
(Izuku's POV)

My name is Izuku Yagi, the 'mistake' of the hypocritical shitty family known as the Yagis with my 'Father' Toshinori or as you know him better as All Might the supposed Symbol of Peace, my 'mother' Inko Yagi who is the number 12 hero Green Telek who neglect me with me not having a single birthday or Christmas present for the last 6 years from them, not time spent with me or a meal cooked for me but my former sister and friends Izumi, Katsuki Bakugo, his sister Katsumi Bakugo and some annoying robot moron named Tenya Iida that doesn't physically hurt me but always whenever we're at a school gets me into trouble since I want to be hero but the problem that started all this is the fact that I'm quirkless and to tip it off I was told by Katsuki to jump off a roof and pray for a quirk in my next life. Hehe funny how one word can mean so much to a group of people against even 10 year old kids like even though some heroes have quirks by either know how to fight with their hands or a weapon since they don't depend so much on them like others do.Well back to the present today is my birthday but like always no one cares so I decide to just start walking down the street since I didn't want to go home to those bitches but then I heard my sister's voice and who I hated now All Might so I decided to peak on whatever they were talking about to hear what made me want to crush them both.

All Might:" HAHAHA Young Izumi! There you are I have something that you need to hear!"

 Izumi:" All Might oh my gosh! It's really you! What do you need from me?" 

All Might:" Well indeed I am All Might but I am also*Steam Emits From His Body* Your father!" 

I was annoyed since the first time I found out he was my 'father' was one time when I was outside at night looking to just clear my head when I saw him leave the house then buff up into this form while Izumi had big eyes to see who All Might really was.

Izumi:" Oh my gosh All Might is my father?!"

 Toshinori:" Yes sweetie but right now I need your help with something."

 Izumi:" What is it?" 

Toshinori:" You see my quirk is called One For All which is why I'm so strong and powerful but I have this scar*Shows Canon Scar* That limits my hero work to only three hours a day so I need to find a successor and with your already powerful quirk you are my best option." 

Izumi:"Oh but why not Izuku?"

 Toshinori:"*Sighs* Well he's been distant ever since he was four, his grades have been awful as of late and he just lacks any heroic material and real willingness to be anything that takes bravery."

 I seriously wanted to snap his neck for saying that when for 6 years he hasn't spent any time with me or even tried to get to know me whatsoever and he has the gall to say I have no willingness?! I had enough of this and just ran to the park nearby where the bullying all started to just ask why? Why don't I have a quirk? Why do I have scum as a 'family'? Why can't the people I do have must be away from me? Momo, Nejire, Sora, my aunt Nana and my best friend who's been a brother to me ever since I've met him Touya. Me and Sora adore Touya who chose to go by the name Dabi cause of his quirk that lets him use blue flames. They always believed that I could be a hero and that just cause your are quirkless didn't mean that you were powerless or useless, heck I even found out that the three girls had crushes on me and that Nana saw me as a son to her. But unfortunately Momo came from a rich family that had to move to a different part of the country for their business, Sora while she was in the custody of her mother still was getting trained by her bastard false hero of a father Endeavor because he wanted her to surpass All Might as the number one hero since he can't do it himself, Touya has been gone for about 5 months since he hates his 'father' like I do, Nejire was from a family that was pretty good off but got a real good job opportunity that was too good to pass up but like Mom she had to move two cities away from my hometown and my Aunt Nana who's the Pro Hero Paragon who had the second rank only behind All Might was too busy to really be around me so that was just brilliant for my problem. But while I was just sitting here feeling miserable I felt my shoulder be tapped so expecting it to be my bullies I turned around but instead I was met with a very tall man with a creepy black mask on and a clean dark suit and by his side was another man with short black hair, red eyes and with a flask in his hands.

???:" Hello little one, why are you out here at the park all alone?" 

???:" Yeah kiddo you look too young to be out here by yourself where your parents?"

Izuku:" My parents has been ignoring me and my sister and her friends have been bullying because I want to be a hero even though I don't have a quirk."

The man with the flask looked shocked while I couldn't tell about the other one but he then knelt down to me and asked me my name. 

Izuku:" Izuku sir I don't want to say my last name."

 He then got up fast and backed away from me now showing shock before he asked me another question.

???:" Is your mother's name Inko?"

 I was shocked that he knew my former mother but I nodded my head since curiosity got the better of me, but what shocked me more was when the masked man grabbed me into my first hug in 6 years while from the way his voice sounded crying.

???:" Izuku my boy I'm so glad I can see you again after so long, I'm so sorry that I left you."

 I was confused as hell cause this man knew my mom and said he was happy to see me why? 

Izuku:" Who are you mister, I don't understand what's happening?" 

The man then let go of me before standing back up next to the other man.

???:" Well Izuku this will be hard to understand but I'm your real father not Toshinori."

 Izuku:" WHAT?!?!?!?!" 

???:" Whoa loud! Well yes I'm your real father Hisashi Midoriya and your mother Inko was my wife before she abandoned me for All Might because of how my chances at a stable life were dwindling so she left me for a man that is hypocritical but has a bigger chance at a stable life compared to me."

 I was crying while he explained but I was strangely happy since my real father was nothing like that blonde faker, but where has he been all this time and who was the other man?

Izuku:" Okay dad but who is that guy next to you and where have you been since I've been stuck with those fake heroes and my ex-sister?"

 Hisashi:" Oh well this is my best friend Qrow Branwen and to where I've been I've been trying to find a way to live a stable life but I got more than that but I don't care about all that I'm just happy that I found you after so long."

 I just stood there taking all the information before I just ran and jumped to hug my real dad since now there was the chance that I could be away from those monsters, but then the man named Qrow walked up to me.

Qrow:" Hey kid, there's a problem though your daddy here runs one of the biggest businesses on the planet so he can't really take care of you but I know someone that could if your willing to trust me."

I quickly nodded my head but was confused by what he meant by someone that can take care of me.

Izuku: "What do you mean by that Mr.Branwen and Dad what do you do for a job?"

Qrow:" First kiddo please don't call me that Qrow is just fine, makes me feel old also yeah Hisashi might want to tell him what you do bro." 

Hisashi:" Yes well Izuku I'm the CEO of Midoriya Enterprises which is the main Medical and Military trading base across some of the most influential nations across the globe so that's what I meant by I got more than a stable life."

 Izuku:"*Starry eyed* Whoa that's amazing!! But why are you wearing a mask like that and Mr-I mean Qrow are you a hero?" 

Hisashi:" Actually Izuku I was....formerly the Symbol of Fear known as All For One a villain that people believed was the Devil on Earth and I fought All Might where I gave him a scar on his left side but I suffered this.

Hisashi:" I was left permanently blinded and disfigured from our battle and due to how dangerous my quirk was, no matter how much I wanted to. I couldn't come looking for you till eventually I managed to get control of myself again from my Quirk."

 I was shocked to say the VERY least my father REAL father was CEO of one of the greatest companies of all time after my ex mother abandoned me for a bully but he also managed to hurt All Might all of people enough to make him look like what he currently did but he was a villain but formerly so not anymore but what really caught my attention was when he said control of his quirk.

 Izuku:" What is your quirk Dad?"

 Hisashi:" My quirk was the very first to have ever existed at the dawn of quirks my boy and it is called All For One, a quirk that allows anyone that possess it to be able to steal, give and use the quirks of others."

 What?!?!? A quirk that can steal and give quirks?! That is so.....Awesome!!! You can then take away quirks from villains and bullies so that they won't be a problem anymore! 

Hisashi:" But the drawback makes this quirk a pure evil one, the user has no control over it since it's a living quirk so for a century I had to do what the quirk wanted from stealing quirks,money and livelihoods from innocents and those that served me to make it worse one of the quirks I'd stolen was once that allowed me immortality which is why I've lived so long."

 I just stood there with my head down to hear my father say that his quirk was pretty much one given to him from the Devil and that he's been doing this for over a century 100 years of this but he's here now with me and I'm with him so I don't care about that.

Izuku:*Hugs His Leg* "I don't care you two showed more love to me in this time than those 3 have for 6 years just please don't leave me! Please!" 

I felt a hand one my head which belonged to Qrow who had a smile on his face before looking to my father and nodding his head. 

Qrow:" We won't leave you kiddo since I know who can train and care for you like a real family rather than those fake scumbags and for your other question I'm actually a vigilante not a hero."

 I ran up to him when he finished, a vigilante?! Now they were true heroes since they don't care about money or fame they just care that innocents were okay and that justice was served so being saved by my real father and a real-life vigilante was the best birthday gift ever! 

Izuku:" Vigilante?! Are you Nighthawk cause you would be the best vigilante ever!" 

Qrow:" Well I am kiddo so how about we get outta here and go see your new family?"

 I nodded my head quickly because I didn't want to stick around anymore but then my father grabbed Qrow's shoulder before making a liquid portal appear with a wave of his hand. 

Hisashi:" First we have somewhere to be that may help you Izuku."

Us three then walked through the portal to a massive building with a large M on the center of it.

Izuku:" Daddy is this where you work at?"

 He smirked before putting his mask or I guess rather helmet back on and heading to the doors of the building.

Hisashi:" Yes indeed this here is all mine and maybe on day Izuku all your's." 

Qrow had a smile on his face before picking me up and putting me on his shoulders then following my father to where I saw thousands of people with military uniforms,white lab coats and just business suits with briefcase and viles of colorful stuff but when the people noticed my father they bowed their heads in respect, saluted him and also asked how he's been to where he said that today was his greatest day to where they were left with shocked expressions but then smiles. We got into a elevator but then my dad removed a panel that showed a big red shiny button that when he pressed sent us down to a basement-like place with the only light coming from the elevator and a very dull one from the other end of the room, I was scared of the lack of lights but Dad rubbed my head and assured me that it was okay. After jumping off Qrow's shoulders, I walked between the two towards the other end of the room to where the light was to see it coming from a small bright light blue floating sphere looking like it's made out of mist. 

Izuku:" What is that? It's so pretty." 

Hisashi:" That Izuku, is a legendary quirk more powerful than mine and the one that gives All Might his strength combined, known as 2.0."

 Stronger than All For One and All Might's quirk?!?! That is amazing no wonder it's legendary I wonder what it cou- wait what is All Might's quirk exactly I mean it makes him really strong and fast but still what's the name? 

Izuku:" What is All Might's quirk?"

 Both Qrow and Dad looked at each other before they gave a big breath and Dad knelt down to my level.

Hisashi:" Well Izuku it's call One For All which increases all physical abilities of it's user but comes with the drawback that if they go beyond the limits they can end up breaking or even shattering their bones beyond the repair of any healing quirk user alive but what makes it have a similar name to my quirk is that it can be transferred to a different person, which is how the 'Symbol of Peace' got his power." 

Qrow:" Yeah kiddo but there is something that makes him even more of hypocrite is that he was in the same situation as your in." 

My eyes widened when Qrow said that, he was in the same situation as I'm in and instead of helping me he chooses to ignore me for a person that not only apparently has hero material but already has a quirk?! He himself was quirkless like me and he just destroys my dreams?! I will never forgive them or even be know as a Yagi!!! 

Izuku:" He's no hero to me, or a father."

 Hisashi:" I know my son but now all you have to do to have a quirk is to touch the orb though be warned that this can hurt you if it deems you not worthy of it's power."

 Izuku:" What power does it have exactly?"

 Qrow:"Well kid it can give you a existing quirk but at a much much stronger degree with no drawback but it's been said that it has the potential to give you more than one quirk, also the power can't be nullified or stolen so when your Daddy here tried to steal the power when he got hurt and tried to fight me, my quirk 'Badluck' made the sphere make a explosion that killed the living mind of All For One so your dad can have 100% control of his mind and body." 

I took a minute to take in the information of what I could have and to look at the sphere wondering if it was worth it to touch it and risk pain then again I've been at the receiving end of physical and emotional pain for 6 years so why not? I walked over and touched the sphere and all I saw was the same blue color engulf the room and the sphere going inside my body. After what felt like a eternity the light went away as fast as it appeared before looking towards my father and Qrow only for me to step back when I saw my father.

Izuku:" D-d-dad is that you?" 

Qrow and my dad seemed confused before Qrow turned to him to see my father and to see him with a full head of clean white hair and bright blue eyes that glowed the same color as the sphere did but most impressive of all his scarring was all gone, he was all healed! 

Hisashi*Concerned*:" Yes it's me Izuku, is something wrong? 

Qrow:" Quite the opposite bossman you looking better than ever whoo!"

 My dad looked confused so I asked Qrow if he had a mirror but instead he used his weapon that his persona:Nighthawk was known for a scythe, the blade was really shiny so my dad used it to see his now better reflection to where now he has a fully healed face. 

Hisashi*Shocked*:" Oh my God I'm healed! I can't believe this! Oh well guess I won't be needing this anymore." 

He ended that by crushing the helmet he wore with his hands before picking me up and gesturing for Qrow to follow back to the elevator to talk somewhere else to see what my quirk or quirks were. When we got back up to the entrance area everyone was shocked to see my dad's healed face and him holding me then a man with short neatly combed hair and a white military uniform walked up with the same expression and asked how this happened.

Izuku:" My daddy was healed by a man that he helped and as a surprise kept the mask on Mr. Uh" 

Ironwood:" Oh I see well young man my name is James Ironwood I'm the general of the United States Marine Corps but I must say I'm surprised that you have a child Mr.Midoriya."

 Hisashi*Chuckle*:" Well I assure you James everyone is but now I have to go check something important just make sure everything's okay when I come back." 

After that we got the my Dad's office that had a. Window to survey the whole city but then he pulled a device form his desk and when to hook it up to a bigger one right next to his desk.

Hisashi:" Now Izuku all have to do now is place your hand in the machine and it will check your quirk or quirks okay?"

 I nodded excitedly before doing exactly that to where the machine produced a piece of paper that when my dad read made him pale before handing to Qrow who had the same expression. I was worried that it didn't work and that I would be abandoned again by this time my own father

.Izuku:"Am I still quirkless?"

 My dad walked over to me and I was expecting to either be yelled at or maybe even slapped, I closed my eyes ready only to feel a warm embrace from my father who when he let go had a warm smile on his face.

Hisashi:" Far from it my boy you have 10 quirks of you very own to use as you choose to use them."

Did I hear that right? 10 quirks?! I'm no longer quirkless!? Finally I can go places without having to worry about discrimination or quirkist people bothering me for just existing! I jumped up and gave my dad the biggest hug I could which he returned wholeheartedly while Qrow just stood there with a smile but I wasn't leaving him out since he helped as much as my dad did so I gave him a hug too which he returned but he then started patting my back to where I was able to see that he was turning blue so I had to let go to let him breathe.

Qrow:" One of those is definitely a strength enhancer cause that was even stronger than the time we had a punching contest and you broke that steel beam." 

My dad gave a little laugh before making another portal that he said that would lead to some people that could help train me, and once we passed through we were at a house with three adults and two girls.One saw us before getting the other's attention and walking over to us, one of the adults was a woman that had long black hair with red eyes like Qrow, the other woman had short black hair with red tips and silver eyes, the only man had short blonde hair with dark blue eyes with a small stubble. The two girls walked over one was blonde with lilac eyes the other was a carbon copy of the red tipped haired woman. The adults looked at my dad with shocked expressions definitely due to his face being healed before the red eyed woman noticed me behind my dad's leg.

???:" Who's this little guy?" 

Hisashi:" He's my son and I know you have questions but let me answer them somewhere private okay?" 

They nodded before they told the girls to keep me company which they seemed excited to do so they grabbed my arms and led me to what I'm guessing is their backyard to play with them which was weird since I haven't played with others since I was 4.

[One explanation of situation later]
Raven:" Tell me where those two sacks of shit are now."

 It has been half a hour of explaining to the trio who is known as the hero TEAM STR Izuku's situation and to say they are pissed was a understatement that just cause he's quirkless he was treated like he wasn't worth caring about.

Summer:" I want to crush those damn teachers and send them straight to Hell." 

Turns out that both the little girls they had are their daughters that share the same father who is the blonde man that is seething with hatred towards the Number one hero that neglected his son for something he himself has been through.

Tai:" I want All Might's blood on my hands for doing this to a innocent child that couldn't control being quirkless." 

Hisashi:"Well as much as I love to see that happen and believe me I do, I need you four to train Izuku for the 10 quirks that he will manifest and for any situation he'll be in since I can tell that he may want to be a vigilante like Qrow here since he loves Nighthawk." 

They all nodded their heads with serious looks before heading outside to find Izuku, and to see him with purple fire coating his arms and his eyes.Everyone stared at the beauty of the flames since none of them have ever seen purple flames but what surprised more was the heat coming off that they could feel from over where they were and how fast it manifest, not even a hour.

 Raven:" Hey kid, I'm guessing this is one of your new quirks huh?" 

Izuku turned around to the look at her before making the flames go away.

Izuku:" Yeah I guess it is now I have to find out the rest of them." 

He finishes that with a bright smile that makes the girls blush and the adults cover their eyes. Izuku is told that he has to return to the Yagi family but that he can return here for training with TEAM STRQ, that he can defend himself or even reveal his quirk as one if he wants and that Hisashi will confront the school to make them pay for what they have been doing.

Izuku:"Okay but before I go I have one question for you Miss Branwen." 

Raven looked towards Izuku waiting for his question that when he says shocks not only her but her team and amuses Hisashi as it's salt in Inko's wounds.

Izuku:"Can I call you mommy?"

 Her team go wide eyed at his question while waiting for what they believe to be a no from Raven. 

Raven:"*Smiles warmly* Yes you can call me mommy, son."

[Meanwhile at The Yagis resident]
While all of this was going on, Inko had return from hero work to where while she was putting her stuff away, she looked around her home to the pictures of her and her family with a smile but then realizes something strange. There were no pictures of her "son" Izuku. She was confused to why there were none but what was worse was that every picture with her,Izumi and her husband, it was just the three of them no Izuku and then she started to think of him, only to realize that she had not one single memory of her child, no time spent, no food made for him, no him eating with them and not even her saying a single word to him....after the age of four. Inko fell on her knees to when she realized she's been neglecting her son for 6 years straight with him not getting motherly love from her. She grabs her phone to call her husband about her horrid discovery and that they needed to make amends to him.

All Might:" Hello dear is something wrong?" 

Inko:" Yes Toshinori, we've been neglecting Izuku for years I can't remember a single thing about him, please tell me you do after we went to check his and Izumi's quirks only for him to be quirkless, please even just one thing." 

Toshinori started thinking only for no memory of his "son" to pop up in his mind just Izumi and them two spending time together.

All Might:" We need to apologize to him and make amends, we have to." 

Inko agreed then called Izumi about this so they can be a real family again, oh boy they're in for a surprise from Izuku. After a hour of waiting for Izuku who was walking down the street towards his house after spending time with his real family and meeting his new idle made it to the Yagis residence to where he opened the door to see his former family waiting for him at the table for him, which annoyed the hell out of him because the day he finally has happiness is the day these three decide to realize his existence and wait for him. 

Inko:" Izuku there you are, can you please come sit with us?" 

Izuku:" Nah I'm good I'll think I'll just stand."

 The three were surprised of hearing but continued trying to talk to him. 

Toshinori:" Well okay Izuku we want to talk to you about something important." 

Izuku leaned on the wall with a emotionless look on his face since he knew where this was going but signaled with his hand for them to continue.

Inko:" Well Izuku we want to say we're so so sorry for how we treated you and forgotten about you. please let's start over and be a family again." 

Izuku:" No, I don't need you three as a family, I met people who have been more of a family to me in 1 hour than you have been for 6 years so guess what? I will never forgive you and that's the bottom line because me Izuku Branwen says so!"

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