Tryouts and Being Home
Magnus's POV
"Alec, you are going to do great today." I say pleasantly as I finish my makeup. "What if I don't make it? What if I completely miss the target? What if-" I interrupt Alec with a lingering kiss to his lips. "You are spiraling. Take a breath, Darling." I whisper and kiss his forehead. I look back in the mirror and continue. "Do you not want me to come? I can sit at the Chat or walk around campus." I say as I touch up my mascara. "Mags," He giggles and comes to stand behind me, resting his hands on my shoulders softly before he continues. "It's November. You cannot walk around campus especially today. I think it's going to finally snow." I can feel him rubbing small circles on my shoulder blades with his thumbs. I am about to open my mouth but he beats me to it.
"Besides, I want you there. You are my 'good luck charm,' remember?" He laughs before kissing the top of my head and walking to the closet. I finish the last touches on my makeup and stand up from the small vanity in our room. "Good luck charm material ready?" I ask waving my hands up and down. He walks out from the closet and slowly makes his way up to me. He looks me up and down slowly, a small smile creeping. "Beautiful. You look so good." He whispers and pecks my lips. "We best be going now." I say and take his hand in mine as we walk out of our room and down the steps.
"Good luck Alec." Izzy says as she passes us to head to the kitchen. "Ready?" I ask as I hold on to the door handle. Alec takes a deep breath. "I am ready." He says confidently. I open the door and head to our car. The drive to campus is quick as usual so we get to the indoor gym, specifically the basketball court where they are holding the open tryouts. When we walk inside we are surrounded by about 50 or so people. I feel Alec's hand tighten around mine. I look over to him and see his eyes scanning all around, trying to find something or someone. "Alec!"
We both turn around as a tall man in lumberjack material comes up to us. "Hey Marcus." Alec says. "You made it! Just in time too, we were about to put a cap on tryouts for today and run another round tomorrow." Marcus laughs. "This is Magnus, my boyfriend. He wanted to come and be supportive." Alec says, proudly. "Hi Marcus. It's nice to meet you." I say as I reach out to shake his outstretched hand. "There are loads of supportive people here so you can take a seat up in the stands with them. My girlfriend is actually..." He slows his words as he scans the bleachers. "Oh. Up there. VIC!" He literally shouts and starts waving. A very tan girl with wavy blonde hair stands up and starts waving both of her hands in the air with such enthusiasm, I think she might start jumping next. "I have to go get the names together for the order so I will see you in a bit Alec. It was great to meet you Magnus." Marcus says as he's slowly stepping backwards towards the sign in table.
I turn to Alec quickly and smile. "I will be up there waiting for you when you're done." He kisses my cheek. "I love you." He says soothingly which causes me to smile. "I love you too. Good luck Alexander." I say before walking away and heading up to the bleachers. "Hi Vic. I'm Magnus." I say as I walk up to where she is sitting. "Hi! Come sit." She says as she pats next to her on the bench. "So how do you know Marcus?" She asks energetically. Like she's had too much caffeine today. "Well I just met him. Actually, my boyfriend, Alexander met him at the Activity Fair and Marcus told him to come to tryouts." I clarify, laughing a little. "Hmm.. Alexander..." She says inquisitively, running her hands through her hair as she thinks. Quickly her eyes widen and she opens her in shock. "Alexander, like Alec Lightwood?" She asks in awe. I try to not overthink what this could possibly be about and just shake my head.
"Alexan-Alec was on Marcus' list for people to try and recruit. Well the coaches' list actually but still. Marcus says he has AH-mazing stats." I smile seeing reasoning behind the almost creepy excitement. "That's good! Because, between me and you..." I pause and lean closer to her. "He is really nervous he will not make it on the team." She leans back and covers her mouth with both her hands. "Noooo. Why would he think that?" She asks dramatically. I think I am going to get along incredibly well with Vic at this rate. "He hasn't shot a bow since his accident." I say before crossing my legs and resting a hand on each of my knees. "The Head Coach did mention an accident and the time lapse but, and I quote 'With stats like that, no break will change the talent.'" She says with a smile. I smirk and pat her leg.
"Can I tell you something?" I say with a straight face. She smiles and shakes her head quickly. "I know nothing about archery. So I don't even know what's going to be happening. I only came so Alec was less nervous." She stands tall and her sucks in her lips as a smile grows across her cheeks. "Oh my gosh, same! I thought I was going to be the only partner who knew nothing about archery." We laugh together. "I think we are going to get along swell Magnus." She says, elbowing my side softly. "I think so too Vic." I nudge her with my shoulder. "So on that note..." She pauses to turn her entire body to mine. "What kind of foundation do you use because your skin is poreless?"
"What did I tell you Alexander?" I say in a mocking tone as Alec drives us to dinner. "I know." He says with a small chuckle. "I think I want to hear it Darling." I say as I poke his shoulder. He smiles before smiling. "You were right Magnus. You were right and I was going to get onto the team with no problem. Happy?" I can't help but giggle. I lean over and kiss his cheek. "Very much so." I say giggly. We drive to the sushi restaurant that we found a few towns over from the campus. We get inside and I order a few random rolls. "Did I remember my straightening iron?" I ask before I start eating. "Yes you did. If you did not, your Mom will have one." He says before swallowing his roll. "Mine is much better than her's." I laugh. "It's nice that we are going back home for like a whole week." I add. He nods his head slightly and shrugs his shoulders. "I guess." He finally says.
"What's wrong? I thought you'd be happy to go home." I say, trying to hid the confusion from my face. "I am excited to have a break from classes but I don't know if 'happy' is the right word for it." He says without looking at me. He starts to poke the sushi roll with his chopsticks. "What's going on Alexander?" I ask softly. I place my chopsticks down hold onto his one hand with both of mine. He sighs before putting his chopsticks down to wrap his hand over mine. "I just feel like this Thanksgiving is going to be the worst one yet. I know Mom and Dad are fighting, whether Mom tells me or not. Max says Dad's barely at the house anymore and when he is, they are just in the kitchen all the time talking quietly." I rub my thumb over his knuckles. "Well my parents are going to be there. That will be some cushion if something does happen? Which, I am sure is not going to happen." I take each of his hands in each of mine. He closes his eyes before sitting straight up. He cracks his neck, a stress reliever motion, before grabbing his chopsticks again.
"Can we get another one of these?" He points at the last piece of the rainbow roll. I giggle and look at the waitress.
"You are later than you said." Maryse says as she opens the door for us. She hugs Alec and I before shutting the door. "We stopped to eat after the tryouts." Alec says as he puts our suitcases in front of the couch in the living room. "Well?" She asks, throwing her hands in the air before placing her hands on her hips. "I got on the team. It's not a big deal." Alec says as he shrugs his shoulders. "AH! Alec!" She shouts and hugs him again. "What's all the commotion?" Izzy says as she walks into the living room from the kitchen. "Alec made the team!" Maryse says proudly. "Alec, that's awesome!" Izzy says enthusiastically as she comes up to punch Alec's shoulder affectionately. "Nice job, Alec." Jace says as he comes down the steps, Clary right behind him.
"Okay, enough everyone. It's late. You two especially." She points at Alec and I. "Off to bed. We will all catch up in the morning." She says and claps her hands twice. Alexander grabs our suitcases and carries them up the stairs to his room, the room we haven't been in for months. It looks exactly the same as when we left it. It's rather depressing how bare it is. "Your Mom texted you." Alec yells into the bathroom to me where I am taking my makeup off. "What does it say?" I ask, my voice echoing from the tiled walls. "Their flight is delayed in California so they will not be back until tomorrow afternoon." He reads. "I can't wait to hear how their cruise went." Alec says once I am in the room. We both climb into his bed, which feels smaller than I remember, and her pulls me over to lay on his chest. "You talked to them almost everyday." I laugh. "Yeah for like five minutes." He says and I shake my head on his chest. "More like 30. At a minimum. Alexander, I think you talked to my parents more than I did." He kisses the top of my head softly before I feel him settle into his sleeping position.
Thanksgiving Morning, Magnus's House
"What can I help with?" My Mom and I ask at the same time to Maryse. "I need to peel potatoes. Russets and Sweets. I also need to start baking the bread to make the stuffing. But also there is wet brining the turkey." She continues to rattle things off until my Mom steps in. "Okay, Magnus and I will peel potatoes. Clary and Izzy and make the breads and why don't you and Jerry brine the turkey?" My Mom says calmly. Maryse nods her head and almost looks like she is on the verge of tears. I am about to say something but Alec walks in from the living room and beats me to it. "Deliah, why don't you and my Mom go and make a coffee in the office?" He asks as he places his hand on Maryse shoulder. He smiles softly at her and nods her head. Alec comes and sits next to me but without a word, he starts to peel potatoes without looking at me. A few minutes pass and I can't sit here not knowing.
"Alexander?" I whisper. "I can't talk about it right now. Not with everyone here." He whispers back but still doesn't look at me. When he looks up to find the pot to put the potatoes in, I see his eyes are red like he's been crying. I place the peeler down and rest my hand on his. He finally looks at me and he has a small tear fall from his eye. I take my other hand and brush the tear away with my thumb. I try to keep a level face but my heart aches. What is happening to them? "Jace, can you please help me with the turkey?" Jerry asks as he walks behind me, patting my shoulder twice before heading to the garage to get the turkey. Oh, Alexander...
"Max, you want to make fun scores on the bread when Clary and I are done?" Izzy asks Max who has been sitting at the island bar, spinning on a chair, oblivious to everything. "Yes! I can start with a dog or a..." I stop focusing on their conversation and just look at Alec. He makes a face and I can tell he wants to not talk or think about it. So I hand him his peeler back before I start peeling myself. A few minutes later my Mom and Maryse comes back. They have a large speaker and my Mom starts to play music. She comes over to me and kisses my head softly. She whispers something but I can't make it out. "Oh, Jocelyn and Luke will be here in about an hour. They are letting the pies rest before wrapping them. Let me call them to tell them where to park." Deliah says.
Izzy and Clary start to dance around before throwing flour all over me. "Hey! I wasn't planning on redoing my whole makeup before dinner!" I gasp and laugh. I look over at Alec who is finally smiling. He raises his finger and points around his face. "You have a little something..." He flirts. "Oh yeah, where?" I ask, leaning closer to him. He kisses my lips, letting them linger before coming back. "There." He says and laughs. I get up and head to the downstairs bathroom before wiping off my face. I feel a pair of hands around me when I lean over the sink to rinse off the soap. "Look at what your sister did to me. My makeup, ruined. I didn't even bring everything with me to do it. Only touch ups." I laugh. He spins me around before lifting me up to place me on the sink counter. I wrap my arms around his neck and let my fingers slide up through the back of his hair.
He hums with my touch. "That feels nice" He whispers with his eyes close. I lean my forehead against his softly, my fingers slowly gliding through his hair. "Do you want to talk about it?" I whisper. He pulls back and looks all over my face. "It's abou-" He starts to say but is interrupted by Max yelling. "Dad!" Alec closes his eyes and lets out a sigh. He takes a deep breath before he opens his eyes. "We just need to make it through today." He whispers before lifting me off the sink counter. "We can do that." I say reassuringly. I lift my hand to his face and brush my thumb over his cheek. He leans in and kisses me before taking my hand and guiding me out of the bathroom.
"Dad." Alec says grimly, emotionless maybe. He hugs his Dad quickly before moving back to the kitchen table to finish the potatoes. "Hey Magnus." Robert says to me, patting my shoulder almost awkwardly before heading over to Izzy. Robert pulls her into a tight hug, lifting her up and spinning her around like nothings wrong. She doesn't know what Maryse and Alec do. "Robert." Jerry says, shaking his hand. Jace places the turkey on the island and hugs him. "It's great to see you, all of you." He says looking around at Simon and Clary. "Where is your Mother?" Robert asks. Then like magic, Maryse and my Mom comes up from the basement. Maryse drops everything she is holding on the ground in shock.
"Robert, what are you doing here so soon?" Maryse asks in this tone that I don't think I have heard from her before. It's a mix of sadness and almost hate even. "It's Thanksgiving. I thought I could help out before dinner actually." He says walking over to her which causes her to take a step back. This tension builds in the room and I can see Alec almost get up but restrains himself. Robert helps pick the items up that Maryse dropped and places them on the kitchen table and island. "I thought you couldn't make it until dinner time." Maryse says carefully. "Well I wanted to spend time in the pre-festivities with my family." He emphasizes. They look at each other for a long moment. "Why don't we and the kids go and watch the game?" Jerry says, patting Robert's back. "Deliah, you got this with Maryse?" Jerry asks. My Mom just nods her head. "Alec and I can help too." I suggest and Alec looks at me, giving me a thankful look.
"Maryse, don't be like this. We can be civil, can't we." He says stepping closer to Maryse. My Mom steps in between them. "Don't." My Mom says with her jaw clenched. Jerry steps to Robert and holds his bicep lightly before saying,"Maybe you should just come back at-" but Robert cuts him off and shakes his arm free of Jerry's. "This is my family too Maryse. Don't do this to me." He says slightly louder than a whisper. Maryse steps around my Mom and right in Robert's face. "You lost that privilege when you decided to cheat on this entire family with a new one." She states. I turn and see Izzy's face. It's a mix of confusion and betrayal. I look back to Alec who looks angry now. "It's time to go." Jerry says taking him by the arm. When Robert tries to shake him off, Jerry grips tighter and starts to walk him to the front door.
We all hear the door shut and a few moments later, Jerry is back and gives my Mom a thumbs up. I don't turn around but I hear Izzy's heels click on the floor as she walks out of the kitchen and into the dining room. The glass sliding door slides open and shut quickly. I turn just as I see Simon head the same way. I look at Clary who is starting at Jace. When I look at Jace, he is only looking at the ground. He looks up at Maryse before walking progressively faster to her before pulling her into a tight embrace. Maryse raps her arms around him before she pats his back. "Why did you kick him out?" Max shouts. "You are always fighting and you're wrong! You are so wrong. He loves us. Dad loves us! He wouldn't leave us." He says between shouting and almost whispering. Max looks at all of us before running to the front door and up the staircase to the bedrooms. I hear a door slam shut. "I just wanted this to be as normal as it could. I didn't want it to come out like this." Maryse says out loud to everyone all at once.
"I need to go outside." Alec says abruptly when Maryse walks up the staircase. He gets up and walks to the front door and right out to the front porch. I follow slowly behind him and see him sitting on the porch swing, his arms crossed. I don't say anything. He doesn't say anything. I sit down next to him and just rest my hand on his thigh as we sit on the swing, rocking back and forth in silence.
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