Chapter 9
Within the Vault hunter HQ we see Tannis along with Lilith, Roland and Gaige looking through the plans of getting the vault key from Hyperion until Axton, Salvador and Kreig stumble into the room as Axton cheers that sounded like he and the rest are drunk.
Lilith: Where were you three?
Tannis: Yes and why do you smell....Alcohol?
Axton: Well (hic) We pissed off those Zafords and Hodunks of fighting each other and I gonna say (hic) Best mission ever!
Salvador: My best part is that (hic) we kill the Zafords during their funeral! It was the best! Hehe.
Lilith: Let me guess, Ellie request a job for you three to do?
They nod while Lilith smirks a little and shake her heard.
Roland: Well at least they ain't gonna target us for starting a civil war.
Lilith: I may have a feeling you might jinxed that.
Tannis: Possibly for all of us.
Gaige: Y/n and Aubree tool a long time. Dose anyone have worries about them?
Lilith: Yeah I've noticed that as well but I'm sure they be back here soon.
Axton: (chuckle) Bet they isn't captured and probably have a better reason they got captured then Roland's.
Roland: They jump on me!
Axton: (smirk) Well you were (hic) taking a pee?
Roland sighs while a fee chuckles were in the room until Tannis hear beeping and walks over and looks at it and calls out to everyone.
Tannis: It seems now we all jinxed that one.
Lilith: What do you mean?
Tannis: I got a distress beacon from Y/n and I believe he and Aubree are captured.
Gaige: (shocked) Oh no!
Salvador: Where (hic) Where are they?
Tannis: You three go and get some rest while I see where they are.
They do so while Tannis type into her computer and found them.
Tannis: Looks like they are taken to Lynchwood. That can't be good.
Gaige: Why, what's there?
Lilith: Homed to Nisha, she is the Sheriff and Mayor of Lynchwood and it was actually a gift to her lover Handsome Jack. We fought her at New Heaven and she best us along with Wilhelm.
Roland: Why would Nisha want from them?
Tannis: No idea, I'll work on and see of things come up.
Gaige: We gonna go and save them!
Lilith: Giage I know you wanna save them but Nisha is dangerous when it comes to marksman. She's one of the reasons we lost New Heaven.
Gaige: Yes but that's now I the past! This is now! We need to save them before they do something to them. Please we gonna try.
Lilith and Roland weren't sure by this. True they wanna give Y/n back for saving them but facing off with Nisha is a risk.
Maya: We go and safe them.
Tuey turn to see Maya, Zero, Peyton and Rylee standing standing the door as Maya smirks while she said.
Maya: (smirk) We'll go and get them back. They may not be vault hunters but they own our lives. I think it's time we return the favour.
Lilith see they wanna help so she nods and says.
Lilith: Alright. You five go and rescue Y/n and Aubree and be safe. Nisha is dangerous when it comes to a gun so watch out. We stay here and try gain contact to our spy. Good luck and be safe.
They nod and Gaige gose with them and they head off to Lynchwood to rescue Y/n and Aubree from Nisha.
We see Aubree laying on the floor unconscious until a rumble what sound like a train cost her to slowly wake up and try to move. But she realised her arms were tied up bring behind including her legs and she start to panic and before she scream she hear.
Y/n: Aubree! Aubree you okay?
She looks over across from her to see Y/n sat up also tied up with a special device to keep him from breaking it apart including on his feet.
Aubree: (scared) Wh-Where are we?
Y/n: On a train and judging by the tracks and the many tunnels. I think we're heading to Lynchwood.
Aubree: (scared) That can't be good right? Right?
Y/n: Don't worry Aubree I'll keep your safe. That's a promise.
Aubree: (scared) R-Right. Sorry.
Y/n: For what?
Aubree: For being scared. I know this is an apocalypse like planet with no law, but I still scares me to think being captured by some bandits that do horrible things to Hyperion officers like me. Guess you and everyone else who lived in Pandora is lucky to have no fear when it comes to situations like this.
Things were quiet between the two until Y/n broken the silence and said.
Y/n: No. We are all scared of man things. People has fear but we ignore it but it still there. We won't be human if we don't have fear. It's alright you have fear because that shows your human and everyone has fear as well.
Aubree: You have fear as well?
Y/n:'s.....something I can't tell.
Aubree understood but Y/n felt selfish for keeping his fear in him so he mutter out.
Y/n: I'm afraid of losing people I cared.
Aubree looked at him and at first she didn't hear that so Y/n explains.
Y/n: Is afraid that one day....everyone I known for years...suddenly dies or....left me. It's one of the reasons I go's sad I know's one way to get rid of the nightmares I've have years ago when I was a kid.
Aubree looks at him and understood why. Soon they felt the train slowly down and slowly ends to a stop.
Aubree: (smile) Y/n.
Y/n: ???
Aubree: (smile) I won't abandoned you, I'll always be along side matter what.
Y/n smiles underneath his helmet as soon the door slide open and that same bounty hunter came in ane grab the two and drag them out. Bandits within balcony or on the sweets scream and laughing at them while they were being dragged by the leg by the bounty hunter.
It wasn't long before a gun fire silence everyone up ane they turn to see a female cowgirl aiming her pistol into the air before lower it down at the bounty hunter tossed the two in front of the steps and said.
???: Got them what you've told Ma'am.
She looks at the two and claims down the steps and bend down to Y/n and he have a clear look of her face.
Nisha: (smirk) Excellent work Scoper.
She stood up and snap her fingers and one of her gang tossed Scoper the money and he grabs it and looks at it.
Scoper: Nice business Sheriff.
Scoper walks off with the cash while Nisha looks down at Y/n once more and says.
Nisha: (smirk) So your that legendary bounty hunter that I've heard in my Town? Must say, nice to see you face to face.
Y/n: Well nice to see you still have that silly hat. Tell me, how is your boyfriend doing?
Nisha snap her finger and one of her gang walks over and kicks Y/n on the head but his helmet protected him but it hurts a little.
Nisha: (smirk) You also have a sense of humour, even when you and yoru friend is captured. I'm not surprised.
She turns to Aubree and she sees the fear in her that cost her to smirk and said.
Nisha: Take her to her cell.
The two men grab her and drag her away while Y/n struggled to get free but no lose so he asked.
Y/n: What do you want from us?
Nisha: It's not your friend that I want. It's just you.
Y/n: Why me?
Nisha: (smirk) And earlier bird told me that Handsome Jack wants your armor and wants to know how it works. Since he give me this town I decided to return the favour by handing over your armor to my lover.
Y/n: (smirk) Good luck with that. This suit has a lock up system that if the enemy captured me, the suit will go into lock down.
Nisha doesn't buy it and snap her fingers and his gang try to pull his suit right off but it is too strong. After a while of struggling they step back and catch their breath. Nisha was a little angry by this while Y/n smirks underneath his helmet and said.
Y/n: (smirk) I told you so.
But Nisha stay her cool and turn to Y/n and bend down to him and said.
Nisha: (smirk) Your armor has a lock up system, but I'll find many ways to unlock it.
She tap her finger twice onto Y/n's visor and stood up and snap her fingers once more and they pick Y/n and drag him to another cell while Nisha smirks to herself and knows she'll get what she needs for her lover.
Aubree was thrown into a cell follow by the gate close as she turn to see she is in a cell. She stood up and know she is free from teb robe but she worried about Y/n and thinks of a plan to escape.
???: Your Hyperion right?
She froze in a fright and turn to see a male cowboy sat on the corner of the room and he looks up at her reveal his cybernetic like eye and arm.
Willy: Easy there kiddo, ain't gonna hurt you. Names Willy, nice to meet you.
Aubree: N-Nice to meet you too. Names Aubree.
Willy: I see. Well, get comfortable being here. You might be I here for a very long time.
Aubree: But I gotten get out and rescue Y/n. He needs help!
Willy: No point. He is done for like everyone I knew or when that bitch came here.
Aubree: You mean Nisha?
Willy: That's right. Many years ago, I've found this town and make it a safe place for those who are afraid to go out and face all the bandits. This actually have law and crime was low all thanks to me and my gang. We actually were happy until Hyperion came along with Handsome Jack's girlfriend named Nisha. They destroyed everything ane we try to stop her, but we were bested and all my friends....where killed, even my wife.....and son. They were gonna kill me until Nisha decided to to imprison me here and keep me as her "trophy." Fucking Bitch. She comes back and torment me with her guards and herself and tell me things that hit me hard. After all that....I just accepted.
Aubree: (shocked) I' sorry for what you been through. But you can't just sit here and do nothing. What about the rest of the town people that looked up to you. They need a Sheriff to save them.
Willy: I'm no Sheriff kid. I'm a failure. I fail protecting this town and I fail everyone who looked up to me. Nisha is their Sheriff now.
Aubree: No. No! Don't say that! I know you lost everything but you can still get back your town. This is still your home ane you can't let Nisha stay here and ruining things while your sitting here and doing nothing!
Willy: Why do you care? Your Hyperion.
Aubree: True but I'm not no more. I've seen what Jack has done and I know Hyperion is not the company I've look up to. Heck, they betray me by leaving me to die if it wasn't for Y/n! In fact, he helped me and now...I think it's time I return the favour, but.....
She walks over to Willy and reach out a hand to him as he looks up at her.
Aubree: (smile) I can't do this alone. Will you help me, Sheriff?
Willy wasn't sure but he remember his family and his friends and knows he needs to make Nisha pay rather then staying here and be ashamed of himself.
He grabs Aubree's hand and stood up.
Willy: (smirk) Sure. Let's do this.
Willy walks over to the gate and literally kicks it open which surprised Aubree that the gate was that weak.
Aubree: (thought) I've could have done that, would I?
She sighs and catch up to Willy as they rush through the building until they notice something odd.
Aubree: Where are the guards? Should there be a few here?
Willy: Either they are outside messing around or......
The two burst open the door of the main hall. They were suspected heavy enemies but they were shocked to see Zero, Maya, Peyton, Rylee, Gaige and Deathtrap there just finished taking out Nisha's gang.
Willy: Or they were taking out by the vault hunters.
They turn to see her and the two rush over to them with Aubree glad to see them.
Aubree: (smile) I'm so glad you are here!
Maya: (smile) Of course, can't leave a Crimson raiders member behind.
Aubree smiles while Willy spotted a pistol and picks it up.
Zero: You have a new friend./ or is her an enemy?/ Who are you stranger?
Willy: I tell you who I am. My name is Willy, the Sheriff of this town and I am gonna get it back.
They all smiled by this and they head off to find Y/n and save him from Nisha and her gang.
We see Y/n strapped onto a pole above him with hisnlegs strapped onto the floor as he was executed with electricity by Nisha while her gang laughs.
Soon the stock fates and Y/n breaths heavily while Nisha walks up to him and said.
Nisha: Disable the lock up or your armor will be lock down for good.
Y/n: (smirk) How's about you go and fuck yourself bitch.
Nisha doesn't like that and press a button and Y/n was shocked with electricity as in this time, he scream out in pain before Nisha press a button again and he takes a breather and then said.
Y/n: He's just using you.
Nisha: What was that?
Y/n: Jack.....your lover.....he doesn't love you. He only cares about fame and money. Why else he have you think large city far away from his workers? It's because he doesn't want you get near to his plan of opening of the vault and have you get what you want. Your just his pond, including everyone who works for him, as soon Jack get what he wants......he'll throw you aside like the rest of the fuckers that fall to his tricks.
Nisha gets pissed and press on the button harder ane electricity zaps him and he scream out in pain and twitch his arms a bit before she pressed a button once more and the electricity stop and Y/n was close to pass out.
Willy: Nisha!
Nisha and her gang turn and they see Willy and the rrst there to rescue Y/n from Nisha. Nisha's gang aim their guns at them but Nisha stands them down and walks over to him.
Nisha: (smirk) Seems like you finally break out of your cell. I knew you'll break out some day.
Willy: Yeah, I'm here and taking back this town.
Nisha: (smirk) You must be a fool to think you can stood up to me. Didn't you forget you failed to protect those you cared, including this town.
Willy looks down but he shakes it off and looks baxk back her and said.
Willy: That is in the past, this is now. It's time we have a rematch. You and me, gun and gun, Sheriff vs Sheriff.
Nisha: (smirk) So be it.
(Cowboy stand off music)
Wind gently blows the air as Nisha and Willy stare at each other with their hands near to his holsters and ready to pull it out ans shoot each other.
Nisha's gang, Y/n, Aubree and the rest watch to hoped that Willy will win while Nisha's gang hoped that Nisha will win. The two Sheriffs continues to stare at each other and ignore everything around them and focused on their target in front of them.
They move their fingers a little and Nisha lick her lips as the two stare at each other that seem like forever until the two quickly pull out their pistol, aimed, cock and-
The sound of gunfire ring out through Lynchwood as every bandits turn to it while we cut to a hat fell onto the floor and both barrels of the gun have smoke in them. We looked at Willy and see a bullet dent at his cybernetic arm but he seems to be alright. As for Nisha, a small blood pour out of her chest and she grunted a little as she drop her pistol and fell onto the ground backwards and facetted sky above her.
Willy's footsteps is heard and he was now over her glaring at her. Nisha looks at him while he aims his pistol at her face and see a man that wants revenge for for she did to him. She smirks and know her fate has come and lend back and said.
Nisha: Guess this town is yours, see ya kiddos.
(Cowboy stand off theme ends)
Nisha's gang step back to see that Nisha is dead and Willy now has taken by Lynchwood. He turn to her gang and says.
Willy: Let him go and get out of my Town.
They were feared and immediately let's Y/n go and he fell onto the ground. Peyton and Rylee runs over and lift him up while Nisha's gang runs off and gets out of town. Y/n breaths a sigh of relief while Willy walks up to him and said.
Willy: (smirk) How was that?
Y/n: (smirk) Badass Sheriff, just....badass.
Willy smirks once again and soon the towns people who ever feared of Nisha and her gang came out and see her dead by the hands of Willy. Willy looks at them and he was suspected boos from them but instead they cheered and yell in joy.
Willy was surprised by this and some of them rush over to him and picks him up into the air and cheers for him.
Male person 1: (smile) I knew you'll come and save us!
Male person 2: (smile) You show that bitch who's boss.
Female person 1: Thank you so much and we are thankful you are okay.
Willy smiles while Y/n and the rest smiled to see Willy have gotten back his town from Nisha and her gang.
(Short while later)
Y/n and the rest stand near a train and were about to leave before Willy made it just in time and try to hand them a lot of money for helping him taking back Lynchwood.
Willy: (smile) Here, this is a way to say thank you for helping me taking back Lynchwood.
Y/n: (smile) It's no problem and you can keep the money. You need it better then we do.
Willy: You sure?
Y/n: (smile) I'm sure man.
Willy: Alright then.
He then turn to Aubree and said to her.
Willy: It was thanks to you that I have a spirit to rise up a fight once more. Thank you so much Aubree.
Aubree: (smile) It's no problem, I'm glad you got your town back.
Willy: Indeed. I also wanna to apologise the way I acted when we first met. I thought you'll be like all Hyperion officers but you, I was wrong. Thank you so much Aubree.
Aubree smiles once more and they hop into the train and Zero shuts the door and the train starts off as Willy waves them goodbye as they take off to the dust and back to Sanctuary.
On the train ride, we see them relaxing and waiting for their stop. While they wait, Maya walks up to Y/n and said.
Maya: How are you feeling?
Y/n: I'm alright. Suit maybe need some repairs but I'm alright. So how is things while me and Aubree are away with our trip?
Maya: Nothing much. Roland and Lilith are trying to contact their spy and see if he knows about the vault key.
Y/n: Huh I bugs me.
Maya: What about, the vault key?
Y/n: That and their spy. Who is their spy?
(At a unknown location)
We see a Hyperion facility over by the hill and we see a mysterious person claiming up the hill and soon he bend down on a cliff and aim his scope down at the facility a zoomed in. He see two Hyperion soldiers loading some cargo to the train.
But then he spotted something that looked like a small chest that might hold a vault key and he sees it getting loaded into the train along the rest of the Vault key.
The mysterious figure stood up and at the same time a bird fly over to him and lands onto his arm. Then he took out his bottle of booze and drinks it broke the clouds move away from the sun and we see what this figure looks like.
???: Well Bloodwing (drink his booze) I think we just found a Vault key.
To be continued................
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