Chapter 22
(Badass Crater of Badassitude)
We see a rusty but working dropship making it's way to the Badass Crater of Badassitude and inside we see Y/n, Kreig, Axton, Salvador, Maya, Enyo and Aubree on their way to the location to see about this Vault and see if the coordinations that Tannis manage to gather were right.
We see Y/n packing up some extra Grenades while humming to himself happily which the rest noticed to see that he is in a happy mood.
Maya: (smile) Looks like someone is in a happy mood. Mind telling us about it?
Y/n: (smile) Let's just say we're gonna meet Mister Torgue in person and can't wait to show him what we can do.
Aubree: So who is this Mister Torgue and what makes him so important?
Axton: I think he runs a company called...Well Torgue and he made explosion weapons that blow up.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah because that's his favourite thing, explosions! Heck, I was even his best customer at all time.
Aubree: (smile) That's cool.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah. What happened was I bought an explosion gun at his store but since i was young I didn't know what it was until I accidentally fired it and blow up his gun store. Instead of being mad he told me how badass for blowing up his lame as store and just give all all fo his weapons that survived the blast.
Enyo: Well that's one way to be the best customer in Pandora.
Maya: Yeah no kidding.
Crimson raider pilot: Hey guys, Lilith and Tannis is on the line here.
Y/n: Put them on pilot.
As soon as he dose a hologram of both Lilith qnd Tannis appear in the middle of the room.
Lilith: (hologram) How is the ride?
Salvador: A bit rusty and...kinda dangerous but hey, a lot more relaxing then fast travel.
Lilith: (hologram) Well it's a good thing we found some from the Star-strike enterprise along with their equipment as well. Still though you all near the location.
Axton: Yes ma'am. So we go in, kick everyone out and if anyone try to pass us off we kill them.
Lilith: (hologram) Actually we want you all to take part of the arena.
Salvador: Seriously? No killing anyone? Not even the once that are watching us killing the once that are killing us?
Tannis: (hologram) I would agree to you yes but like I told you, the Vault can only be open with a blood of the ultimate coward and since this arena maybe filled with contestants who maybe a ultimate coward, it's best you all will take part and see who is the ultimate coward.
Aubree: That makes sense.
Enyo: And if we are in trouble?
Lilith: (hologram) We sent back up in your area to assist you. Goof luck everyone and be safe.
The holograms disappeared and once that the pilot tells them they are near their location so they get their gears ready to drop.
Axton: Hey Y/n?
Y/n: Yeah what's up?
Axton: You okay with us taking your families equipment? You cool about this?
Y/n: (smile) It's fine Axton. Besides, since I kinda own the company now I guess it's fine by me to share some equipment and this ship to you guys.
Axton: (smile) Cool.
Once that is done the pilot lands at the landing pad and the drop doors open and once fully open they exit out and they were met by a man wearing a black suit and tie as they approach him.
???: You must be the contestants I'm I right?
Y/n: (smile) Yes sir.
???: Alright then. Follow me andi can show you around.
They agree and they follow him to his vehicle which they claim on while the man hops into the driver seat and drives off. They go through the gate and the man shows them around the arena before they can go inside to meet with Torgue.
Finn: You may call me Finn, I'm Torgue's assistant and this is the area will you will stay for a while. This area is where the Vault is and many contestants all around Pandora come here to take part of this arena so they can open the Vault.
Aubree: (surprised) Wow this place is huge!
Enyo: Excuse me but is it true the Vault can only be open by a blood of the ultimate coward?
Finn: That's right. We discovered hidden writing on the walls when we found the Vault and Torgue managed to understand it by.....blowing up the wall with his rocket launcher and smell the dust.
Axton: (smirk) Huh I kinda have that idea.
Salvador: (smirk) Same here.
The two fist pump as Finn drove them through where the contestants are as they see the contestants sharing their tools and checking their weapons while they look up and glare at them.
Enyo: So much for blending in.
Salvador: Well it's kinda true.
Soon Finn Park his vehicle in front of the arena which they jump off as Finn shows them the arena and tells them all.
Finn: Okay I'll go to do something and after that I'll come back and take you to Torgue.
Finn walks off while they stand there and wait for him to return only to over hear something which they look over to see a reporter asking one contestant some questions.
(Piston intro)
After he killed the reporter Y/n sighs and tells everyone.
Y/n: Yep I can tell he's the ultimate coward.
Aubree: Why who is he?
Y/n: That's Piston, one or the greatest cheaters ever in all torments.
Maya: Oh yeah I heard about him. He cheat his way to the top so he can be this winner. Yeah I see why you think about that.
Y/n: (chuckle) Yeah I mean, why would Torgue ever have him in his arena. I mean there is no way the fans ain't gonna like Piston when he enters the Anera.
He laughs while the rest weren't laughing for some reason which Y/n stop laughing and Piston was behind Y/n and heard everything which Y/n sighs and asked.
Y/n: He's right behind me isn't he.
They nod and Y/n turn to face him.
Piston: I couldn't help the hear in your conversation about me being a cheater. You have some balls kid.
Y/n: (smirk) Look you may have killed that reporter there but we're not afraid of you. We all now what you are.
Piston: Is that so? Well then, you better watch it kid because I can do far more worse then that reporter you saw there. You better watch you back kid.
Y/n: Wanna bet on it?
The two glare at each other when Finn approached them and tells them.
Finn: Alright let's go, Torgue is suspected you all.
They left with Y/n ram his shoulder at Pistond shoulder as Piston glare at them as they leave which he looks away and walks off.
(Torgue Arena: Torgue's office)
Finn opens the door for them which they walk in and they were amazed by the decorations he has in his office. It was filled with any explosions that Torgue has, Grenades, rocket launcher, missiles and even a nuke hanging over them which nervous some of them as they walk up to his desk as Torgue turns around and yells out.
Y/n: (smile) Yes indeed man. How is this with you, been so long.
Aubree: He's seems even more louder the Kreig.
Maya: Guess that's the thing in Pandora. Everyone is loud.
Axton: Say what with the beeps when you said like shit or fiuck?
Torgue: That's because my employers installed a chip that denied me of saying stuff! Like sh*t and f*ck! IT F*CKING SUCKS!
Axton: Yeah that doss suck.
Finn: They are his employers. They have some strict rules they placeon him like bad languages or using a cat as a bomb.
Finn: Right. Can we move on.
Torgue: RIGHT TOTLEY F*CKING FORGOT! Listen here you lot and listen good. There is someone that is going to try to ruin my tournament and I need you all help to find the person OTHER WISE THIS GAME SHOW WILL BE F*CKED!
Y/n: So whatdo you mean by someone is trying to ruin your tournament?
Finn: We used to have more contestants taking part of this tournament but for some reason it gone down. I start to investigate this and it turns out someone is killing the contestants but no idea who.
Torgue: So here is the deal! You all will take go down to the arena and take on 3 waves and after that meet me at my office and we can discuss on your sponsor and your bas of command!
Y/n: (smirk) Take on 3 waves? Easy as pie, let's get our gear up and let's show those fuckers who we are.
Torgue: F*******CKING AWESOME! That is the reason why your my best customer!
(Torgue's arena: Locker room)
We see them in the locker room getting their gear ready for the first challenge. Aubree is sitting at the bench as he looks over to Y/n and ask him.
Aubree: You sure you want me to stay here?
Y/n: It might get dangerous and since we may not know when this contestant killer may strike, it's best we have someone stay behind in case things happen.
Aubree: Make sense.
Axton: (smirk) Still can't wait for this.
Salvador: (smirk) I know right?
Maya: (smirk) We got this in the bag. As soon we take on 3 waves, we can show be ready for the real challenge ahead.
Enyo: (smirk) Can't wait for that.
Y/n: (smile) Alright guys let's do this.
They nod and they exit out and Y/n was about to leave when Aubree grab his hand which he turns to her.
Aubree: You okay?
Y/n: Yeah of course why do you-
Aubree: I mean taking command. You know, are you still okay being our leader?
Y/n see what she mean which he sigh and tell her.
Y/n: Being leader is kinda hard but I know I musette want thr rule for Roland. He wants me to be leader and show the Crimson raiders hope.
Aubree: I guess so, I was wondering because.....After everything that has happened to us, you seem to quickly move on that and accept it.
Y/n:.......Yeah.....I....sometimes wise Roland's death was all a dream. When ever I wake up in the morning I was hoping Roland is just there laying onna chair relaxing and we can hang out to drink.....but-
She then hugs Y/n which Y/n hugs her back as the two hugged for a while and then they look at each other as they kissed for a second before they stop and Aubree tells him.
Aubree: (smile) He'll always be with us, always. Now go out there tiger.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah.
Once that he leaves the room with Aubree smiling and believes they can do this.
(Torgue's arena)
Y/n, Maya, Enyo, Kreig, Axton and Salvador enter the arena with the crowd cheering around them as they walk to the middle of the arena with Finn's voice is heard through the speakers.
Finn: (speakers) Ladies and gentlemen welcome to Torgue's Badass Crater of Badassitude. This will be the first challenge for these six contestants as they will take on three waves and if they survived will move on to the next round!
Maya: (smirk) This is gonna be fun.
Y/n: (smirk) Same.
Finn: (speakers) Let the first wave....begin!
All doors around them open and bandits exit out and charge at them with some splitting off to battle the other bandits. All six of them sees this and they qll split up to deal with the bandits and taking them out.
Y/n fire his vladof assault rifle at a few bandits whike he leaps up to the air before landing on the ground as he stood up and quickly hits a bandits in the head with a butt of his rifle and quickly pulls out his surfeit rubi and finish the bandit off. More comes at his way which is when Axton throes his turret in front of Y/n and his turret fires at them and taking them all out whole Axton appears walks up next to him as he pump his shotgun.
Axton: (smirk) Nedd any help?
He fire a shotgun at bandit whike Y/n fire a few rounds at the bandits as one bandits drops a sticky grenade which Y/n takes and slams it at another bandits and hold it whioe he tells Axton while it beeps.
Y/n: Well I got this alright but if you want to join me killing these guys then be my guest.
The beeping gose faster and Y/n tossed the bandit away at the rest and they blow up. There is a airhorn sound around the arena meaning round 1 is done and round 2 starts now. More and stronger bandits charge at them as we cut to Maya and Enyo taking out the bandits as Maya use her phase lock to froze them in place whike Enyo summons q enegry wall to block the bullets that were coming towards Maya.
Maya: Seems like they don't know what team work is.
Enyo: (smirk) Then let's show them girl.
Maya smirks and throws the bandits towards the rest while Enyo made four enegry walls around the fat bandit and they slams her hand as the walls slams on the fat bandit and crush him. Once that she took out her twin SMG and fire at the bandits while Maya also take out her SMG that is increased element and the two take out the bandits.
A airhorn gose off meaning round 2 ends and the final round is about to begin. More bandits came out and we cut to Kreig slicing off the bandits with his chainsaw axe as he laughs of the fun he is having. Salvador is also laughing as he fires his twin assault rifle at the incoming bandits as he laughs.
Y/n: Everyone form up!
They form up in the middle of the arena while they still open fire at them and taking them out.
Y/n: Grenades ready! Time to impress Torgue.
They took out all of their Grenades and they tossed them to the air whikr Enyo surrounded themselves inside of a enegry feild as the bandits were confused by this until they look up to see the Grenades falling down towards them.
Bandit: Welp.
Then the Grenades land on the ground and there was a large explosion that take put all the bandits around them with their parts flying everywhere in the arena. Once that there was a large smoke as the crowd was silent for a bit and then once the smoke clears up we see Y/n and the rest alive and well as a airhorn came out while the crowd cheered seeing them as the most badass group they have ever seen.
The crowd gose wild and cheered once more as they waved to them. Then the tier surprised they see Piston walking towards them and walks up to Y/n and tells him.
Piston: Not bad kid. Guess you qnd your team are pretty badass. Sorry about our first encounter, I hope we can work together as a team.
Y/n: Well I guess so.
Piston: Well before I go I left you something in that chest over there. Take it, you earned it.
Then a chest appears behind them which Axton and Salvador walks over to it.
Axton: (smirk) Oh boy this is gonna be interesting.
Salvador: (smirk) wonder what it is.
Y/n looks over to Piston to thank him but sees him walking away buy he noticed a smirk on his face and at first he doesn't know what is wrong with him until he turn back to the chest and see what's up.
Y/n: Wait don't open that-
But it was too late. Once the chest is open the shutters closed so the crowd can't see while gas came out not just form the chest but in the arena as well.
Axton: Hey what the....what the....hell.
One by one they start to feel dizzy and soon fell on the ground unconscious except for Y/n sho is wearing a helmet so the gas can't enter his body but he quickly turn to grab a fist from a mysterious figure from the smoke. The two bpwo some punches and then the figure knocks off Y/n helmet off as Y/n land hard on the ground snd he realised this and he too start to feel dizzy as he looks at the figures as he tells him.
???: Sorry kid. But he doesn't like being called a cheater.
Y/n mutter something to the figure but he was too tired as he set his head down and he shut his eyes as the worldaround him turns dark and he falls unconscious with the rest.
To be continued..............
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