Chapter 7

(Bloodshot's stronghold)

Loader bots were trashing everything in their sites and killing all the Bloodshot bandits everywhere in order to get to Roland before anyone else would.

Bandits try to stand their ground but they get gunned down by the power of the loader bots and get killed. Some even try to escape the the different exit they have but it was cut off by more loader bots and they get taking out while some pull back into their camp and try to find something so that can hold out.

A few Bandits tackle a loader bot and managed to pull it down but the loader bot active it's self-destruction and blow up killing the Bandits around it. It's battery core rolls onto the ground until a foot caught it and lifting it was Y/n who looks at it and smirks to himself.

Y/n: (smirk) Still good, good. Maybe you might be useful for us.

He slide the loader bots battery into his bag and pull out his Vladof assault rifle and pinned onto the wall and peek out to see loader bits killing all the Bandits left and right like a massacre.

Y/n: (thought) Danny jack for killing these Bandits. They might be crazy but I will not allow him to do this to anymore camps, especially the innocent.

He rolled out of cover and fire his rifle at some of the loader bots and took them out with no problem. He stood up and walks off while a Surveyor hover up behind Y/n and charge up it's laser to kill him but then a sniper fire shoots down the sureyor and it went down and blow up.

Y/n turn around to see the Surveyor destroyed following by Zero came out of the darkness with a bag that contain Y/n and the rest of their clothes and armor.

Y/n: (smile) Oh hey Zero, thought you were outside?

Zero: Trouble inside the base./ Loader bot attacking the base./ Probably needed help.

Y/n: (smile) Well that some great timing there Zero. We need to head back with the rest and help them out.

Zero: Understood./ Challenge must be completed./ Your armor is here by away.

He set the beg down and opens it up. Y/n thanked Zero and took off his bandit clothes and put on his armor and soon he put on his helmet and he was all done.

Y/n: Yo Axton what's your situation in your end?

Axton: (echo radio) We git block off by loader bots and their blocking the main entrance to the prison. Probably need some assistance here.

Y/n: On our way.

Zero: Why do you think Jack sent his troops here./ The Bloodshots have what Jack needed./ Why killing them?

Y/n: He's handsome Jack, he dose what ever he wants and get what he wants. He doesn't need to pay the Bandits here because there is no point. Jacks idea is to kill them and take the anything he want without pay.

Zero: Whoa, what a jerk.

Y/n: You'll telling me. Come on, let's go and help them.

Zero nods and the two race through the stronghold so they can get to Axton and the rest.


Bullets fly by them as we see Axton, Maya, Salvador, Gaige, Aubree and Kreig getting pinned behind cover while loader bots are standing right in front of the prison entrance and firing at their cover. Maya use her siren powers to freeze some into a bubble while Axton throws in his turret and his turret take care of them.

Salvador pulls out twin SMG's and fire it at them while Aubree peek out and fire her rifle at them and manage to hit one before more bullets flies pass her.

Aubree: Eeep!

She duck behind cover while more loader bots came and got them pinned.

Axton: So any bucket list before we might die?

Maya: We can hold off until Y/n will arrive.

Axton: How this place is like a maze, how will he find us?

Aubree: We just need to wait and hope for the best.


Kreig throws his chainsaw axe at one of them and it hits them and sparks fly out before it fell onto the ground while fire still continues and they duck down. Then two Longbow pandemic grenades were thrown and rolled between the loader bots legs and they look down and the grenades blow up and burn them with acid.

The other loader bots turn only to get sniped in the eye by Zero following by Y/n rush over and fire his Apt vemon SMG and took them out with no problem. Soon he and Zero clear the area and the two walk towards them while Axton and the rest peek out and were glad to see them.

One loader bot slowly aim it's rifle at Zeeo but Zero quickly lift his rifle without aiming and fire a no scope and kill the loader bot and he walks over to then. Maya leaps out and give Y/n a hug while Aubree and Gaige were a bit jealous.

Maya: (smirk) Knew you'll come handsome, thanks for the save.

Y/n: (little blush) S-Sure no problem Maya, G-Glad I can help.

Maya stop hugging Y/n and giggles before the rest exit out of cover and Zero hands them their clothes and armor so they took off their bandit armor and clothes and get change back to their normal clothes.

Axton: Oh man, I've miss wearing my commando already.

Salvador: (smirk) Good to be back!

Zero: More will come./ possibly more stronger then the last one./ shall we free Roland?


Y/n: Well let's go gang.

They walk over the dead loader bots and walk towards the entrance. Axton presses a button and the garage doors slowly opens up and once it was fully open they enter the prison to find Roland and break him out.

They turn a corner and see tones and tones of prison cells everywhere were the bloodshots kept the bandits they want to either sell them or put them into slavery against their free will.

They walk through the prison and see the cells were empty or have dead bandits that were either killed by loader bots, bloodshot bandits or commit suicide.

Aubree: This is very creepy.

Y/n: That's what you see if your in a bandit prison and you do not wanna be a prisoner with either ir the bandits you will encounter.

Maya: You think anyone is even alive here?

???: Hey! Hey! Is anybody there? Hello?!

Axton: Sounds like two girls are crying out for help.

Gaige: Why do you say it like that?

They follow the cry of help and soon they walk to one cell hat has two female girls wearing bandit clothes but shown to be not insane as they wave their arms at them and once there one of them said.

???: oh thank god someone is here to help us, thank you.

Y/n: Are you two alright? Who are yous?

Peyton: My name is Peyton and this is my sister Rylee.

Rylee: Hey. We were from a camp site until it was destroyed by the Bloodshots and we were taking as prisoners.

Aubree: That's terrible.

Salvador: What happened here? Where is everybody?

Peyton: They were taking to complete a statue to please their mercenary god for some reason but they are crazy. Listen help us and we can help you.

Y/n: Alright, everyone step back.

They did so and he fire his rifle at the lock and he broke the lock and open the cell door and the two sisters exit out of the cell.

Peyton: Thanks, we own you one.

Y/n: Your welcome but we're not out of the woods yet. We're looking for a guy named Roland. Have you seen him?

Rylee: Actually yeah. We saw two Bloodshots dragging him to a cell down at the far back of the prison.

Y/n: Alright let's go.

Tell two sisters join them as they rush deeper to the cell and soon they reach a cell and see someone laying on a bed. Once close Y/n bangs at the cell gates and calls out.

Y/n: Roland you alright, we're here to save you.

(Roland's intro)

(Time: 0:00 to 0:31)

Y/n: (surprised) Now that's how you introduce to one of the bagasse characters ever!

Roland stood up and drop the weapon and then turn to Y/n and the rest.

Roland: Thanks for rescuing me Vault hunters. Gonna say yous did a good job.

Y/n: Well I'm not actually a vault hunter I'm a-

Roland: (chuckle) Bounty hunter, I know but hey, it's alright also be a vault hunter as well.

Y/n has a think about it while Roland turn to Aubree and asked.

Roland: Your from Hyperion right?

Aubree: W-Well ex-Hyperion since they abandoned me and leave me to die.

Roland: I'm sorry for that, don't you worry. We get pay back for Jack for all of this, I promise.

Aubree: (smile) Thank you sir.

Maya: So how did you got captured?

Roland: I'll.....explain once we get back to Sanctuary but for now lets-

Then electricity beam hits Roland by the arm and soon his legs and his other arm and pulls him to the hole. Y/n acst fast and blast the lock and opens the gate and they rush through the hole and see a constructor bot trapping Roland inside a enter bubble and flying him away.

Y/n: Shit, let's go guys!

They chase after it while Rylee and Peyton pick up one of the bandits weapons and catches up to the rest as they chase the constructor as it escape through a large open hole.

Salvador: It's taking him outside!

Y/n: Let's hurry before it's too late!

They agree and they rush to the elevator and Y/n slams his hand onto the button and they went up to the surface.

(Bloodshot Ramparts)

They exit out of the elevator and they were hit by blinded light. Once their visons are normal they see what remains of the Bloodshot bandits escaping from the Loadee bots and leaping off to their deaths.

Peyton: Over there!

They look where Peyton is pointing at and just see the constructor taking Roland through a gate and the door seal behind them.

Axton: Aren't those things were build for construction and not as deadly bots?

Y/n: Their Hyperion, they make anything that was supposed to build harmless to military death bots.

Aubree: I just hope Wilhelm isn't here.

Maya: Who?

Aubree: He used to be a mercenary and a vault unter until he start to work with Jack. He is a fan with artificial intelligence and bots and soo much so that he start to replacing his body with robot bots to be stronger.

Maya: Nasty.

Zero: Seems like a challenge for us./ We have to fight all of these bots to get to Roland./ I like it.

Salvador: (smirk) Seem here, let's do this!

Axton: (smirk) Your call Y/n.

Y/n: (smirk) Let's go guys!

They leap out and they took out the loader bots in front of them while racing to save Roland and free him once again by the constructor so it won't take him to the nearest Hyperion base.

Gaige summon her deathtrap and deathtrapstart blasting its laser beams at the loader bots and clearing the way for them to go through. Around them bandits get killed by the loader bots or even forced to leap off to escape only to be fallen to their deaths.

The loader bots were winning the fight but they seem to be distracted so Y/n and the rest rush by without any problems what so far and after a while of running, shooting and killing they reach to where Roland is being helled and see the constructor there looking at them.

Y/n: (smirk) This is gonna be easy.

Then he constructor charge up it's laser beam and fires it at them and they take over behind a old car while the beams slice the hoods off of the vehicles.

Y/n: Why do I say something like that and then suddenly things get harder!

Salvador: Less talking more firing!

They fire their weapons at the constructor but the bullet just bounce off because of it's strong and the constructor fire missiles at them and they move out of the way. The missile hits the already broken vehicle and they were snet off and into the bottom as they rolled out or the blast and stood up onto one knee and Peyton calls out.

Peyton: Shoot at it's eye!

They follow her as they fire at the constructors eye and soon it's Shields were down.

Salvador: It's shields are down!

Y/n: Zero sword!

Zeeo slide out his sword and throw it across the field while Y/n swap his weapon to auditing Invader and aim it down at his scope. Soon the sword was in line and he fire a shot that hits the hilt of the sword and the sword stab through into the constructors eye and sparks fly out before it stop hooving and fell onto the ground.

At the same time the energy shield glitches out with Roland moving around a little and then the energy shield was down and he fell off the constructor and onto the ground.

Roland stood up onto one knee and a hand pulls out to him and he looks up to see Y/n and the rest standing over him. Roland smirks and takes Y/n's hand and he help him up.

Roland: (smile) Nice team work. Never seen it like that in my life.

Y/n: (smirk) Well, we do where we do.

Roland: Well I'm thankful for the rescue....again. let's head back to Sanctuary, I have some information that I needed to share.

Axton: Finally! Any more minute here or I'll might go insane.

Salvador: Awww I wanna kill some bandits.

Zero: Killing is over for now./ A break is needed./ Challenge is complete.

Peyton: Yeah we're hungry for some food.

Rylee: Same here.

Y/n: Well let's go, besides I need to see someone that might help me with a project I have in mind.


We see Handsome Jack slaming his fist repeatedly on his table in a fit of anger to hear that the loader bots fail to capture Roland which angered him soo much.

Then one of his Hyperion soldiers enter to his office and he sees he came here at a bad time and he walks up to his table to see Handsome Jack have his head down and breathing with anger while the soldier said.

Hyperion soldier: Um Handsome Jack sir?

Handsome Jack: (anger) WHAT!

Hyperion soldier: W-We sent out a few soldiers to investigate the armor that Y/n's has on and we found something.

Handsome Jack: (anger) Is it something that might interest me because id not I will strangle you I swear to god!

Hyperion soldier: I-I think this will be interesting.

Then the doors open and two soldiers enter the room with what appears to be a dusty armor laying down and being carried by a hover table and stop as Handsome Jack walks down and see it's the exact same armor what Y/n wears but it looks dusty and the visor to seem to be cracked.

Handsome Jack walks close to it and picks up the helmet and looks at it and then asked.

Handsome Jack: Where did you find this armor?

Hyperion Soldier: At Arid Nexus sir. Apparently one of the junk loader bits found it buried underneath the sand and we came and take it. If you look in closely, you can see bullet holes on the chest armor and the leg armor as well.

Handsome Jack looks closely and see the bullet holes and looks back at the helmet before placing it back onto the hoover table and turn to the soldier.

Handsome Jack: I want every men to find any armor and find it's origins. Maybe we can use these armors against tejie super soldier/Bounty hunter and kill off the crimson raiders for good.

Hyperion soldier: Yes sir.

They take the broken armor away and now Handsome Jack was curious about the armor.  How did it get here, where did it come from and who made it?


Y/n was at scooters place and tossed Scooter and battery core of a loader bot which surprised Scooter and asked.

Scooter: (surprised) Wow this is pretty hard to steal. Where did you get it?

Y/n took off his helmet and place it onto the table next to him and says with a smirk.

Y/n: (smirk) One of the loader bot self-destructed but it's core seems fine. Anyway you can reprogram it and change it to our side? I was thinking having a loader bit oh our side and help us in the fight.

Scooter: Hmmm sorry dude no can do. I may be a mechanic but loader bots ain't my thing.

Y/n: Oh, well that's alright. Any way I can take it yo someone to fix it?

Scooter: Actually yeah! You should speak to Piper.

Y/n: Who?

Scooter: She's also a mechanic like me but knows more about bots then me. She's at Hollow point if you have a chance to visit her.

Y/n: (smile) Sounds good. Thanks Scooter.

Scooter nods and pass the battery core back to Y/n and he pick up his helmet and walks out of Scooters work shop and looks around.

Peyton: Yo Y/n!

He turn to see Peyton and Rylee walk over to them and once there Y/n said to them.

Y/n: (smile) Hey you two, how was your meal?

Peyton: (smile) Wonderful. It's been sooo long to eat that delicious Pizza.

Rylee: (smile) But we came here to thank you for rescuing us from the Bloodshot and those loader bots.

Y/n: (smile) No problem.  Just glad we have tow new members to the crimson raiders.

The two girls smile and Y/n walk off while they whisper yo each other about how cute Y/n is and wanna see how cute he might get if he blushes.

We then cut yo Roland and Lilith at the balcony of the Crimson Raider HQ and they were talking until Y/n enters the balcony and said.

Y/n: Yo what's happening.

Roland: Oh good, your here.

Lilith: He means hi in other words.

Roland: (chuckle) Yeah sorry, hi.

Y/n: (smile) No problems just glad your save.

Roland: (smile) Yeah all thanks to you and your team. You've not only save mine but also Liliths as well.

Lilith: (smirk) Thamks by away killer.

Y/n: (smile) Like I said before, no problem.

Roland: Glad for that but what know we have bigger problems and that involving the vault.

Lilith: What?

Roland: This vault isn't some weapon cash or some treasure. This one contain a creature that can destroy all life in Pandora.

Y/n: That sounds extremely bad.

Roland: What I overhead is who ever awakens it, can control it.

Lilith: That's even far more worse.

Roland: If Jack has it yes but if we control it first.

Lilith: We can use it to wipe Hyperion off the map, like the sound of that.

Y/n: You sure by this? If we control it we be nothing like Hyperion.

Roland: I know this may sound but as soon Hyperion is gone we return the creature back to the vault and destroy the key so no one will not use it.

Y/n: Alright I can stick with that.

Roland: There is a problem, we need to find a key so I need to contact my watcher if he might seen it. At the mean time, you have your free time until I got some news.

Y/n: (smile) Good, thinking of heading to Hollow point to visit someone to help me on a project.

Lilith: (smirk) Sounds interesting. Good luck.

Y/n (smile) You too.

Y/n left the balcony and soon we see him outside of Sanctuary's gates and ready his bike so he can lead to Hollow point. Aubree came out of the gate and see him with his bike so she walks over and asked.

Aubree: Watcha doing?

Y/n: Getting ready to head to Hollow point to visit someone.

Aubree: Sounds interesting. Can I come?

Y/n: (smile) Sure, it be nice to have someone on board with this road trip.

Aubree: (smile) I love road trips! I'll get my stuff ready.

Aubree rushes off while Y/n chuckles a little and find it cute to see Aubree getting all excited for this road trip. Soon he was ready to go and Aubree came back with her stuff and they pack them in and the two leap onto the bike with Aubree sat behind him with her goggles on.

Y/n: Ready?

Aubree: (smile) Ready as you are.

Y/n smile and out on his helmet and start up the engine and then speed off and left Sanctuary and head to Hollow point.  But we then cut to a mysterious person on top of the cliff looking through at his scope to see Y/n and he lower down his rifle and pull out a wanted poster of Y/n and see he got his target.

???: Gotcha.

He leap out of the hill and next thing we see was a buzzer with that same mystery person flying over the sky as he follows Y/n and Aubree to Hollow point to get his bounty and get his reward form his client that want Y/n killed.

To be continued................

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