Chapter 25

(Badass Crayer bar)

We see Y/n sitting at the table within the bar alone as he worried for Axton and how Piston sents in a Bounty hunter to kill them so they will not open the vault. He sat there alone to his thoughts when Moxxie came over and place down his food which he turn to her.

Moxxi: (smirk) Here you go sugar. Some food will fill your energy right up.

Y/n: Thanks Mox.

She noticed something was wrong so she sat down across from him and then ask him.

Moxxi: You alright Sugar? If its something to do about Axton then don't worry, I'm sure he'll be fine.

Y/n: I know it's just that......its getting difficult being the leader. I have to make sure that everyone is still alive and our missions would succeed without any fails and now Axton is injured and there is a Bounty hunter hunting us down. It's maybe a bad idea to sent everyone off to find this Bounty hunter.

Moxxi: It's not a bad idea, you're doing a great job as leader and not all missions are successful. I mean Roland sometimes fail missions but he never doubt himself of being a leader. What I am trying to say is that your doing a good job as leader and Roland would be proud of you.

Y/n: (small smile) Yeah I suppose your right.

Moxxi: (smirk) Sure I am Sugar.

Y/n: Okay then so, what's our next match with?

Moxxi: Right his name is Flyboy, he's at the Forge and waiting for someone like you to try and challenge him.

Y/n: Flyboy? Is he like a mutated fly or insect?

Moxxi: Not exactly but he's gonna be easy enough to handle. He's no much as a fighter and also uses his flight to fight.

Y/n: Alright then I'll head there until Zero is here.

Moxxi: (smirk) Don't think you need to wait anymore.

He points next to him so he turn and quickly jump in a fright to see Zero there as he turn to him.

Y/n: Jesus man you really are a sneaky ninja aren't you.

Zero: (;

Y/n: Alright then, next stop the Forge!

(Piston's garage)

We see Maya, Aubree and Salvador standing in front of Piston's garage which is his living quarters as Aubree is seen kneeling down to the control console and hacking into the door controls while Maya and Salvador stand and guard.

Maya: What's the situation on the door Aubree?

Aubree: Almost done. Sorry its taking too long.

Salvador: (smirk) Well I'm just waiting to shoot some guns! Hahah!

Aubree: Well I'm just hoping we won't ceme across Piston at the other side.

Maya: (smirk) Hey, if we kill that cheating asshole then we won, right?

Aubree: I guess your right. Okay it's opening now.

The doors open and Salvador turns and immediately fire his twin assault rifle as he laughs while he empty his whole clip and once he step firing they see that no one is inside this whole time.

Maya: Way a go Salvador.

Salvador: (smirk) At least that was fun.

They enter inside and look around as they check draws boxes and lockers but no sign of anything important.

Aubree: So what are we looking for?

Maya: Anything to proof that Piston is cheating and using a Bounty hunter to kill other contestants and us.

Salvador: Basically find his secret dairy. I'm sure I might be his bedroom.

He enters his bedroom and begins looking around for it while Maya enters the room and tells Salvador.

Maya: Salvador, do you honestly think a fully grown old man would be keeping a dairy in such an age? You have to be a child to have th-

Salvador: Found it!

He pulled out Piston's dairy which surprised Maya and Aubree as they look at each other. They gather around and read through Piston's dairy and read some embarrassing stuff about Piston.

Aubree: He's afraid of the dark? I mean that's kinda embarrassing.

Salvador: Not only that but he's afraid of every singal insect in all of the galaxy? Ha! This guy is a coward!

Maya: Yeah he is.....wait a minute. Tannis said the vault can only be open with the blood of the ultimate coward right? So if all of this is true then Piston is the ultimate coward.

Aubree: So all we have to do is to kill him at the arena where the vault is and kill him there.

Salvador: (smirk) This is going to be fun.

Maya: (smile) Let's head back and tell everyone what we found.

They agree and they leave the place and return back to the bar to tell everyone what they found.


We find Y/n and Zero arriving at the Forge as they walk through the extreme heat place with lava pools around them and structure over lava as they searched around for Flyboys place.

Zero stared at Y/n for a bit and then ask.

Zero: What is on your mind?/ I noticed your thinking of something./ Is something troubling you?

Y/n: (sigh) honest with me. I'm I a good leader for the Criamon raiders?

Zero: ?

Y/n: I mean. I worry that I may fuck up and ruin the Crimson raiders and Roland's last wish. He build up the Crimson Raiders and leaves me to lead and I'm worry that.....I may fuck it up.

Zero: A path of a leader is hard./ Responsibility that you must take./ But never alone.

Y/n: So you think I'm a good leader?

Zero: There is no good leaders./ There is no bad leaders as well./ A path of a good leader is have faith with yourself and others.

Y/n: (small smile) Right. I promise I'll do my best and make you and everyone proud, especially Roland.

Zero: (:

Soon they arrived at Flyboy's location and they head in there, climb up the steps until they reach at the too where they see Flyboy flying around and spotted the two at the bottom.

(Flyboys intro)

Y/n: (shocked) Piston you son of a-

Then Piston's blimp fires rockets at the two which they immediately move out of the way as there was a explosion which sent Y/n hit the ground. He slowly gets up and looks up at Piston's blimp and pulled out his Rugged Yanquisher and fired it at the blimp.

The blimp gets hit but didn't go down as the twin machine guns was pulled out and then open fire at Y/n which he dodges the incoming shots as he takes cover.

Zero appeared on top and pulled out his explosion assault rifle and open fire which Y/n return fire as well which the blimp gets hit several times.

Y/n: Zero see you can distracte the blimp, I have a plan!

Zero nodes and Y/n races to where Flyboy crashed as Zero takes on Piston's blimp as Y/n arrived to Flyboys crash and pulled out Flyboys body out of the wreckage and check on his vehicle.

Y/n: Okay this may take a while as I thought it would be.

He gather the parts he needed and starts repairing it while we cut to Zero moving around, dodging the incoming rockets and bullets and even turns invisible to loss its sight. The blimp scans around, trying to find Zero when we see Zero swapping his rifle to his rocket launcher as he takes him at the rocket pods and then he fire his rockets at the blimp.

The blimps rocket pods gets hit but the blimp finds Zero and fired its machine gun which he try to escape but the bullets hits the oil tank near Zero which blows up and sent Zero flying and land hard onto the ground.

Zero slowly gets up and look up to see the blimp about to target him when suddenly rockets hits the blimp as we see Y/n in Flyboy's vehicle as he fires several rockets at the blimp while target at Piston's blimps weak points.

He took down the blimp thrusters which blows up in a massive blast which cost the blimp to go down.

Y/n: Hell yeah! Take that!

Then he sees the blimp going down towards where Zero is at which he realised this.

Y/n: Oh shit! Zero!

He flies down towards him while Zero gets up and rushes away from the blimp as the blimp crashes onto the roof, breaking through the structure and costing it to slowly collapses as Zero is making his escape before he too falls into lava.

He then sees Y/n up ahead as he races towards him and then he leaps over the gap and then lands at the side vehicle as Y/n pulled away as the structure falls and splashes into the lava and melts away anything on sight.


Soon Y/n lands at the landing pad as he and Zero exit out of the vehicle as he pat on Zero which he nodes but then looks over to see Piston there.

Piston: Congratulations. Thought you would never made it out there alive.

Y/n: (angry) You mother fucker! You cheating fucking asshole!

Piston: (angry) I am not a cheater and you better keep your mouth shut or else.

Y/n: (angry) Or else what? I'm not afraid of you.

Piston: You sure about that?

The two share glares at each other and then Y/n walks backwards while glaring at Piston and then walks away with Zero as they walk away while Piston called out to them.

Piston: You better watch yourself Vault hunter. I'm gonna win this match and you will be sorry to mess with me! Me!

Y/n and Zero ignore him and keep on walking as Zero turns to him which Y/n tells him.

Y/n: We have a job to do. Let's keep on training for the final round but for now, let's meet up with everyone else.

Zero agreed and they leave while Piston watches them leave and then he turn and soon we see his Bounty hunter there at the alleyway as Piston came around the corner and ask him.

Piston: You better have a good reason or have something good for me?

???: That I have. Two Vault hunters were trying to track me down but failed and now.

He move away to let Piston see the tied up Kreig and Enyo as they are seen unconscious which pleased Piston.

Piston: Good. Keep them alive. We'll use them in case I've lost the match.

???: And if you win?

Piston: Kill them then. There will be no use to these two if I kill the other vault hunters.

???: Sure thing boss. Just remember the deal. I'll get half of whatever is in the vault.

Piston: Of course just do your job right, got it.

???: Understood.

Then Piston leaves while the Bounty hunter turns to the unconscious Kreig and Enyo as he grabs both of them and starts dragging them away and awaits anything from Piston if he wins the final match or not.

To be continued..................................

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