Chapter 1
Marcus: Hello my curous focks from this app hoping to seek a story yous would be interesting to read. Well this is the right place for ya. Who I'm I yous may ask? I'm just your friendly arms dealing Marcus from the Borderlands series. Yous may wonder what story I'm I gonna tell this time? Well as you may not know or yous ignore and head straight to Chapter 1 to see what this story is about. Well this story is not about a Vault Hunter but in fact a person who was a bounty hunter and later on became a hero and have a shit tone's of sexxy girls all over him. Now I know yous may ask, how did he became a hero and how did he get all the girls? Well, this is the story that I will tell yous so shut up, grab some popcon and drink and sit back, as I will tell you the story of Y/n L/n and how he became a hero of not just Pandora....but the whole universe.
Hoving over the planet of Pandora we see Hyperion space station known as Helios as it hangs over Pandora's moon called Elpis.
Hyperion is a massive company that is the only company still ramming at Pandora's planet which holds a ancient artefact called Vaults and wished to use its power for their company.
Within the space station we see a young girl walking through the halls named Aubree. She works as Hyperion's office worker who just make paperwork and nothing important really but she is doing her best at her job.
Today she is on her way to see her boss who called her to want to see her in person for an important assessment. She was a bit nervous by this but she kept her cool and arrive in front of her bosses office and knocks at his door. After that a voice from the other side asked.
???: Who is it?
Aubree: It's me Aubree. You told me you have an assessment for me?
???: Ah right, come in.
She opens the door and let herself in. She close the door behind her and walks over to his bosses desk. Once there she see her boss facing away from her just looking at Pandora through his window and says.
???: Nice to have you here kiddo. I have a special assessment for you.
Aubree: Sure. What assessment us it Mr Jack?
???: (smile) Honey, please. Jacks is a lame name. Call meby my real name.......
Then he turn his chair to face her as we see his boss is wearing some kind a mask on his face as he said.
Handsome Jack: (smirk) Call me Handsome Jack, that's my name.
Aubree: Oh, sorry about that Handsome Jack.
Handsome Jack: (smirk) No worries kiddo. Know what was I about to say? Ah yes your assessment for today and this is a special one.
Aubree: Really but I'm kinda new here I'm I?
Handsome Jack: Yep and now your getting a promotion for your hard work and I think your ready for this job.
Aubree: (surprised) Really, thank you so much.
Handsome Jack: (smile) No, thank you for helping us at Helios. You were like a family to us but you know how kids do when they grow up. They spread their wings and fly off. Which is why I have you stationed at one of Hyperion's research labs.
Aubree: (surprised) Whoa really, I'm I gonna be a scientist?
Handsome Jack: Not yet but soon you'll will and who knows, maybe you can be a famous scientist ever at Hyperion and possibly the world. So, what do you say Kiddo, you accept this?
Aubree: (smile) Of course! This is gonna be great.
Handsome Jack: (smile) Great sign these forms and I have you down at Pandora right away.
Handsome Jack place down some paperwork in front of her and she sign them without reading them because of the excitement.
Handsome Jack: Annnnd done! Great, now get packing and see you kiddo and have a great time.
Aubree: (smile) I will and thank you for this Handsome Jack.
She walks off all excited and finally be a scientist like she dreamed to be. Once she left Handsome Jack sat down and type something to his computer while he say to himself.
Handsome Jack: Goodbye Kiddo and hope I never get to see you here......ever.
Then he deleted Aubree records and all of her files as if she never existed as Handsome Jack lend back on his chair and smirk to himself for a job well done.
(Bloody Valley)
A bus stops at a bus stop as Aubree excitedly exit out of the bus and breaths in the air and realise it smelled disgusting and weird but she thinks it was nothing.
Aubree: (thought) Look at you Aubree. Your on your way to your next step and your next step starts now!
As soon the bus left she turn around and was suspected a Hyperion Lab and scientist welcoming her to their lab. But what she saw odd her. Around here was filled with some bandits walking about and some talking as this is just a old western like town, wooden and old.
Aubree: (thought) Wait. This can't be right? Maybe the bus driver deop me off a wrong bus stop or maybe the lab is nearby? Maybe I ask someone.
Aubree grabs her bags and walk through the town and noticed bandits stop talking and stare at her in a creepy way. Aubree find this pretty creepy but she was told that bandits are creepy so she ignores them and keep moving.
She then stumbled upon a bar as she hears talking and piano music inside. She was about to walk in when a bandit was thrown out of the door and Aubree panics and ducks down.
The bandit hits the ground hurt but drunk as well. Aubree have second thoughts but have no choice she enters the bar and immediately was hit a disgusting smell that made her cover her nose and mouth.
The place was filled with Bandits and them drinking while some playing poker at a table as Aubree walls through and reach the front of a bar where a bartender turns to her and asked.
Bartender Bandit: How may I help you?
Aubree: I'm here to see if there is a Hyperion research lab nearby?
The Bartender acts a bit confuse when he notices she is wearing Hyperion clothes and nods his head and says.
Bartender bandit: I see. Well there is no Hyperion research lab anywhere kid.
Aubree: (thought) What? But Handsome Jack told me I'll be here?
Bartender Bandit: But I gonna say. Your a cute girl, mind we hang out after work?
Aubree: Oh sorry but I need to go now.
Aubree turns to leave but two bandits block her way while the Bartender bandit leaps over and the two were face to face as he says.
Bartender Bandit: I don't this so. Me and you are gonna have a great time together and heck.....maybe some boys here wants to share with you. I'm I right boys!
Bandits: YYYYYYEEEAAAAHHHH!!! (laughter)
Aubree: (scared) N-No! Please let me go!
Aubree try to leave but the bartender bandit grabs her by the arm that hurts and made her scream before her mouth was covered by the bartender bandit as he says.
Bartender Bandit: I like your screams. This is gonna be very hot.
Then the rest of the bandits start to touch her body and even pulling some of her clothes off as Aubree screames were muffled through the bartender bandits hand.
She thinks she is gonna be raped by bandits or worse get killed after they rape as one of the bandits were about to grab her between her legs when......
Suddenly a bandits head was blown and fell onto the ground dead. The rest of the bandits step back in surprise. Aubree was also surprised and they turn to were the gun fire came form and they see a cloaked figure holding a Incendiary Greed pistol.
The bartender bandit was pissed that that guy interrupted their fun and calls out to him.
Bartender bandit: Hey, what gives!
Bartender bandit: Hey! I'm talking to you jackass!
The mystery person just drink his beer as the bartender bandits shoves Aubree onto the ground and walks over to the guys table and slams his fist onto this guys table and says again.
Bartender bandit: (anger) Hey! Are you deaf of something or your just a dumbass!?
???: You dumbasses respect women and leave them be.
Aubree was surprised to see one person not only saved her form being raped but also told the bartender off for her. The bartender bandit gets mad and pulls out his SMG at the guys head and says.
Bartender bandit: (anger) I give you to the count of 5 seconds to take that back or I'll blow your fucking head off!
The guy finish his drinks set his cup down and stood up. He was taller then the bartender bandit including the rest of the bandits as he said.
???:.....Alright, let's do this.
Then the guy quickly grabs the bartender bandits SMG and pulls it off out of the bandits hand and then he kicks him very hard that sent him flying.
The bartender bandit crashes through a wall which shocked everyone in the bar as they turn back to the mystery guy and the guy said.
???: Who's next?
Then one bandit scream out which cost all the bandits to pull out their weapons and fire at the mystery guy. The mystery guy runs over and slide through the bar table and use that as cover as bullets flys over him.
Aubree takes over and cover her eyes as gunfire rings out at the bar as it destroyed bottles of wine, beer and more as this continues for a while until they all stop firing and realise the guy isn't firing back.
A few step forward to see he is dead but the guy leaps out of the bar table holding his Vladof Assault rifle and fires a few rounds at the bandits and taking them out.
The bandits open fire once more as the guy rolled onto the wooden floor and fires a round of his rifle at them and taking more out, he kicks the first bandit and then grabs the bandits pistol while it fires and moves it to the other bandits which they got shot and after that the mystery guy kicks the bandit in the balls making him drop his pistol and the mystery guy use it and fires it at the bandit and once he hits the ground the mystery guy drops his pistol and continues on fighting the rest.
Aubree watches as the mystery guy takes out the whole bandits in the bar by himself which surprised her and wonders who is this person.
Then a bandits with a fire element pistol fires a shot at the mystery guy and he dodges it but the bullet caught his cloak which catch on fire.
The mystery guy see this and takes off the cloak and throws it at the bandit who fired a fire element pistol and the cloak was on him before he was shot through the head by the mystery guy. Aubree and a few remaining bandits see what is underneath the cloak figure. It looked appear to be a suit of armor they never seen in their lifes and shown to be very strong to any type of bullets or even explosions.
Aubree: (thought) Wow! I never seen that suit of armor before. Is he a soldier or what is he?
The now armored person turns to the few reminding bandits and they shown to be scared of him.
???: So......are we gonna continue this or what?
The bandits take one step and then makes a run for it out of the bar and running away for their life. The armored person sighs to himself and start to reload his rifle and pistol. Aubree slowly exit out of cover and walks over to the armor person and said.
Aubree: Excuse me, sir?
The armored person turns to her and she was a bit scared a little but then he said in a calm and cheerful voice.
???: Oh hey, you must be that lady that nearly gotten raped by those bandits. Probably next time, not go to a bar filled with male bandits....or lesbian female bandits, just saying.
Aubree: O-Ok but I want to say thank you for saving my life. My name is Aubree from Hyperion, and you are?
The armoured person reach over to his helmet and steam came out and once they he pulls out his helmet revealing his face. He has E/C that sparkle a little and have clean, short H/C as he cracks a warm smile and says.
Y/n: (smile) Nice to meet you Aubree. Names Y/n, Y/n L/n a bounty hunter of Pandora. Nice to meet you.
Aubree's heart skip a beat when she met eye's with Y/n's. She can't help but feel in love with this person as he is even more cuiter and handsomer then his boss.
Then they hear cries of Bandits coming their way as Y/n says.
Y/n: Crap. Looks like their coming to get me. Well better leave now before it's too late.
Y/n leaves the bar and Aubree follows him. Soon Y/n walks over to his Motorcycle bike parked outside of town.
Y/n hops on and put his helmet back on as Aubree runs over and asked.
Aubree: What do you mean they are going after you?
Y/n: see, I have this armor the haven't seen and you know bandits, they just take what is new to them. What about you?
Aubree: I.....I don't know where to go.
Y/n see how confused she is and he doesn't want her to leave her with bandits coming their way so he start up his engines and says.
Y/n: Get in.
Aubree: Wh-What?
Y/n: Can't leave you here and letting them rape you. You could try to run but the wild life might get you before they would. Best way to survive is by vehicle. So....wanna get in?
Aubree wa surprised that Y/n will allow her to ride with him and take her away from those bandits so he hops on behind Y/n and once she puts on her goggles that she has in her pocket, Y/n says.
Y/n: Hang on!
Then he start off his bike and rides off. Aubree made a surprised scream as she hugs Y/n by the waist as they ride off away from town. Aubree looks back and see bandits chasing her but Y/n's bike was too fast so they give up.
Aubree turns back to Y/n and her heart beat more that Y/n just saved her life and felt safe around him now as they ride off to a survive place so they can talk.
(Windershear Waste)
It was windy with snow blowing both Y/n and Aubree as we see the two standing on top of a cliff as Y/n scope out the area they were in while Aubree was kinda cold because of where they are at. Y/n noticed this and says.
Y/n: I have a spear coat underneath the seat. You can take that.
Aubree: You sure?
Y/n: Sure, never needed anyways.
Aubree was surprised by the offer so she walks over and opens up the seat and see the coat and puts it on. The coat was actually very warm and comfortable as she feels it like she is cuddled up with a blanket ready for bed.
Y/n: How is it?
Aubree: (smile) Fussy, warm, comfortable and very nice. Thank you, your soo kind.
Y/n: (smile) No problem.
Y/n stood up and turns to Aubree while he asked.
Y/n: So your telling me that Handsome Jack set you here so you can work at Hyperion research lab at Bloody Valley?
Aubree: Of course, I don't understand why he sent me to a bandit city. Maybe he done it by accident.
Y/n: I afraid not.
Aubree: Huh?
Y/n: I think he left you there to die.
Aubree was shocked by what Y/n said and try to say.
Aubree: N-No that's not true. Handsome Jack would never do that to his own workers. There just no way.
Y/n: He can. I don't know what Jack told you or anyone told you but underneath the mask is a twisted and evil man. He kills anyone who step-up his rule, torture innocent people for his sick experiments including the wildlife and even destroys camps even if their bandits camps or not.
Aubree: NO! I'm sorry for yelling but there is no way that's not him! Our company wants to help the citizens of Pandora, not the opposite. Besides, he'll never lie to us.
Y/n: Alright. What about I ask you this. Do you know the Claptrap units?
Aubree: Um Yeah?
Y/n: What happened to them?
Aubree: Well, what Jack told is that they malfunction within Helios and then he told us that the Claptrap units will be repaired later on in the future.
Y/n: Well take a look over there.
Y/n points at a cliff so Aubree walks over and looks over. Once the snow clears up, she was horrified to see piles and piles and piles or Claptrap units dead and not working. Aubree covers her mouth in shock as they claim down a hill and walks through a junk town of Claptrap units everywhere while Y/n gose on yo say.
Y/n: Jack was lying about the Claptrap units malfunction. I fact HE destroyed all of them because they were useless to his new company and he may do the same to other's who shown to be useless under Hyperions rule.
The realising hits Aubree like a train as she realise get Jack DID sent her at a bandit camp to die because she was useless like the Claptrap units around her.
She fell to her kneels and have her hands onto the snow as she start cry. Everything she worked for was for nothing and Jack just throw her to Pandora to die because she was useless but she has done everything to Hyperion and this is the thanks she gets?
Aubree slams her fist onto the snow in frustration and anger before her anger turns into tears as she cries. Y/n took off his helmet and felt bad for her so he walks over to her and bend down next to her and said.
Y/n: Look, I'm so so sorry for Jack abandoning you. I really am.
Aubree: (tears) I've done everything to him and now (sniff) I'm stuck here in a apologised like planet with no family, no friends and no one to help me with. I'm (sniff) I'm so alone.
Y/n: That's not true.
Aubree turns to Y/n as Y/n gossip on to say.
Y/n: Your not alone and you don't have to be alone. Because I'm here. We may have met but I assure you that I will keep you safe and I will let no one harm you in anyway.
Aubree: (tears) But....Why?......Your a bandit right? Why do you want to protect me?
Y/n: Because.....I'm not like other bandits in this planet. In fact, all bandits feared me because of my armor and the weapons I have. I also protect the innocent and do what's right and I will keep you safe no matter what happens.
Aubree was surprised by Y/n's strong will to help her no matter what which made her heart race a bit. Y/n lend out his hand to her for a hand shake. Aubree grabs Y/n's hand and they shake on it.
Aubree wipes the tears away as the two stood up and Y/n said.
Y/n: Alright, let's keep moving before the storm hi-
Then there was an explosion behind them as they turn and see the smoke. Y/n see something and grabs Aubree and moves him and Aubree away as a train came crushing onto the junk yard of Claptraps and were Y/n and Aubree was standing.
The train skidded onto the snow until it slowly stop while some of the train parts also crash into the snow as well. Y/n and Aubree stood up and wipe the snow off of them and see that it's a Hyperion train that crashed.
They walk over to the train cart and see that it was blown up form the inside by a bomb or something.
Aubree: Did Bandits attack this train?
Y/n: I don't think so.
Y/n walks a bit feather until he hits something with his foot and looks down to see a clean and fancy mask on the ground.
Y/n: Oh cool, A nice Helmet.
Y/n bends down and grabs the helmet and tries to pick it up but it wasn't budgeting while Aubree watched and asked.
Aubree: What are you doing?
Y/n: Trying to pick up this sweet helmet.
Aubree: Why?
Y/n: I like to collect fancy helmets and put them as my collection them. This one must be very fancy like my own.
Aubree: Are you sure it's a good idea to grab it?
Y/n: Oh relax. Its not like this helmet can attack me or something.
After he said that a hand came out of the snow and grabs Y/n by the arm.
Y/n: Huh?
Then he was thrown away and crash into the piles of Claptrap units. Aubree was about to run over to see Y/n was alright until the person wearing the helmet stood up and turns to Y/n as Y/n stood up and see the person who thrown him.
???: Tell me bandit./ Who were you trying to pull my helmet off?/ Is it so you can see my face?
Y/n: Something like that buddy but who you'll calling bandit? I'm a bounty hunter and you are?
Zero: You may call me Zero./ A Vault hunter who wants a challenge./ Do you accept this challenge?
Y/n: (surprised) A Vault hunter? Whoa I thought Vault hunters stay away this planet.
???: Well your wrong kid.
Y/n turns to have a rifle at his face by a soldier who smirks at him.
Axton: Call me Axton, an Ex Daul Cammando. Nice to meet you kid.
Y/n: Your a Daul soldier?
???: Who's this bandit?
Y/n turns to see a female women with tattoos on her arm which Surprised Y/n as he realise she's one of the powerful female sirens that he heard about.
Y/n: (surprised) Holy shit, your a siren right?! A real fucking Siren?
Maya: Yep names Maya and I see we gonna fight this guy?
Axton: (smirk) He looks tough through his armor so my guess, yes.
???: Well let's do this!
Then a small guy walks up next to Zero holding two rocket launchers at Y/n as he says.
Salvador: (smirk) Let's start a fight!
Y/n: (thought) Well this can't end well.
Four Vault hunters aim their weapons at Y/n's head while Aubree was worried about Y/n but she see that he got this. He looks at both Axton and Maya and he slowly move to his pistol host ready for a fight when he heard.
???: Hello there travellers!
Everyone turn to see a yellow Claptrap unit stearing at them as he waves at them.
Claptrap: It's nice to meet yous all. I am CL4P-TP steward bot, but my friends just call me Claptrap, it is nice to meet yous.
Everyone was silent for a minute while the four Vault hunters still have their weapons at Y/n's head as Y/n mutters to himself.
Y/n: Oh Son of a bitch.
To be continued...........
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