Chapter 6
(Three Horns-Valley)
Within the open field next to a bandit camp at a fee distance. We see a few Skag's at their next. Some little Skag's are running about and some fighting while the older Skags are either sleeping or getting food as two Skag's drag a dead Bandit into the camp and they all dig in.
Within the distance on the edge of the cliff. We see Y/n, Zero and Aubree as Zero looks through his scope of his sniper rifle while Y/n kneel down next to him and asked.
Y/n: How many are they?
Zero: Six Skag in their camp./ Morr might come./ Should we advance while we can?
Y/n: Yeah maybe it's best before more will come.
Aubree: So why would Dr Zed want Skag for?
Y/n: No clue but it something to do with his experiments on fusion with other creatures.
Aubree: Is that even safe?
Y/n: Nope but at least Pandora will be mote interesting with a few fused creatures.
Aubree: Right. So we just kill them and take their bodies to Dr Zed?
Zero: Correct.
Y/n: Well, let's do this.
The three leap down of the cliff and into the tall grass and they sneaky walk towards the Skag's next. They walk very slowly and quietly so they won't alarm the rest of the Skag's.
They were close to their camp until Zero reach out his hand that made Y/n and Aubree stop dead in their tracks. Zero points at one huge skag on top of a rock looking around the field.
Y/n: (whisper) That must be the Alpha of their nest.
Aubree: (whisper) The Alpha? I never knew Skag's have leaders?
Y/n: (whisper) They surely do. They alert any Skag of introducer by howling on the top of their lungs and they kill any introducer that dares to come at their camp.
Aubree: (whisper) That's very interesting.
They watch as the Alpha Skag class down of the rock and rejoin his pack. They continue on and they finally have a clear shot at their next and Zero turn to Y/n and nods to him.
He nods back and he pulls out a Rubberized fire burst grenade and he throws it back and whispers before throwing it.
Y/n: (whisper) Time to start the party.
He chucks the grenade into the next and second later there was a huge fire like explosion follow by cries of Skag's getting burned before dieing.
The three came out of the tall grass ans see the Skag's are killed as they walk into their nest and check their bodies.
Y/n: Looks like a few bodies are intact. I think the little once either blown up into pieces or turn inot ashes.
Zero: Still Misson is complete./ We return back to Sanctuary./ get paid.
Y/n: Right, let's load these into the car and head off.
They each carry a Skag and drag them into their car and put them into the back. Aubree has a difficult time dragging one large Skag so Y/n walks up and picks up it's legs and said to Aubree.
Y/n: (smile) Don't worry, I got it's legs.
Aubree: (little blush) Th-Thanks.
Once they load the last Stak into the car, they hop into the car and drive off back to Sanctuary to get paid.
They drag a bag filled with Skag bodies and walk to Dr Zed's medical center to deliver the Skag's bodies to him. They open the door and they walk in to Zed doing his medical work with a patient.
(Dr Zed intro)
Aubree: Is he gonna be alright?
Dr Zed turn to see them as they walk up close to him. Dr Zed turns to them and response.
Dr Zed: Yeah just a stupid idiot try to eat Eridium so he can get some super powers.
Zero: A fool to think he'll have powers./ That must be embarrassed for him to do./ What an idiot.
Dr Zed: Yep. So how was that job yous did for me?
Y/n set the bag in front of Zed and he opens the bag to see the bodies.
Dr Zed: (smile) Nice. Sure they are a bit cooked but they will do.
Y/n: (smile) The job was simple.
Dr Zed: I can tell. Here, spend it well.
He hands the money to Zero, Y/n and Aubree and right after that, Callie came into the station and walks up to Dr Zed and said.
Callie: We have a patient that said he try to eat a fire element to get fire powers and....let's just say he needs a new stomach for it.
Dr Zed: (sigh) I'll be there. Mind the place while I gone.
Callie: Of course.
Dr Zed walks out of the medical center while Callie checks on the patient on the bed while Y/n asked.
Y/n: So how is work business with you two?
Callie: Good except a few people came here to either eaten something to get siren power's or inject their elements into their bodies.
Aubree: Why would anyone do that?
Callie: It's probably because ever since Eridium came a thing many years ago, they head od Sirens getting more powers from it and they think if their eat Eridium, they might get some.
Y/n: Lilith told us something about that back at Frostburn Canyon. She said it given her more and new powers like telepot and all else.
Callie turns and pulls out a drawer and pulls out Lilith's medical files and turns to them ans said.
Callie: That's correct. It appears Sirens and Eridium maybe connected to something just like Sirens are drawn to Pandora because of the vaults.
Zero: So Sirens can be drawn to this planet?/ How interesting./ Explain how is that possible?
Callie: Well, I'm not Tannis or anyone who is interested with all that stuff bit what I pulled out is that this planet maybe connected to a alien society long ago before they went exitent. Still who ever holds the mark of the siren then they will not only hold powers of the siren but being drawn to Pandora for a reason. Tannis have a theory that the first Sirens were alien's before they past down the powers to female humans for generations.
Y/n: That would have explain a lot.
Aubree: You said only female Sirens right? What about male Sirens?
Callie: That is impossible. Tannis believes that Sirens are sisters and no males have never have the tattoos of the siren or power of it.
Y/n: That is some theory.
Callie: Indeed. Say Y/n, were you injured by any chance during a job? Because I may heal you if you like.
Y/n: No thanks I'm alright. Well we better leave now, see you around Callie ans tell Zed we say thanks for the pay.
Callie: (giggle) I will.
The trio walk out while Callie wanna play doctor with Y/n one day but first, she have work to do.
(A short while later)
We see Y/n ans Aubree sat on a bench in the middle of Sanctuary and have a box of Moxxi's pizza in between them and Y/n takes a slice and eats it and same gose to Aubree.
Y/n: (smile) Ah now that's some good food right there.
Aubree: (smile) Yeah I never have Pizza for a long time.
Y/n: You never have pizza up in Helios?
Aubree: No. Only the more important people like Jack can have the delicious foods.
Y/n: That must of suck.
Aubree: Agree.
Aubree looks at Y/n to see him eating a pizza and she was wondering aboit his armor for a long time so she asked.
Aubree: Can I ask you something?
Y/n: Sure, what's in your mind?
Aubree: I've been wondering about your armor. I never seen that armor in my whole life. So....what is it and where did you get it?
There was slice between them and Y/n lend his head back to look at the sky for a minute before he turns to Aubree and said.
Y/n: I...Found it.
Aubree: You found it?
Y/n: Yep. I was just minding my own business when all of a sudden I found this hidden bunker and head down to explore. There were no Bandits or anyone creature down there so I figured no one hasn't found it. Then there it was, a suit fo armor waiting for me to put on and I did.
Aubree: So there was a bunker and you went in?
Y/n: Well I'm not gonna miss my opportunity to grab what ever is down there and luckily I did.
Aubree: (smile) Yeah guess that's true. Still have you ever found out who created the armor?
Y/n: No....I never did.
For some reason, Y/n voice was a bit low like something is troubling him which Aubree asked.
Aubree: You alright?
Y/n: Huh? Oh yeah I'm good I'm just....thinking that's all.
Aubree: Alright. Sorry if I ask too much questions.
Y/n: (smile) Don't worry aboit it. I don't mind people ask me questions about my armor. At least people will know how they are dealing with.
Aubree: (smile) Guess that's true.
Lilith: (echo radio) Y/n do you copy?
Y/n pulls out his echo pad and he respond.
Y/n: Here, what's up?
Lilith: (echo radio) Need you at the meeting room. We're planning our attack on the bloodShots camp and get Roland back.
Y/n: Copy that, I'll be there.
He hang up and turns to Aubree.
Y/n: Looks like we're gonna to attack the Bloodshot's camp.
Aubree" Can I join?
Y/n: You sure? It might be dangerous.
Aubree: (smirk) Don's worry. Thanks to a fee people on sanctuary I've learn how to shoot and plus, I can be a better more gunslinger then you.
Y/n smirks and allows her. The two head into the Crimson raiders base to discuss the plan.
Lilith along with Zero, Axton, Salvador, Maya, Kreig, Gaige, Y/n and Aubree gathered around the table and Lilith explains about the Bloodshot's camp.
Lilith: What I heard it is run by Flasksteak who has Roland at their camp which is a factory but it's heavily defended by Bloodshot Bandits. So, have we gotten any ideas how we might break in?
Salvador: (smirk) Simple. WE FIGHT ALL OF THEM!
Maya: Let's think it smart. There is gonna be a whole army for Bandits waiting for anyone who dares to attack it.
Axton: Yeah, I may like blasting Bandits and be all badass like but that's a suicide mission for me.
Gaige: What if was flood the whole camp?
Zero: That would kill Roland./ And hard for us to get to him./ And too wet.
Gaige: Oh, right.
Lilith: We don't have long before Hyperion will get Roland and be off with him. We need to think of a better idea.
Aubree: I think I may have one.
They all turn to Aubree and she said.
Aubree: What if we sneak in by using bandit clothes and armor to enter the base without alarming anyone in?
Lilith: Hmmm that sounds like a clever idea. Mind telling us more?
Aubree: Well what I can tell, Bandits are not as clever as any humans are. As long you are wearing what they are wearing then they won't attack. If we dress up as Bandits and have a bandit vehicle we might slide ourselves inside the camp and rescue Roland without anyone will ever notice he is there.
They all have a long thought about that plan until Y/n step up and said.
Y/n: (smile) I think it's a good idea. It's like we're invisible and we can sneak on in without anyone will ever notice.
Lilith: Hmm we never use that tactic before so, sure let's give it a shot.
Axton: (smile) I'm in.
Zero: Same.
Salvador: Guess I'll kill them for another time.
Aubree: (smile) Thanks.
Gaige: So how do we get Bandit clothe or better yet, Bloodshot once.
Lilith: I got that covered.
Then Lilith pulls out armors and clothes of Bloodshot and she said.
Lilith: As for vehicle I think I know someone that might have that. Go to the dust ans she'll help yous with that.
Y/n: Right.
(The Dust)
Y/n, Aubree, Gaige and Kreig drive through the sand of Dust and they arrive what appears to be a garage station as they drove inside through the gate and see a overnight women seeing one of the bandit in his vehicle aboiy ti be crushed.
(Ellies into)
They hop out of the car and they walk up to Ellie.
Y/n: (smile) Ellie it's been a while. How is things I the dust?
Ellie: (smile) Pretty good but glad to see you here. Scooter told me you join up with the Crimson raiders.
Y/n: (smile) That's right. Oh, these are my friends. Aubree, Gaige and Kreig.
Ellie: Huh so you must be Aubree right? The Hyperion that join the Crimson raiders?
Aubree: Yeah. They abandoned me so I join up the Crimson raiders to get pay back.
Ellie: I apologise for what they did to you. Don't worry about anything, your one of us.
Aubree: (smile) Thanks.
Ellie: So, Lilith told me you need a ride to enter the Bloodshot's camp.
Y/n: That's right. We hoping you might have one ready for us?
Ellie: (smile) Actually I got one right here.
They turn to where the bandit and his vehicle was crashed and realised that the vehicle is completely destroyed.
Y/n: Let me guess. That was our ride.
Ellie: Yep.
Ellie: Don't worry I can repair a new one. Yous can get some spare parts out of the dust and I can get use rolling.
Y/n: (smile) Cool, let's go team.
They nod and they enter back into the car and drive off to hunt down some vehicle parts.
Gaige: So we just need eight vehicle parts and that will be done.
Aubree: Do you think there will be bandit vehicles out here?
Y/n: Yep. Justa few second they gonna ram next to us and say-
Then just like that a bandit vehicle rams next to theirs and the driver yells out.
Bandit driver: Move out of thr Road or get killed! Hahahahahahah!
Y/n: See, just like that.
The Bandits on the side open fire at them which Aubree moves the vehicle to the right to dodge while Gaige, Kreig and Y/n fire their guns at then and kill off the Bandits. Y/n leaps onto the Bandits vehicle snd punch the driver on the back of his rifle and take out some parts before he leaps back onto their vehicle.
The bandit vehicle lose control and crashes into a house and blow up.
Gaige: (smile) That was awesome!
Y/n: (smile) Yep. Now seven to go.
Aubree: Right. Let's do this.
And so they track down bandit vehicles and attack them and take their parts out of it and they continue doing this until they have enough and head back to Ellie's place.
Once there they hand her the parts ans she gets to work repairing the bandit vehicle and soon it was done.
Ellie rolls up the vehicle out of the garage and leaps out of it and said.
Ellie: All done. Now they will never suspect a thing.
Y/n: (smile) Agree. Time to put this plan into play.
(Three Horns-Valley)
We Zero waiting for them to be done with getting chance into their bandit clothes and soon Y/n was the first to exit out. He wears shoulder armor along with mask and shorts as he asked Zero.
Y/n: (smile) So, what do you think?
Zero: Like a killer that wants to kill anyone in site.
Y/n: (smile) Nice. You know, to duty and crazy Bandits, this is actually comfortable to me.
Axton: Seriously, this is sinking as fuck.
Then Axton and Salvador came out also wearing bandit clothes as well and Kreig came out with just a difficult mask.
Salvador: I smell like Skag have sex with a drunk and ugly female skag.
Axton: Yeah and how come Kreig just wearing a different mask.
Y/n: Surprisingly he blends in very well as a bandit since he's kinda one.
Then Maya, Aubree and Gaige came out wearing their female bandit clothes.
Aubree: (little blush) Th-This is really embarrassing.
Gaige: (little blush) A-Agree.
Maya: (smirk) I don't know. I think this is pretty good on me.
Axton: And can I ask why Zero is not among us?
Y/n: We need him to keep watch on what's going on outside and alert us if they found out. Either that or he refuse to dress up as a bandit.
Zero: It is not because I don't wanna dress up as one./ I find it easy of being watch./ And blend into the shadows.
Axton: Sure, what ever it makes you feel comfortable.
Y/n: Well let's do this. Get into the vehicles.
They all hop into the bandit vehicle except for Zero who turns invisible and give them cover ad they drive off.
They drive up slowly in front of the Bloodshot's camp and stop at the gates. Y/n honk the horn to give their attention.
Flashsteak: (speakers) What do you want?
Y/n: We are back from our raid on a nearby camp and we have return.
Flasksteak: (speakers) Raid?
They were worried that they messed up and have to go with plan B. But then he said.
Flashsteak: (speakers) Ooohh I remember now. Yes I did sent yous there to attack that camp. Hey, open the gates.
The gates drawn down and once down they drive on in and they were being watch by Bandits before they part their vehicle and hop off.
Y/n lead the group to the main entrance of the Bloodshot's camp and stop as a long bridge slowly came down and lands onto the ground and they walk over it.
Zero: (echo radio) Everything is all clear.
Y/n: (whisper) Understood. We see you once we're out.
Soon they enter the Bloodshot's stronghold as the long bridge closes snd they are in.
(Bloodshot's stronghold)
There was laughter and cries echoing without the halls and they walk through the doors ans see Bandits running about and doing other stuff.
They walk through them and try to blend in while Aubree see Bandits playing illegal games and a few bodies onto the ground which she was horrified but breaths in and stay calm and they continue on.
They walk through the base walking pass many Bandits and none hasn't stop them or notice off by them meaning the plan is working.
Axton: (whisper) Looks like this is working.
Maya: (whisper) Agree. How long until we get to Roland cell?
Y/n: (Whisper) Not long. Common, let's keep moving.
They continue on and they stumbled to a large room with a whirlpool in the middle of it. They walk around it and calm up to the second floor and reach to another gate.
Before Y/n could open it, the gate swing open and large bandit holding a rocket launcher looks at him and his friends before walking pass them with a puff.
Y/n breath a sigh of relief and they continue on. They were alsmot to Roland cell and just as they turn a corner, they were blocked by Flasksteak which he sees them ans said.
Flashsteak: Ah there you are. I thought I have to come down and meet you myself but I guess you came right to me huh. So, mind me and you chat?
Y/n: Um, sure boss.
Flashsteak: Great.
Flashsteak walks off with Y/n following him and he signal the rest to keep moving and they did. They hope Y/n will be alright as they continue on to rescue Roland.
Flashsteak enter his office first and Y/n came in second and shuts the door and looks around the room. The room was filled with trophies of either creatures or Bandits that Flasksteak killed.
Although this isn't new to him since he sees something like this before so this hasn't bothered him.
Flashsteak: Sit down. I wanna know how your raid was.
Y/n sat down across from him and said.
Y/n: The raid was great. Although they destroyed their supplies before we have a change but we painted their camp with their blood.
Flashsteak: Now that's I wanna see. This is getting good as we suspected. Not only we captured one of thr Crimson raiders leaders who is a vault hunter but Hyperion is gonna pay us if we hand him to them.
Y/n: Any calls from them?
Flashsteak: Tried but their aren't responding to my pay. I'm sure they pick up.
Y/n: Well you think they might just trick us and just get Roland in a different way? I mean, what I heard aboit these guys is that they aren't that kind to Bandits in this planet?
Flashsteak glares at Y/n and Y/n thinks he might be in trouble but Flashsteak stood up and said.
Flashsteak: Hmm, you may have a point there. But can't hurt to try. You know, I like you. Unlike some bandit like are group of them that serve this Marcus guy but your different. I think we get along quiet well together.
Y/n: Agree.
Flashsteak: Except one thing.
He then point his pistol at the back of Y/n's head follow by him saying.
Flashsteak: I know I didn't sent any raid on a camp. And I know you and your friends down there aren't my Bandits.
Y/n smirks ans stood up and turn to Flashsteak ans took off his mask and said.
Y/n: (smirk) You got me.
Flashsteak: You know. I would have just kill you and your friends and that would be fun. But, you and your friends are Vault hunters so we get even motr money if we take yous in.
Y/n: Do you think that Hyperion will agree to your offer. I know they are like and they will turn against you and just have us without pay.
Flashsteak: (smirk) Ha! Like I ever gonna believe you.
Y/n: It's the truth. Their just gonna come here ans kill you and your men and take Roland.
Flashsteak: How's aboit you wait here until I call up Hyperion snd they will-
Then suddenly there was shake follow by an explosion follow by gunfire.
Flashsteak: (shocked) What the hell!
Y/n: (smirk) I told you so.
Flashsteak: Shut up! This is what your doing! You son of a-
Then suddenly the door blows up and they turn to see a Hyperion Loader bot enter the room. Flashsteak smirks ans walks up to the bot.
Flashsteak: Hey Jack! Not only I got Roland for you but I got his Vault hunters as well. How aboit it?
Hyperion Loader bot: No.
Then the Loader bot fires at Flashsteak ans kills him. His body fell onto the ground and the Loader turns to Y/n ans aims its weapons at him.
Y/n pulls out his Apt vemon and fires at the Loader bot and the Loader bot fell backwards and was offline.
Y/n: Well you shouldn't have listened to me you idiot.
Zero: (echo radio) I'm seeing explosions./ within the camp./ What's happening?
Y/n: Seems like Hyperion is attacking the camp and possibly gonna get Roland. I'm gonna rejoin with the rest and get Roland out of here.
Zero: (echo radio) Copy that.
Then he rush out of Flashsteak office to rejoin with the rest and get Roland of the Bloodshot's camp before Hyperion will get to him first.
To be continued.............
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