Chapter 19
The time has come. We see the Vault hunters including Aubree and Y/n getting as much as their gears they can and weapons as they are heading to Hero's end to fight Jack and stop him from awaken the warrior and save the world.
We see them as the fast travel as one by one they head to Eridium Blight where Hero's end is at as we see Y/n talking to Moxxi, Scooter and Tannies before he head off with the rest.
Tannis: The chances you all coming back is very small.
Y/n: How small?
Tannis: Well the chances to survive a nuke by hiding in a small wooden hut.
Y/n: Well we can make it, we just need to work together and push forward.
Moxxi: If you do beat Jack, bring his mask to me and I'll put it somewhere for his handsome face. Do that and I might give you a sexxy reward for it.
Scooter: You sure your up to this? I mean I'm worry for you man.
Y/n: Never worry Scooter. We be back and once we will, we will celebrate for our victory.
Scooter: Haha! Now that's I like to hear!
Tannis: Mordecai and Brick will arrive there as soon you all enter Hero's end. They just need to take something from Hyperion.
Y/n: (smile) Can't wait for that. Well guess I head off. We be back before you know it.
Y/n walks over to the fast travel and once he selected his location and he disappeared as he head off to face their final battle and defeat Jack for good.
(Eridium Blight)
We see a large metal door that leads to Hero's end shut as we see guards around patrolling near the door when one guard gets shot in the head by a sniper followed by another one.
The rest of the guards see this while one call out a sniper before one gets shot and they turn to see Y/n and the rest of the Vault hunters charging towards them and open fire at them.
Hyperion soldiers: We're under attack!
They open fire at them bit they were quickly taking out and once they were taking out, they rush to the door and stand guard while Clpatrap plugs himself into the door controls while they stand guard.
Aubree: You sure you know what your doing Claptrap?
Claptrap: Oh please I've open many doors and it works 100%.
Axton: Well not all.
Claptrap: Aaaaand open!
But then the second doors shut close on them which Y/n calls out to Claptrap.
Y/n: Um Claptrap.
Claptrap: What?! I said "aaand open!" Not "Aaand close second blast doors.
More Hyperion soldiers and loader bots rushes towards them and they open fire at them while Aubree rush up to Claptrap and help him with the door controls.
Aubree: Hold on. Let me try to hack into the AI's system so it might allow us in.
Claptrap: Hope you know what your doing.
Aubree: (smirk) Trust me. I know what I'm doing. Quick can you help me.
Claptrap: Sure thing.
Claptrap help her while Aubree and the restb hold of Hyperion forces as Gaige summons Deathtrap and Deathtrap dose his work while Kreig rushes over and slice his chainsaw axe at them and blood spilled everywhere while the rest of the Vault hunters stood there ground.
Maya: Damn we could use some back up right about now.
Salvador: Yeah hope Mordecai and Brick will be here soon.
Mordecai: (echo radio) You called?
They look up and see a large Hyperion supply carrier which Mordecai and Brick stole.
Y/n: (smile) Nice to see you here just in time.
Mordecai: (echo radio) Same here kid. Here some back up. Your on girls.
The doors open and gropw of samurai warriors and ninjas leap down and take out the Hyperion forces while Olive, Lauren, Ruth, Jayla and Lilah leap down and once landed help the Vault hunters with the battle.
Lilah: (smirk) Hey there everyone. See We're just in time for the party.
Y/n: (smirk) This party not starting yet. We still need to get this door open.
Aubree: Got it!
The doors behind them opens and apto reveal stairs heading to Hero's end.
Claptrap: Stairs. Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooo!!!!
Ruth: Go, we hold them off as best we can.
Olive: End this Vaukt hunters, end this once and for all.
Y/n: Right. Thank you.
They head up while Claptrap have no choice but to stay down where while both samurai and Ninja clan hold on Hyperion forces as long as they can.
(Hero's end)
Lava pours near them ad we see Y/n snd the rest made ut to the door and they head off while Salvador catch his breath follow by him saying.
Salvador: Jeez. Jack really like walking up of those stairs huh.
Axton: He maybe a huge dick, I don't blame him putting up long stairs.
Salvador: (sigh) Well this all be worth it as soon we end that bastard.
They continue on and before they turn the corner they see a loader bot being throne and crashed into the electric feild and get blown up. They peak around the corner to see Brick, Enyo, Peyton and Rylee beating up the last few Hyperion forces while the stolen supply carrier was behind them with Mordecai on a ramp with his sniper rifle.
Y/n: (smirk) Seems like you all took the easy way in huh.
They rush over to then with Brick laughs and said while he walks over to the engery feild.
Brick: (smile) Yep but good to see you all are here and here yo reck some stuff. Mordecai the nerves feild.
Mordecai: On it!
Enyo: Ready for this?
Y/n: We were born ready.
They reload and once that Mordecai fire at the battery and took down the negryr feild which they rush through and they take down as much Hyperion troops that comes to them.
After a while of rushing and shoot at any Hyperion forces they see, they reach to another engery feild as they stood there ground and take down as much Hyperion forces as they can.
Peyton: Jack really doesn't want us get to the Vault huh.
Rylee: Yeah but it be worth it once we get to him.
Brick: Mordecai do you have a clear shot?
Mordecai gets a clear shot and fire a shot which blows up the battery and shut the negeyr feild. But soon after he done that, a blast nearly hits him and he looks up to see flying Loader bots shooting at him as he step back while taking a few shots at them.
Mordecai: Damn they gut pinned. You guys are on your own!
He pulls back inside while Brick sees this and said.
Brick: No way! I'm not gonna lose anymore friends. Hate to leave you guys here but Mordecai and the rest need my help.
Then Brick leaps over and lands and head inside hole more loader bots land and enter inside.
Y/n: Brick! Mordecai do you read us?
Aubree: (shocked) Guys a moonshot has it sight on the carrier.
Maya: Crap!
Axton: You guys need to get out of there!
But either their radios were being blocked or were busy but they watched as Moonshots hits the carrier and they go down which shock them but before they hit the laca a feild appears below it and they look over to see Enyo using her siren power to save the carrier.
Enyo: Go! We got this from here. Make sure you spit on Jack's handsome head once you kill him.
They node to her and they head off while Peyton and Rylee head down to help Mordecai and Brick while Enyo holds the ship so it won't land on the lava.
Y/n and the rest make their way through Hyperion forces and it's defenses. If they would see how annoyed jack is that they are going pass his defences, then they will laugh.
After a while they reach to the cave but Gaige calls out to them and they turn to see a massive army of Hyperion forces rushes towards them. Y/n sighs while he pulls out his Rugged Yanquisher and tells them.
Y/n: Go. You all defead Jack and stop him. I'll hold them off.
Aubree: No! That's suicide!
Y/n: This suit can hold off any attacks so I'll be fine. Now go before it's too late.
They look at each other and instead going into the cave, they rushbup in front of him and aim their weapons at Hyperion forces.
Y/n: What are you all doing?!
Axton: Don't guve us all, we want to open that Vault but seeing how that creature ruined your families life and yours. Someone is gonna make it pay including Jack.
Salvador: Vault hunting maybe our thing but this yours to take.
Zero: We do our best to keep them at bay./ Get to the Vault and complete the challenge./ This will be legendary.
Gaige: Agree. Ready for this bug guy.
Aubree: I wanna kill Jack for what he did. But....Jack ruined all of us including you by killing Roland in front of you and Lilith.
Y/n: Guys.
Aubree: Now go, we hold them off as best we can.
Y/n was surprised by this while a tear rolled down his cheek as he smiled and nod to them and then races into the cave while the rest stood there ground and ready for an army of Hyperion forces charging towards them.
(Vault of the warrior)
We see Y/n alone now as he walk through the cave with lava pouring down around him and even as he cross a bridge with lava underneath it as he made it to a elevator and press a button and the lift gose down.
Once down he walks over only to see a supply truck with anmo and weapons which he took some anmo and once that he takes a deep breath and then heads over.
He arrives at the Vault and he could see Lilith charging the Vault as he rushes towards her and calls out to her.
Y/n: Lilith! Lilith are you alright?
Lilith: Y/n. Y/n you came. Where is everyone else?
Y/n: Holding off Hyperion forces but how can I free you?
???: You can't.
He aim his rifle at the controls and turning the chair was Handsome Jack himself as he looks at him before leaving the chair and said.
Handsome Jack: Looks like we met. Face to face, well masked to masked but you get what I mean.
Y/n: Jack stop this! This warrior is not safe to use.
Handsome Jack: Safe to use? Kiddo this Vault key can awaken the warrior and I can control it!
Y/n: But how do you know?! All we know this warrior will kill all of us once it's awaken. Listen Jack, don't do this. Just turn yourself in and just give up. You lost.
Handsome Jack: No. I'm almost there awaken the warrior but first...I'm gonna avenged my Daughter.
He then turn invisible and seconds later Jack appear and punched Y/n in the helmet which he stumble and fire his rifle at Jack but sees it's a hologram of Jack.
Soon more of him appear and they charge at him as Y/n open fire at then hologram of Handsome Jack but there was no use as they start to blow punches at him while he try to swing his rifle at them but they dodge and punch Y/n even more while they spoke at once.
Handsome Jack's: You think your a hero kid? You think what your doing is right? Your a killer, a monster!
He took out his Incendiary Greed and fire a few shots at the holograms before one grabs him and tossed him as he crashed into a pillar and lands hard onto the ground.
He slowly stands up as he looks up to see them walking towards him while Y/n try his best to stand up but a electric blast zaps Y/n as he scream in pain while the Jack's gose on to say.
Handsome Jack's: Your a child murder! You kill who ever you want just so you can be satisfied. Your the main villain of this story while I'm a hero.
Once he stop zapping Y/n he grabs him by the neck and looks at him straight into his visor and tells him.
Handsome Jack: There is no point beaten me. You lost, once the warrior is awaken, I'll rain death to all of you bandit fuckers. Any last words kiddo.
Y/n: Yeah I have one....your ugly.
Then Jack feild a large hot blade stab into him as he looks down and in ahock see a red enegrry blade stab through him while his holograms disappear leaving the real Jack as he let's go of Y/n's neck while Y/n tossed Jack aside.
Handsome Jack lands near the Vault key once it is done charged as he slowly stand up with blood on his guts as he sees the Vault key charged and said.
Handsome Jack: No. This ain't over yet!
Handsome Jack plugs the key into the alot and Lilith fell as a purple engery feild surround them while Y/n hears a large thud snd he turns to the symbol of the Vault is at and coming out of the cliff was the warrior itself as it roars while landing into the lava but didn't get stucked in or seem to never be to hurt by it.
Handsome Jack: WARRIOR!!!!!..........Kill.
The Warrior roars and turns to Y/n and fires flames at Y/n and he dodge and swap his weapon to twin rocket launchers and fires rockets at it but it doesn't do damage but makes it mader.
The warrior dive into the lava while Y/n looks around for it until it appears behind him and quickly turn and its tail swings and hits Y/n and sent him flying and crashed into a wall and onto the ground.
Lilith: Y/
Y/n slowly stand up and see his visor his cracked along with his armor as he looks up but quickly ducks down as a tail from the warrior swings at him once more but missed.
Y/n fire his rifle at it but doesn't do much as the warrior roars once more and fires more flames at Y/n but Y/n leaps away but he was hit by the warriors claws and was sent flying and crashed hard onto the ground.
Y/n slowly try to stand up but he feels like shit as blood comes out of his mouth while his visor his shattered, exposing his eyes as he slowly stand up but get slamed by the warriors claws once more as the warrior try to crush him this time.
Lilith can't do anything but lay there while Handsome Jack smirks as the warrior is winning while we see Y/n understand the warriors claws and can't hold on any longer.
Y/n: (thought) No....I got to win this.....I'm not gonna fail again. I may have failed Roland, Bloodwing, my Parents, Henry and my parents company but.....but.....
Then he gets even more stronger which his armor lighs uo blue instead of red while the warrior sees that Y/n is getting stronger and try to trush him harder but then Y/n slowly got onto his knees and soon after there was a blast that sent the warrior back while Lilith and Handsome Jack were shot to see Y/n still alive but his armor was glowing blue.
Y/n looks to see his armor is glowing blue and was confused until he felt a hand on his shoulder and turns to see the spirit of Henry once more as he gives him a smirk and a node.
Y/n smirks and nodes him back and turns and tells Jack.
Y/n: I'm not gonna give up Jack! You may have killed a lot of people and those that are closes to me. But I won't give up! I'll succeed and I'll make sure Pandora will be at peace without Hyperion or you! IT'S TIME TO END THIS ONCE AND FOR ALL!
(Epic battle theme start)
The warrior stands onto four feet and roars at Y/n while Y/n just smirks underneath his helmet and burst rushes towards the warrior while the warrior fires more flames at him but he reach out his hand and a engery feild appears in front of him and blocks the flames while he leaps up and active his twin enegry blades and lands on the Warrior's head ans stab his blades into it.
The warrior roars out in pain and stumbled around ans crashed into many things while Y/n keeps stabbing him while the warrior try it's best to get Y/n off of him. The warrior shake it's head and Y/n was thrown away but lands on his feet and looks up as the warrior gets even more made and rushes towards him and ram it's head at him but he catches the warrior's head and pulls out a slag nasty surprise ans stuck it inside the warriors head and once blown up, he took out his Apt vemon he fire the whole round which the warrior roar out in pain even more.
The warrior step back while Y/n throws his engeyr blade at the warrior which is into the warriors chest as it cracks and then Y/n throws more enegry blades at it's chest and soon it shattered into pieces exposing it's weakness.
Y/n: Time to say goodbye to your pet Jack! BECAUSE I'M PUTTING IT DOWN FOR GOOD!
Handsome Jack: NNNNNNOOOOOO!!!!
Y/n takes out both of his rocket launchers and fire as much rockets as he can as the warrior has taking all the damage that Y/n has and after a few rocket around the warrior let out it's final roar before it fell onto the ground, weaken but not killed.
Lilith was shocked that Y/n have managed to do it as we see Y/n with his Casual SWORDSPLOSION and walks up to one of the warriors eye and looks at the warrior and then aim his weapon at him while he tells it.
Y/n: This is for my parents and the tournament they deal with because of you.
Bang! Boom!
(Epic battle theme ends)
The warrior is killed as the engery feild were Jack and Lilith were in disappeared as Y/n rushes over while Lilith stand up and once stand up she rushes up and they hugged.
Lilith: (smile) Y/n you did it! You won!
Y/n: (smile) No...we won.
Lilith smiled but it was not over let as they look over to see Jack slowly standing up as he chuckle and gose on to say.
Handsome Jack: You think you won huh?! You think that EVERYTHING will go away and Pandora will be peaceful huh? Well I got news to you, THAT'S NOT GONNA HAPPEN YOU FUVKING IDIOTS! The warrior was suppose to be hope to this plan but instead you killed it. HOW CAN PANDORA EVER GONNA BE PEACEFUL NOW HUH?! HOW!
They look at him in silence until Y/n step over to him and then throws a punch at Jack in the face which he fell onto the ground as Y/n stood over him and tells him.
Y/n: Pandora is peaceful. It doesn't matter if there is bandits or dangerous animals. Pandora is home to me and I will never change it for the world. I've met so many people and these people help me deal with the trauma I've dealt with for years and now....I'm better and I'm not a disappointment no more. I am....a proud man.
Handsome Jack was silent until he let out a chuckle and asked.
Handsome Jack: So....what are you gonna do? Shoot me?
Y/n glare at him and he was about to but said.
Y/n: No. I won't kill you.
Handsome Jack smirked but then Y/n added.
Y/n: But she will.
Handsome Jack was confused until he turn and Lilith grabs his masked and burns him with her siren powers as he yells out in pain before a blast sent Handsome Jack follow by his masked as Y/n sees the CEO of dead.
Lilith: That is for Roland.
They stood there in silence as Lilith sighs while Y/n looks down and tells Lilith.
Y/n: Lilith....I'm sorry about Roland. I shouldn't have doen something but....I....I.....
But Lilith walks over to him and took off Y/n's helmet and before Y/n could asked, she kissed Y/n on the lips which surprised Y/n for a bit before Y/n kissed her back and wrap their arms around each other as they kissed before they stop and they look at each other with Lilith hugging Y/n while he tells him.
Lilith: (smile) I know it's never your fault. Roland would be proud of you and would never blame you for his death.
Y/n smiled and hugged her back. Soon after Aubree and everyone else arrived and they turn to see them all alive including Mordecai and Brick.
Mordecai: Looks like we won.
Brick: That's a relief.
Lilith and Y/n nods to them while they look at the Vault key and Lilith walks over and bend down and said.
Lilith: Time to end this key for good. It's been fun you son of a bit-
Suddenly the key actives and a hologram appears above them that shows the galaxy follow by Vault symbols on different planets within the galaxy.
Aubree: (shocked) Are those?!
Maya: More vaults.
Olive: In our galaxy.
Gaige: (smirk) You know what this means.
Lilith and Y/n look at each other and node as the two turns to them with Lilith tells them.
Lilith: (smile) Yep. No rest for the wicked.
To be continued...................
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