Not Quirkless Bitches!
(The Next Day No One's POV)
The next morning was here with a now much happier Izuku waking up from the exhausting day before then looking down to his left hand he decides to test if what happened was a dream or reality. He then focuses and then a little blue flame appeared on his palm signaling that all that happened last night was real, him meeting his real father, the vigilante Nighthawk who's real name is Qrow Branwen, TEAM STR and his new mother Raven Branwen but what will definitely change his life having ten quirks that are stronger versions of 10 powerful original ones. Izuku smiled with some tears going down his face now that he can be a hero until he starts to think of something else that could be his career: A vigilante. After all besides his father a vigilante he's always looked up to saved him and helped him get his quirks but what made Izuku love Qrow even more was when he learned that Qrow saved his father from All For One's evil side effect so that he could be reunited with Izuku. Izuku could see that Qrow didn't care about money or fame he does what he does just so he can help people, he was what most heroes weren't today:Heroic. While Izuku was thinking of this, his eyes wandered down at his hand to where Izuku realized something strange, his scars that were on his hand was gone as a matter fact Izuku saw that BOTH of his arms were free of scars! Izuku jumped from his 'bed' that was just a undersized sleeping bag that his Uncle Aizawa gave him with bits of cotton in it since it was ripped open by his half sister when he was 8 and then he ran to the bathroom without anyone seeing him to receive two things: A mirror and a shocking glow up to his once broken body.His scars from 6 years of beatings were all gone replaced by decent muscle for a 10 year old and also his whole body looked to be in peak health as opposed to when he was so skinny you could see some of his bones.
Izuku*Thoughts*:" Maybe Qrow was right maybe I have a strength enhancer."
Izuku was observing his body before looking back up to the mirror realize that his hair and face underwent a change as well. His hair became pure black, shorter and a little spiky instead of green and messy, his eyes were no longer green neither instead he now had beautiful silver eyes that matched his father's eyes also his freckles were gone as well. Izuku just stared in awe at his new body and face before smiling to see that his features that made him resemble his former 'mother' were now replaced with features that made him resemble his father and real mother, after that he went back to his room to get his schoolbag and his new IPhone that his father gave to him so he could contact him or Qrow for when his other quirks manifested or if he simply needed their help for something.
While Izuku was getting his bag ready, he got a text from his father that said "READ NOW"
Hisashi:" Hey son, just calling to tell you your old staff at your school got arrested, replaced by a staff that isn't Quirkist and best of all their quirks taken from me so now they know what it feels like to be Quirkless. Also now the government has you labeled as Izuku Branwen -Midoriya with a quirk called 2.0 so whenever someone searches your name that will appear. Have fun son and I know your thinking of being a vigilante so all I have to say about that is... go for it."
Izuku was filled with new born confidence that now he has the support of two men who are true heroes in his heart that he can be a symbol to people, now all he has to do is now leave and head to school. He looked to his hands and decided that for his best friend/real brother Dabi, he'll use his fire quirk as the surprise for his new teachers and extras that are known as students.Putting his phone in his pocket and his bag on his back, he walked out his room and downstairs to his front door before his former family could notice. Izuku was outside and decided to jog to school, only for him to make it their in a half a second much to his shock but it gave him the confirmation that instead of a strength enhancer he has a physical enhancer but of what quirk? After that Izuku decided to stay at the entrance since he made it too early as the walk he would have taken would get him there at the right time so he just stayed there while playing a game on his phone, though not before sending a text to his father that he unlocked a powerful physical enhancement quirk that got him to a building that was 28 blocks away from his house in less than a second.After half a hour Izuku saw a teacher pull up and head towards the entrance before she saw him sitting there.
???:" Oh hello young man, I didn't expect to see someone here so early, let alone a student."
Izuku looked up to see that it was a beautiful woman that seemed to be in her late 20s with blue hair in a bun with eyes to match, a gold necklace and wearing a secretary's uniform.
Izuku:" Oh hello you see my quirk kinda got me here faster than expected so I kinda have been waiting here for someone to show up."
The woman giggled a little before patting him on the head and asking him his name.
Izuku:" My name's Izuku Branwen, what's your if you don't mind me asking?"
???:" Oh how well mannered, well my name is Kairi Tenshi and I'll be your new principle Izuku."
Izuku was surprised that on the first day he has met the new principle but what surprised him more was that she was one of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life.
Izuku:" Wow I didn't expect my new principle to be so beautiful but I guess life is full of surprises, anyway uh can we go in now?"
Kairi had a rosy tint and a warm smile on her face since she believed that she wasn't pretty since she never has been with anyone but it was nice to be called beautiful by someone even if it was a student, she nodded to Izuku's question before leading him to the school's doors where he just stayed with her waiting for the rest of the teachers to show up for classes to start.
Izuku:" So Ms. Tenshi, you mind if I stay and give you company until classes start?"
Kairi:"Sure Izuku, *Realizes* Oh darn I forgot to get a coffee on my way here, oh well it can't be helped I guess."
Izuku looked at the blue beauty looking a little tired and though that he could be at a coffee shop and back in seconds plus it would be a start of some training, also he just really wanted to help her since she was actually nice to him.
Izuku:" Principle Tenshi, how about I go get you one, with my speed it won't take long at all."
Kairi was surprised by this boy's random kind suggestion and while she wanted a coffee badly she didn't want the boy to be late on the first day that she was the principal.
Kairi:" Oh sweetie you don't need to do that, I can't have you being late also your family may not like that on my first day as new principal that a student went into town and got them a coffee wouldn't be a good thought from parents."
Izuku:" Please, I'll just say that I got it for myself but they messed up, plus your one of the few people to ever be nice to me when people thought I was quirkless till my quirk manifested, please it's the least I can do."
Kairi was shocked to hear what Izuku said, she was one of the few people to be nice to him when people thought he was quirkless? Is that why the former staff were arrested? Have they been letting the students bully a boy for a reason he couldn't control at all? Kairi never had any problem with the quirkless population so to hear this she understood why Izuku offered to help her.
Kairi:" W-well okay then Izuku but I want you to know even if you were still quirkless I would never treat you any different, your still a human being and should be treated as such. I'm so sorry that the former staff treated you like that but just know that any discrimination or bullying will not be tolerated from this day forward understood?"
Izuku was beyond shocked that there in front of him right now was someone that doesn't think of him any different for being quirkless but sees him as a human being that is worthy of living, his eyes were tearing up at this before lunging forward to Kairi and giving her a hug that rivals the ones he gave his father and new Uncle Qrow while crying into her chest for a good 2 minutes for Kairi she simply reciprocated the hug while patting his head with a smile on her face.After the hug, Kairi remembered Izuku's kind offer and decided to take it. She got her purse and pulled out a ten dollar bill then handed to him.
Kairi:" Alright sweetie you win, here you can go get me a coffee and you can get a little something for yourself just please be back before school begins."
Izuku smiled before taking the money but then a fun idea popped into his mind and looking at the principal that was probably one of the greatest people he has ever met wanted to see if she would agree to it.
Izuku:" Hey Ms. Tenshi how about a bet? If I make it back in 5 minutes or less then you have to let me get you a coffee every morning but if I make it back after 5 minutes then I will tell you what my quirk is. I know it doesn't matter to you that I have one now but I trust you."
Kairi was bit taken back by Izuku's bet but saw that it was harmless so she nodded her head before walking with him to the school doors.
Kairi:" Okay sweetie I like my coffee with sugar and cream and remember you get something for yourself okay?"
Izuku gave a smile and nod then suddenly ran so fast that it looked like he teleported.
{Timeskip 0.5 second later}
Izuku has made it at a coffee shop that his Uncle and who he sees as one of the very few true heroes Eraserhead has taken him a few times when he wasn't doing hero work. The ratings of the place was 4.5 stars so it was definitely a good place to get a coffee, some food or to just relax with some cats that it had for entertainment purposes. Izuku went in to the register where in the corner of his eye he saw his former 'family and friends' sitting down at a table but he paid no mind to them before looking up at the man and asking for a large coffee with sugar and cream and for him a large Pepsi since he wasn't in the mood for anything breakfast like. The man nodded before taking the ten dollars and giving Izuku's change, while that happened the door opened with TEAM STR, Qrow and the two girls who were named Ruby and Yang walking in and walking to the register then Yang saw Izuku so hugged him tight.
Yang:" Hi Izuku! How you been little bro?"
With her yelling his name the Yagis and Bakugos looked over to see him with different reactions: Inko, Toshinori, Mitsuki were surprised and relieved to see that Izuku was okay but shocked by his new look and physique. Izumi and Katsumi were blushing seeing Izuku with muscles but were angered seeing a different girl hugging him while Katsuki was annoyed to see Izuku here and jealous that a cute girl was hugging him and despite that They all wanted answers to where he ran off to they all stayed sitting to see how Izuku would interact with these people.
Izuku*Chuckles*:" Hey Yang I've been good, my new principle is really nice and I got another quirk."
Qrow looked around quickly to see if anyone was listening before kneeling down to Izuku's height to quietly ask him what it was.
Izuku:" I think it's a physical enhancer since when I woke up, I had these muscles and when I went to school and to here it took just half a second for me to."
Qrow:" I see, so I guess I wasn't far off anyway nephew, your dad wanted me to give you these to in his words 'Tune out the scum at your school' so here you go."
Izuku*Starry eyes*:" Whoa these look so cool Uncle Qrow, thanks so much!"
The adults all smiled at his happiness while their daughters blushed at it but then Yang realized that she can feel Izuku's muscles since she was still hugging him, she let go while being redder than an apple.
Raven:" So Izuku, you seem to have changed your look and have to say not only does this make you look better, you also look more like your father now."
Izuku*Smiling*:" Yeah but I also look like my real mom, a certain woman named Raven Branwen."
Izuku finished with him hugging her leg and what shocked the her teammates and brother she hugged him back with a genuine smile on her face. Izuku got his order and said goodbye before running back to the school leaving some dust flying and many customers slack jaw at his speed especially the Yagis and Bakugos since they thought Izuku was quirkless but one problem was that they were too far to hear what they were talking about so they decided after school they would confront Izuku about this.
{Back at the school}
Kairi was sitting at her desk on her computer to see what the teachers were planning to do in classes before looking at the clock to see it has been 3 minutes since Izuku has left but then she heard a knock at her door so she got up to see if it was a teacher or a student since in about 5 minutes school will start but to her surprise it was Izuku with a large coffee while sipping on a soda. Izuku handed her the coffee and her change before telling her that he won the bet, which Kairi could only respond with a warm smile and a hug for what she can undeniably guess to be her favorite student. Izuku decided to just wait with Kairi talking about their interests, hobbies and the two just seeing that Quirkless people deserve to be treated as human beings rather than trash, after a while Izuku finished his soda but before leaving he hugged Kairi then headed to class to where only the teacher was present, the teacher was a tall male with brown hair and hazel eyes who when he looked up to see Izuku gave him a smile and asked his name. Izuku gave his name and decided to show him what his quirk was or at least one of them, his flames.All the students made it to class to see the supposed 'Quirkless weakling" with beautiful purple flame images coming from his hand before snapping his fingers to where it blew up like little fireworks that made all the students gasp in awe at his quirk, but three were shocked to see that he had a quirk and for one she was told about a man that was evil and could give quirks, she prayed that's not how Izuku got his power. Izuku made it to his desk so the teacher could start his lesson afterwards he said that at noon the gym teacher will do a strength test with three separate parts to determine the student's strength with their quirks. Izuku smirked since his quirk so far was shown to be a fire one not a strength one so they're in for a big surprise. When the students left for lunch,Izuki and her friends tried to stop him for questioning but he gave them the slip by emitting a flame that temporary blinded them so he could get away, when Izuku made it to the cafeteria and got his food many of the students that were his former bullies were staring at him, the boys with shock and some jealousy since the girls were blushing at him since his body was free of scars and through the short sleeve shirt he was wearing his arms had muscle that showed how much he has changed. Afterwards Izuku headed for the school gym where the teacher said the test would be with Izuku was last in line ready to show that he isn't the same weak wimp that the students and Izumi's group have bullied for 6 years anymore. The test were grip strength, punch strength and throwing strength with the results being the same with each student not going very high due to them being too happy on showing off their quirks rather than training them which resulted in most of them not having anything to do when it came to strength so they pretty much failed while the only one that actually had a good enough score besides was Izumi since she had to train her body for One For All though it wasn't really much farther compared to the others, when it was Izuku's turn he turned the grip device to dust which was capable of withstanding exactly 300 pounds of force, he punched the device so hard that it broke as well which could handle 300 pounds of force as well as for the throwing test he threw it a impressive 2 miles away with just a flick of his wrist. Izuku won the test easily which made everyone pale that he was this strong but then remembered that he had a fire quirk, did he have two quirks?! Katsuki was pissed that Izuku had managed to not only best him but may have more than one quirk that he hid from them, he ran towards Izuku ready to use his quirk.
Katsuki:" Deku, tell me how you did that or your dead!"
Izuku had his back to Katsuki and didn't react to the threat which shocked the rest of the students but what did more was when Izuku did a high back flip dodging Katsuki's right hook and when he landed he punched him in the back that knocked him down, but before anything else could happen the teacher got involved to stop any further damage being done.
Teacher:" Enough! Katsuki Bakugo you will have detention with me for illegal use of your quirk and attacking a student, the principal will choose the rest of your punishment, as for you Izuku I saw that you didn't use your quirk and that this was in self defense so your okay."
Izuku gave a bright smile to the teacher and a smug one towards Katsuki and his gang before he left the gym since school was over for the day but before he left he went to say bye to Kairi,when he got to her office she looked up from her computer to smile seeing that it was Izuku before he sat down on a chair.
Kairi:" Hello Izuku how was your day today?"
Izuku:" It went great, the teachers are awesome now that they aren't Quirkist and the students aren't annoying me anymore but Katsuki Bakugo tried to attack me so he'll be getting detention with one of the teachers."
Kairi gave a sigh since she was warned that the Bakugo twins and Izuku's half sister Izumi Yagi were arrogant brats that always picked on the weaker students for the sake of it, now on her first day she has to deal with on of them already.
Kairi:" Thank you Izuku but there is something I want to tell you very quick."
Izuku:" Oh is it that I'm your favorite student?"
Kairi*Giggles*:" Well two things, yes your are my favorite student but the second one is that your mother, stepfather, a detective and 2 pro heroes Gran Torino and Eraserhead are waiting for you in a empty classroom so when Bakugo's detention is over I'll call his mother and don't worry your stepmother and her team are on their way already so you'll have your family with you."
Izuku was both annoyed and relieved that this was happening. Annoyed that his former family wouldn't leave him alone and now would probably suck up to him now that they know or think they know he has 2 strong quirks, he was relieved since he knew that the detective is Naomasa Tsukauchi who has a lie detector quirk that would show the truth to Izuku's real family and the ones he still considered family: His uncle Eraserhead, Gran Torino as his grandpa and his Auntie Mitsuki.
Izuku:" That's fine but how long will Katsuki have detention for? Because honestly I don't think I can sit around with me being filled with all this new energy I have."
Kairi:" A hour and a half so Izuku you can actually go out and have fun till they are ready if you want because that is a long time to be waiting for something you don't have to."
Izuku gave Kairi a warm smile and a hug before running to one of the business buildings his father owned in Japan to see him about his quirks and his day and surprisingly no one stopped him because they already knew that he was Hisashi's son so they let him go see his father. Izuku took a elevator heading to the top floor where his father's office was and walking his father looked up to see his son before he walked over to give him a big hug.
Hisashi:" Izuku my boy! How are you?"
Izuku:" I'm doing great, my new teachers are so nice, my principle is so pretty and I did fight back against one of my bullies! when my second quirk appeared"
Hisashi smiled a proud smile that his son was now better mentally and physically from what he heard from Qrow when Izuku was at a coffee shop and having vanished so fast he may as well have teleported.
Hisashi:" Great job Izuku, that's what a Midoriya does to prove that no matter what that anyone can be strong."
Izuku:" I'll prove to them Dad that I can be a vigilante no matter what, but now I found a way for them to get what they deserved."
Hisashi:" Oh? And what would that be my boy?"
Izuku:" They brought a detective with a lie detector quirk so I can just expose them end of story, also TEAM STR and Uncle Qrow will be there along with my Uncle Aizawa, Auntie Mitsuki and Grandfather Gran Torino who still cared about me."
Hisashi had a big smirk on his face hearing that his ex bitch wife, her hypocrite shitty husband and demon daughter will be exposed for what they did to his son and also to add more salt to their wounds Hisashi knows someone that will want to hear about this.
Hisashi:" Well that's perfect Izuku also how about we see what you quirks so far are?"
Izuku nodded happily before suddenly feeling a sharp pain coming from his forearms, he was about to grab his right wrist before suddenly three spikes each came out of both his hands that seemed to be a foot long. Izuku was shocked to see that he had just manifested another quirk so sudden while his father was just standing there wondering how his son somehow healed all his wounds in a night since when that explosion happened yesterday, Hisashi could still see that Izuku had his scars unlike he did so what happened? Hisashi extracted some blood from Izuku before putting it in the machine that they used to see how many quirks he had and to Hisashi's absolute shock he has manifested 4 in one day and one of them was one that he knew he had to be careful with. The one Izuku had just manifested was one called Spike, a Transformation Type where he now has bone claws that he can protrude from his hands and feet but it's upgraded version allows him to make larger spikes come out of his back like a porcupine, another quirk was called Pump Up, a Transformation Type that was responsible for Izuku's newly heightened physical abilities where a person was capable of amplifying all their physical abilities to the point their muscle fibers can't be contained by their own skin and act like a protective armor, Izuku's version was not only even more powerful than the original but also didn't have the downside where in between the muscle strands they lose energy and tear away instead they simply have another strand replace while the replaced one regains it's lost energy, yet another Transformation Type that is one that Hisashi himself has that he knows makes it user nigh-unstoppable and responsible for healing his scars: Hyper Regeneration, a quirk that can heal any wound that the user suffers from destroyed limbs to even nigh-complete destruction of the body so long as the head survived at insane speeds with ease, Hisashi sees that Izuku's version lets him heal so long as there is a SINGLE drop of his blood left, it heightened his immune system, his tolerance to fatigue and like his father made him immortal by stopping his aging all together though he has to reach eighteen in order for that to happen and finally the one that had truly shocked Hisashi was that Izuku had a upgraded version of All For One, his own quirk and what makes it more powerful than the original is that from the description Izuku doesn't even need to physically touch the person in order to steal their quirks he just has to look at them for 10 seconds and if that wasn't enough he also can destroy, upgrade,give or even edit the quirks just by looking at the person. Hisashi knew that he needed to train Izuku in order for him to have control since this could have dire consequences not just for Izuku but for anyone that he's near. Izuku was shocked that he had these kind of quirks but also had his father's quirk that made him a legend, but his father then walked to him while hugging him telling him that he will train him personally so Izuku won't end up like he did a century ago, Izuku hugged him back while loving how his new life has him able to walk among society freely and confidently.After ending the embrace, Hisashi asked for Izuku's phone to which he added a app he created so he could give Izuku weekly allowances so he doesn't have to do jobs around neighborhoods just to get small amounts of basic living needs starting at one thousand dollars while seeing that it has been around 15 minutes still a while before Izuku's meeting with the detective which he told Izuku he couldn't go not because he was busy but so All Might or Gran Torino wouldn't recognize him and start a fight so Izuku decided to go to spend some money to pass the time till the meeting deciding on going to a restaurant since the school's lunch like always was garbage. Izuku ran to town but decided to stop by the Rose household to see his new mother to make sure she would show up to the meeting while also wanting to see his new sisters as well, arriving Izuku saw them at the front and when they saw him both girls ran to hug him while the adults walked over to ask if he knows about the meeting and for Izuku to tell them his plan which made each of them smirk.
Izuku:" Hey mom I was heading over to a restaurant to get some food wanna come?"
Summer, Qrow and Tai still were getting used to Raven now having a son especially now that he had some of her features but what was even more surprising was how she accepted her role as Izuku's adopted mother without a second thought, but to be fair hearing what Izuku's real mom, stepfather and half sister were like they would've done the same thing.
Raven:" Sure sweetie, I have nothing else to do and what better way to know my son?"
Yang:" Yay that means I have a brother now!"
She hugged Izuku harder while the adults were smiling seeing Izuku happy but then they saw how his arms had no scars on them and were muscular.
Qrow:" Hey kiddo, I know you have a physical enhancement but if I recall right that explosion didn't heal you like it did your father, did he have someone heal your scars?"
Izuku looked at them before pulling out a piece of paper and handing it to them rather than explain himself.The adults were shocked as holy hell while the sisters were starry eyed to see that their new brother was a overpowered cutie, after reading it they handed the paper back to Izuku and decided to go to a restaurant before confronting The Green Whore and Bitch Might.At the restaurant, the group got separate tables so both Izuku and Raven would be able to know more about each other.
Raven:" So Izuku, how was school today?"
Izuku:" It went great now that the old staff is in jail and Quirkless, the students leave me alone now that they know I have a quirk, my old bully got embarrassed after I beat him in a quirk test we had to do and got detention for trying to attack me and my new principal is so nice and pretty!"
Raven giggled at Izuku's enthusiasm and that he embarrassed one of his bullies which her team learned was his former best friend.
Izuku:" Oh mom I have a question for you actually, what made you want to be a hero?"
Raven was a bit taken back by Izuku's question but decided to answer truthfully since it was the same as the other members of her team and her brother's for being a vigilante.
Raven:" I simply want to protect those who can't protect themselves since in this world they're are those that can't."
Izuku:" Yeah I know that firsthand *Smiles brightly* But it's a good thing they're are people like you in this world that are true heroes."
Raven gave a smile before giving her new son a hug signaling that Izuku Yagi was dead and Izuku Branwen-Midoriya was born and here to stay.
{Timeskip 1 hour and 15 minutes school office}
After Izuku's nice time with his new mother, they arrived at the school begrudgingly to confront his former parents if they can even be called that so he can be in someone else's custody. They entered the principal's office to see his principal, the Yagi family, the Bakugo family, Eraserhead, Gran Torino, detective Naomasa and most surprising to Izuku, Auntie Nana all with different expressions: The Yagi's, Torino,Nana and Naomasa had serious expressions, Eraserhead had his normal expression of boredom and the Bakugo's beside Mitsuki who had a smile seeing Izuku now healthy rather than in pain had annoyed expressions. Izuku sat on Raven's lap which made Inko's eyes widen in surprise but before she could say anything Izuku spoke up.
Izuku:" What is this about exactly because I was enjoying my time with TEAM STR and Qrow over here?"
Inko:" Well sweetie, we saw at that cafe how fast you were when you left and heard from your teacher that you had a quirk that let's you use fire so we were wondering where you got it from."
Toshinori:" Indeed son it's important that we know how you got it also we want to know why you were hanging around TEAM STR and where you were in the morning."
Izuku rolled his eyes at Inko calling him sweetie and All Might trying to sound smart.
Izuku*Thoughts*:" Wow now they want to know all about me and "care" about me now that I have a quirk."
Izuku:" Fine, I went to school early and started a conversation with the new principal, who I must add is one of the best people I ever met, then went to the coffee to get a drink, where I was talking to TEAM STR about some important information then I went back to school to enjoy the rest of my day and spend time with my father who helped me get my quirk without anything illegal or dangerous happening."
After Izuku finished everyone turned to the detective to see if it was true where he said it was though Toshinori and Inko thought that there was a mistake since Toshinori said he didn't help Izuku gain a quirk.
Toshinori:" Son I di-"
Izuku:" First thing, don't call me son All Might, second my real father helped after you said I didn't have the heart of a hero by giving me a relic that gives someone a quirk if it sees that their worthy to receive one and third my last name isn't Yagi it's Branwen-Midoriya."
Everyone was shocked to hear what Izuku said but none more than Inko, Toshinori and Naomasa when he saw that it was the truth, Inko was when she heard her former husband's name come out of Izuku's mouth and Toshinori that Izuku found out he was All Might. Izuku then went on about what happened yesterday and today to when it was found to be 100 percent the truth made everyone absolutely livid and for the Yagis and Bakugo twins worse when a certain chimera walked in and heard what happened.
Nezu:" Seeing that this is the truth I may have to have some words about this to the police and think of a punishment."
Gran Torino*Kicks All Might's Scar*:" You damn hypocrite, did you forget your own roots?! How dare you neglect and say Izuku doesn't have a heart of a hero when you don't know anything about him!? This is not how I taught you!!!"
Nana*Punches Inko's stomach*:" What the hell is wrong with you?! Your own flesh and blood and you neglect him for something he has no control over! You don't deserve to be a hero or a mother!"
Mitsuki:" You told me Katsumi that you love Izuku and that's how you show it?! You two are grounded till I say so which will be when you two are teenagers!"
Inko:" Izuku I know what we did was wrong but please let me be your mother again. A second chance is all I'm asking of you!"
Izuku:" Yeah no, I don't need you as my mother when I have 5 uncles and aunts and a grandfather that are true heroes and two adorable sisters that don't abuse me for something so stupid."
Everyone that Izuku considered family smiled even Eraserhead despite being pissed since he fought quirkless and became a Pro hero that many depend on bu then Inko turned her eyes on Raven who was stroking Izuku's hair while he was sitting on her lap.
Inko:" Who are you and why is my baby boy on your lap?!
Raven:" Who am I you green bitch!? I am Izuku's new and better mother Raven Branwen of TEAM STR and for the record he's my baby boy."
Inko was saddened and enraged that someone else has taken the role of Izuku's mother but before she could do anything, Izuku got off her lap and handed the detective two pieces of paper then asking if he could read them out loud.
Naomasa:" It says here Izuku's quirk is called 2.0 and he'll randomly receive a max of 10 quirks that will be upgraded versions of the originals but will have no negative effect on his body and the other one here says that Izuku's biological parents are Inko Yagi and a man named Hisashi Midoriya."
Everyone was shocked to here that Izuku will have 10 quirks that are stronger than the originals and won't suffer any side effects but before any of them could say anything else, Izuku went over to Raven to hold her hand and say these parting words.
Izuku:" Uncle Aizawa, Grandpa, Auntie Mitsuki and Auntie Nana I have nothing against you and I still see you as my family but for the rest of you from this day forward I'll be what you were and will never be:A true hero people can look up to and be safe around."
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