Chapter 16


We see the Vault hunters gathered around and they believe they are ready to assault the Bunker, meet up with Angel and grab the Vault key. Everyone is geared up and ready to go but there is one small problem which they are discussing about right now.

Lilith: Look I don't care what Angel says, I'm going either you like it or not.

Roland: I'm sorry but who knows what will happen if you either go near to Angels room.

Lilith: I've run a cult so I can take care on what traps Jack has all by myself.

Axton: But what if this is a trap that you can't get away from.

Lilith is about to answer but she herself and thinks about it before Aubree walks up to her and tells her.

Aubree: Look I know you wanna confront Angel and try to get answers but it be too risky for you and the other sirens to go in. As soon Y/n is inside he will get that key while we hold off the invasion.

Lilith sighs and turns to Y/n and asked him.

Lilith: Ready for this? If this is a trap then-

Y/n: Lilith relax I'll be fine. Ain't the first time I've fallen into a trap and survived. I'll be fine.

Lilith: (smile) Guess your right. Man, I'm not gonna get use of your Handsome Jack voice.

Y/n: (smirk) Hey I'm the Jackass baby!

There are a few laughs and once that Roland tells everyone.

Roland: Alright everyone this is it. Meet up with Brick at the Bunker and we can begin our attack.

Aubree: Claptrap can get through the wall with that upgrade chip I've installed it into him. He'll go through the wall without getting burned.

Roland: Hope it works. Alright everyone, let's do this.

Salvador cheered and they head out to attack the bunker and grab the Vault key so Jack will not use it to awaken the warrior and end all life within Pandora.

(Thousand cuts)

Once Y/n and the rest arrived at Thousand Cuts, they can see Brick and his clan already started to attack the bunker and pushing Hyperion forces back.

Y/n: Looks like they started the party already.

Zero: This will be a challenge./ We will complete it together./ I like a large challenge.

Salvador: (smirk) I'm getting their first!

Axton: Not if i get there first!

Axton and Salvador race over while Zero turn invisible and disappear while Maya catch up to the two while Y/n turns to Aubree and asked her.

Y/n: You ready?

Aubree turns to the Bunker and this is her cajnce to make Jack pay for ruining her life so she turns back to Y/n and nods to him.

Aubree: (smile) Ready.

Y/n nods back and they race over weapons in hand and soon they join up with Brick as he punches through the bodies of Loader bots and beaten them down just as Y/n and Aubree rush up to him.

Y/n: Looks like you started the party without us.

Brick: (smirk) Guess this disappoint you?

Y/n: (smirk) Not at all Slab king.

Brick: (smirk) Awesome.

Aubree: Where's Claptrap?

Brick: Got a head start, he's over there at the gate.

Y/n: Right let's go.

Aubree nods and the two rushes through the feild getting pass loader bots with Y/n fire at some out of their way and soon they reach the gate where Claptrap was along with Gaige who is making sure the upgrade chip is working.

Gaige: Alright it's done. Now get over there and shut that feild down.

Claptrap: Okay!

Claptrap hose through the feild without being burned and gets onto the controls and whike tehy wait Y/n asked.

Y/n: Where's Kreig?

Gaige: With Roland and the rest. I think their distracted Hyperion troops long enough for us to get to the Vault key. Hey, you sure this ain't a trap.

Y/n: Who knows but one way to find out.

Claptrap: Annnndddd open!

The feild shuts down and the trio charge through with buzzers fly over them and fire rockets at the blocked wall and once they destroyed it they were aboit to keep going when Y/n pulls the two back and get to cover as a turret fires at their location.

Then Zero appears and slices one turret up and throws ninja stars at the other and destroy that one as well. Y/n peaks over to see Zero and gives him a thumps up.

Zero: :)

Then Zero take out his sniper rifle and fire at a fee Hyperion soldiers and once that the trio keep on moving. They get to cover as Hyperion soldiers and loader bots came and fire at their cover. Y/n took out two Longbow pandemic grenades and chuck them towards them and once detonated they burned from the acids and they were aboit to keep moving when the doors opens a badass loader bots appears and aims it's large cannons at them.

Maya: No you don't!

Then Maya traps it into Maya's phase lock which gives Y/n and the rest time to fire their weapons at the Loader bots and destroy it. Once that Maya along with Zero walks up to them.

Y/n: Thanks for the help Maya.

Maya: (smirk) No problem. Shall we break some stuff?

Y/n: (smirk) Indeed. Let's go.

They make their way up a hill and soon they arrive at another door and they take out Hyperion troops and loader bots. Then the gates turrets open fire at them which they take cover but  then Aubree opens up her echo device ans start to type something within it and soon after the two turrets stopped firing and suddenly blow up which surprised them.

Gaige: Um what the hell just happened?

Aubree: (smirk) I've been working on this for a while and I finally created a program within my echo device to malfunction all Hyperion tech within seconds.

Y/n: (surprised) Nice one Aubree.

Aubree: (smile) Thanks. It comes to show to never mess with a girl that gotten kicked out by Hyperion.

The gates open and at the other side they see Axton and Salvador at the other side already take down Hyperion forces. They walk in and Maya asked them.

Maya: How did you two get here?

Axton: we jump off from a buzzer and landed here.

Salvador: (smirk) And they didn't see it coming.

Y/n: Seems like there is still more coming down here.

They see this but they have no problems or taking them out. So they follow Y/n as they fire at Hyperion forces while going to the second floor and then the third floor. Once on the third floor they make their way through a large bridge and once there Aubree starts to hack into Hyperion's elevator controls.

Axton: How long until you get I open?

Aubree: Not long.

Salvador: Bad guys incoming!

They turn to see more Hyperion troops coming up behind them which they get ready.

Maya: We hold them off. You and Aubree head up there and get the Vault key.

Y/n: You sure you all be fine.

Maya: (smirk) Yeah, we be fine.

They rush at Hyperion forces while Aubree manage to call in a elevator which it came down and once the doors open they climb in and shut the elevator doors and the two head up while the rest of the Vault hunters hold off Hyperion forces as best they can.


The two made it to the top and once there they make their way up on the top of the bunker and getting pass Angels door which is covered by a engery shield.

Aubree: Looks like we have to take down the Bunkers defeat in order to get in.

Y/n: I was thinking the same thing.

There was an explosion and tehy trunk to see a buzzer fallen down while in flames. They head to the top and once there they see many turrets firing at the buzzers in the sky and they were getting destroyed by the turrets.

Y/n: How can we shut all of them down?

Aubree: I can hack into all the turrets system but I need more time.

Soon Loader bots are being spawned which Y/n grabs her and carry her away while Loader bots open fire at them. Y/n claim up the stairs and once that he set Aubree down who is working on hacking into the turrets systems whioe Y/n took out his Apt vemon SMG and fire at loader bots and taking some of them out.

The loader bots were coming from in both sides so Y/n fire at one in front of them while he turns and fire at several loader bots and they start to surround them.

Y/n: How long?!

Aubree: Almost got it!

Then they hear a crazy laughter and Kreig leaps out of a buzzer and slams his axe at one first loader bots and screams in blind rage and start swinging his axe at them while laughing as well.


Y/n: (thought) He really loves smashing things a lot.

Olive: Y/n.

Then Olive, Lauren, Ruth, Jayla and Lilah leap down and take down the loader bots and given them some back up.

Y/n: Nice timing. Figured we be done for.

Olive: It's no problem. What's happening?

Y/n: Aubree is hacking into the turrets systems and trying to shut them down.

Aubree: And I'm done!

She pushes a button and the turrets start to shut down and once that they cheered for completing their mission.

Lilah: Ha! Take that Jack! What else do you got now we destroy the bunkers defences now.

Suddenly there was a rumble which caught them by surprised and they turn to see a large machine started to active with Jack enter their echo radio just to explain to them.

(Bunker intro)
(Time: 0:07 to 0:29)

The Bunker flies around while Y/n and the rest see this and Lilah sighs to herself follow by her saying.

Lilah: I really hate that guy.

Jayla: What should we do?

Lauren: We need to destroy it before it will destroy us.

Y/n: Aubree can you hack into the bunkers systems?

Aubree: Trying but it seems like Jack installed some sort a anti hacking wall. I can't hack it in.

Y/n: Then I looks like there is one way to do.

He pulls out Clver Badaboom rocket launcher and finish off by saying.

Y/n: Blow that sucker down!

He then fire a rocket at the bunker which he hits but it cist the bunker to turn snd fire mines at them which they dodge once they landed and blow up. They dodges the mines while the Bunker flies over them. Kreig try to thtow his axe at it but it bounce off and hits him on the head.


The Bunker turns back sne fire it's large cannons at them which they dodges as well while Y/n fired several rockets at the Bunker which lands a few hits of it but it's not going down.

Y/n: Shit! There has to be a way to take that thing down.

Ruth: There's maybe one way.

Ruth grabs a robe which Y/n sees and nods to her. Ruth also show this to Jayla and Lilah which they node as well and once they know the plan, they start to throw ninja stars at the bunker to try to get to towards them.

The bunker gose down and they look around for it and after a while the Bunker appears in front of them and fire everything it has at them.

Ruth: Now!

The trio three ninja stars with robs attached to it towards the Bunker and once they stab through it they start to pull it down with the help of Y/n, Kreig and Aubree, they managed to get the bunker down to the ground which gives Lauren and Olive a chance to leap onto the Bunker and they stab their swords into it's eye and the bunker start to blow up and soon the Bunker is destroyed.

Lilah: (smirk) Take that you stupid bunker!

Jayla: (smile) We won!


Aubree: Now that is done, let's check on the engery shield.

Y/n agrees and the two head there and once there they see it down. Y/n step into the door and the door scans him and after a while it requested a password with jacks voice.

Y/n: So what's the password Angel?

Angel: The password is....I love you.

Y/n doesn't know why is that it's password but he shrugged and dose it.

Y/n: I love you.

The password is down and the door opens and once that Y/n turns to Aubree and she nods to him which Y/n nods back and he gose through while Aubree stay behind and thinks out the rest from here.

(Short while later)

The lift made it to the bottom floor and Y/n walks over to the door and soon he opens the door and he walks through a lit hallway.

He turns a corner and see just a bottom which he walks over and once close he looks at it and pushes it. Suddenly the button disappeared and the room he was in also disappeared as well and a hologram of a Vault key appears along with a voice of Angel.

Angel: The Key is here with me like I promised and it's nearly charged up.

Y/n: (smile) Cool so all we have to do is take it and-

But then Angels sighs that sounded like sadness and she gose on to say.

Angel: order for you to get it you much destroy it's charging core so Jack will not use it to awaken the warrior.

Y/n: Okay and where is it?

Angel: Your at it right now.

Then a hologram of the Vault key is gone but a large light appears which blinds Y/n a bit but when he reopen his eyes he couldn't believe what he is seeing.

Angel: I'm it's core. I'm the one that is charging the Vault key.

Y/n was stunned for a second to see Angel not as an AI....but as a living Siren.

Y/n: (shocked) Okay I've seen many crazy stuff bit THAT! That takes the biggest cake I could ever make.

Angel: This may surprise you and I know. I have this power long ago when I was very young. Jack used me to not only watch over Pandora but charge the vault key as well.

Y/n: That fucker used you. Why would you even agree to a man who wants to use you?!

Angel: Because.......Jack is my father.

Y/n was shocked by this and he has several questions about all of this but Angel tells him.

Angel: This is the reason I can't allow sirens like Lilith or Maya to enter here. Jack will find a way to use them to charge up the vault key faster. Now-

Handsome Jack: (echo radio) You get away from my daughter!

Suddenly Angel was pulled towards a room which Y/n chase after and once he gose through he was in a large circular room with Angel in a middle with a engery shield as Handsome Jack appears on TV screen.

Handsome Jack: (TV screen) Angel what are you doing.

Angel: Stopping you, you piece of-

Handsome Jack: (TV screen) Language!

Y/n: Angel what should I do!?

Angel: Destroy those pipes!

Y/n sees them ane fire his rifle but another engery feild was activated to stop Y/n from shooting Angel and tells Y/n.

Handsome Jack: (TV screen) Listen kid, I know you bever harm a man who has a only daughter left so here is a deal. I'll leave you and yoru friends alone if you leave me ane Angel alone okay. You DON'T know what you about to do. I'd you destroy either of those pipes, Angel will die. Just please leave.

Y/n realised this and looks at Angel and see she wants to sacrifice her own life which Y/n was hesitant at first but he knows that Jack can't get his hands on the Warrior and kill millions of people and life so he tells Jack.

Y/n: I'm sorry but......I can't let you have the Vault key.

Handsome Jack: (TV screen) So be it.

Then loader bots spawn in and they fire at Y/n but he quickly dodges the incoming bullets and open fire at the Loader bots and taking some of the loader bots out while trying to find a way to lower down the pipes engery shield.

Roland: Hey Y/n!

He looks up to see Roland on one of the walk ways which was very convenient but he fires at more loader bots while he takes Roland.

Y/n: Roland I need you to lower down that engery shield on one of those pipes.

Roland: Um yeah but first is it me, or is Angel a siren.

Y/n: Welcome to my world. Now go!

He fires more while Roland heads over there and gets to the controls and types it in. After a while the engery field shuts off which gives Y/n a chance to open fire and destroy the first pipe.

Angel: Aaaahhhh!

Y/n: Angel!

Angel: I'm.....fine! Go to the next one.

Roland leaps down and take down a few loader bots and head to the next one and claim up to the second controls while Y/n distracted more in coming loader bots. Roland gets to the controls and after a while he shuts it down which Y/n open fire and destroyed the second pipe.

Angel screamed and suddenly a broken pipe destroyed the walk way that Roland is on and lands on the ground. Soon the last walk way disappeared and Y/n rush up to Roland and see there is no way tuey can shut down the last one.

Roland: Damn it! There has to be a way to get up there!

Y/n: Well maybe our luck may have rwn out.

Lilith: (echo rsdio) Hey boys.

Then Lilith suddenly appears and destroyed all the loader bots which surprised Roland and Y/n.

Y/n: Never mind.

Roland: Lilith! I thought I told you-

Lilith: Yeah and i didn't listen now grab on.

Roland sighs and grabs Lilith and she teleported him to the next controls which Roland start to hack and soon the last pipe field is gone.

Y/n takes aim but pauses a little and thinking of killing Angel for good.

Y/n: (thought) I'm sorry Angel.

He then fire a found and blows up the last pipe which Angel scream in pain and she gently floats down while the engery field around her gose off. Y/n rushes over to her while Lilith and Roland came down and Y/n get to her and shake her.

Y/n: Angel. Hey Angel we won.

Angel: (smile) We.....We have......I....I

She then takes her last breath and dies right in front of Y/n. Y/n is sadden by her death and shut his eyes while he shake his head. Roland grabs his shoulder and tells him.

Roland: Angel proofed to us all that people like her deserve a second chance. She really is an angel.

Y/n: Yeah. Agree.

Y/n stood up and turns to Roland while Lilith gets the Vault key.

Roland: Now we got the Vault key, there is one person we must take down now.

Y/n: Yeah, Handsome Jack.

Roland: That's right. I wanna do this on my own but.....I could use some back up.

Y/n smirks at him as Roland land out a hand to him which Y/n smirks and said.

Y/n: (smirk) Sure. For Pandora and it's peop-


Blood splattered on Y/n's armor and helmets as his eyes widen in shock and horror as Lilith turns to see a hole go through Roland's chest and he looks down to it before he fell onto the ground dead while Y/n was stunned to see Handosme Jack behind Roland with a pistol on him.

Lilith: ROLAND!

Handsome Jack: Sup.

Lilith: You fucker! I'm gonna-

She charge at him but Handsome Jack slams something into her neck and she fell down while Handsome Jack says.

Handsome Jack: Language. See, this is what happens when you kill the onky family that a man has!


Handsome Jack: No words huh? Well I'm gonan show you how it feels to lose someone and now I have one of the most powerful siren i have.

He the picks up Lilith and tells her.

Handsome Jack: Lilith, kill Y/n. We have business to take care off.

Lilith can't control her hands as she lights up and screams for Y/n to move but he is frozen in place and have a look of terror on his face like he experiences this before as Lilith blast him with a blind light and the only thing Y/n could darkness and silence.

???: Your such a disappointment son.

To be continued...............

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