...I'm back, baby~
WOW. Twenty chapters? That's like...actual book length. :0
Also, thanks so much, guys, for simply sticking with this book! It's absolutely astounding seeing that my book is almost at 17k READS!!! (Old message lol. It's already past 18k! XD)
Hi...it's been a while. :]
What? Like...five months now?! Bruh.
"Alright, we're done here." Steve finally stood, collecting his clipboard under his arm.
"What??" Herobrine barked. Steve stood from his chair with a groan, favoring his right leg dearly in that moment. "You- you can't just LEAVE! Not after all of THAT!"
"Sorry... but you have given me nothing but accusation after accusation against you... I tried to clear your name as best I could... But, clearly, being a mass murderer doesn't help any.." Oddly saddened, Steve headed back towards the door. "...If you can...tell my brother in there somewhere...that I miss him."
"WAIT!" Herobrine lunged from his seat, tripping over his chains. Steve spun around, right hand hovering over a knife at his side. But, oddly enough, Herobrine did not attack him. Instead, the immortal man sloppily regained his balance, hissing through clenched teeth when the burning pain in his blood urged him to calm down and keep his stress levels at a minimum. Cooling his guns, stiffening his back, Herobrine's head lifted to again peer into the non glowing eyes of his brother. "Of all the things you have done to betray me... Why did you take her away from me..?"
"Who? The assassin?-"
"(Y/N)!!" He shouted, immediately slamming a clamped fist against his ribs just above the heart, reminding it to keep cool and not let the burning sensation grow any more.
"Ah.." Steve's head lowered, a brief...almost chuckle breaking from his just moments ago tightened mouth. "She left on her own... Because, unlike you, she actually had morals..."
><><><>It's been so long since I've done the fishies! uwu<><><><
"Oh, Entity~! We're here!" Herobrine shouted into the massive open front room of a neighboring Nether castle to his own. The schilling was so tall and elegant. Everything was shiny and obsessively cleaned. Two large stairwells welcomed all who entered, to both sides of the tall entrance room being two slightly smaller ones meant for casual meet-and-greets. Though family portraits of strangers, all wearing similar white or gray robes, ebony skin, and glowing red eyes, spotted the walls of this grand place, Herobrine barged in with a big smile as if he owned the place.
"Herobrine!!!" From the top of the stairs, a little humanoid figure flared behind the railings, turning to one of the stairways and quickly stomping down them. Herobrine's smile never dropped. "I told you not to get your bloody a## shoes all over my newly polished floors!!" The robed one shrieked, still stomping his way down the red carpeted stairs.
"Oh please! You polish your floors every DAY; I can't help but break that rule at least every now and again!" Herobrine's arms rose at his sides slightly, a smirk still owning his face. It was clear he enjoyed seeing the glaring red eyes of the other immortal.
"Well get out! Get out! Shoo!" The white robed one began shooting you two back out the massive, wide open doors. You eagerly obliged. But Herobrine only did so when the other one literally spun him around by his shoulders and pushed him out the door himself, all the while smiling and making a couple quippy jokes about hygiene! Still griping under his breath, the robed immortal crouched down, staring at the floor to assess the damage. You hadn't even really noticed the blood on Herobrine's shoes until the other immortal pointed it out, and he was WAY upstairs when he did! "Hhumdidublgubmmm..." The entity mumbled nonsense to himself quietly. "Well...at least you didn't permanently damage anything.."
"Entity, we came-"
"-Yeah yeah. Fight with Notch. Broken castle and everything. I know all of that! Word travels fast amongst us, after all!" Entity bounced back up, a slight shift in mood. It shifted even more when he, suddenly, smiled. "Feel free to come inside! Once you and your friends have taken your shoes off.. I've prepared rooms -- and the means of cleaning yourselves -- for you already!" Clapping, a collection of highly sophisticated looking monsters, all wearing either black suits or black dresses, emerged from the other two rooms, all pre organized in groups of five...a group each for the three of you... Sandrah was there too.. ugh...
"Thanks, man! I knew I could count on you-!" Heeobrine was about to tackle Entity in a side hug when he other swiftly blocked his gesture with a hand pressing against his dirty face.
"Please, man, you know this is a prized robe of mine -- respect the bling and I won't have to fling.....you out the door." Entity warned in a casual manner. Respectfully, Herobrine stepped back. Immediately after, one of Entity's servants offered his master a sanitizing cloth for him to wipe his hands with. "Alright!" Gleefully clapping again, all of his monster servants took that as the verbal cue to get to work. "When you're done, come meet me in the dining room for dinner! Okay, byeeeeee!" He waved you all of as you three were escorted to different parts of the castle. You began to tremble, not sure if this was some kind of trap. But, glancing back at Herobrine, he appeared calm in the moment...which gave you rest that this was just how things worked in Entity's castle. Sandrah definitely wasn't as worried as you, but, as she was separated from her "dearest love" you could practically smell the anxiety emitting from her.
Your group of monsters consisted of only women, which, almost, in a way..worried you. You were casually coaxed into a bathroom with everything already set up, a few different size versions of the same outfit already set out for you to choose. It was clear, though, that they wished for you to shower first. All of the monsters left you in the bathroom alone to do so. May as well. You were all dirty, sweaty, and coffered in blood after such a battle. No wonder Entity was so repulsed! When you had finished, you tried on some of these basic outfits, which seemed rather old fashioned for your knowing -- some puffy shorts and blouse -- until you found the right set that fit.
Once you had you hair mostly dried and ready to go, you opened the bathroom door...finding in the large guest bedroom beyond, all the female servants standing there patiently waiting for you. No use in getting creeped out. You simply accepted it. In each of their hands, each monster held a dress for you to choose from. Oh.. so the shorts and shirt were only a momentary thing... Aight then.
You picked out your favorite of the bunch. Hopefully easy to move in but also looked nice. As the ladies all prepared everything around you, without your permission grabbing your hair, making you sit on a cushioned stool, and began braiding it without even a word of your agreement. All the while you sat contemplating the whole situation. The last time you sleeve wore a dress was when you were only a little girl. You remembered being so happy, giddy, absolutely in love with the cheap dress you thought the envy of all mankind. But those memories were darkened, hidden under the shadow of a far greater memory... That had been the first ever daddy and daughter dance you ever went to... It was also the last.
...Maybe it was about time you wore a dress for another reason...
The female servants fiddled with you like a delicate little doll for a good twenty to thirty minutes, adjusting your dress to fit just right, crafting an elegant hairstyle on top of your head like a crown, and even doing your makeup! Surely, this was a little overboard...wasn't it? Whenever everything was done, however, you were stood before the mirror and gape at the reflection staring back. It was so foreign! So- so girly, proper, and elegant-like! You, a warrior with battle scars up and down your body, could have easily passed right then as a prim and proper princess! The sudden change made your face pale. Not necessarily in a negative way, though. You simply didn't know how to process it...
"Now, come on, everyone! (Y/n) has been in here long enough!" Saoba, the tall-standing enderwoman in a long sleek black dress coaxed the rest to leave your side at once. She was obviously the leader of this small group, very stern and stiff -- had been just standing around watching the chaos unfold around you the entire time. When her demanding voice at last entered the space, all the other giddy monsters quickly left you. It was clear they were enjoying making you look so pretty; probably only able to do this on rare occasions. Saoba continued to coax everyone out the guest room door, including you. Needing to practice a little in your new high heels, you shuffled into step as quickly as you could, Saoba now in the role of your commanding officer. The enderwoman lead only you now down the lonely hallway. You couldn't quite take in the beauty of the place. Every nook and cranny of this place was somehow decorated, whether by fine gold patterns subtly glued to the walls and ceiling, the occasional piece of shining wood furniture breaking up the large spaces, pillars purely for decoration, and sparkling lights dangling overhead, each chandelier alone EASILY costing a fortune!
You could tell where both Herobrine and Entity preferred to spend their wealth just by comparing their homes! Herobrine's palace had for the most been built to serve a functional purpose, having few decorations within the mostly blank and bleak space. He preferred spend his time, money and effort on his military, weapons, and spaces to train...whereas, well, it was easy to see Entity on the other hand had not a care for such things!
After rounding one corner, your eyes widened when you spotted what you thought was Sandrah, who was being escorted by a slouching zombie in a dress. You two locked eyes, both amazed by the other's looks. It appears Sandrah had gotten the exact same treatment as you. Faintly, the two of you smiled at one another...but only briefly. Silently, you two walked down the same, grand hall, now only lead by Saoba, who had both of her hands clasping the other behind her back. You three stopped at two large, elaborately decorated doors. The enderwoman stepped up to them coldly, stiffening her wrist before knocking on it four times. The doors were immediately opened. Behind them, was revealed a somehow quaint but also massive dining room. One large chandelier lit up a majority of the large dark oak table, helped by only two more. The edges of the room were more-or-less kept in darkness, where a majority of the monster guards and servants roamed peacefully.
"Ah, and the ladies have finally arrived!" Entity teased with his hands in the air stretching out from each other on either side of him. "What took you so long? Tripped over your own eyelashes?!" A wide smile was on the immortal's face as he leaned back in his throne-like dining table chair. Not far from him sat Herobrine, who just smiled as the two of you entered. Both o the immortal's were dressed finely as well, especially Herobrine. Was that...was there's hint of makeup on him too?! Pff! Entity still wore his classic white robe, only now it was neater, more decorated, and somewhat even more tighter fit around his slim body. Herobrine meanwhile wore a mix between old and modern fashion. It was...hard to explain. Both you and Sandrah just chuckled awkwardly. Not like stating your real reason would help any...
"You're looking beautiful, Sandrah. Come, sit. Your food is already here." Herobrine complimented the girl passing you now. He asked for her to sit next to him in such a way that he would be seated between her and Entity. You, on the other hand, got no such compliments... Not like you wanted any. And you just stood there paused for a moment, wondering where on earth you would sit. It seemed there were only two options. Either beside Sandrah so you could avoid everyone for the evening easier...or across from Herobrine, right next to Entity, which is probably where everyone was expecting you to sit.
"If you are waiting for permission to be seated as well, you have my blessing." Entity finally spoke up, noticing you just standing at the opposite end of the table awkwardly. His hand calmly gestured to the corner seat beside him, so you followed his subtle command and sat there. Once you had seated yourself, one of the servants set down a small plate hosting a salad absolutely doused in, um...different...tasting dressing. The other three, especially Herobrine and Entity, began casual chatter as you poked around at your salad, trying to scrape as much of the dressing off as possible without appearing rude. "So why have you come to me exactly?" The Entity questioned his friend. "After all, usually after such a blow you retreat to the Deep Dark... Why the change of pace?"
"Oh, you know... Basic tactical thinking. Thought I would catch them a little off guard with this trick. And, also, I realized both I and my armies needed some proper rest before the final attack." Herobrine answered just as calmly. Your ears really tuned in to their conversation when Herobrine mentioned some 'final attack.'
"Hm, I see. And you do realize that if your enemies end up destroying my palace, I am not going to hesitate in killing you myself?" Entity asked when he was still in the process of chewing.
"Yes, I know, old friend. That shouldn't be a problem, though. Firstly, nobody but I and maybe Green Steve know where your castle hides, and secondly... I would see them coming a mile away and lead them away from your belongings before they even have a chance to strike them!"
"Good. So your perimeter is up?"
"Yup. Anyone deemed potentially hostile will be alerted directly to my brain as they step foot even one thousand blocks near us."
"Good to know. Make sure to keep that ability amped up-"
"So you men ever talk about anything other than war and power?" Annoyed, Sandrah asked the two immortals with her head resting on her palm, her elbow holding up her head propped it up on the table. By now, your main course of seasoned salmon and vegetables had arrived...hm.
In reaction to Sandrah's sarcastic comment, the two men blinked at each other for a moment, before somehow the same idea hit both at once.
"My, Entity, how was your day today?" Herobrine asked softly, leaning forwards in a slightly more feminine way.
"My it went rather splendidly, Hero!" Mimicking Herobrine's softer voice, Entity answered, "My hydrangeas have started to bloom this spring. I fear their beauty might overtake my tulips, meaning I would have to even things out by replanting my poppies."
"Oh, that sounds dreadful, 303, I dearly wish you don't ruin your delicate hands in the process!"
"Hey, they aren't!-" Breaking character suddenly, Entity stood, slamming his hands on the table..before quickly recomposing himself and sitting more 'ladylike' again. "At least they aren't as delicate as your taste in fashion. My heavens, Hero, wherever did you get that jacket?!"
"Oh, it's nothing, joon.. I have a million others like it..." Referring to the black vest he wore over a loose, long sleeved white dressy shirt. "But if you must know, I found it at Stacy's Antolionarito the other day." Girly sigh. "It only took me five hours to find it and I just fell, in, love!"
"Gasp! No freaking way, peanut, no.. freaking, way!"
"And...get ready for this... It was half off too!!" Herobrine squealed.
Too deep in character now, Entity jumped from his chair, first hovering his hands over his face, then screaming, "Oh my gosh, I'm so proud of you-u-u!" leaning forwards as he shuffled towards Herobrine, hands already stretched out on either side of him, wrists flailing a little, as he reached out to engulf Herobrine in a hug. "You have truly entered adulthood; now millions more will aspire to be just like you!" Herobrine stood as well, and, finishing it off, the two embraced one another, jumping in unison while still hugging. Then Entity tripped over his own chair and the two came tumbling to the ground, out of sight under the table.
You started clapping fiercely. Though a little concerned, Sandrah joined you. Both men rose from under the table laughing, neither exactly knowing what had just happened there!
Funky chapter time. E. :]
Hope you all enjoyed! Make sure to let me know what you think of Entity303 in this one! As you can see here, I took a bit of a different route with his character! 👍
Also that last scene was literally just me having fun. Not sure y'all thought it was funny, but it sure made ME laugh while writing it! 🤣
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