Chapter 26- Plans and Raids
Annabelle's POV
I walked into the Stone Table room, seeing Peter standing in the middle, surveying the Narnians around him. Slipping around the back, I made my way to where Edmund was standing. Lucy hesitantly waved from her spot on the stone table. I merely nodded back.
"It's only a matter of time. Miraz' men and war machines are on their way. That means those same men aren't protecting his castle." Peter said, his eyes resting on me. He faltered slightly, but then shook his head, turning to face Reepicheep, who had stepped forward.
"What do you propose we do, Sire?" The mouse asked.
"We-" Caspian started.
"Our-" Peter said at the same time. They looked at each other, Peter holding his head high. Caspian bowed his head without a word.
"Our only hope is to strike them before they strike us." Peter continued.
"But that's crazy, no one has ever taken that castle." Caspian protested.
"There's always a first time." Peter shrugged.
"We'll have the element of surprise." Trumpkin said with a nod of his head.
"But we have the advantage here." Caspian pressed, motioning around him.
"If we dig in, we could probably hold them off indefinitely." Susan added, stepping forward next to Caspian. Peter sent her a glare which she returned.
"I, for one, feel safer underground." Trufflehunter spoke up. Peter walked up to Caspian.
"Look, I appreciate what you've done,but this isn't a fortress, it's a tomb." He told him.
"Yes, and if the Telmarines are smart, they'll just starve us out." Edmund added.
"We could collect nuts!" A squirrel suggested excitedly.
"Oh yes, and throw them at the Telmarines! Shut up!" Reepicheep said sending the squirrel a glare. He then turned to Peter. "I think you know where I stand on this, Sire."
"If I can get your troops in, can you handle the guards?" Peter asked Glenstorm.
"Or die trying, my liege." The loyal centaur bowed his head. Peter nodded his head in satisfaction.
"That's what I'm worried about." Lucy spoke up quietly.
"Sorry?" Peter asked, looking over at his little sister with one brow raised.
"Well, you're all acting like there are only two options: Dying here, or dying there." Lucy said. I smirked at the young queen. Even though she was back in a child's body, she still had the wit and wisdom of the young woman she had once grown to be.
"I'm not sure you've really been listening, Lu." Peter said slowing.
"No, you're not listening. Or have you forgotten who really defeated the White Witch, Peter?" Lucy shot back.
"I think we've waited for Aslan long enough."
I sighed and closed my eyes, letting visions rush through my mind, trying to pick one out from the bunch to focus on. Images of a night battle filled my head.
Narnians banged on the gate leading to the drawbridge, shouting in fear as Telmarine archers shot every one of them down. On the other side, Glenstorm nodded to one of his sons stuck on the other side. The drawbridge began to go up as the trapped Narnians let out battle cries and charged at the oncoming Telmarines in the courtyard.
Someone nudged my shoulder and I opened my eyes, looking over at Edmund.
"What did you see?" He whispered. I took a deep breath, stepping forward.
"This plan will only be successful if we follow it exactly. If anyone strays, we must retreat, no matter how small it is. Do you understand?" I said, looking right at Caspian. The prince nodded and I turned to Peter. "Do you?"
"I do." I narrowed my eyes at him.
"If this plan does not go exactly as it should, and you do not retreat, many will die. And their blood will be on your hands, Peter." I stared him down, watching his thoughts swim behind his eyes. He still held onto the same mannerisms that he had as an adult king when he contemplated something: pursed lips, slightly squinted eyes, and flaring nostrils. He finally nodded slightly.
"We stick to the plan, plain and simple." He said.
I gripped my axe tightly in my hand as the griffin picked me up, flying up into the sky with three other griffins. Each one carried Peter, Susan, and Caspian respectfully. Ahead of us, on top of one of the towers in the midst of the Telmarine castle, a bright light blinked repeatedly. Caspian directed his griffin down, stabbing his sword into a soldiers chest. Another soldier turned to see Edmund's signal, aiming his crossbow up at him. Susan drew back her bow and shot him. As the griffins got closer to the castle, they dropped all of us. We landed silently on the stone. The four of us scaled down the side of one of the towers. Caspian stopped at a window and pushed it open, climbing in. I followed behind him closely.
"Professor?" He whispered as Peter climbed in, followed by Susan. Caspian picked up a pair of glasses that laid abandoned on one of the cluttered desks. "Where is he?" He asked me. I took the glasses from the prince's hand and closed my eyes, focusing my mind on the visions streaming through my thoughts.
Cornelius sat alone in a cell, surrounded by stone that was covered in thousands of small tally marks. He shivered slightly in his sleep, blood dried around a gash on his head.
I opened my eyes.
"My old cell." I said, passing the glasses back to him. The prince nodded and took off out of the room
"What is so important about this professor anyways?" Peter asked, flipping through one of the books.
"You wouldn't even be here without him. And neither would I." I said shortly, picking up an old drawing of Peter, Susan, Lucy, and Edmund. Peter and Susan looked at each other then back at me.
Caspian's POV
I ran silently down the halls of my home, checking around corners for any soldiers out on patrol. Remembering the route Cornelius had taken me down only days prior, I ended up deep below the castle, sprinting through the dark tunnels. Coming up to a lonely cell, I spotted my professor sleeping uncomfortably against one wall. I unlocked the doors and hurried in, shaking the hald dwarf awake.
"Five more minutes?" I taunted. Cornelius jerked awake, his eyes going wide as he saw me.
"What are you doing here?" Cornelius asked unlocked the chains around his wrists. "I didn't help you and the Queen escape just so you could get captured again. You have to get out before Miraz learns you're here."
"He'll learn soon enough. We are giving him this cell." I said back, leading Cornelius out.
Don't underestimate Miraz as your father did." Cornelius warned. I froze, my shoulders tensing as I stepped away from him.
"What are you talking about?" I asked, not wanting my fears to be true. Cornelius hung his head.
I'm sorry." He murmured, confirming my suspicions. I took off in the other direction, heading back up into the heart of the castle. I reached Miraz' room, breathing heavily. I slipped inside and drew my sword quietly, approaching my uncle's side of the bed. I placed the tip of my blade against his neck and he jerked awake. He looked around frantically until his eyes rested on me and he chuckled quietly.
"Thank goodness... you're safe."
"Get up." I ordered through clenched teeth. Miraz climbed out of bed, tapping Prunaprisma on the shoulder as he did. She stirred slightly and sat up.
"Caspian?" She said.
"Stay where you are." I barked.
"What are you doing?"She asked.
"I should think it's obvious, dear." Miraz said to his wife, looking back at me. "You know, some might consider this inappropriate behavior."
"That doesn't seem to have stopped you." I challenged.
"But you're not like me, are you? ... It‟s sad. The first time you show any backbone, and it‟s such a waste." Miraz said, his voice calm. I heard a click and glanced over to see Prunaprisma holding a loaded crossbow at my head.
Put the sword down, Caspian. I don't want to do this." She said, her voice shaking slightly.
"We don't want you to either!" I heard a voice call and the bedroom door swung open. Peter and Susan approached from behind me. Susan had an arrow trained on Prunaprisma and Peter had his sword drawn. Annabelle approached from the other side, brandishing her axe.
"This used to be a private room." Miraz said.
"Caspian, what are you doing? You're supposed to beat the gatehouse." Peter scolded quietly.
"What happened to sticking to the plan?" Annabelle glared at me. I ignored the words from both of them.
"No! Tonight, for once, I want the truth!" I shouted, my body shaking. "Did you kill my father?" I pressed my sword further into his neck, pushing him back into the window.
"Now we get to it." Miraz said quietly.
"You told me your brother died in his sleep." Prunaprisma said, looking at Miraz.
"That was more or less true." Miraz murmured. Annabelle laid a hand on my shoulder.
"Caspian, this won't make things any better." She said.
"We Telmarines would have nothing had we not taken it. Your father knew that as well as anyone." Prunaprismia lowered the crossbow slightly, looking at Miraz in horror.
"How could you?" She breathed.
"For the same reason you will pull that trigger!" Miraz snapped, taking a step forward, not flinching as blood began to drip down his neck. I stepped back and Prunaprisma raised her crossbow again.
"Stay right there!" Susan warned Miraz.
"For our son! You must choose. Do you want our child to be king or do you want him to be like Caspian here? Fatherless!" Miraz spat.
"No!" Prunaprismia cried and shot her crossbow. The arrow lodged in my arm and I fell back, my sword leaving Miraz' neck. He ducked away and disappeared through a side door. Annabelle grabbed me, keeping me from falling as Peter and Susan ran forward.
Annabelle's POV
I supported Caspian slightly as we ran through the halls with Susan and Peter. Peter turned down a different hall, heading towards the courtyard.
"Peter!" Susan shouted after him.
"Our army is just outside! Come on!" He called back. We ran after him as he entered the courtyard "Now, Ed, now! Signal the troops!"
"I'm a little busy right now, Pete!" Edmund shouted back, struggling with a soldier. Peter jumped in between two soldiers stationed in the courtyard and began to fight them. I ran forward as he was locked in combat with one, taking on the other. I embedded my axe into the soldiers chest and turned to see Peter dispose of the other one. He glanced in my direction then took off for the gate.
"Peter!" I shouted, running after him, "It's too late! We have to retreat!"
"No, I can still do this!" Peter snapped, trying to turn the wheel. "Help me!" Susan and Caspian ran forward to help Peter open the gate.
"Just who exactly are you doing this for, Peter?" Susan snapped. Telmarine soldiers began to run down into the courtyard. I drew my short swords, standing between in front of Peter, Susan, and Caspian who worked hard to draw open the gate. The battle cries of the Narnians filled my ears.
"Tell them to fall back, Peter!" I demanded, glancing back at him, right as the Narnians charged passed us and into battle. Peter drew his sword.
"For Narnia!" He shouted at the top of his lungs, charging forward, Caspian and Susan close behind. They blew passed me and joined in the battle. I let out a sigh and followed. I met the sword of a Telmarine soldier, swinging it to the side with one of my short swords and stabbing the other into his neck. I turned and battled against another soldier, disposing of him just as quickly.
Though I had gone nearly 1,300 years without wielding my weapons, my slowed aging made it feel as though I had only gone one year without using them. My muscles were sore and my movements were slow at first, but the longer the battle went on, the quicker I became.
At first, the battle seemed to almost be going in the Narnians favor, as we still held some element of surprise. But Miraz appeared above the courtyard, on a balcony and began commanding his men. More soldiers filed into the area, forcing the Narnians back. I fought as hard as I could, watching fauns and centaurs and animals fall to the ground the swords and arrows of the Telmarines.
I turned my sights on Miraz, who remained unharmed, save for a small nick on his neck from Caspian's sword. I cut down the soldier I was fighting and plucked the crossbow from his back and set an arrow. Aiming right for Miraz' head, I released the arrow. However, my accuracy was not as gifted as Susan's as the bow was not my choice of weapon, and the arrow whizzed passed Miraz' head. The tip sliced open his ear and he flinched. His eyes locked on me in an instant, standing in the midst of the battle. Recognition sparked in his eyes and his face contorted in anger.
"Archers! Kill that witch!" He ordered, pointing a menacing finger in my direction. I ducked back into battle, keeping low to the ground as the Telmarine archers stationed on balconies above began searching for me. I felt the first arrow pierce my leg and I fell against the stone floor. Another embedded itself into my shoulder.
"Get that gate closed!" I heard Miraz order over the chaos.
"Fall back! Retreat!" Peter called distantly as I heard the gate beginning to fall closed. I pulled myself up, limping towards the gate that was being held up by a minotaur. I screamed as an arrow buried deep into my back. I fell forward, pulling myself to cover behind a stack of wooden barrels as arrows whizzed passed. I looked towards the gate, keeping my head behind the barrels, watching Susan ride out on Glenstorm, leading the Narnians out. Caspian rode by on another horse with Cornelius. Peter escaped last just as the minotaur fell and the gate collapsed, locking the rest of us inside.
I tore my eyes from the panicked Narnians and took a deep breath, breaking off the shaft of the arrow in my leg, then did the same with the one in my shoulder. Then I reached around and broke the shaft off the one in my back. Then I drew my short swords and stood up, walking out into the open.
"Narnians!" Their eyes turned on me. I raised one sword high into the air, turning to face the oncoming Telmarines. "For Aslan!" I shouted, racing forward. The Narnians followed behind, letting out loud, determined battle cries. Before I could sink my sword into the chest of a Telmarine soldier, three arrows pierced my chest and I collapsed onto the stone, staring up at the sky as the Narnians fought around me, gasping for breath.
"Queen Annabelle!" I heard a voice shout and I was pulled off the ground and onto the back of a centaur with flaming red hair.
"Brielle, what are you doing here?" I breathed out.
"Getting you to safety!" She responded, slicing down a Telmarine soldier in her way. I groaned in pain. "Stay with me, Annabelle!" She galloped down an empty street, her eyes searching for a way out.
"There!" I heard a man shout. Brielle took off running, dodging arrows as they flew towards me. One found its way to my arm and I let out a pained cry.
"Are you okay?" Brielle asked.
"Just get me to Queen Lucy." I gasped out.
"We have to get out of here first." Brielle said, turning the corner to escape the archers. "Any ideas?"
"The river." I murmured, my eyes slipping closed, the sounds of battle fading away.
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