Chaptrr 24
(Badass Crayer Bar)
We see Y/n, Kreig, Aston, Salvador, Maya, Enyo and Aubree waiting for Moxxi to return with some information for the next challenger so they can move up a rank. While they wait we see Y/n contacting Lilith and tells her the situation. Soon he nodes and then the call ends and he walks over and sat down next to Aubree while she's eating some food.
Aubree: Well what did Lilith say?
Y/n: I told her the situation and ask for some back up but she's busy with other things but she'll sent Zero once his job is done.
Aubree: Huh I wonder what job is Zero doing?
Y/n: No idea. Must be something secret or something. You know how he is.
Axton: Yeah but he is badass....but not as badass as I am.
Salvador: If Zero were here he might get us in first place in no time.
Maya: We can do this without Zero for a bit. How hard can it be?
Enyo: I rather not jinxed that if I were you Maya.
Maya: Yeah probably too late for that.
Moxxi: Listen up people!
Then Moxxi came into the bar and walk over to the counter and turn to everyone as they gather around.
Moxxi: Thanks to Piston you all now at fourth place but we can change that for sure.
Axton: Yeah fuck that cheater. If I ever see that guy again I swear.
Y/n: So what's our next challenger?
Moxxi: Your next challenger is Motor Mama who's a cannibal that eats anyone. Especially young children.
Aubree: (scared) No need to tell us that last part.
Moxxi: Don't let her weight get to you. She's really deadly and will injured you and eat you up for lunch.
Enyo: So guess we need to train up in hopes to beat her.
Moxxi: That's what I'm thinking but lucky I have someone that can help. You can meet your trainer at these coordinations. Have fun.
She sent the coordinations to their echo device and with that they head off to meet their trainer while they ask each other.
Aubree: Who do you think our trainer might be?
Maya: Maybe someone who knowns this area way before us and have some sad backstory.
Y/n: Who ever this trainer might be I hope he or she will train us hard so we can face off again Motor Mama.
(Short while later)
(Trainer's intro)
They were a bit surprised that Tina is their trainer as she make her way towards them.
Tina: Sup suckers! Be ready to be the strongest and badass killers to ever lived!
Aubree: Um yeah I guess?
Salvador: (whisper) Really wish it's someone a bit.....older.
Axton: (whisper) With possible a white beard.
Tina: Enough talk! Time to get down to business!
Y/n: That's right. We're hoping we could get stronger so we can take down Motor Mama. We are hoping if you might train us?
Tina: Of course I can! Now listen up! In order to go and face big mama you all need to do serious training in hopes that you all can get stronger. I can't promise you that the training maybe hard.....or was it easy? Nah doesn't matter but the point I'm trying to give is this! You need to be strong, more badsss and most importantly of all....never let enyone call you a baby. Not only that rude but also very mean as well and who ever said that will be blown up into the moon.
Y/n:....Um okay then? So....what's our first training or what should we do?
Tina: Right the training! Your first goal is to head to the arena and steal all the chocolate chop cookies at the vending machine!
Tina: That's the spirit Kreig! I'll contact you once the job is done. No.....begon!
She head back into her van while the rest heads off while Maya asked.
Maya: So how's stealing cookies help us to get stronger?
Axton: And here I thought Tannis science stuff was confusing. Besides how can we get inside the arena. It's not like their not gonna let us in.
They think of a way to get in and then Y/n opens up a map in his helmet and sees something which he tells the rest.
Y/n: There's another way we can get in.
(Torgue Arena)
They managed to get inside the arena by useing the a huge vent outside and soon they were inside. They look around and see no one around as they look around and see a circular hallway that gose around and back to where they came in.
Y/n: Okay so we know the drill. Steal all the chocolate chip cookies and leave without anyone know we are here.
Aubree: That sounds pretty easy.
Maya: If we don't get caught.
Enyo: Any ideas how many cookies we need to steal?
Tina: (echo call) Steal all the cookies as best you can. Good luck!
Maya: Well let's get to work.
They pull out bags and they split up and quietly sneak around until they found a cookie vending machine and steal all the cookies that are inside. However Kreig is seeen ripping off the vending machine and pouring all the cookies into the bag.
Everyone was doing their job as we cut to Y/n managing to open the vending machine and putting the cookies in the bag when he heard a familiar voice called out.
???: They did what?!
Y/n turn to see a room behind him and it sounded like Piston so he make his way over and once there he peak over and see Piston talking to a unknown person while Piston walks around in anger and frustration as the person tells him.
???: That's what I saw. Now they have a sponsor and right now they might try to fight Motor Mama in hopes they can rank up to third place.
Piston: For fuck sakes! I thought i hired you to get them out of the game! Why didn't you kill them in the arena?
???: That will be too suspicious. If the championships were suddenly to be killed at the arena then the crowd qant to know what happened. I was about to kill them but they must have woke up and escape.
Piston: Your such a useless bounty hunter! Now everyone gonna know that I'm the ultimate coward!
???: Don't worry boss. I have plans to ruin their fun.
Piston: I hope so! Otherwise you'll end up just like that news reporters! Got that!
???: Understood.
Y/n walks back and cannot believe he just heard. Either way he must regroup with everyone else so he make his way back only to see Axton, Salvador and Kreig smashing and crushing all the cookies which Y/n asked Aubree, Maya and Enyo.
Y/n: Um I thought we were stealing the cookies?
Maya: Have a taste.
She hands Y/n a cookie which confusing him so he takes it and takes a bit. Then he realised it's not chocolate chip cookies at all.
Y/n: Are these....Raisins?
Maya: Yep. We told Tina which she told them to destroy the machines since she doesn't like them.
Y/n: How mad is she?
Aubree: That mad.
Y/n: Huh i see.
Axton: And done! All machines are destroyed. Say how come you didn't get Tina's call? You were silent.
Y/n: Well let's just say I got something that you all might wanna hear but first let's get out of here before anyone finds out what happened to their cookie machines.
(Badass Crayer Bar)
They return back to Moxxi at her Bar as we see her pouring up some drinks for them as they walk up to her and she hand out the drinks to them.
Moxxi: (smile) See you all were busy? How was the training?
Axton: Let's just say......there might be a few people that will get hungry. Let's just hope they bring packed food.
Y/n: Still I have some information that might be interesting. I've overheard Piston talking to this bounty hunter near a room so I peaked over and I see this bounty hunter and Piston talking.
Maya: Was he the same bounty hunter that knock us up?
Y/n: I think so. He knows we're facing Motor Mama and he also said he'll do something to ruin our fun. I think Piston hired this bounty hunter to ruin thie game and have Piston to be the winner.
Moxxi: Sounds very serious. If Piston is hiring a bounty hunter to stop you all then who knows what these bounty can do.
Aubree: Can we call up Finn or Torgue and tell them what's going on?
Moxxi: Unfortunately that's not possible. The two are busy and I don't think they don't have time to sort this situation out.
Axton: Guess that means we're on our own.
Y/n: Still we're gonna face Motor Mama even by means having a target at our heads. We can't just let one bounty hunter stop us.
Moxxi: I agree with you. You can meet Motor Mama at Southern Raceway. Good luck and be careful.
Y/n: Right.
(Southern Raceway)
We see a large arena with a crowd cheering as the games is about to begin. Outside we see Y/n climbing onto his bike as he start up the engines with Axton sitting at the back while the rest watched and then Aubree ask Y/n.
Aubree: You sure about this? Doing this together might be easy.
Y/n: We be fine Aubree. Besides we need someone to watch our backs if that bounty hunter ever appeared.
Axton: (smirk) We got this. Just sit back and watch the show.
Aubree: Right. Good luck.
Once that Y/n starts up the engine and then rides up a ramp and lands at the area as the crowd start to boo and calling them cowards.
Axton: Man I'm starting to hate being called a coward.
Y/n: Let's just stay forces. We can't allow the crowd get to us.
Axton: Right. Still where is thid Motor Mam- What the hell?
Axton was looking up so Y/n looks up and sees her coming down from as she look down at them.
(Motor Mama intro)
Axton: Well then...she's a bit......overweight.
Y/n: Still let's show thes people that we're not cowards!
Y/n starts up the engine and rides off as Motor Mama chase after them and fire her twin machine guns at them which Y/n dodges the shots while Axton pulls out his rifle and fires back. The bullets bounce off of Motor Mamas bike as she continues to chase them around as the crowd cheers.
We see Aubree, Maya, Enyo, Salvador and Kreig sitting among the crowd and they hoped they will win.
Motor Mama: You both are very strong man. I can't wait to cut up your arms and legs and eat you up. (Giggle)
Axton: Usually I take that she likes me but since she's talking about eating us then I feel threatened.
Y/n immediately move to dodge her incoming machine guns as she continues to open fire at them.
Y/n: Deployed your turret!
Axton: Huh? What for?
Y/n: Trust me! I have an idea!
Axton: I hope so.
Axton tossed his turret in the middle of the arena. Once deployed the turrets starts to fire at Motor Mama which hits her several times so she turns and charge towards the turrets and as soon she was about to hit it, Y/n calls out to Axton.
Y/n: Now!
Axton pushes a button and his turret blows up which the blast hits Motor Mama as her bike was flipped to the side and she crashed onto thr ground. The crowd cheered even more as Axton and Y/n smiled and high fived.
Axton: (smile) Nice planning man!
Y/n: (smile) Thanks. Now time to end this round for su-
Suddenly something hits the front wheel of his bike and they go out of control and soon they were flipped and crashed onto thr ground.
The crowd gasped while Aubree and the rest stood up in shock while we see Y/n getting up and look over to see Axton trapped by his bike as Y/n race over and lifted his bike out of Axton and helps him up.
Y/n: You good?
Axton: No. I think my legs are broken. Shit.
Motor Mama: Looks like you two have a crash? No matter.
They looked over to see her flipping her bike over and then gets on as she turns her bike towards them and then tells them.
Motor Mama: Because soon you be my dinner once immediately done with you!
She then start up her engines and then ride towards the two as Axton groan in pain and tells Y/n.
Axton: Get out of here. I'll slow you down.
Y/n refused as he set Axton down and turn to the incoming Motor Mama as he forms and fist and rushes towards her. The crowd watched as his armor glows blue and then the two clash as the crowd was shocked. Motor Mama was shocked to see Y/n grabbing at the front of her bike and holding it as Motor Mama try to ran over him but her bike was not moving.
Then Y/n slowly lifted up her bike and spine around which shocks everyone as Y/n spins around and then he tossed her and her bike far that crashed through the ceiling cages and sent her and her bike flying. They were out of the arena as Y/n's armor gose back to normal as Y/n sighs in relief.
Soon the crowd burst into cheers as they can't believe what they have saw.
The crowd cheers even more as Y/n walk up to Axton and help him up. They make their way out of the arena while Axton tells Y/n.
Axton: Thanks for that. You know I was ready to make the ultimate sacrifice but I guess you stop me from doing that.
Y/n: I'm not only a leader of the Crimson Raiders but I'm also a friend and friends do not abandoned their own.
Axton: (smirk) Hack yeah man.
The two fist pumped and they meet up with everyone else as they cheered as they are now on third place. Y/n set Axton down as Maya bend down to check his let's and then tell him.
Maya: Looks lioe your going to be fine. Still it's probably best you heaf back to Sanctuary so Dr Zed will heal you up.
Axton: (smirk) Bomber. Well it's nice taking part with you guys. Good luck.
Y/n: (smile) Same to you. Get better.
Axton: (smile) Will do.
(Badass Crater of Badassitude)
A Crimson Raider drop ship arrived to take Axton back to Sanctuary and once he is inside the drop ship flies off as they watch the drop ship leave.
Aubree: Still what happened?
Y/n: No idea. It wasn't Motor Mama's machines guns for sure.
Maya: It could be that bounty hunter you talked about. Maybe he has something to do with it.
Salvador: He's gonna pay for that for sure.
Enyo: Same here Kreig.
Aubree: So now what? We're now down to five of us.
Y/n: Still we can't give up. We have to defeat Piston and open the vault. Right now we need to wait for Moxxi to return with our next challenger but for now, let's get some training.
Maya: Let's hope Tina have actually training then stealing cookies.
Salvador: She's a kid. So I bet she has something for us.
Y/n: Still let's go.
They hear off to start training with Tina while we see the same bounty hunter on top of a hill as he look down at them and turned away as he said.
???: One down.....five to go.
To be continued..............................
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