Chapter 5
We see Y/n walking to a bar which is run by Moxxi who was viewed as a sexxy girl and bar owner within Pandora.
He walks inside and looks around and sees Axton trying to flirt with Moxxi and asking her out. Y/n shake his head while he walks over to him and overhears their conversation.
Axton: (smirk) So your single huh? That must get alony girl like you.
Moxxi: (smirk) Oh please super I can handle myself, have something that might interest me?
Axton: (smirk) Oh I have a few things in mind if you know what I mean. (Chuckle)
Y/n: So I see your getting along with a fee people in Sanctuary.
Axton startled back in surprise to hear Y/n voise which he wasn't suspected it. Moxxi giggles while Y/n sat down next to him and said to Moxxi.
Y/n: Give us two bears please Moxxi.
Moxxi: (smirk) You got it sugar.
Then she walks off to get their drinks while Axton turns to Y/n and asked.
Axton: Why did you do that?
Y/n: Do what?
Axton: Ruin my shot at her. I can tell we were getting along quiet well.
Y/n: Well I apologise for that but we have an important mission.
Axton: And what kind a mission?
Y/n please down a echo recorder and plays the message sent by the firehawk. After it ends Y/n explans.
Y/n: Seems like they firehawk has kept Roland there and it looks like we have to rescue him.
Axton: How did he manage to get captured?
Y/n: No clue but he's at their base which is Frostburn Canyon.
Axton: And what's that?
Moxxi came back with their drinks and place them on the table in front of them. Y/n takes one and drinks it.
Y/n: Thanks Moxxi.
Moxxi smiles ans winks him before she left and Y/n explains ti Axton while he take a sip of his beer.
Y/n: Basically it's where these bandits that serve the firehawk as a goddess. No clue where she came from but some say she was once killed as a normal human and then rose like a Phenoix and become a goddess to them.
Axton: Sounds neat. Any ideas who this beautiful goddess name might be so I come over and show her my flames?
Y/n: No one knows and those who asked will be burned into ashes.
Axton: She sounds deadly.......but who I'm I kidding, I like deadly women.
Y/n: So you in?
Axton: (smile) Sure this is gonna be fun.
Y/n: (smile) Right. This is only a rescue mission so it's best we bring one more and then we be all set.
Axton: But who'll join us?
Y/n: (smile) Why not ask him.
Axton was confused until a hand touch his shoulder which scare the living shit out of him and jump forward and turn to see Zero.
Axton: Jesus man you really are sneaky.
Zero: I heard your going to rescue Roland./ Also heard that you need one more to join you./ Shall I join yous?
Y/n: (smile) Sure we need a stealthy ninja on our side after all.
Zero: :)
Y/n take a drink of his glass until it was empty and pays the bears ans also gives her a tip as they walk out while Moxxi says to Y/n.
Moxxi: (smirk) Thanks sugar, maybe you'll stop by and we may talk a little more about each other. I'll wanna know what's underneath the armor.
Axton feels jealous how Moxxi is know flirting with Y/n and not him. Still they exit out of Sanctuary and head off to Frostburn Canyon to rescue Roland and confront the Firehawk.
(Frostburn Canyon)
They exit out of the tunnel and stand at Frostburn Canyon which looked to be just like a normal bandit camp then the rest to Axton.
They slowly walk through and look around while Axton asked Y/n.
Axton: Hey I thought you say they serve the firehawk and they like fire to please this goddess?
Y/n: They do. They try everything they could to please her by doing sacrifices and other stuff to please her.
Axton: And those involved fire and burning them alive?
Y/n: Yep.
Zero: The air is cold./ But Bandits are warm and fired up with violence./ what salvages.
Then they hear gunfire and they hide and they see the firehawks Bandits fighting against someone while they pull back.
Then Bloodshot Bandits run by ans fire at the retreating firehawk Bandits which surprised Y/n to see Bloodshot's Bandits here as they came out of hidding.
Y/n: (surprised) Why the hell are they here?
Axton: Ok so I'm lost here. Who were they?
Y/n: Those are Bloodshot, they are one of the tough Bandits around and have this massive camp like base at Three Horns-Valley. But why are they here?
Axton: If I have to guess, it must have to do with Roland.
Zero: Agree./ Hyperion afford a lot of money to capture the leaders of the Crimson raiders./ And I mean a lot.
Y/n: Well I guess we need to act fast and get to Roland before they do.
Axton: (smirk) Then let's beat some butts.
Y/n nods with a smirk and pulls out his Vlador Assault rifle ane they follow where the Bloodshot Bandits chase after the firehawk Bandits.
They walk down a small hill and stop when they stumbled upon what appears to be a massacre done by the Bloodshot Bandits.
Axton and Zero look at the loot while Y/n walks up to a cave and hear echoing of gun fire and screams of Bandits in there.
Axton: So I guess we go that way then.
Then Axton and Zero join up with Y/n and Y/n says with a shrugged.
Y/n: Guess so. We don't know what we could be walking into so let's get ready for an ambush.
Axton and Zero lock and load their weapons and once that they enter the cave as they were ready for what it comes at them.
We see Aubree outside of Sanctuary and taking a few shots of her pistol and shooting out a few empty cans while Claptrap was with her as she dose it.
She lower her pistol and turn to Claptrap.
Aubree: did I go?
Claptrap: Ok I'm gonna say this so you won't be upset. Your aim......was terrible.
Aubree: Well thanks Claptrap.
Claptrap: No problem.
Gaige walks over to Aubree and Claptrap and once walk up to them she asked Aubree.
Gaige: Hey Aubree, mind if we can talk?
Aubree: (smile) Sure is there a problem?
Gaige: Oh no just wanna ask you something that has been bothering me.
Aubree: (smile) Sure.
Claptrap: Guess I'll leave then. Besides, I think Hammerlock want to talk to me. Bro to bro.
Claptrap rolls away. Gaige sat down on a crate next to Aubree and asked.
Gaige: So how long have you and Y/n been together. You is he your partner or more?
Aubree: Oh well surprisingly we met before we met yous.
Gaige: (surprised) Really? So he met you short before yous met us?
Aubree: Yeah, at first I didn't know to trust him since Pandora is a dangerous planet filled with Bandits and physios. But......when he offered to protect me ans treat me like a normal person would I suddenly gang his trust and believed him.
Gaige: (smile) Yeah hebis very cool and I'm surprised he is maybe the only person who is normal here. My dad told me how people in Pandora are crazy nut jobs that wanna eat you and your family. But when he healed me ans patch me up, I suddenly realised that nit everyone is dangerous in here, rather their kind and wanna help like Y/n.
Aubree: (smile) Yeah. So Gaige, why did you decide to come to Pandora?
Gaige: yeah it's kinda a long story but let's just say. One bad science contest that turn into a horrible, bloody and nasty mess in the classroom.
Gaige: (nervous chuckle) Yeah.
There was an awkward silence for a short while until Gaige asked.
Gaige: So......what do you think Y/n is up to?
Aubree: I think he is away to rescue Roland from those Firehawk cultures with Axton and Zero.
Gaige: Huh, hope they be alright.
Aubree: (smile) I'm sure they be fine.
The three leap behind cover before flames fly over them and then disappear. We see a flamethrower bandit including a few firehawk Bandits with fire element weapons on them as they shoot at their cover.
Axton see a bit of fire on his shirt and take it out with his hand and once the fire is out he said to Y/n.
Axton: Yep you were right. They do like fire ans they sure as hell like to set people up on fire.
Y/n: Yeah. You should check out other bandit camps that have other elements. They are a pain in the nuts if you challenge them.
Axton: I'll keep that in mind.
Then a fire bullet nearly hits Axton in the head and Y/n says.
Y/n: Ok take down that canister at that flamethrowers back. That will explod a few Bandits.
Axton nods and peek out of cover ans fire a single round and hits the canister at the flamethrowers back and he exploded along with some of the Bandits.
They leap out of cover and take out what rest of the firehawks Bandits. Once they were taking out they head up the steps and exit out of the cave through the other side.
Then a large badass bandit leaps out and block their way and swings his large axe at them.
They leap back and fire their rounds at the badass bandit. Zero took out his sword and dashes towards the badass bandit and dodges his swings and leaps up into the air and slices the Bandits head off.
The badass bandit fell backwards and slams onto the ground while his head splat onto the ground as well.
Y/n: (smile) It's a good thing we brought Zero along.
Axton: (smirk) Yeah he's cool but watch this.
Another badass Bandits leap down and charge at them. Axton throws his turret in frontnof him and his turret fires a rocket and blows up the bandit inot pieces.
Y/n: Nice but I prefer using my boft rather a sentry gun.
Axton: I don't care what you say. Just as long I have my baby with me, we be unstoppable.
Y/n: Alright. Now let's move that Sentry and get going.
Axton rolled his eyes while he packs his turret and they keep moving. They encounter a few Spiderants blocking their way but they easily take them out by aiming at the back or in their case, their ass.
They walk down a hill ans stumbled apon a large camp with another tunnel that will lead them to the firehawk herself.
They also see another massacre done by the Bloodshots and realised they must be already at the firehawks base right now.
Axton: Jesus these Bloodshot know how to kill.
Zero: Their blood is everywhere./ From the walls to thr floor./ They did a nice job.
Y/n: Looks like they don't want any survivors so they won't stop them from getting Roland.
Axton: Well let's hurry before it's too late.
Y/n: Right, let's go.
They rush into the cave and without a second nearly gotten burnt by flames coming out of the pipes sticking out of the wall.
Axton: (surprised) Jesus! What the hell was that?!
Zero: Traps./ Set up by the firehawk to keep anyone out./ clever move.
Y/n: Yeah this firehawk goddess must be very smart. Still let's hurry.
They rush off through the tunnel while dodging the in coming flames sticking out at much everywhere that the firehawk has placed around to burn anyone whi dare to enter her nest.
Soon they manage to enter what it appear to be a command center. Before they can step one foot onto the platform, two badass Bandits came out and fire their shot guns at them.
They quickly take cover as the bullets fly by and Axton asked.
Axton: So now what?
Y/n: Well looks like we gonna kill them first. Yous ready?
They nod while holding out their weapons and so dose Y/n and he says.
Y/n: Alright....three....two....on-
(Lilith intro)
The three were surprised to see the firehawk......or who ever this women is before Y/n was surprised and said.
Y/n: (surprised) Lilith?!
Axton: Wait you know her?
Y/n: (surprised) She used to be the leader of the Crimson Raiders before New Haven was destroyed. But.....she died during the fall or new haven so how is she-?
Then she fell to her knees so the three rush over to to and she looks in at them and said.
Lilith: (smirk) Nice to see new Vault hunters here. Welcome, sorry about the mess. Things have been busy when those Bloodshot's show up. Heyz can you lend me a hand?
Y/n was the first one and help her up. Lilith felt his warm hand and she looks up to see his helmet which surprised her and asked.
Lilith: (surprised) Huh never seen that type of armor. What's with it kid?
Y/n took off his helmet to show his face to her and said.
Y/n: Names Y/n L/n and I'm a bounty hunter helping the Crimson raiders. These two are the vault hunters.
Lilith: (smirk) Awesome.
Y/n: Lilith I heard a lot about you and I must it is an honour meeting you in person. I'm even surprised that your nit dead, how?
Lilith: Oh it's a long story but let me explain.
They listen in and Lilith explains.
Lilith: After Handsome Jack along with his troops lead by Wilhelm destroyed New Haven. They assume I died bit in reality I fake my death. I hide here and take the identity as the Firehawk so Hyperion won't try to track me down. Either that or so the Bloodshots won't attack Sanctuary and kill everyone there.
Axton: Guess that explains a lot. But why kidnapping Roland?
Lilith: My bandit capture him and I keep him here so they won't burn him alive. Then those Bloodshot's came in and took him.
Zero: So we're too late.
Lilith: Yeah but don't blame yourself, this ain't over. We gonna get him back.
Y/n: Agree, so where do you think they have taken him?
Lilith walks over to one of the computers ans type something in ans the screen change to Bloodshot's camp at Three Horns-Valley as Lilith says.
Lilith: That's where they are taking Roland.
Y/n: Crap, I knew they have to take him there.
Axton: What's so bad about it? We can just break in, grab Roland, get out. Simple right?
Y/n: No. Their tough and they have this strict rule to never let any Crimson Raiders in. They know their vehicles so driving in front of their gates will end with us dieing by gun fire.
Lilith: (smirk) Whoa you show to know your stuff Y/n.
Y/n: (smirk) What can I say, I know Pandora more then anyone else.
Lilith: (smirk) I see.
Lilith finds Y/n cute and pretty intelligent when it comes to situations like this. Then Lilith feels weak and asked.
Lilith: Hey...can one of yous hand my a chunk of Eridium for me?
Lilith points at a safe ans Axton walks over and opens the safe and pulls out a chunk of Eridium and tossed it towards Lilith.
Lilith caxthes it and her Siren tattoo start ti glow including her body that glows up purple before it died down leaving the trio surprised as Lilith explains.
Lilith: Yeah. Ever seen Eridium came out of the ground my Siren powers have gotten....pretty badass.
Y/n: (surprised) I'll say.
Then the pipes exploded and Bloodshot Bandits came out yelling and charging at them.
Zero: Incoming Bandits!
Axton: Yeah I see that!
Lilith: (smirk) Looks like the fun is about to begin. Let's see what yous can do.
Lilith disappear and reappear in the middle of the Bloodshot Bandits followed by a huge booming blast that sent him flying. Axton throws out his turret and rain hell of the Bloodshot Bandits.
Zero swing his sword at them and slicing a few Bloodshot Bandits up and then firing his pistol at them. Y/n was firing his Vlador Assault rifle at the Bloodshot Bandits and quickly switch ti his Rustler's Brphan Maker and kill a lot of Bloodshot Bandits.
He turn to see one Bandit was about to fire at Lilith from behind but he rush over and got in frontnog the bandit rang ane fires his shotgun at him and blowing his head off.
Lilith: (smirk) Nice shot killer. You do this more often?
Y/n: often Lilith? It's like Monday morning when I'm ready for school but instead I'm ready to blow some Bandits up.
Lilith nods with a smirk and fires her SMG as all four take out as much Bloodshot Bandits as they can and soon they were all taken out and the room was clear from Bloodshot Bandits.
They all regroup and Lilith sigh and said to Y/n, Axton ans Zero.
Lilith: (smirk) Yous are pretty good killrrs. Luckily your not their side or Hyperion's side.
Axton: (smirk) Why would we? They are dicks, Hyperion are dicks, basically...everyone who wants to kill us are dicks.
Lilith: I understand why.
Zero: So what is our plan?/ How can we save Roland from the Bloodshots?/ Are we gonna try use stealth?
Lilith: No clue but I'll think of something once we're back at Sanctuary.
Y/n: Your not worried that Hyperion might know your alive?
Lilith: A little but without Roland to lead the Crimson Raiders then who will? Anyways I'll teleport yous back to Sanctuary and we can take a short break before we plan out our attack.
Y/n: (surprised) You can do that?
Lilith: (smirk) Yep, it's one of my new Siren powers that I've unlocked.
Y/n: Bet Maya will probably get some similar new powers I'd she touches any Eridium laying around.
Lilith: Maya? Is she a Siren too?
Y/n: Yeah and the rest are back at Sanctuary if you wanna meet them?
Lilith: (smile) Sure it be great to see another Siren in our team.
Y/n: (smile) Awesome.
Lilith: gose nothing.
She snap her fingers and a flash of light appears before it vanished and Lilith, Zero, Axton and Y/n are gone from the command center and returning back to Sanctuary with Lilith backing them up on a mission to save Roland from the Bloodshots.
To be continued..........
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