Chapter 23

(Torgue Arena: Locker room)

A door to the locker room was slammed a few times until it swing open. Once that two bandits enter the locker room to search for someone within the Locker room and they see no one is here. They look around for this person while see if they can hear this person hiding within the lockers. Each bandits open every locker and after a while of opening and slamming it shut, they gone down to the last locker and they believe this one is it.

One bandit slowly move his hand towards the handle of the locker and once he grab hold of the handle he swing open and they open fire at the locker.

Male bandit: Did we get her?!

They look into the locker and they see nothing except soke bullet holes they now made as the two sigh in frustration.

Male bandit: (anger) Damn it! Where is that bitch!?

Male bandit 2: Who cares now. Let's get out of here before anyone else find us here.

Hi agree and they left the locker and once they were gone a ceiling open up and Aubree leap down from the ceiling and see that they were gone as she stretched her body.

Aubree: Man who knew hiding within a ceiling can make my back hurt a bit. It almost feel like I was up there for an hour.

Still she walks over and peak out of the door and look around and once the ghost is clear she leave the Locker room and walk through the halls.

Aubree: (thought) Okay if I was a guy who gasped my friends and suddenly disappeared from the arena without a trace, where is a good place to hide them?


Piston: (speaker) I'll can tell you. When they heard they were facing me they wet themselves and ran away. Guess they were never were brave Vault hunters after all, they were cowards.

Torgue: (speaker) HOLY SH*T YOU SERIOUS?! I can't allow coward like people within this arena! I have no choice but Y/n and the Vault hunters are disqualified!

Aubree: (thought) I know they would never run away from a fight. I bet Piston has something to do with this. Jeez, this is the reason why I don't stand cheaters.

She stop when a door open at the left side of the room open which she hide behind a vending machine as two bandits that look like the bandits that came looking for her exit out of the room and leaving without noticing her.

Once they left Aubree gose over to the door and open it and once through she shut the door and climb down a ladder that seems like gose down to the boiler room. Once she land she turn to another door which she slowly walks over while she pulls out her pistol and grabs the door handle.

Soon she swings open and aims her pistol but there was no one here escape the unconscious bodies of Y/n, Kreig, Axton , Salvador, Maya and Enyo as Aubree rush  over and and shakes Y/n to wake up.

Aubree: Y/n! Y/n you okay!? Say something! Wake up!

Y/n slowly wake up as he sat up while he grab his head with his hands while he turn to burly see Aubree but his vision clear up.

Y/n: Aubree? Shit my head. Where the hell I'm I?

Aubree: At the boiler room. Seems like they weren't bothered to kill you all.

Y/n: Yeah lucky us. Thanks for coming for us Aubree.

Aubree: (smile) No problem.

Soon everyone else start to wake up as they shake theie heads while they all slowly stand up.

Maya: Jesus my head. It's killing me.

Enyo: Maybe next time, never open suspicious chest ever again.

Axton: Yeah I agree. Ow my head.

Salvador: Those fuckers will pay for knocking us out! Time to head back up there and show them not to knock us out!

Kreig: YES! BLOOD AND VIOL-Ow! My head hurts!

Aubree: Um yeah you guys can't ho back up there anymore.

Y/n: What do you mean?

Aubree: Well........


We see them all at the landing pad as they sat around and there was nothing else they can do since they are now disqualified from the tournament and now there was nothing they can do.

Salvador: Maybe we should have killed everyone on that tournament and capture the Vault.

Axton: What's stopping us doing it right now?

Maya: No way boys. We're not going to kill many people. Even if some are bandits, we're not monsters like Jack.

Enyo: So Y/n what's our next plan?

All eyes were on Y/n as he sigh and tell everyone.

Y/n: I got nothing. Even if we go back and try to talk to Torgue, I believe they won't even let us in. Shit this plan aren't going right for us.

Aubree: It's okay. We can figure of something out. We always have.

Y/n: Yeah your right. Still if only an answer will come right now.

Finn: Ah I see you all didn't left let.

They turn to see Finn as he walks over to them as Y/n tells him.

Y/n: Look what ever Piston said, he's lying! We're-

Finn: Relax. Torgue and I knew you didn't run away but there was nothing he can do but to disqualified you all.

Axton: Well that's "nice" for him.

Salvador: Indeed. "Very nice" indeed.

Finn: Save your sarcasm somewhere else and listen here. In order for you all to return back to the arena you must take down the still alive competition who are still alive. There are three so far but first, you need someone as a sponsor and good news your sponsor is already here but bad news is your sponsor has been captured by one of the champions named Pryo Pite at Pyro Pete's bar located in The Beatdown. If you some of you head there you not only wil get a chance to kill him but get your sponsor.

Maya: (smirk) Sounds easy.

Axton: How do we know your telling the truth?

Finn: Trust me, Torgue knows what's happening here and I can assure you all he knows your sponsor is here and captured. I can't stay here for long, good luck and see you all back at the arena.

Once that he left and once he was gone Axton said.

Axton: Can we trust him? I'm not going to be tricked again.

Maya: Either we head back empty handed or not. Either way that's our only chance.

Y/n: Agree. Me, Maya and Enyo will rescue our sponsor, the rest will stay here until we come back.

Axton: Alright, good luck. Hope you three don't get ambushed again.

Y/n: (smirk) Well you could come if you like Axton?

Axton: Nnnnooooo thank you! The only time I wanna be knocked out is if sexxy women knock me out.

Y/n: (smirk) Suit yourself. We be back, see ya.

Y/n, Maya and Enyo head off to rescue their sponsor from Pryo Pete while also try to kill him so they can move up and be back within the arena.

(The Beatdown)

The streets were completely filled with flipped cars and other junk as Y/n, Enyo and Maya enter the town and look around to see a few bandits as they watch them and lick their lips at the ladies which they ignore.

Maya: No wonder this place is called Beatdown. It's like this town was beating down for years.

Enyo: Yeah no kidding. It feels like we're about to be jumped in someway.

Y/n: Still we should act natural and blend in.

Maya: (smirk) Yeah and besides we have you, you can protect us.

Enyo: (smirk) We might be sirens but your one sexxy badass bounty hunter that will protect us.

Y/n blushes which the two smile as they walk through the street and soon they reach Pryo Pete's bar. They walk inside and walk down the steps and enter the bar itself as they see many bandits laughing and drinking while there is some fights as they walk by and sat down at the booth of the bar.

Bar tender: What do you want?

Y/n: Just three beers please.

The bar tender turn to see them which his face turn to disgusted and tell them.

Bar tender: Sorry but we don't serve cowards like you three.

Maya: You serious. You do realise that we were captured and being framed as a coward by Piston. You know, the guy who is a cheater.

Bar tender: Maybe so but you three run away like cowards. And I hate cowards so it's best you all will leave.

Y/n: Listen sir we're not leaving until we get our sponsor back from your boss.

Bar tender: Oh is that the reason why you all are here? Well then my apologies, I get him right away.

He looks over and node to his guard which he node and looks at the other bandits at the bar and node to the trio which they see and they leave their tables and walk up behind them. But Y/n, Maya and Enyo see this as they node to each other as Maya turn and phase lock them in place and while Y/n action his engeyr blade and cut the bandits down while he pulls out his Vladof assault rifle and open fire at the bandits while Enyo summons a engryr wall as their cover as Bandits on the second floor open fire at them.

Maya: So much for blending in.

Y/n: Good, I was getting tired for it. Ready girls!

Enyo and Maya: (smirk) Ready!

Y/n: (smirk) Good, time to show them that we're not cowards.

He pulls out two Rubberixed Fire burst and throw them towards the bandits and the Grenades blow up as the bandits scream from the flames while the trio leap out of cover and charge at the bandits as Maya leaps up and kicks one bandit away before she dodges a few incoming bullets and fire back with her fire SMG while she grabs a table and throws it at the incoming bandits that gets hit by the table and fell onto the ground.

Maya leaps onto the second floor and get behind cover as bullets fly by her as the bandits keeps on firing at her as one throw a grenade at her but a engery wall appear znd it bounce back towards the bandits and they blow up while Enyo was behind them as she dodges even more bullets while she took out her sniper rifle and pop some heads at the bandits while Y/n is seen firing his rifle before he turn and block a strike from a bandit who has a sword as the bandit throws away his rifle and he swing his sword at Y/n but he dodges his swings.

He leaps back over a table and kicks the table up as the bandit got his sword stuck as he accidentally land a hit ad it which Y/n leaps up and kicks the bandit while he grab and pulls out the bandits sword and throws it back at him. The bandit slams onto the wall before he was stabbed on a chest by his own sword while more bandits came out around Y/n trying to take him out. But Y/n leaps up onto the second floor with Maya and Enyo and once on the second floor the bandits hear beeping and look down to see Grenades that the trio pleased down.

Bandit: Mommy.


Body parts for everywhere and landed onto the bar where the bar tender was shaking in fear as he peak out to see his bar was completely destroyed and all the bandits were dead as Y/n, Enyo and Maya land back down and walks over to the bar tender guy as he looks at them in fear as Y/n lend his shoulder onto the table and ask him.

Y/n: (smirk) So mind we have a talk with your boss?

He nodes without saying anything and point them to the direction so they go there and they see a lift to ho down so they step on, Y/n press a button and they go down.

Maya: (smirk) Well that was one of the greatest bar fighters in have ever have.

Enyo: (smirk) Yeah you think we ever allow to be back there?

Y/n: (smirk) Probably not but hey, worth it.

They agree as the lift arrived to thier floor and they enter what looks like a bigger boiler room as they look around for Pyro Pete when they hear him.

???: Your going to regret trashing my bar like that. I'll burn you three alive

(Pyro Pete intro)

Pyro Pete came down and shoot flames at them which they move out of the way as he land onto the ground shoot more flames at them but Enyo summons a engry feild to block the flames.

Enyo: No wonder they call him Pyro Pete. He's literally a pyro alright.

Maya: (smirk) Yeah but we're gonna put him and his flames down.

Y/n: (smirk) Same here Maya. Let's do this!

The two charge at Pyro Pete as he see them and fire his flames at them but they dodge his flames and open fire at him but he moves out of the way and fire more flames at them but they keep dodging his flames while Enyo throes electricity Grenades at them and he was zapped with electricity while Maya and Y/n open fire at them. Bullets bounce off from his suit but he gets control and fire more flames at them.

Maya: Shit! Those flames are getting annoying. Any ideas?

Y/n dodges the flames while he see pipes which he got an idea.

Y/n: Maya see thise pipes, try to find way to burst them.

Maya: On it!

Y/n: Enyo your with me! Covering fire!

Enyo nodes as the two open fire at Pyro Pete and try to get him distracted while Maya reach over to a valve and turn it around as Pryo Pete stand where the pipe is at above him as the pipe above him burst open and pryo Pete looks up only to be splashed with water and his suit start to malfunction.

Pryo Pete: Oh crap! No No No No No NO NO! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Then he blow up into flames and he was killed ad they see him dead. Maya rushes over as the trio high fived.

Y/n: (smirk) Great job.

Enyo: (smile) Guess you can say we burned out his torch.

Maya: (giggle) Agree.

Y/n: Come on, let's go and see our sponsor.

They node and they race to the holding cell and once there Y/n race over to the cell where their sponsor is at and Y/n breaks open the cell gate.

Y/n: (smile) There you are. Your been rescued by- Wait, your our sponsor?!

(Sponsor's intro)

The trio were surprised that their sponsor was Moxxi but at the same time they were glad it was someone they knew.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah, it's great to see you Moxxi. Didn't suspect you can be our sponsor.

Moxxi: (smirk) Indeed. I was sent here by Lilith to help you on your mission when I was captured by Pryo Pete but good thing you three came and save me.

Maya: (smile) No problem Moxxi and it's good to have you as our sponsor. If it wasn't someone else's they might be a creep or worse.

Moxxi: (smirk) I agree. Still I'll be happy to be your sponsor but in return, you have to do something for me Y/n?

Y/n: And that is?

Moxxi: (giggle) You better wait after the tournament to get it. So, shall we leave this please is gonna make me sick.

Y/n: Yeah, let's get out of here.

They make their leave from another way out but while they were getting our Moxxi tells them.

Moxxi: While I was captured I heard Pryo Pete talking to someone who calls himself "Ghost."

Y/n: Ghost huh? That's interesting, what were they talking about?

Moxxi: They were talking about killing Torgue when he is not suspect but Ghost tells Pryo Pete to be ready while he gose out and complete his clients job. That's probably before you all were knocked out and be framed as a coward.

Y/n: If that were true that means he must be that same figure I saw before I passed out.

Maya: So who is this Ghost guy? Is he a actual Ghost or what?

Moxxi: He's not a actual Ghost although since we did met ancient creatures and vaults that was build many years ago, I wouldn't be surprised if he was an actual Ghost. But I believe he's some sort a legendary bounty hunter. I think I heard him around at my bar, some say he was brought back to life after Hyperion killed him or some say he was a spirit of a dead Vault hunter who died when he or she open the Vault. Nobody knows who he is, fun fact: No one hasn't even seen his face.

Y/n: So he is wearing like a mask or something?

Moxxi: Maybe but those our just rumours and nothing to worry about Sugar. There, that's our exit.

Y/n: Good let's meet up with the rest and figure out our next plan.

They arrive at the exit doors as they open the door and exit out of the long hall while we see a figure watching them leave as Y/n shut he door not noticing him ad the figure turns and make his report to his client to tell him the bad news.

To be continued.................

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