Chapter Twenty-Six

Ladies and gentlemen, I give to you, the image that single handedly changed the course of this book!... Mostly. I am still following the same, general path I set from the start. XD

     "And den- and den- a-a-and den-!" A little girl's voice chirped happily.

     "Uhuh?" Interested, though a little annoyed she was taking so long, a deep voice soothed your ears.

     "And den Aunt (Y/n) killed the spider!!"

     "Whaat? No way." You heard the deeper voice sound as if it were smiling.

     "Lord Herobrine, would you mind fetching some water?"

     "Hhh, sure thing. Anna. Remember, don't touch Aunt (Y/n)." Floor boards creaked under the man's weight as he rose from the floor about only a foot away.


     The heavy footsteps made their way across the old cabin floors.


     As the door opened, everyone was silent. A pause...before Herobrine again moved to step out the door and shut it behind him. You thought about opening your eyes, but your head was still aching to the point that it felt like if you opened them, your brain might explode out your eye sockets!

     You heard shuffling over the rug. A small being made her way over to you. When she was so close you could hear her faint breathing, the little girl began to whisper.

     "Aunt, (Y/n), why is Herobrine so nice..? I thought he was evil." Pondering for herself the very thing you had been wondering, the little girl waited for a response. You were too tired to give her one. Not like you could, anyways. She shuffled closer. Suddenly, you felt her hands land on you and shake your body a little.

     "Tss! OWWW!" You flinched when the little girl unknowingly placed one of her hands directly over your bandaged injury. Your eyes flung open and Anna yanked her hands away. The door visible in the corner of your eyes to the right was immediately thrust open.

     "ANNA, I TOLD YOU NOT TO-!!" The immortal stormed in, brows furrowed over his brightly shining eyes. As he stomped a few steps from the door towards Anna, your mothering instincts kicked in. This reminded you an awful lot of those nightmares you had had with Herobrine killing Anna in front of you, and it was showing.

     Like a poor animal, you pushed through the pain up off of the couch. Once up, your eyes suddenly blacked out. You could still hear, feel, touch, and THINK, but your eyes had just stopped working or something! This didn't help any. Must have stood too quickly. Your hands flung out on either side of you, taking a low stance as your pupils wandered around the room.

     "Anna?!... Anna, get behind me!!" Maybe you could pretend you could still see at least..? You felt the little girl grasp your leg closest to her and hug you closely, seeing something was wrong with you now too but not knowing what. You heard those large footsteps slowly make way in your direction. You kept your eyes in the man's general direction, hoping it wasn't obvious that you couldn't see him. The man's center of weight lowered as he fell level with the little girl.

     "Anna, I'm sorry for shouting..." Then standing up, presumably to stare you in the eyes. "(Y/n)... I know you can't see me right now... You're low on blood. Lay down." He commanded. It frightened you.

     "N-no! You go get your water! I'll be fine!"

     "And I will...once you've laid back down." You could tell he was talking calmly with the soul purpose of calming you as well. It did the opposite. Now your mind wandered back to those flashes of nightmares you had seen, coupled with real things you had seen him do. The two melded in your head as if they were one... He may as well have actually killed Anna countless times before... It made no difference. You knew he still would if you dared defect from him.

     You heard him take another step forward.

      "DON'T TOUCH HER!!!" You screamed as though he had just claimed he would kill her. Grabbing your niece and picking her up quickly, you ignored the pain as you attempted to run with her somewhere -- anywhere! You booked it in one direction you remembered being clear, only to be surprised when a whole table had been placed there instead! Anna was thrown onto the table as you flopped to the floor, kicking wildly while you sneered and clutched your side. Panting heavily, you even felt small tears prick the corners of your tightly clasped eyes. Herobrine's quickened strides reached you quickly. Anna was fine. Just a little shaken and confused. Herobrine knelt down at your side, touching the hand covering your wound. You screamed, expecting to feel pain!

     "What did I DO???" Herobrine questioned. You had no real answer. Only that the gig was up. Surely, no hypnotized goon would act in such a way around their master! Studying the absolute PAIN and misery filling your face, your eyes still darting around, completely useless, the man sighed. "...This is about the nightmares...isn't it?" A somber tone took hold of the man's speech. His warm hand cupped over your upper arm. He rubbed it a little as you flinched. "..You know I'm not like the man in your dreams...right?" You heard him smile faintly. Though your heart pound heavily in your chest, you accepted that you were in no condition to run. Heck, you were hardly in any condition to play as this man's killing pet anymore! You hissed again, feet dragging against the wood floor as you felt warm liquid leak again through your bandaged. Oh no... Not more blood loss...

     Your head rose to look at the spot, frown when you couldn't see anything still, and roughly plopped your head back on the wooden floor with a sigh. "Notch.. It's bleeding again..."

     "Again?!" Herobrine then lifted your shirt enough to see.

     "Hey! Stop, looking!" Your arms shoved your shirt back down. Herobrine sighed as if to say, 'seriously?'

      "My gosh, woman, at this rate I might need to take you to a hospital for a blood transfusion." The man huffed, sitting down on the ground beside you. You only groaned. "Hhhh, Manfrid. Will you get me another potion?"

    "O-o-of course, my Lord!" The quiet one shuffled past both you two and dug through the drawers. Anna meanwhile slowly climbed down from the tall table. Fear and sadness at last gripped your heart as the noises around you dulled. Static started buzzing in your ears and you could only bite your lower lip and hope to hide the inner pain.

     Would you seriously die from something as pathetic as this?!? After fighting in countless battles, saving countless lives at war; after getting captured, starved, and forced to fight for your enemy; even after being hypnotized, having your body literally taken from you to fight in many more unseen battles, many of which you doubtlessly nearly lost your life in again and again as well... Something as silly as getting stabbed by one of your friends on accident and running into a table blindly would be the thing to do it?! were expecting much better of yourself.

     Herobrine helped you down the potion in silence. The whole place was hauntingly silent, all seeming to mourn what you feared could be a slow, pathetic death. Only he sound of your throat racing to down the thick liquid before it drowned you was heard. The dreaded fog cleared from your head again as the potion was finished. Anna sat beside you too and placed her hand on your shoulder. Herobrine handed the bottle off to the elder.

     "Now.." preparing you, "don't try to move, okay? I'm going to carry you over to the couch again." You shook your head fiercely, left hand reaching to grasp your niece's small touching your shoulder.

     "Mm-mm. Not without Anna in arm's reach." You protested. Since you couldn't see and even hearing was becoming a little harder of a task as well, you gripped your niece tightly, refusing to let her leave you. The man sighed.

     "I...don't know how we can do that without her hurting you."

     "I don't care about that!" You wailed. A small sob exposed how you really felt inside. You growled, trying to cover that brief moment of weakness up. "She can be on the couch with me for all I care!" The room was silent again as Herobrine thought. Then, the man huffed.

     "Alright..." He then slid one arm under your knees and another under your arms, carrying you carefully as a bird's nest with chicks inside to the couch. You were set down gently, hissing again just because pain be like that sometimes. Anna was then set down just as carefully to your left between you and the couch cushions. The little girl had barely any room to herself, but you were mostly surprised she could fit at all! Herobrine hovered around silently for a moment. You close your eyes, hoping that by the time you opened them again, they would be working. Anna snuggled against you, happily accepting her new role as your teddy bear. Another deep huff spilled form the man a few feet away. He then turned to the other standing in the room. "Keep a close eye on her... She....isn't looking too good. I think the blood loss is getting to her head, too. She...never acts like that..." And then...Herobrine left to finally get that water.

><><><><>Two Years Ago<><><><><

     Everyone sat in large circles around the flickering fires, a dreary tune set after such a long, drawn-out day. Everyone's uniforms were covered in mud, some even holding splotches of drying blood. It was a quiet evening to behold. Everyone either murmured or stayed silent. The short walls of wood felt so fragile. Not a soul within the camp had the luxury of feeling safe and secure... The enemy lines were just beyond these walls...and the monsters were known to rule the night.

     The fire you sat at was especially quiet. You and the few other ladies within the walls had grouped together for no real reason other than you were getting a little tired of seeing dirty, sweaty men lounging around. You were probably the dirtiest and sweatiest of these ladies, since most of them were mechanics or medics. You and only a few others were actually covered by the stain of war. You had scored down most of your meal now and just by the end decided to savor the sweet apple for these last moments while it's savory taste was still with you.

     A small squad of men passed by your circle to reach another. One of the young men smirked down at specifically you as he opened his prideful mouth. "Oh look, you know the war's getting rough when they have to call in the girls to help!" The young one snickered. You spun your body around, tossing the apple core at him as he fled.

     "Get back here you coward!!" Half standing, you snarled as if a wild animal had just stolen your only meal.

     "Woah, woah... Calm down there, girly." An older woman gently touched your shoulder. You pulled your arm away from her fiercely, but in the end did as she recommended and sat back down. "There there. It's stupid to get angry about the little things like that, so I suggest picking your battles wisely." You huffed back at her wise words, crossing your arms loosely in front of your chest. You were mostly angry at yourself now for throwing that apple core..

     "Ohh, what do you know about anger and picking battles??" Huffing, "You're just a... What are you?" Looking down at the simple brown haired lady, you couldn't find anything spectacular about her uniform.

     "A therapist?" Glancing back with a raised brow. Your eyes widened a smidge. She then smirked, seeing you were speechless. "...As someone who has studied human psychology more than half my life, I can quite confidently say that there may even be some truth to his statement." Your brows furrowed, but the woman spoke before you could gripe about what she had just said. "Hey, all I'm saying is that generally women are weaker than men. You of course are an exception to this standardized rule, but the fact that it is a rule so engrained into all of us is a pretty big clue that there may be some logic behind it. Where would most women prefer to be, after all? A boxing ring or in a safe room taking a math test?" She laid out plainly.

     You tightened your folded arms, avoiding eye contact with the woman by gazing into the fire. "Yeah, but there are lots of men who would prefer take a math test!"

     "A-and that's a crappy example I gave, but pretending it isn't, then those men would be the exception as well. No one's the same, after all." The older woman explained. You hated how right she sounded. The woman stared at you still as you avoided eye contact still, just studying your stiff expression. "Do you know what always gets me as a therapist?.. The thing that I am always so fascinated by when speaking to new clients in my field?"


     "So you know what causes trauma, especially trauma strong enough to trigger long term responses such as PTSD?"


     Heh, well, funny thing is that it is never the traumatic event itself that does it." The lady chuckled. It took your mind a moment to let that sink in. When it finally did..your head turned back to face the woman, eyes studying hers to see if she was telling the truth or not.

     "What the heck do you mean? Of course trauma is caused by traumatic events!" You so plainly stated. The woman just shook her head.

     "Nope... Because then otherwise it might be possible to be traumatized by something that happened while you were asleep!.. What really causes it, especially PTSD.. is whenever it finally clicks in your mind that you. have. no. protection... The moment you realize, 'this is it... I am going to die..' That is always where the trauma really begins.

     "Hmm..." You finally began to consider her words as genuine wisdom.

     "You know.. I think things like safety are taken for granted too much by just about everyone!"

     "..How so?"

     "Going back to the division between men and women, the drive for security is so deeply engrained within us -- not just physical security but mental and emotional too -- that it is without question the very foundation of all society. In its simplest form, men gain safety from banding together with other men; protecting one another. Women generally gain safety from men and children from women. That is how the family structure is so ancient yet so strong. The father protects the mother and kids physically; and they provide and protect the him emotionally and mentally. Now of course it is a little more complicated than that, but at its core a family is all about protecting one another as a unit... Same with cities and governments. The government protects its people and its people protect the government. Just look around at any relationship and see who is protecting who! Most of the time, it is both providing safety for the other in their own way.. The need for protection and safety is so deeply engrained within us...would we even be Human without it??" The lady chuckled. You joined in, a little weakly. She...certainly had a lot to say...

     "Soo...when we lose that necessary safety...that's when trauma comes?" Condensing her speech just to make sure you understood it correctly.

     "Yess." The woman smiled.

     "Ah... Well that makes...a bit of sense." Slowly, your eyes moved outward, taking in again the dreary undertones around camp. "Why arrre so many more people here not traumatized? Why not me?? Heck! I almost died twice today!"

     "But did you ever feel as though you truly had no chance? Or did you know deep in your gut that someone else would come to your aid just as you had come to theirs? Because even though almost losing your life certainly is tragic...there is no greater tragedy than looking all around you and seeing there is no one left to help..."

     You slouched over your own lap again, feeling your face heat up as it neared the bright, orange flames. You blinked a few times to prevent your eyes from drying up.

     "......What's your name..?" Your mouth opened to speak at last. The older woman blinked your way in surprise, having just zoned out.

     "M-miria. Yours?"

     "(Y/n)... I'm..glad there are some intelligent people out here like you... Heh, these men really need it."

     Chuckling softly, Miria placed her hand on your shoulder. "Ohhh, (Y/n), you really aren't the romantic type, are you?"

     "Heh, what gave that away?" Smirking.

     "Well, I guess that's fine on you... Whatever gives you the most fulfilment. Whether it be fighting on the battlefield for the many innocent families out there...or starting one yourself." Miria smiled at you, her hand still placed on your shoulder. You smiled again.

     "Heh-heh, heck yes. Fighting for what I care about is kinda my thing."


     Thunder woke you. A loud crack in the sky, followed by the gentle pitter-patter of rain hitting the roof. It was night now. The only light illuminating the world around you was from the lightning overhead. Anna slept peacefully at your side, arms wrapped around you.

     Heavy footsteps creaking on old floorboards were heard. Your entire body stiffened. Glad you could see again at least, your eyes darted toward the noise, seeing the tall, dark frame pass you slowly. A black cape fell from his shoulders. The iron sword from earlier was still tightly clutched in his hand. Though your skin crawled, you noticed right away that you were not his primary target. The man pulled open the front door, allowing the amplified sounds of rain and thunder spill into the house behind him. Your eyes widened as you thought about what he might be doing.

     The monsters may have been known to rule the night...but so was Herobrine. Your mind was suddenly pricked with pain to think the man was heading out on his little revenge spree against your friends. Knowing their situation, it was unlikely they had traveled far and given up... They had no other choice, after all... Meaning they were nothing but helpless animals waiting to be trampled out there. You couldn't bare to lose another friend.

     "H-he-..r-o..." You croaked. Herobrine flinched. You trembled when you saw just how brightly his eyes were shining! The man frowned your way. He turned towards you, came your way, and knelt beside the couch. His hand not grasping the handle of the deadly weapon picked up your limp one which had fallen from your side onto the floor. He was about to place it back at your side, but found himself just crouching there holding your hand in his for a silent moment.

     And then the man whispered. No. Barely even that. "Be back soon..." Your hand was gently placed back down on the couch. Though your mouth opened to stop him, no words came. Stepping up to the door again, Herobrine slid a black hood attached to the cape over his head and stepped out onto the porch. He quietly shut the door behind him...and that was it. He was gone. ...Off to go kill your friends... 

     No-o.. Not...again. Shoving yourself up a little, you waited a moment to let the dizziness subside before continuing. You slowly pushed yourself from the couch and stood somewhat in the living room. You needed to save them...but you also didn't want Herobrine to know it was you and you end up in even more trouble.

     The perfect plan came to mind. You dug through Anna's paint supplies, doused your skin in the color green, grabbed a bow and as many arrows as you could find, and headed off. Sadly, there were no swords in sight. It was likely for a zombie to be seen with a bow, right?

     The thick canopie of the dark forest kept your painted skin dry for the most part. You had no plans to stick around long enough for Herobrine to discover who you really were. Only long enough to help your friends escape what for them could easily be the worst night of their lives!

     Your eyes scanned for anything moving. Anything at all! But there was nothing. No Herobrine, no Bart, and no Mandie! But then-

     A shrill scream rang through the forest. Though the rain was loud and the thunder louder, you heard it so clearly! You had a terrible case of shortened breath as you started to run toward the sound. Your eyes began to fill with black speckles but you pushed just a little further! The moonlight was shining brightly to make out vague shapes, the occasional lightning strike overhead filling the forest with a moment of clarity on occasion. Eventually, you came in contact with the maker of the noise. Bart fell into the mud not far from you, scrambling with clattering bones up onto his feet.

     "A-igh!" He yelped helplessly when an iron sword was thrown out of nowhere, jabbing through one of his feet to hold him in place. You ducked behind a tree enough to hide as Herobrine emerged. Only rage filled the his thoughts. The dark cloak hid most of the man's form as he approached the helpless little monster. Bart gripped the sword and yanked it out of his own foot. His entire skeletal structure rattled uncontrollably as he then attempted to stand on the broken foot. "I-I-I-I- I didn't mean to!! I didn't mean to stab (Y/n)!!.. P-please!" Completely and utterly hopeless, Bart knew that he could do nothing but turn around, face his now foe, and beg for mercy! "(Y/n) is my friend!! I would do anything to help her! I will do anything to help her! Just let me live! Please!!!" The hooded man growled almost animalisticly. With no sympathy in those eyes of his, Herobrine approached to regain his blade. That is where you interfered.


     An arrow shot out as a warning, missing Herobrine's nose by less than an inch, planting its head into the back of a tree not far away. His head shot your way, glowing eyes glaring. You pulled out another arrow as the man lunged for his weapon, giving the frantic Bart some time to escape. Once Herobrine had his blade and you saw Bart had successfully fled away, you took that as your que to leave. You spun on your heals, panting and puffing as you pushed through the thorny thickets to hopefully deter the immortal from following. Herobrine snarled, giving chase after you. With each thrust of his sword he easily chopped away what was leaving little cuts and pricks in your skin. You hadn't expected the man to pursue you so diligently, but here you were, running for your very life!

     Eventually, you managed to make some distance. Just enough to climb up a tree and hide in the dense branches. You fought your breathing to a stand-still as the Menacing Herobrine passed underneath. Having lost you, the man spun around frantically, looking in all directions as he snarled. Eventually, he just chose a random direction and started following in it. You sighed once he was gone. Leaning your body over the large, damp branch, you allowed your body the rest it needed in order to keep it from fainting. You hoped Herobrine wouldn't find anyone while you were resting.

     After a few minutes, you hopped down from the tree and began stalking through the woods. Again, you kept your eyes peeled for your prey: Bart and Mandie, and your hunter: Herobrine. Your ears caught the sound of chattering bones nearby. Squinting around the darkness, your eyes soon landed on a small, huddled form, hiding among the rocks. Bart! You raced over to the small skeleton and fell onto your knees beside him.

     "GHAAA!" He suddenly screamed. You quickly shushed him, moving some hair out of your face so he could see you better.

     "It's me. See?"

     "(Y/n)! I'm so-so sorry I stabbed you! I-"

     "Shhh, I know. It was an accident. I'll be fine, though." You attempted to soothe. It seemed to work, actually. Bart started to calm down, finally taking notice of your bow and arrows.

     "Y-you know how to do archery??"

     "I taught you, didn't I?" Finally smiling. Bart joined you, weak as it was.


     A massive branch was snapped. Both of your heads spun to the dark figure not far away. A iron blade was tossed directly at your head. You dodged it just barely, the sword getting the last laugh by cutting off a few strands of hair. As you fell back into the leaves, you prepared another arrow in your quiver. Bart screamed again when Herobrine pounced him on the ground. You watched in horror as the man gripped Bart's small body and just like that, yanked one of his arms off! You were scared to shoot. What if Herobrine found out who you really were?!

     "HELP!!!" You weren't given much of a choice, now were you?


     Your arrow was released, instantly stabbing through Herobrine's throat. Blood gushed out from the immortal's wound as he stumbled back a bit. His eyes glared your way. But, unlike before, he didn't let himself get distracted...

     Faster now, the man's hand shot for the pinned down skeleton's head and gripped. Your trembling arms hurried to grab another arrow from your back as your legs kicked at Herobrine's arms. Herobrine barely budged. A malicious smile cracked over his face, Herobrine flexed all of his fingers at once, cracking bone and penetrating the skull. Instantly, Bart stopped fighting. He stopped moving!

     "NO-OO!" Tears fled from your eyes. Herobrine then turned his head slowly your way, his glowing eyes wider now, a malicious smile ready for more. The arrow through his neck was still there, but it had stopped bleeding somehow already.

     "A new monster joins the traitors, hm?~ How many of you are there? Dozens? Thousands?... Should I be scared?~~" You held your breath, only pathetic whimpers falling out of you as you slowly pushed yourself back. The wet leaves stuck to every part of you, the cold, alienating rain-filled air soaking through your clothes. Lightning flashed, thunder roaring as Herobrine's back was lit up. He slowly crawled towards you. He first grabbed your right foot so you could not move any further, then your left one so you couldn't kick. Then his knees dug into your thighs to hold you down. His hands pressed your shoulders deep into the layer of leaves to keep you from struggling. Presence over you, eyes lit like the lightning itself, a demonic smile shown sharp teeth. The black cape consumed the both of you about halfway, terrifying you even more. "Now what pain shall I inflict upon you...strange one?~ ... Perhaps death by a thousand cuts?" You shivered. That was all you could do in the moment. No arrow was available to you at the moment, your bow having been pushed aside. Worst of all, you were shocked with grief. One of the man's hands left your shoulders to grab his sword on the ground near him. "Honestly, I can't wait to get started~~" Why did this him? It was exactly how you expected Herobrine to act, yet, something still Herobrine lowered the sword to your skin, about to start cutting when-

     "DON'T HURT HER!!!" Mandie teleported from her hiding place, tackling the man. Her skin hissed as her body was met with his drenched clothes. Didn't help any when she rolled with him into a patch of light, where the gushing rain was especially hard on her skin. All Herobrine had to do once he was up was to hold the enderwoman down under the hissing rain. She started to shriek and cry, the sky drenching her skin!

     With hazy eyes, you rose again. Grabbing an arrow from your back, you lurched the two's way on unstable feet. And, as you drew near, you sprang on Herobrine, stabbing him through his very spine in the hopes of ridding him. Herobrine shouted, roaring in pain. He released Mandie to finally care for his own wounds, especially the one in the back. You took this opportunity to grab Mandie by the feet and drag her out of there into the dryer area. Usually the skin of Endermen is unnaturally cold, but Mandie's was cold and wet. She was hardly even breathing! You dropped to your knees with fear filled eyes and draped yourself over the enderwoman, hugging her tightly for fear of losing her. To say this was your first time being in a position like this with one of your friends was far from true...but it never felt any more your fault than it did right now...

     "No, please, stay with me, Mandie.. St-ay with me, Mandie!!" You pleaded. Her breathing grew raspier and raspier, each time lungs struggling more and more to simply expand. Her purple eyes had already wandered up into her head, only partly open. The dark, menacing form stood after having yanked the arrows from his flesh, sulking your way slowly. Looking up at the man, "Herobrine, do something about this!! Save her!!!" But the man didn't answer. His shadow only loomed over the two of you as the life slowly faded from Mandie's body. Once her breathing stopped...that was it for you. That was IT! No more! You wanted NONE of this!!! Please, just end it here!

     A thick boot kicked you to the ground. The same boot was then pressed onto your chest and held there firmly. You had given up fighting. You just laid there limply, waiting for the man to realize it was you. Herobrine only scowled down at you now; the fun of the hunt had been snatched by you.

     "Any final words before Notch takes you home?~" He still managed to tease. Your eyes filled with water and weak, pathetic sobs broke from your chest.

     "...Just do it. End my suffering!" You cried in the agony of grief. If you were feeling better, surely, you would have still fought...but you were beaten down in every meaning of the phrase. Your mind wanted to faint. Your body wanted to simply cease existing with how much pain it was in, and weren't doing too good.

Herobrine's head tilted in confusion, but then he left you for a moment to grab his sword. When he returned, he kicked you in the side purely for his own enjoyment in seeing you roll. You screamed. It was the same side that had that massive gash in it. More blood leaked again from the wound. You could feel the blood warm your cool skin. Not helpful in the slightest. Your eyes grew dimmer as Herobrine neared. You, in what felt like it might be your last breath, asked for one last thing. "Please... Just make sure Anna returns to her parents..." And then you prepared for death.


     "...What?" Herobrine paused for a moment. How did..a random zombie know about An-? "No." Eyes widening suddenly, Herobrine dropped to his knees. Only now did he noticed all the things he had overlooked before. The smearing green paint on your skin, familiar face and voice. Your eyes slid shut. Technically, you were still conscious, but you were just too tired to look like it. "No!.. NO!" Just to make sure, Herobrine moved some of the hair out of your face and pulled up your shirt to see the wraps and bloody bandages, now soaked again with new blood. "(Y/N)?!?! I AUGHT TO KILL YOU FOR ATTACKING ME LIKE THAT!!" And then he realized what he was saying. The whole night. All of it! Ohh...what a hypocrite he was...

"..You know I'm not like the man in your dreams...right?"

     Wrong. He was exactly like the man in your dreams. Maybe even worse! The man in your dreams at least never broke any promises!! Herobrine's top half leaned over you more, arms wrapping around your back to pull you closer to him. He feared you might die here. He feared you might die because of HIM. The one who had saved him time and time again was now being rewarded a punishment worse than death! Your friends had been so brutally killed by his hands! You were merely trying to stop him! Maybe you knew the injuries wouldn't sting that bad, and so were willing to take that chance for them? You were equally willing to die for them, too?? Where was your loyalty, exactly?! It seemed to be everywhere!

     "Please, please, please don't go..." Copying what you had begged so helplessly not moments before, Herobrine sat your limp body partially on his lap, the other half held so tightly yet carefully by him. An emotion Herobrine dreaded more than death itself filled his aching heart... Sorrow.

     A sob broke through the great man's lips. He had not expected in a million years for it to end like this... He never intended to grow so attached to you...

     And yet he did.

     He had nowhere to go. No one to see. No hope left. As your body slowly produced less and less heat, Herobrine held you as close to him as possible, pressing your chest into his as he forced his own body to create a little more heat than usual. No... He wasn't giving up on you yet. If your body hadn't the strength to fight on..he would fight for you.

     Herobrine held you lose to him as the storm dyed down all around. As the little putter-patter slowly left the tree tops, still he held on. As the quiet night howled, nipping at your cold body and his warm body...still, he held on. Your breathing was infrequent and slow... Still, he held on.

     Birds started to chirp as the early morning rose.

     Still...he held on... He clung to your fragile life, not even knowing why. held on...


Wait.... Is this the LONGEST chapter I have written in this book so far?!... IT IS! :D
5,800+ words!
Just couldn't possibly wish to split this chapter up, though it could EASILY fit into two! XD

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