Chapter 4
(Three Horns-Divide)
We see Claptraps ship at the ice shores and it seems that he made a "Perfect" parking to his ship. Y/n, Aubree and the vault hunters onto the ice floors to see a bridge in the distance. Maya crackle her neck as she asked.
Maya: Jesus that crash was rough. Is everyone alright?
Y/n: Seems like it.
Gaige: What about Claptrap?
Y/n: Let's see. Yo Claptrap, you alright!
Claptrap: (speakers) Yep I'm alright! I'll be here repairing the ship. Head to Sanctuary and tell them how badass I was.
Y/n: Yep he's fine.
Axton: So guess we head to Sanctuary then?
Y/n: Yep, let's go.
They walk through the snowy and cold winds as they look up to see two Crimson raiders vehicles drive through the bridge with on road them firing a rocket that destroyed the bridge.
They all step back when the bridge collapse above them and look back up to see two bandit vehicles fly over the destroyed bridge and made it to the other side and chase after the two Crimson raider vehicles.
Aubree: So I guessing Southern shelf is not the only location with bandits around.
Y/n: Nope there will be bandits everywhere you look and they will kill you if you look at them funny.
Salvador: (smirk) Yep, better get used to it.
Aubree nods and they continue on. Bullymong's try to jump at them but they take them out with no problem. Soon they claim up a hill and see a Scooter's Catch-a-ride Station as they walk over to it and Y/n press in a few buttons while Aubree asked.
Aubree: I never seen this kind a machine before?
Y/n: This is Scooter's Catch-a-Ride Stations. This is one of many stations Scooter left out so people within Pandora can transport one vehicle to another.
Aubree: (surprised) That's really interesting.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah, Scooter and I are bestes when I first met him and he offered to put my own vehicle into this system.
Axton: Your own vehicle?
Y/n: Yeah and here it is.
He press the last button and Y/n's bike appear in front of everyone which shocked not only Aubree become how the system works but the rest because of his bike as Y/n hops on and turns to then.
Y/n: Well, what do you think?
Maya: (smirk) Me like this badass bike.
Axton: Pff he's just showing off.
Kreig runs over to the Catch-a-ride and press a button but it turn red and voice of Scooter spoke.
Scooter: (Catch-a-ride recording) Whoa unauthorised user up in my grill! You trying to hack my Catch-a-riiiiide? Uncool bro. Uncoooooool.
Y/n: What's happening?
Maya: Seem like it's not letting us summon our rides?
Zero: Is it broken?/ Someone needs to fix it./ We didn't break it.
Y/n hops out of his bike and walks over to the Catch-a-ride system and looks at it and said.
Y/n: Looks like yous aren't listed as Pandora's residence yet.
Maya: So how can we summon our vehicles?
Aubree: Let me see.
Aubree bend down next to Y/n and have a look at it and opens a panel and mess around a few wires and after a while she close the panel and press a button and it lights it green.
Scooter: (Catch-a-ride recording) Authaized user accepted. Enjoy the ride and there is a pimento taco-- a "Pimentaco" in the grave box.
Y/n: (smile) Nice job Aubree, keep this up and you'll be known as the hacker at Pandora in no time.
Aubree smiles with her blushing a bit and the vault hunters managed to summon their own vehicles and they hop on. Y/n hops on his bike with Aubree hop behind him and once that was set they ride off.
They leap through the bridge and crash to the other side and drive through a cave which is filled will Bullymongs as they try to avoid so they won't have their vehicles flipped.
They exit out of the cave and drive through a icy roads and soon reach get the gates of Sanctuary were they see a bandit slaming his fist the gates while yelling.
Bandit: Let us in! We only wanna kill yous!
Y/n fired a shot at the bandit through the head and he fell onto the ground. They walk up to a holopad and Y/n press a button and a small hologram of a crimson raider appears.
Crimson Raider trooper : (hologram) Your never gonna get in you bandit scum.
Y/n: Don't worry, that guy won't be slaming your front door since he's dead.
Crimson Raider trooper: (Hologram) Oh my apologies but wait, yous are the vault hunters right?
Y/n: Eh they are, I'm here to join.
Crimson raider trooper: (hologram): Right. Let me get Roland on the line.
Aubree: Who's Roland?
Y/n: What i heard, he's the commander of the crimson raider and leader of them. I also heard that he is among the vault hunters who destroyed the destroyer.
Gaige: You show know about the previous Vault hunters.
Y/n: (smirk) Well if you live in Pandora, you get a few news rounds about what happens within Pandora.
Roland: (echo coms) Ah so yous are the vault hunters that managed to survive jacks trap.
Y/n: Yep and I was the one to help them. Names Y/n and this is my friend Aubree.
Aubree: (smile) Hi.
Roland: (echo coms) Glad for that. Listen I know yous are tired but we need your help. My men was trying to steal a shield battery from those bandits when they gotten attack and I lost contact. If you find them and get our shield battery back, this will help us keep Sanctuary safe.
Y/n: Understood.
After Reload cut off, Y/n turns to everyone.
Maya: (smirk) Seems like a simple job.
Y/n: Agree. So shall we find this shield battery?
Salvador: (smirk) I'm ready.
Zero: Same here.
Gaige: (smirk) Let's do this!
Y/n: (smile) Alright, let's start by seeing what that smoke is about.
He points and they turn to see smoke in the distance and they hope into their vehicles and ride off to follow the smoke. Soon they arrive and leap out of their vehicles to see what's left of the crimson Raider's vehicle which is up in flames.
Salvador: Seems like their all dead.
Zero: I don't think so.
They to Zero and see snow tracks and it appears that one crimson raider soldier was dragged away.
Y/n: Alright, Salvador, Maya, Kreig and Aubree, yous stay here and mind our vehicles. Zero, Axton, Gagie and I will find this missing soldier and bring him and the battery back.
Maya: Alright, be safe.
Y/n: Sams to yous.
So Y/n, Zero, Azton and Gagie follow the tracks to see what they will lead them while the rest stay behind and guard their vehicles.
Soon they walk up a hill and they hear noises right around the corner and once they turn the corner they see bandits beaten up a crimson raider soldier to death. Y/n, Zero and Axton open fire their rifles and taking the bandits out.
Once they were killed they walk over to the injured soldier and Y/n bend down to him.
Y/n: You alright, we're here to help.
Ressis: Vault hunters, thank god for that. But those (coughing) those bandits took the shield battery and take it to a nearby camp not far from here.
Axton: You gonna make it man?
Ressis: N-No I don't think I'm (coughing) I'm not gonna make it. Just get that battery from those bandits. I'm just.....gonna take a nap here.....wake me when I'm off of Pandora.
Then he dies which Y/n felt bad for the lost of a crimson raider soldier and stood up and turn to Zero, Axton and Gaige and said.
Y/n: Let's get that shield battery back.
We see Maya an dthe rest sitting around and waiting for their return. Kreig was slicing up Bullymongs to pass the time and Salvador join him on the fun.
Maya and Aubree were sitting on top of the vehicles when Maya asked.
Maya: So Aubree, do you find Y/n attractive to you?
Aubree: (blush) Huh?!
Maya: (smirk) Come on Aubree I know you have a thing with him. After all he was the one who saved you when yous first met.
Aubree: (little blush) Th-that is true, he was the one who saved me and help me darling with the betrayal that Jack did and shows to be nice and cute as well.
Maya: (smirk) Yeah, I think he is cute as well. Not to mention he is badass as well and knows a lot about Pandora before I came.
Aubree: Oh so where do you came from before you came here?
Maya: I was from this boring planet called Athenas and let me tell you Athenas is boring and annoying if your a siren. My parents sold me to these cult and they viewed me as this guardian protector of Athenas.
Aubree: That doesn't sounds bad.
Maya: Well at first until i found out why they needed me and I chose to leave and find my origins of my siren powers.
Aubree: I heard of sirens before but never know what they are.
Maya: Well Sirens are these female with marks all over their arms and can use badass siren powers like my phase lock ability. We don't actually know where these siren powers come from but for some reason Pandora may hold something for this ability.
Aubree: Well I wish you good luck on that.
Maya: (smile) Thanks Aubree.
Aubree smiles and they look over to see Y/n and the rest returned with a shield battery on Y/n's hand as Salvador and Kreig walks back and Y/n said.
Y/n: (smile) Well let's head back and return this to them.
They nod and they hop into their vehicles and they drive back to the gates so they will let them in to Sanctuary.
The gate closes behind them and they drive through a bridge and they reach to the front of the main Sanctuary gate and they stop their vehicles and hop off and see how big it is.
A crimson raider Sargent walks over to them and said.
Crimson raider Sargent: Nicely done. Glad we have the shield battery safe and sound.
Y/n hands it to the Sargent and also says.
Y/n: One of your men named Ressis.....didn't make it.
Crimson Raider Sargent: Damn, he was the first crimson raider to join Roland. Well, his sacrifice will not be forgotten. Head to the gates and I have my men open up for yous.
The Sargent walks off and Y/n and the vault hunters walks over to the gate and the crimson raider soldier pushes a button and the gate opens.
Once fully open they step inside and they see Sanctuary in front of them and it was pretty nice unlike other camps or towns Y/n or the rest have been in Pandora.
Y/n: (smirk) I might like this place.
Maya: (smile) So now what?
Y/n: Well gonna go and see Scooter for a while and see how is things with him.
Aubree: Is it alright I go with you as well?
Y/n: (smile) Sure, let's go.
Aubree smiles and they head off while the rest heads off to do their own thing as Y/n and Aubree walks up to Scooter's garage doors and Y/n says to Aubree.
Y/n: Scooter is a nice repair man and he was the one who repair my bike when I first got it. We hang out a lot and lost contact after a while but I'm sure it be great to see him again.
Aubree: (smile) Yeah it will be nice to see your old friend again.
Y/n: (smile) Yep, now let's enter.
Y/n open the garage doors and see Scooter there working on some vehicles when Y/n calls out.
Y/n: Yo Scooter, it's been a while hasn't it.
Scooter hits his head on the car hood and stumble back and turns to Y/n and Aubree while he pulls his goggles out of his eyes and onto his head and sees Y/n properly.
Scooter: (surprised) Well blow my engines and catch me a ride! Is that you Y/n?
Y/n: (Took off his helmet) Yep man, it's your boy right here!
Scooter drop his scrowdriver and rushes over to him and said.
Scooter: (smile) Oh man it has been a while since we last met. How is things?
Y/n: (smile) Pretty good man, how is things with you?
Scooter: (smile) Just the usual. Trying to fix peoples Catch-a-ride's and trying to get them working.
Y/n: (smile) Well glad for that.
Scooter: Oh hold the phone a minute, who's the girl?
Aubree: (smile) Hi, names Aubree and it's nice to meet you Scooter.
Scooter noticed she is Hyperion due to her clothes which was messy but Scooter sees this and asked Y/n.
Scooter: Hey, can we...have a private conversation somewhere else that does not involve your lady friend?
Y/n: (smile) Sure.
Scooter and Y/n walk off far enough so Aubree can't hear them and Scooter clap his hands towards and said in a calm voice.
Scooter: Y/n, my man, my bro best wingman in the whole world. I'm gonna say this in a calm way so you or your lady friend there won't be upset.
Y/n: Sure what ever it is then shoot it out.
Scooter: Ok....(clear throat).......ARE YOUR NUTS BRINIHG A HYPERION STAFF HERE?!
Y/n: (thought) Yep, I knew he'll react that way.
Y/n: Look I know your maybe upset that I brought her here but let me explain on why she is here.
Scooter: And that is?
Y/n: She was betrayed by Jack and thrown to a bandit camp that she was nearly killed if it wasn't for me. I know she maybe a Hyperion member but trust me, she'll do much help to us then to them.
Scooter: And you sure she won't turn on us.
Y/n place a hand at Scooter's shoulder and then said.
Y/n: Scooter, my man, my bro, my bestes repair man in the world. Would I ever lie to you about anything.
Scooter was silent for a minute as he turns to Aubree and doesn't see her as bad as other Hyperion staff and turn back to Y/n and said.
Scooter: Alright I trust you because your my best friend and all.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks, trsu me, she won't disappoint you.
Scooter nods and they return back to Aubree and once there Scooter says.
Scooter: (smile) Welcome to Sanctuary Aubree. As you may know my name is Scooter the vehicles repair guy and I'll help you repair any vehicle in any location.
Aubree: (smile) Thanks. So can you tell me more about Sanctuary?
Scooter: (smile) Of course. This was founded by Roland and his team after they destroyed the last of what's left of Atlas within Pandora and they found this old Dual mining drilling like city called "Sanctuary" so they used that as not only a base for the crimson raider but as a city for all those who wants to seek shelter by Hyperion.
Aubree: (surprised) Whoa that is cool!
Y/n: So Where is Roland?
Scooter: He's away on a mission but he told us of he ever gotten captured then we need to take this thing in the air.
Aubree: (surprised) It can fly!
Scooter: That's right. However, there is a problem with the engines and we need Roland to help us with it.
Y/n: Maybe Aubree can help. She is very good with anything that is technical.
Aubree: (smile) Yeah maybe I can help.
Scooter: Alright. We need three power cores so we can test it. I have the two here but the third one is at Crazy Earl's place.
Y/n: Why his place?
Scooter: No clue but you can get it if you give him some eridium.
Aubree: Why Eridium?
Scooter: He said that cash is for clown but I'm sure he'll give you some.
Y/n: (smile) Alright, let's get to work.
Scooter walks off and comes back with the two power vores and hands the two power cores to them and they head out and enter the middle of down and plug the power cores in.
Once that Aubree walks over to a large metal door were Earl is and she knocks at the door and a small slide opens up to reveal Earls eyes as he asked.
Earl: What do you want?
Aubree: I'm here for the power cores. I have some Eridium you can have.
Earl: Hand me them and get out!
She hands him the Eridium and once Earl has them he tossed the power core to Aubree which she catches and Earl shuts the sliding door while Y/n walks over and asked.
Y/n: You alright?
Aubree: Yeah. He seems pretty rude.
Y/n: Yeah but you'll get used to it. Common, let's slide that bugger in and let's see this bird fly.
Aubree nods and they walk back to the middle of town and then she slide the last Power core in and they step back.
Y/n: Scooter you ready at your end?
Scooter: (echo coms) Yep now let's see this bird can fly!
There was a shake and a the tower with the word "Sanctuary" glows as they can feel Sanctuary is about to fly but there was a thud followed by the towers light died down and then a panel burst out and hits Claptrap in the face.
Claptrap: Ow!
Scooter (echo coms) What happened?
Y/n: Seems that it needs more work.
Scooter: (echo coms) Well damn. Now we really need to find Roland. I think he left a massage at the raiders commandbase. Go and find it.
Y/n: Right.
They walk over and arrive at the Crimson raiders main command base as Y/n opens the door and they immediately see a woman sat down and talking to her echo recording as she turns her chair.
(Tannis intro)
(Time: 0:04 to 0:21)
Aubree: Who is she?
Y/n: Her name is Tannis, she a researcher who studies ancient artefacts left behind by aliens. She used to work for Dual unrol they abandoned her.
Aubree: So she's like me.
Y/n: Well except she's kinda not talking type of girl and rather be in her lab instead of bringing out with other people.
Tannis: Excuse me.
They turn to see Tannis looking at her and she said whole folding her arms.
Tannis: I can't record myself if yous are talking over it.
Y/n: Whoops, our bad Tannis. We're just wonder if Roland left a massage for us.
Tannis: Let me guess. He got captured didn't he?
Y/n: I guess you could say that since he isn't here.
Tannis rolled her eyes like this happens a lot to Roland and hands him a echo recorder off a table and Y/n takes it and plays it.
Roland: (echo recording) If you hearing this message, it means I'm captured but right now your the only thing standing between this city and the whole planet. I left my information about my where abouts at my safe.
Y/n: (smirk) Let's see what we can find.
Y/n and Aubree walks up the stares and stand at the safe and opens it and inside was one echo recording so they pifk it up and play it.
Firehawk: (echo recording) This is the firehawk, if you even wanna see your commander again, come to Frostburn Canyon if yous wanna see him again!
Y/n: (surprised) He's at those guys!? Great.
Aubree: Who was that?
Y/n: That's the FireHawk. What I heard she's this god of flames that rules over these bandits who likes fire.
Aubree: Sounds dangerous.
Y/n: They are which is why it might be too dangerous for you to come wish us. It maybe best you stay here and get some rest.
Aubree: Guess your right. Are you gonna go there?
Y/n: Yeah but probably bring a few vault hunters to help me on this mission.
Aubree: Right. While you do that I'll try to get used to my aiming skills.
Y/n: You can go to Marcus at his store and he might help you with your aiming.
Aubree: Alright. Thanks and thank you for......everything.
Y/n: (smile) No problem Aubree. See you when ever I'm back.
Y/n puts on his helmet and walks out of the room leaving Aubree alone with her heart racing a bit and wanna try to get used with the gun so she can protect not just herself but everyone from Hyperion after they abandoned her on Pandora.
She take Y/n advice and head into Marcus store and once there she walk down the steps and see a guy there asking for a refund for a broken gun.
(Marcus intro)
Aubree was a bit scared how she just witnessed Marcus shooting a guy in the leg but she takes a deep breath and walks over to him.
Marcus: (smile) Hello there young lady. How would I help you?
Aubree: I-I wanna learn how to get good with a gun. P-Please?
Marcus noticed she is Hyperion and asked.
Marcus: I see your Hyperion, what's the story?
Aubree: I was......abandoned by them.
Marcus: I see. Well you don't look like you wanna kill us so your OK at my book. Follow me to the shooting rang and I show a few things about weaponry.
Aubree nods and they enter the shooing rang and once there Marcus hands her a fire pistol and Aubree takes it and he explains.
Marcus: These weapons have different type of elements that you might use during battle. This one is a fire weapon to increase damage. Give it a try.
Aubree: O-Ok.
She turns to the rang and Marcus pushes a button and a bandit that is tied up strolled up and stops as she try to escape but no use.
Aubree: Um you sure this is safe?
Marcus: Never worry. These are the people that are dickheads. Besides, one bullet can't hurt right?
Aubree: I-I guess so.
She aims the pistol at the guy and fires a shot and once the bullet hits the bandit burst into flames and start to scream while he was strolled back into the darkness.
Marcus: (smile) Nice shot. Now let's try something shocking.
Aubree hands Marcus back a fire pistol and Marcus hands her a electricity pistol which she takes.
Marcus: This electricity element can burn down shield ten times faster and once the shield is down, finish it off with a single shot through the head.
Another tied up bandit but this time has shields on came up and Aubree fires a single round and once hit the bandits shield vanished very fast before he was strolled away.
Aubree find this very easy and hands the electricity pistol back and Marcus hands her a corrosive pistol which she takes.
Marcus: Dealing with armored targets, we have the corrosive element. It eats the metal away until the person has no armor or the bot is no more.
Then a tired up Hyperion Loader bot strolled over and Aubree fires a few rounds and the corrosive start to eat the metal off of the loaded bot.
After that Marcus hands her a new weapon which is growing purple for some reason but Aubree takes it and asked.
Aubree: What dose this do?
Marcus: This is a new type of element weapon. Slag element, with that you can cover them with slag ams fire one round and that would kill them immediately.
Another tied bandit strolled over and Aubree fired a single around and the bandit was cover with Slag and then she pulls out her pistol and fires a shot an skills the bandit immediately.
Marcus: (smile) Nice shot.
Aubree: (smile) Thanks, this is very easy as I thought it would be.
Marcus: (smile) That's good and remains, if you wanna get some weapons? Come and visit your friendly arms dealer.
Aubree: (smile) I will.
Aubree leave and feels like she is ready to face the world, no....wants to face Hyperion themselves. She looks up at Helios and makes a fist and think to herself.
Aubree: (thought) You took my normal life away from me Jack. I trusted you but you broke that trust and throw me to Pandora to die. Now....I'm with the crimson raiders and once we come for you.....I will punch you in your stupid face and make you pay.
To be continued...........
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