Chapter 15
(Thousand Cuts)
We see Y/n on a solo mission as we see him on a small hill looking down the scope of his Auditing Invader and scans a large bandit camp site where the Slab King lives and rules.
Y/n: So this is where the Slab king now rules at now? I thought he was dead by you and the rest?
Lilith: (echo radio) Yeah we thought so as well until we heard reports of this but we soon later find out who really is the Slab king.
Y/n: Who his long lost brother?
Lilith: (echo radio) No but that would be interesting if that were true.
Y/n: Okay so why I'm I doing this in Solo? I mean sure don't mind for a solo mission but why though?
Roland: (echo radio) Your gonna take part of his challenges and since your very skilled with gun to gun and hand to hand combat and all those skills to get the upper hand.
Y/n: So you sent me here to fight a whole army of the slab Kings bandits alone?!
Roland: (echo radio) Um yeah but if you think this is dangerous for you then-
Y/n: (smirk) You kidding, this might be my birthday already. I'll contact you to update you on what's happening.
Roland: (echo radio) Copy that. Be careful Y/n.
Y/n: (smirk) I will.
Once that he walks down a small hill and make his way towards the gate and soon he walks through and a scream of a bandit is heard and lots of bandits rushes out and once there they aim their weapons at him while growling at him.
Y/n: Wow Wow Wow I'm here for no harm. I just want to speak with your king?
???: Who dares enter to my town?
The bandit move out of the way and see the Slab king walk up to Y/n who is wearing a large masked which Y/n find it interesting while the Slab King fold his arms and spoke.
Slab King: Ah I see we have a bounty hunter here. What do you want?
Y/n: I'm here to take on your challenges and complete them, but if I win, you have to hear me out.
Slab King: Hmm I see, so you dare to come here to take on my challenges huh? Well follow me and we get started.
Y/n: (smile) Lead the way.
The Slab King leads the way while Y/n follows him. Y/n was surprised to loom around the buildings and bridges that they made which impressed him and asked the Slab king.
Y/n: Gonna say, you have a nice place. How did you do it?
Slab King: I was once a group of people that I trusted all my life. Until one day a large battle take place that took a life of a puppy I loved and cared and other lives. When I found this person who betrayed us, my gang kicked me out but I grown to be the Slab king of this land.
Y/n: That's some origin story, sorry for your loss.
Slab King: I appreciate the apology. Soon Jack will pay and that thing on that mountain.
He pointed at a Hyperion base on the top of a nearby mountain which Y/n's sees and thinks that must be the bunker. They walk across the bridge and walk pass a bandit who asked anyone to shoot him in the face and begs them to.
Soon the Slab king opens a large door to his place and they head in. Once in we see the Slab King gone to the second floor above Y/n and he sat down on his throne chair and looks down at Y/n and tells him.
Slab King: Alright here is what you will face. You will face three waves of my best slabs and if you survive these rounds, then you are officially one of us.
Y/n: (smirk) Sounds interesting. Let's begin.
Slab King: Alright then. Let the first wave begin!
Then the doors swing open and bandits came out and charge at Y/n ready to kill him to please the Slab king. Y/n smirks underneath his helmet and quickly take out his Rustler's Brphan maker and fire a few shots at the bandits that were coming towards him and sending him flying while the Slab king watched from above.
One bandit try to swing an axe at him but Y/n quickly dodges it and dodge a few swings from a bandit but soon he grabs the handle of the axe and kicks the bandit back sending hij flying. With armed with a Axe he turns snd throws the axe and stabs a bandit in the head which killed the but more comes towards him.
Y/n swap his weapons and fire his Valdof assault rifle and taking them out in a second before he quickly pulls out his Incendiary Greed on his other hand and fire a few shots in the heads of four more bandits and soon wave one was complete.
Slab King: Very impressive you must be killing a lot over the years. But let the second wave begin!
Soon more came but this time badass bandits came out armed with twin LMG's and they open fire at him which Y/n runs for cover snd gets behind a garbage bin as bullets his the back of it and after a while of shooting the bandits stop firing and looks at the garbage bin and thinks they killed him.
But then three Rubberized fire burst grenade were throne over the garbage bin and lands at the bandits which blows up and tehy scream around as flames were burning their skins and slowly killing them. Y/n leaps out of the garbage bin while he was armed with his Consummate Hellfire and fire a few rounds at the badass bandits and setting them up into flames.
Y/n lands on the ground snd continue to fire his consummate Hellfire at the other bandits ans setting them up into flames while he quickly dodge a swing form a badass bandit and once that he rush at him and lands his feet onto the badass body and runs up to him snd then kicked him upwards that cost the badass bandit to stumble back and fell onto the ground while Y/n lands on his feet and finish this up with a few rounds of his flame element SMG and kill the last badass bandit. Once that he looks at the Slab king while the Slab king was impressed and tells him.
Slab King: Your Pretty good but this last round be harder then you may thought. Let the last round begin!
Then more and more bandits came out with all the powerful weapons they got and equipment as a few tossed grenades at Y/n but he quickly moved out of the way and once that he grabs the same garbage bin he took cover and throws it at a few bandits and they were sent flying.
A badass bandit fires a rocket at him but he quickly dodges it and looks back up and another rocket fires at him but Y/n waits for it and once the rocket gets close, he dodge it but grabs the body of the rocket and spone it 360 and then chucks it back at the bandit that fired the rocket and blows them up.
More bandits start to come towards Y/n which Y/n pulls out both Sufeit Rubi and Incendiary Greed pistols and fire each shot at the bandits and move around to dodge their bullets like he was break dancing as he fire his twin pistols at the bandits in the heads killing them immediately while one throws a sticky grenade at him from behind but Y/n sees this and grabs a nearby bandit and turns him around and the grenade stuck on the bandit and then Y/n kicks the bandit towards the one who throw it and the two including those who are near gets blown up and were sent flying.
Then two last remaining bandits charge at him from behind and thinks they have the upper hand but Y/n quickly turns around and fire both his twin pistols at the same time and the two bandits drop their weapons and fell onto the ground dead. The whole room was a huge mess as Y/n spone his twin pistols around and slide them to his holster and looks up at the Slab king waiting for his reaction.
Slab King: It seems that you have not only survived my wave threes of my best slabs but also trash my home as well.
Y/n looks around snd realise this which he thinks the Slab king might be angry at him.
Slab King: I have one thing to say........
(Bricks intro)
(Time: 0:06 to 0:23)
Brick: (smirk) What? Suspect me to be some long term brother to the last Slab king or something like that?
Y/n: W-Well kinda but you as a Slab king? No way! Your a vault hunter right?
Brick: Used to but after my brutal killing of the one that betrayed us, Roland kicked me out of sanctuary because because of it.
Y/n: Man I'm sorry for that.
Brick: (smirk) That alright and besides, your must be one best killer I have ever seen, especially that bad ass armor your wearing, what is it? Where did you get it?
Y/n: I'll tell you that when ever I have time but I have some good news. Your needed.
He pass Brick the letter that Roland give him which Brivk takes and read through it.
Brick: Huh Roland needs me huh? Well he may have kicked me out, he is still my friend and if you guys need help break through the bunker, then hell I'm in.
Y/n: (smile) Cool. Let's meet them up at sanctuary ans discuss our next mission.
Brick: (smirk) Lead they way.
The two walk off but before they leave Y/n said.
Y/n: Oh and sorry if I kill your men.
Brick: Never worry slab, I never cared for them.
Y/n: I guess.
Brick: (chuckle) I can tell we are gonna be great friends.
Y/n return back to Sanctuary with Brick and they meet up at the vault hunter HQ. Once there Brick and Roland share a awkward hello which made the rest awkward when tehy found out what happened years ago.
Gaige: Jeez must be awkward to ask someone that kicked you out to come back to help them.
Maya: Don't blame you. I have a few awkward moments with some people that I....nearly killed.
Axton: (smirk) Well look at the bright side, at least we have the past vault hunters return to full strength.
Enyo: (smile) Agree at least that's a good thing.
Y/n: Say where are Lilah, Jayla and Lauren gone to?
Salvador: They return back to their base with Zero to prepare their assault on the bunker.
Y/n: Bet Zero have a great time there since he is like a ninja.
Maya: (smile) Don't blame him.
Then Lilith sne Aubree came to the room and they turns to them as Lilith calls out to everyone.
Lilith: Alright everyone listen up. Aubree have an idea to get pass final step to get inside the bunker snd get into Angel.
Lilith nods to Aubree and she nods back and press a button and a hologram of a security door appears as Aubree explains.
Aubree: This door can only be open of a voice of Handsome Jack himself and will lock down the inside of the bunker if anyone try to enter it.
Axton: So how can we get inside?
Aubree: (smirk) simply. We be Jack.
Aubree: (chuckle) Sorry, let me explain further. There is a Hyperion city called "Opportunity." This city is build to attract people all across the galaxy once all the bandits and wildlife within Pandora are no more. There is a lot of heavy troops but within a city is a flash clone of handsome Jack.
Axton: Flash clones?
Aubree: People that turned to Handsome Jack and I mean "literally" turn into Handsome Jack. Not only their face and body are changed to be like Jack but their DNA's as well and minds as well.
Maya: Sounds very creepy on so many levels.
Aubree: Yes but that's a good thing. Not only they look the same but sound the same as well, it's all to do with a Jack voice recorder device on their necks that allow them to speak like Handsome Jack. All we have to do is grab one of those voice recordings device, download some perfect Jack voices and then boom! We have a voice Jack that can get inside the Bunker.
Salvador: You sure it will work?
Aubree: I did thr research and I promise you it will work.
Y/n: (smile) I think this will be the best idea I have ever heard. I'm in!
Axton: So how can we get in to a city filled with Hyperion soldiers?
Aubree: (smirk) Lucky I brought some outfits for this situation.
Axton: (smirk) Huh, well I'm in on this as well.
Aubree: That's good. I only need three which is me, Y/n and Axton.
Lilith: Make sense. I kinda see them fit right in within Hyperion lines.
Roland: Agree. Good luck you three.
Brick: (smirk) Oh I can't wait for this. Haha!
Y/n: Well what are we waiting for, let's do this.
We over look at the city of Opportunity which is still in construction but it feels like it is all done. We see Aubree dressed as a research but wears make up to hide the fact that she is Aubree while Axton and Y/n are wearing Hyperion soldier armor with a helmet to hide their face.
Axton: Man this helmet sucks. I can't see through this thing.
Y/n: No wonder those idiots can't aim right.
Axton: (chuckle) Yeah probably.
Aubree: Let's stay quiet and not draw any attention.
Axton: Right.
They make their way through the city and see many card board cut outs of Handosme Jack around which give them the creeps a little. They enter an area that showns pictures of Handsome Jack face off the Destroyer snd how he rise into power even though that is not true.
Y/n: Man he really likes to make himself as a hero huh.
Aubree: Yeah I agree.
Axton: Um guys.
Axtons points over and they were shocked to see the body of Bloodwing being used as like a statue for everyone to see as they walk up to her.
Axton: Now this is disrespectful right here. That asshole will die for this.
Y/n: Agree. Bloodwing deserves a real place to rest, not used as a status just so Jack or anyone can look at and laugh at.
Aubree agrees but hears something and peeks over and sees him and waves Y/n and Axton over and they peek over and see one of the Flash clones of Handsome Jack given out orders to the loader bots.
Axton: Is that him?
Aubree: Looks like it.
Y/n: So we just take him out and grab the voice recorder device on his neck?
Aubree: Yep.
Then the flash Clone Jack walks off and they follow him. We then see this flash Clone walk through a small alleyway onky to be grabbed and pulled into a dark alleyway and get kicked and punched by Y/n and Axton for a while until this flash Clone is either dead or unconscious.
They exit out and Y/n has the device and try to use it but it's not working.
Y/n: Looks like we need to fill it with Jack's voice.
Aubree: (smirk) Lucky we're near one of them.
They turn to see what looks like one of the recording speakers as they walk up to one and Aubree opens a panel and stick the recorder in and they wait.
Hyperion Sargent: You there!
Then a Hyperion Sargent walks over to them and Aubree needs more time so Y/n and Axton step forward to the Sargent.
Hyperion Sargent: What are you doing here?
Y/n: Just patrolling the area sir.
Hyperion Sargent: I see. Mind telling me why a researcher is here with you?
Axton: Oh um she was lost and we were showing her around until we walk up to one of those speakers that isn't working and she offered to fix it.
Hyperion Sargent: Is that so?
Y/n: Yes sir.
The Sargent looks at them for a while until he steps back a bit and tells them.
Hyperion Sargent: Well I leave you to it then.
Then he turns and leave them which they breath a sigh of relief and soon Aubree was done.
Aubree: Good. We just need to for four more and we're done.
Axton: Good, let's get started.
And so they go around downloading Jack's voice into the recording while making sure no one will not know what they really doing. After a while they got all they need and they head down to the second floor and enter a room where Aubree plugs in the device and start to download the voices of Jack and soon it was down and pulls it out.
Aubree: Alright it's done. If any of you put this on you will start to Sound like him until we get inside the bunker.
Axton: Huh well that's very confident.
Aubree: Yeah I agree. So....who wants to be Jack?
Axton and Y/n look at each other and Axton takes it and he looks it before he hand it to Y/n.
Axton: Here.
Y/n: You sure?
Axton: (smirk) To be honest, I'm already Handsome just the way I am. Besides, you show full trust to Angel more then any of us so if anything, you will go down and get the vault key from her.
Y/n nods and looks at the device and set it on his neck and Aubree ane Axton looks at Y/n and then Y/n spoke just like Jack.
Y/n: Don't feel anything wei-
He quickly cover his mouth I surprised and remove his hands from his mouth and spoke once more.
Y/n: Hello? Hello! One two three, this is Handsome Jack one big huge dick head every and HOLY CRAP I SOUND LIKE HIM!
Axton: (surprised) Huh guess that worked.
Aubree: (smile) Told you.
Then a screen turn son all of a sudden and they turn and Handosme Jack appear on the screen.
Handsome Jack: (TV screen) Hello kiddos, I see your trying to get to the bunker so you can get to Angel.
Axton: That's right asshole. You hurt a lot of people long enough, it's time we end this.
Handosme Jack: (TV screen) You have no idea what you all are about to do. If you do this the you all will pay for what you all are about to do. I knew that Angel is fully work along side you and I'm serious. Here is a deal, I'll leave you all alone, I'll cancel all bounty hunters and order all Hyperion troops to leave Sanctuary and you lot alone if you promise to never go to the bunker and go Angel.
There was silence as they look at each other until Aubree step forward and looks at Handsome Jack and tells him.
Aubree: Jack. When I join Hyperion, I thought i was working for the best company I have ever joined in my whole life. An opportunity to bring my skills to the test and make Hyperion and you proud.
She then makes a fist of anger snd glares at him and tells him in anger.
Aubree: (anger) But no. You bastard drop me to Pandora, lied to me of being a researcher in a lab and nearly got me killed and raped by a bunch of bandits just so you can get rid of me just like you did with the Claptrap units.
Handosme Jack: (TV screen) Aubree I-
Aubree: (anger) NO! You better shut the fuck up Jack because I am done! You ruined my life Jack and I am gonna make you pay for this Jack! YOU HEAR ME JACK, YOUR GOING DOWN!
She then grabs a chair and throws it at the TV screen that breaks and fell off and shattered onto the ground as Aubree was breathing while Y/n and Axton stood there shocked as Aubree calms down and then turns to them with a smile like nothing happened and tells them.
Aubree: (smile) Okay let's head back.
She then walks out of the room while Y/n and Axton watch her leave still in shock as Axton said.
Axton: Remind me not to piss her off.
Y/n: Don't blame you.
Then the two catch up with her and they return back to Sanctuary to plan out their assault at the bunker and grab the vault key from Angel so Jack will not used it to awaken the warrior and save Pandora.
To be continued...................
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