sped away, landing on the grass as he looked back quickly at the flipped car, also noticing there was not even a single trace of Mardon left... not even one trace... leaving Barry in complete shock.
Minutes Later
911 arrived after Barry called, cops, firefighter and the ambulance as well. Barry stood by Iris' side as the paramedics took a dead man, one of the people in the car... burnt body.
Iris: That poor guy. The way the fog came in, I have never seen anything like it, it was unnatural.
???: Barry! Iris.
They heard the voice of a man... it was Iris' father and Barry's foster father, Joe West. He walked to Iris a bit scared if something happened to them... or her.
Iris: I'm okay, dad.
Joe sighs but quickly glares at Barry.
Joe: What the hell were you thinking having her out here?
Iris: No, no-
Joe: *quickly at Iris* And I told you when you see danger, you run the other way, you're not a cop.
Iris: Of course I'm not! You wouldn't let me.
Joe: You're damn right.
Barry: Joe. I need to talk to you.
Joe: *angered* Not now Barry.
Barry: Yes, now.
Barry walked a bit back as Joe looks at Barry confused then walks towards him. Barry crosses his arms and looks at Joe.
Barry: I know who did this. *Joe nods* It's... It's Clyde Mardon. *Joe annoys looks away* Look, I know he died during that plane crash, or well... everybody thinks that when the S.T.A.R Labs explosion happened, but I saw him, it was Clyde Mardon... alive. Something happened to him that night... I... I think he can control the weather. It explains why so many robberies happened with some freak meteorological events might be because of him. When I confronted him... he managed to control the fog and disappear.
Joe had a face as Barry sighs... Joe doesn't believe him.
Barry: Of course you don't believe... you never do.
Joe: N-Never? Fine! You want to have this talk? Out here? Fine. Mardon is dead. There's no controlling the weather, Barry just like there was no lightning storm in your house that night or the man in yellow. That was your brain helping a scared little boy accept what he saw.
Barry: My dad didn't kill my mother.
Joe: Yes, he did! Your dad killed your mother, Barry! I am sorry but I knew it, the jury knew it, and now he's paying for what he did.
Iris: *stopping Joe* Dad, enough!
Joe: Unh-uh, Iris. *looks at Barry* I have done my best to take care of you since that night and I have never asked nothing in return, not even a thank you. But I do ask you now a simple favor. To look at things in your life as things as they are.
Barry looked at Joe very saddened and... disappointed... again... he doesn't believe him, so he just walks away, by him very saddened, Joe also looks worried even with his statement... Barry angrily walks under the yellow tape with Joe sighing... Barry always said there was a red storm in his house... but... was there one really or... did Barry's father really killed his mother?
2nd part of the Pilot is here, hope you enjoyed it. I got a comment which said if Ethan will be paired with Iris since Barry isn't... no... and for two reasons.
1st: Ethan deserves better.
2nd: He can't without screwing the timeline. He will be born in 2019, if anyone ever knows who Ethan Thawne really is, it could destroy the timeline, both the future and the present, his very presence is a distortion in time and if ever falls in love... time would break... there's only three ways for to do it.
A): Fall in love with someone from his time.
B): With someone from another universe like Supergirl (since time changes like Flashpoint don't affect other universes timelines) but it also has to do outside his universe to negate time changes in his universe but still... since he isn't written in the 51 universes, there could be changes in time but small ones.
C): Worst way... become a Paradox, then he is free to do it but he won't be able to die permanently and he is removed from time literally, meaning no past, present or future.
I know is too much but it's how it would really affect things... Thawne is from far from the future, but Ethan is from the 2000's and he was born in a very close age to where he is, if for example, his past mother realizes that the baby boy she's holding is Zoom, that aline can change so much of timeline and it is not a Fixed Point, like Nora's death or Eobard's death by Eddie, they are meant to happen. Anyway, hope you enjoyed it and good night.
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