Chapter 21 (Lemon)
Several weeks has passed since the death of Handsome Jack and the defeat of the warrior and Pandora is slowly turning back to normal since now Hyperion isn't gonna bother the citizens of Pandora ever again.
We see Y/n walking through the streets of Sanctuary as many people greet him and Crimson raider soldiers gives him a salute since now Y/n is the new leader of the Crimson raiders which Y/n was honoured by it however he is conflict by it. Dose he really wanna be leader or will he fail Roland.
To relax his mind he head to Moxxi's bar and take a few drinks. He never the bar and sat on the booth just as Moxxi hands him a drink follow by her telling him.
Moxxi: (smirk) This is on the house sugar.
Y/n: Thanks Moxxi.
Moxxi: What's on your mind there Y/n? You seem ti be troubled by something.
Y/n: (sigh) I don't know Moxxi. I'm I really wanna take leadership as a Crimson raider. I am honored but still....I'm worry I might be a bad leader.
Moxxi: I get what you mean sugar. Being a leader is a lot of responsibility and a lot have to look up on you as leader and make sure everything is all check up.
Y/n: Guess so. You think I'm a good leader.
Moxxi: (smirk) Sugar your one sexxy and cute leader and if anyone says your not, then I'll wipe them down of Sanctuary within seconds.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah guess so. Thanks Moxxi.
Moxxi nods and gose on to serve more customers while Y/n takes a drink while Aubree enter the bar and hugs Y/n before sat next to him.
Aubree: (smile) So any jobs we might go on?
Y/n: Hmm nothing I could think of. Since Jack is dead and Hyperion is not gonna bother us no more, it seems like no new jobs has coming up.
Aubree: (smile) That's no probably because I believe Gaige got is gonna take on a job and she might need us to help her.
Y/n: What's the job?
Aubree: There is this abandoned Hyperion base that contain some sort a map to a next Vault. If we get that, maybe we can find the Vault.
Y/n: Sounds interesting. Where is she now?
Aubree: At the fast travel system just waiting for us. We're heading to the dust to speak with Ellie about this abandoned base.
Y/n: Cool just let me get my stuff ready and we head out.
Aubree nods and after Y/n finish his drink the two head out while Y/n grabs his stuff and after a while meet up with Gaige at the fast travel station which she asked.
Gaige: (smile) Ready for today's mission?!
Aubree: (smile) Yep.
Y/n: (smile) Ready as I ever been.
Gaige: (smile) Awesome! Let's move out!
(The dust)
We see them at the dust as we see the trip talking to Ellie about this abandoned Hyperion bass while she is putting some upgrades to Y/n's bike and she respond while working.
Ellie: I heard about that base and thwt base is were they do some experiments to other people in Pandora.
Y/n: Just like the wildlife Preserve?
Ellie: Yep but that place is run by a scientist named Doctor Benedict who try to make a lot of people insane and crazy.
Aubree: I heard his name before but they told me he was working on a cure of the bandits.
Gaige: But just like Jack, he's not you nice Doctor to visit with.
Y/n: Why was the base abandoned?
Gaige: There was a large break out and every Hyperion staff were killed including Doctor Benedict. After that the base was left abandoned and who ever gose there will hear the screams of people throughout the halls.
Y/n: So it's a hunted base, that's interesting.
Gaige: And Awesome if there is loot after we get that map to the next Vault.
Ellie: Well good luck with that you three. And done.
She step back as Y/n walks over and looks at his bike and tells Ellie.
Y/n: Thanks Ellie. Been a while since I've ride my bike, can't wait to drive it again.
He hops on follow by Gaige and Aubree, once that Y/n starts off the engines and Y/n rides off as Ellies waves goodbye to them as they ride off to their location.
The ride would take two days bit they didn't mind as they ride through the desert and sometimes stop to take a break and drinking some water. Sometimes wildlife would come out and attack but they quickly take time and they be on their way.
Soon the first night hits and they stop at a small town which Y/n Park his bike and once that the trio hop off and make their way through town seeing other bandits talking to each other or some fist fighting each other while they walk by.
Gaige: Seems like everything is going back to normal.
Y/n: Yeah as long Jack is dead, Hyperion can't do anything about it.
The two agree and soon they arrive at a bar and they head in and make their way through the bar and they get to the front desk and Y/n asked the bar tender guy.
Y/n: Can we have a room to stay in for the night.
He nods and he hands over the key to them and they head up and they once at their room they take a break. Y/n head down from the bar to get a few drinks while Aubree and Gaige talk while on the bed.
Aubree: (surprised) Wow so you made police robots for yoru town?
Gaige: Well there more like Anti bullying bots. What they do is curse any bullying but my rival just took the plans and give the bots to one of most corrupt cops on the planet. I mean who dose that!
Aubree: Don't blame you.
Gaige: Then there was a mishap with my Deathtrap and let's just rival blow up into millions of pieces.
Aubree: that's why you are here?
Gaige: Yep. (Sigh). Don't give me wrong I love Pandora snd I love all of you but...sometimes I canjust go back home and see my dad again.
Aubree feels bad for Gaige and grabs gently on the shoulder and tells her.
Aubree: Your not alone from this. I do miss my parents as well but as long we have friends with us, we have a new family now.
Gaige looks over to Aubree and chuckle a bit while she nods to her.
Gaige: (smile) Yeah your right. It's funny you know, I've been used to Deathtrap for years and...never real friends. People just avoid me but not you or anyone else. Especially Y/n.
Aubree: (smile) Yeah. He's really nice and cute as well.
Gaige: Yeah and hot as well. Man I wish I just do it when i have a chance.
Aubree: (smirk)....Maybe it can.
Gaige turns to Aubree and she whisper an idea to her and hours later we see Y/n walking back to the room with drinks for everyone and soon he open the door and walks in while he shuts the door behind him and tells the girls.
Y/n: Before you girls ask, don't worry the drink aren't Posion I just checked. Maybe but it's probably best we should be careful while we-
He turn and when he sees the two on the bed without clothes on expert their bikinis on as they stare at Y/n in a sexxy way while Y/n have his jaws dropped.
Aubree: (smirk) Oh hey there Y/n.
Gaige: (smirk) Care to join us in bed.
Y/n was blushing brightly and nearly drop the drink but he caught it and slowly walks over and hands them their drinks which he ask.
Y/n: (blush) Um so what's going on here?
Gaige: (smirk) Nothing much. You?
The two drink their drinks and luckily the drinks aren't Posion but they still look over to Y/n and place the drinks away and Gaige was the first to crawl up to Y/n and press her chest into his bed.
Gaige: (smirk) Your body is so warm, so nice. It feels like I'm laying down on a fluffy pillow.
Y/n: (blush) Th-Th-Thanks b-but are you okay?
Gaige: (smirk) I'm fine as ever. In fact, I feel even more fine if I do this.
She lend in and kiss Y/n on the lips which she moan on how soft Y/n's lips are while Y/n was surprised a blushed by this as Gaige wrap her arms around him and kissing him while Aubree watched.
After a while Gaige stop and the two share looks as Gaige lick her lips and ask Y/n.
Gaige: (smirk) How was it Handsome?
Y/n: (blush) I-It was...Good Gaige.
Gaige: (smirk) Good, because here is the "fun" part.
(Lemon start)
Gaige lend in and kiss Y/n once more and the two fell onto the ground and Aubree looks over to see Gaige is going at it as she make moans as she kisses Y/n and rubbing his body to turn him on which it works because soon he kissed her back and the two made out while Aubree watched.
Aubree: (smirk) My word look a you two go.
The two made out on the floor while the two each took off Y/n's clothes and now Y/n is barely naked as the two stop kissing and sat on his lap while Aubree leaves the bed and stood over Y/n and asked.
Aubree: (smirk) My I join?
Gaige: (smirk) Sure. Can't have him all to myself you know.
Aubree giggles and Gaige crawl down and pull down his underwear to see his large dick and start to lick at it which made Y/n lend out a few moans while Aubree sat on his chest and bend down and kiss him on the lips which the two make out while Gaige gives a blow job.
After a while Cum exploded out of Y/n's dick snd Gaige drinks up the Cum and it was the most delicious thing she ever had. After a while the two girls remove their bikinis and now the three are naked as we see Y/n and Gaige on the bed making out while Aubree shares the kissing with Gaige as the two girls share the kisses with Y/n snd soon after the two girls get turned on and they make out while Y/n was panting while the two girls make out.
The two girls share moans to each other and after a few moans we see the two bend down with Y/n sitting on the bed as the two girls start to give Y/n a hand job as Y/n lend out a few moans while the two girls start to his dick and after a while of moans his dick exploded out with cum and the cum exploded inro Gaige and Aubree faces and they lick it off of their faces.
Soon after we see the trio in bed as Y/n was on top of Gaige as he thrust his dick into her vigina and start to have sex with her while Aubree lay next to Gaige and the two girls make out while Gaige starts to stick her finger get into Aubree's and after a long while all three lend out a moan and then silence after that.
(Lemon ends)
We see Y/n in bed with two girls cuddling up as the two slept with a smile on their faces while Y/n was breathing heavily as he reach over to his drinks and takes a drink.
Y/n: (thought) Shit that was fucking amazing. Shit.......I don't think I can walk for a while I think.
Then Gaige slowly open her eyes and looks over to Y/n and kiss him on the cheek and said before she drifted off to sleep.
Gaige: (smile) Love you Y/n.
She then falls asleep as Y/n looks at her and smiles and kiss her forehead and he also kiss Aubree on the forhead as well before he too drifter off to sleep.
(2 days later)
After along while of travelling they finally reach their location and Ellie wasn't kidding when this Hyperion base was left abandon.
Once there they see everything in ruins, doors were destroyed and loader bots laying on the floor either died due to power lost or by the escape bandits. Either way they make their way through the loader bots like graveyard and soon reach to the door that is almost open.
Y/n force it open while Aubree turns on her flashlight and scanned around the dark halls.
Aubree: This place gives me the creeps.
Gaige: You and me both girl. Let's hope no ghost aren't around.
Y/n: Let's hope so because this ain't Friday 13th.
They giggle from his joke and they head inside. They scan through the halls for anything that they can find. During this search they walk in to a large laboratory filled with test tubs as they walk through and see skeletons of either research scientist or the test subject themselves.
After a while or walking they stumble apon a working computer which Aubree gets on and types into the system while Gaige and Y/n stand guard.
Aubree: It looks like we can find the vaults location at the archives room.
Y/n: And where is that?
Aubree: Far but if we take that route, we might get there faster.
Gaige: And that route is?
Aubree: Three the cells of bandits and people who were tested on.
Gaige: Well crap. Guess we're gonna be jumped.
Y/n: Well if I know one horror movie rules is that don't split up, that is how the ghosts will get us.
Gaige: Already with that plan.
Aubree: I'm sure there is no such thing as ghost.
Y/n: Let's hope so Aubree. Let's go.
The trio make their way while we see a dark figure spying on them in the darkness and moves away while we see the trio make their way to the cells and this room gives them the creeps as they walk through and they feel like they were being watched.
Gaige even turns when she heard something move behind her but sees nothing which she catch up with the rest and after a while they arrive at the archive room and Aubree starts to hack into the controls while Y/n and Gaige stand guard.
Aubree: I feel bad for the people that they have to suffer because of Jack. It's a good thing Lilith killed him.
Y/n: We're all glad that he is gone. I'm glad as well.
Gaige: Still how are you holding up?
Y/n sighs and lend his back on the wall and tells them.
Y/n: I just feel like I'm gonna be a terrible leader for Sanctuary and....I feel like I'll fail everyone including you all.
Gaige: Don't say that. You'll be a great leader and if Roland picked you, then I'll support that.
Aubree: (smile) You saved all of us and mine as well. They seem to look up at you are their leader and savour of Pandora. Roland would be proud of you taking command.
Y/n: Thanks you two.
The two smile and Y/n smile as well and then they hear something which made Gaige scared while Y/n took out his rifle and aim it at the hall as they hear footsteps coming towards them as Gaige summons Deathtrap while Aubree gets the door open while the rest wait for anything that might come at them.
After a long while the footsteps stop and they stood there in silence until Y/n felt like someone was tapping on his shoulder which he turn and he was face to face with a masked person.
Y/n: (jumped) HOLY SHIT!
The girls screamed and turn to see Zero and once they realise it was Zero, he said.
Zero: Yo.
Y/n: (surprised) Zero? Jesus you scared us man.
Gaige: (anger) What is the big idea for scaring us like that jerk!
Zero: My apologies Gaige./ I was sent on this same mission to look for the location to the Vault./ I didn't know you three were taking this mission.
Aubree: How did you get here?
Zero: Took a buzzer./ The bandits didn't mind me to take it./ Now they are no more.
Y/n: (sigh) Well you give us a jump that's for sure.
Soon Aubree manage to open the door and the four head inside. They walk into a computer and Aubree type into it and it seems that it work as Aubree type in the vaults location and soon she said.
Aubree: It looks like it's at a large crater and this one is interesting. It seems that the only way to open it is with a blood of ultimately cowardly.
Gaige: So no Vault key?
Zero: Seems like we have a new challenge on our hands.
Y/n: Agree. Let's take this back to Sanctuary so Tannis can research this even more.
Aubree nods and take the files and the four make their way out of the base and soon after they were out. Zero takes a buzzer to head back while Y/n, Gaige and Aubree hop into their bike and they ride off as they return back to Sanctuary to report their findings to Tannis and Lilith while we see the same figure exit out of the darkness as he calls up someone in his echo device.
???: Hey boss, they found where the next Vault is. Want me to show you the footage.
After a few nods and a voice through the call she respond.
???: Yes sir. I'll sent you the footage right now.
She hung up and she looks in the distance where they went before she turn and leave the area to return back to base so she can take on another job for her boss.
To be continued...........
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