Chapter 3

(Southern Shelf)

The lights within the medical house turns on and we can see Y/n looking around for any medical supplies to heal up the girl who is laying on the bed still unconscious after an a explosion from an Hyperion train that knock her out.

Y/n check in draws and cupboards until he found some bandages and walks over to the girl and start to patch her up. Soon he was done and looks at her still knocked out and wished she'll wake up soon.

Then she made a groan as her arm start to move and then she sat up and start to wake up which was a relief to him.

Y/n: Hey, are you alright?

She turn to were the person said and at first her vision was a blurr but once her vision was normal, she was faced with a armored person which cost her to scream in a fright and try to crewl back.

But she fell out of the bed and there was a thud followed by her saying.

???: Ow.

Y/n: (thought) Maybe I should take off my helmet before she woke up.

Y/n walks around the bed and see her laying on the floor so he bend down and help her up.

Y/n: Take it easy alright? Your still hurt after that explosion.

She looked surprised to see someone helping her and soon realise her wounds were patched up because of Y/n. She sat on a bed and Y/n sat beside her and says.

Y/n: My name is Y/n L/n, what about you?

She was a bit nervous to tell this person her name but she figured if only she can survive is to get along with some people within Pandora. After all Y/n was the one that patch her up so why not.

Gaige: (nervous) It's Gaige, hi.

Y/n: Gaige huh? That's a nice name.

Gaige: (nervous) N-Not really. I've been bullied because of it.

Y/n: Damn that must of suck. I never met bullies but their just assholes what I've heard.

Gaige: (nervous) You.....You never been to school?

Y/n: Nope. Surprising right? 19 years old and haven't pass my school or ever been to college in my life but I'm still smart like every bandit in Pandora.

Gaige: (surprised) Wait....your 19 years old?

Y/n: Yep.

Y/n took off his helmet and set it beside him and turn to her. Gaige was surprised to see he was in his teens like herself and not only that, he looks pretty handsome and cute as a blush appear on her cheek and looks away quickly and asked.

Gaige: (blush) H-How did I get here?

Y/n: I carry you here. Took us a while but when we first get here, I ask Hammalock is there any medical house for you to rest and well....we're here now.

Gaige: (surprised) Whoa. I've heard that Pandora is a cruel place to be here with people killing each other and never thought someone would come and take me here.

Y/n: (smile) Well I'm not a type of people here who wouldn't do either of those things.

Gaige: (smile) Yeah, I guess so. Hey, thank you for taking me here and patch me here.

Y/n: (smile) No problem. Glad your better.

Y/n place a hand onto Gaige shoulder and give her a warm smile. Gaige smiles back while her heart skip a beat inside of her chest as she thinks she might have a crush on Y/n. She never have this type of feeling to any guy in her life so this was the first time she shown fallings towards someone.

The doors open behind them and they turn to see Hammalock entering the medical house and see Gaige awake and said with joy.

Hammalock: (smile) Ah A fallen Vault hunter have rise up ready for revenge.

Y/n: (smile) Yep. So how can I help you?

Hammalock: I want to talk to you about your other friend named Aubree.

Y/n: Sure, I'll be out.

Hammalock nods and left the house while Y/n stood up and gtab his helmet and turn to Gaige and said.

Y/n: Try to get some rest.

Gaige: I will and thanks again Y/n.

Y/n smiles with a nod and then he walks over to the door and left the medical house and leaving Gaige alone to rest.

We then cut to Aubree learning how to aim with Axton at the graveyard. Axton place down dead bodys of Flynt's men and strap them in wooden sticks so Aubree can shoot them.

She take a few hits on a few but she miss a few as Aubree thinks this is a lot more harder to aim as she thought it would be. At the background we see Hammalock watching this happen while Y/n walks over to him and once there Hammalock said.

Hammalock: She's not used with a gun, hasn't she?

Y/n: Yeah but give her time. She'll learn.

Hammalock: Right. I'm not a type of guy to judge but are you sure you can trust her? She is from Hyperion after all so what if she turn on us?

Y/n: She won't, I promise you that.

Hammalock: Right and how do you know this?

Y/n: (shrugged) Don't know.

Hammalock: You don't know?

Y/n: Look I know she's from Hyperion but look at her. Is she really like those assholes you see everyday?

Hammalock turns to Aubree and see pupl the trigger to fire but once fired she drop her gun by accident and Axton laughs a little and so dose Aubree while she picks up her pistol and Hammalock says.

Hammalock: No I don't see her like that. But do you think the Crimon Raiders will accept her in?

Y/n: Sure at first they see her as a girl that might betray them but once she show them her true skills and locations to all Hyperion research and bases. They will give trust to her. Besides, she open that Hyperion cargo ship that was locked so you gonna give her that.

Hammalock: I guess you have a point there. Besides, I felt bad for her being sent to a bandit camp to die but luckily you were there and saved her.

Y/n: Yeah. Hey, where's everyone else's?

Hammalock: Krieg and Maya are dealing the Bullymongs below us while trying to get some of their hair for my hat.

Y/n: That's kinda gross.......and nice as well.

Hammalock: Thank you and Zero and Salvador are away to pick up a shield for Aubree.

Y/n: An once that we be ready to get to Claptrap's ship and take off to the Crimson raiders base.

Claptrap: One problem.

Y/n gotten startled and leaps forward and turn to see him.

Y/n: Fuck you scare the crap out of me there.

Claptrap: I thought you know I was right behind you.

Y/n: I sometimes forget. But what's the problem?

Claptrap: The problem is my ship is taking by Captain Flynt in his camp.

Y/n: So that means we need to get into his camp and get it back.

Claptrap: Yep but I know your badass enough to get my ship back.

Axton: Anyone talking about me?

Then Axton and Aubree walks over to them as Y/n said.

Y/n: I think he's talking to all of us.

Axton: (smirk) Look, there is only one badass within the universe and it's this guy right here.

He then stick out his thumps towards himself as he smirks. Y/n smiles a little just as Maya and Krieg returns from their Bullymong killing and Maya hands to Bullymong's hair to Hammalock.

Hammalock: Ah thank you, this will do exactly for my hat.

Maya: (smile) No problem.

Y/n: How was the Bullymong slaughter?



Zero and Salvador returned as well and Zero hands Aubree her own shield.

Zero: Here./ A shield for your protection./ Don't do reckless on it.

Aubree: (smile) I won't, thanks.

Hammalock: So are we all set?

Y/n: Well we need to wait until Gaige is all healed.

Gaige: Nope, I'm ready.

They look over to see Gaige walking over to them while Y/n asked.

Y/n: You sure, this might be a dangerous fight?

Gaige: Yeah but I wanna helps yous after you help me so I'm in. Besides, Deathtrap can help me if I'm feeling weak.

Y/n: Who?

Then Gaige lift her robot arm and type something in and Deathtrap digitalis in front of them which surprised them. Deathtrap have large claws and he was pained red as he looks at everyone.

Gaige: (smile) This is Deathtrap. He was my science project when I lived in Eden 5 that......didn't go well but I'm sure he can be a backup when ever needed.

Y/n: (surprised) Whoa you have a cool bot.

Gaige: (little blush) Th-Thanks, glad you think it's cool.

Hammalock: Well then, shall we begin the journey?

Y/n: (smile) Looks like it.

Y/n puts on his helmet and then said to everyone.

Y/n: Let's go.


A Hyperion soldier enters Handsome Jack's office and immediately duck when a chair was thrown at him. He looks up and see Handsome Jack walking side to side when he got the news that the Vault hunters have survived which pissed him off.

A Hyperion soldier walks slowly towards Handsome Jack as Handsome Jack slams his hands onto his desk with frustration facing away the soldier as the soldiers ckear his throat and asked.

Hyperion soldier: Handsome Jack sir?

Handsome Jack takes a deep breath and fix his hair before he turns to the soldier and asked.

Handsome Jack: What is and make it quick, I'm still angry how those stupid Vault hunters managed to survive.

Hyperion soldier: We did research on one person that you've managed and it seems the armor he is wearing is unknown.

Handsome Jack: (surprised) Seriously? Like, you can't find anything about the suit on.....what's this kids name again?

Hyperion soldier: Y/n Sir.

Handsome Jack: Right. So you get to tell me Y/n's suit of armor is unknown to us? How?

Hyperion Soldier: What the witness told us, the suit is unknown but shown to be strong then any armor we've ever seen. Apparently this suit can stand a chance against 5 rocket blast and even getting ran over by heavy vehicles or any light vehicles. Speaking of vehicles, there was an report of a bandit using a tank to challenge him and this bandit try to ran him over but once close, Y/n lift the tank with two hands and then chuck the tank towards a bandit camp that gotten blown up.

Handsome Jack: (surprised) Wow Wow Wow Wow! You get to tell me he can lift a tank?

Hyperion Soldier: If he wheres the suit of armor, yes.

Handsome Jack: Huh.....Well this might be a problem. Put up a bounty  on him so the bandita can kill him or something.

Hyperion Soldier: Um one problem.

Handsome Jack: (sigh) What is it?

Hyperion Soldier: He had several bountys on his and no bandit hasn't have a chance to kill him. So there won't be no point for us to set a bounty on him even if he as several on his head.

Handsome Jack: Darn it. Well I think about it and hey, maybe I can sent Wilhelm to kill him.

Hyperion soldier: He's on a mission sir.

Handsome Jack: I know that! Looks, just keep researching about Y/n's armor and possibly find his past that might tell us who he is.

Hyperion Soldier: Yes sir.

A Hyperion Soldier walks off out of Handsome Jacks office while Handsome Jack taps something on his table and a hologram image of Y/n appears wear his suit of armor as Handsome Jack looks at him and said to himself.

Handsome Jack: Who the heck are you kiddo.

(Southern Shelf)

Y/n fired his Incendiary Greed pistol at the last bandit while everyone else already clear the area as they walk over to a drawn up bridge that Claptrap reaches the controls and types.

Claptrap: Whoa yous know how to kill things.

Y/n: You kidding? I can do this in my sleep and I still kill bandits.

Axton: So you said there be two bandits we should be careful for.

Claptrap: Yep, Boom and Bewn. Two bandits that loves explosions.

Salvador: (smirk) Don't blame them. Explosions is also my thing as well.


Y/n: (smirk) Same here man, same here.

Then the bridge came down and as soon the other half came down, two suicide bandits rush at them with armed grenades but Y/n shoot two of the down and catches their armed grenades and said.

Y/n: Suicide bandits? Really? And I thought small head headed bandits was stupid and weird.

He tossed the armed grenade which hits a surviving bandit in the head and then he was killed when the grenades exploded while they cross the bridge.

Maya: (smirk) I gonna say, he's pretty badass don't you think?

Gaige: Yeah and kind as well. Hey Aubree, you said he was born in Pandora right?

Aubree: Yeah that's what he told me.

Maya: (smile) Huh, that's pretty cool. Never met a person who was born in Pandora and still have his insanity intact.

Gaige: (smile) Yeah and I've wonder about his suit. What type of suit is that?

Aubree: Don't know. Never seen a military suit like that in my life.

Maya: (smirk) Still he looks pretty hot with it.

They made it to the other side and at the distance there was a large cannon as Boom appears on top of it as he says.

(Boom and Bewn intro)

Y/n: Oh Boom, nice to see your still intact and I see your brother Bewn is alright as well. Say, can yous let us through so we can talk to your boss please?

Then boom fired his cannon and hits a wall besides them as Y/n said.

Y/n: Nope, ok then. TAKE COVER!

They scrambler for cover as Boom fired his large cannon at them. Y/n, Krieg, Gaige and Maya take cover behind a large steel rod while Zero, Salvador, Claptrap, Aubree and Axton take cover behind a rock.

Axton fires a few shots at Boom's cannon but it doesn't work and Boom turn his cannon at them and fires a shot. Axton takes cover and there was an explosion after that.

Y/n: You guys alright?

Axton: Yeah, we're not blown up! You?!

Y/n: Still intact!

Claptrap: (scared) We gonna get the f*ck out of here!

Axton: We came here for your ship and we're not leaving here until we do!

Zero: We need a plan.

Gaige: Dose anyone have one?

Then Bewn lands in front of Y/n, Krieg, Maya and Gaige and he turns to them and aim his gun at them. Krieg throw his buzz saw axt at Bewn and it stab through bewns head and he fell on the ground dead.

Y/n see his grenades strapped around him and this give him an idea. He drags Bewns body towards him and turn to Zero.

Y/n: Zero I have a plan but you gonna trust me on this.

Zero nods and Y/n told him his plan and Zero accepted the plan. Boom was waiting for them to come out and they did. Y/n and the rest peek out and open fire at Boom and his cannon.

Boom try to fire bit the bullets went by him and it was hard for him to fire at them. He failed to notice that Zero is not there and when he did it was too late.

Zero appears beside Boom and chucks the dead Bewn towards Boom with the grenades on Bewns body unpinned and when Bewm's body landed onto of Boom, Boom sees the Unpinned and says.

Boom: Boom?


The cannon was blown up and Booms body was sent flying while everyone exit out of cover and see this happen. Both Boom and Bewns helmets landed onto the snow as Y/n walks over to them and pick them up as he said.

Y/n: I'll take these, thank you very much.

He puts them into his inventory and turns to Zero and said.

Y/n: Nice work Zero.

Zero: :)

After that was done, they walk over to the large door and see it is locked.

Y/n: Damn it, it's locked.

Salvador: What should we do?

Claptrap: What about we gather as much grenades as possible and blow it up.

Gaige: Dose everything have to involve with explosions in this planet?

Y/n: Well it would be weird if there was no explosions on Pandora. But let's give it a try.

They start to pick up a much grenades as possible and once that they stab them in front of the large door. They all step back except for Claptrap who was placing down the last grenade in front of the door.

Y/n: Claptrap move out of the way!

Claptrap: Hold your horses. I need to place one last grenade and I'll be done.

Maya: Well be careful. Some of those grenades aren't stable.

Claptrap: Yeah right. I believe you if I ever gotten-

Then the grenade taps onto the grenades and then they exploded with a fire ball of an explosion that sent Claptrap flying into the air.


They watched as Claptrap disappeared at the other side of the mountain and Maya shake her head and says.

Maya: I try to warn him.

Axton: Do you think he'll be alright?

Y/n: One way to find out.

They see that the huge door was open so they went through. Once through they stand on top of a cliff and they look over and see Captain Flynt's camp which was a ship frozen on ice as the ship has a head of a dragon on the front of it.

They claim down the hill and walks over to it while Y/n contacts Claptrap through the Echo radio.

Y/n: Claptrap are you alright? Claptrap respond over?

Claptrap: (echo radio) Yep I'm alright but I think someone wants to talk to yous.

Captain Flynt: (echo Radio) Hello Vault hunters.

Y/n: Captain Flynt, nice to see your voice through my echo radio. How is things with you,

Captain Flynt: (echo Radio) It was great until my favourite toy came back which made me great.

Y/n: Nice but unfortunately we need Claptrap back so will you not mind we take him back?

They walk up to the gate while Captain Flynt says.

Captain Flynt: (echo Radio) Let me think about that...........HELL NO!

The gate in front of them open and psychos and bandits came out to attack them but they shoot them down with no problem and once they were down, they enter the camp and take out the small town near the exit and once that is down, Axton says.

Axton: Look like we gonna save Claptrap again.

Salvador: I swear that bot never learns to stay out of trouble.

Y/n: Yeah but at least we can have some fun, right?

Salvador: Guess so.

Aubree: So where would he be?

Y/n: If I can guess, above us.

Gaige: Then we gonna kill all of his bandits until we get to him and rescue Claptrap.

Axton: And get to his boat.

Zero: This would be interesting./ Taking down Captain Flynt's bandits./ This is truly is a challenge.


Maya: (smirk) Let's do this.

Y/n: Right, let's get to work.

So Y/n, Aubree and the Vault hunters kill as much bandits within the camp as possible to get through them so they can rescue Claptrap, defeat Captain Flynt and get to Claptrap's ship to escape.

They killed as much bandits and psychos as they can and Aubree is improving with her aiming skills which she felt thrilled because of it. She never have a thrill like this for her whole life and for the first time ever.....she enjoyed it.

After battling their way through the bandit camp, they reach the top were Krieg punches the cage and leap onto the deck. The deck was empty with no bandits on sight but they door see Captain Flynt in the distance and behind him was a metal door were Claptrap is in as Captain Flynt says.

Captain Flynt: Now this will be fun. TIME TO BRING UP THE HEAT!

Then flames burst out around them before Captain Flynt pulls out his axe and charge at them. He leaps up into the air and then puts down his axeat them.

They dodges it and his Axe slams onto the ground. Y/n and the rest open fire at Captain Flynt but they see his armor was tough to break through. Captain Flynt swings his axe at them and he pulls out his LMG and fires it at them while holding his axe at his other hand.

Y/n and Maya take cover behind a cargo as they reload their SMG's and Y/n asked.

Y/n: Can your siren powers freeze him in place?

Maya: Yep bit not for long. Gonna plan?

Y/n: One but this might be risky.

Maya: And dangerous?

Y/n: Maybe but you in?

Maya: (smirk) Sure, there's no fun if I refuse.

Y/n smirks underneath his helmet and Maya and Y/n brrak out of cover and Maya use her siren powers to trap Captain Flynt inside a large circle while Y/n unpinned two of his Slag Nasty surprise grenades and then throws them at Captain Flynt.

They were at his face as they exploded and he was cover in Slag as Y/n calls out to Salvador, Krieg and Gaige.

Y/n: Now!

Salvador pulls out town assault rifles and fired at Captain Flynt. Krieg throws his buzzsaw axe while Gaige summons Deathtrap and Deathtrap fires his beam at Captain Flynt. All that combined break his armor and he scream out in pain before Maya let's him go and he fell onto the ground and he is dieing.

Y/n walks over to Captain Flynt and they lock eyes for a second and then Y/n pulls off his helmet and looks at it and then said.

Y/n: Thank you and goodbye.

Then he fires a singal shot from his incendiary Greed pistol at his head and killed Captain Flynt for good. He put Captain Flynt's helmet into his inventory and they walk over to the door. Axton pushes a button on the control and the gate opens and Claptrap peeks out behind the couch and see them and rushes over to them.

Claptrap: Yes! I knew you can save me! I never lose my faith on yous.

Axton: So now we can get the hell our of here?

Y/n: Agree, let's get out of here before more will come.

Claptrap: Right, follow me.

They follow Claptrap and they see his ship hanging off the ocean. Once they hop on Zero, Y/n and Salvador fired their guns at the cables and the ship fell and splash into the ocean.

Claptrap enter the bridge and start it up. Soon the ship ceild off as they head off to Join the Crimson raiders. Aubree looks up at Helios and stiol felt betrayed by her boss after everything she has done for him. Y/n walks up to her and see how upset she still is and place a hand on her shoulder and Aubree turns to him and Y/n says.

Y/n: You don't need people like him to call family. Jack and possible people on hyperion betrayed you and throw you out alone. But your not alone, you have us. We're a family now and we keep an eye each other no matter what.

Aubree blushes a little while she smiles and nods.

Aubree: (smile) Yeah....we're a matter what.

Y/n nods while smiling underneath his helmet as they set off to join the Crimson Raiders and take their revenge on Handsome Jack and Hyperion for what they did to them.

To be continued..........

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