Chapter 2

(Note the story and things i say about sirens are made up by me)

Lilith asked everybody to gather at the Santuary HQ meaning Brick and Mordecai and the 6 vault hunters. Lilith herself was still not there so everybody was kinda drinking or talking waiting for Lilith. The woman took her time but she arrived eventually holding a wanted poster with your face on it.

Lilith : okay vault hunters today i have something different for the usual 6 and me, (throws wanted poster on the table) we're gonna find this fellow.

Axton (grabs poster) jeez Lilith i knew you were lonely but now we're hunting a guy for you ?

Lilith : funny, hope it was worth it because when we return you have dish duty for the next of couple of months.

Maya : (laughs) anyway but what Axton is trying to say why are we hunting this guy ? don't we have better things to do like i don't know stop Jack or something.

Lilith : we're gonna but look, this guy is somebody i never heard of but look at that damm bounty and the things that stand on it.

All of them looked at your wanted poster with shocked expression and a small emotion sigh on Zero helmet.

Name : (y/n) (l/n)
Former vault hunter armed and dangerous.

Bounty : and a highfive before getting a private ship to leave Pandora with your reward.
Status : must be taken alive with all his stuff.

Crimes : Vault hunter, killer of hyperion personal, tresspassing, destruction (ah come on its was just one ship crashed into a building) insulting Hyperion personal, insulting handsome Jack, stealing,

Salvador : what this guy has a bigger bounty then me ?!!?

Maya : wait why do they need him so badly ?

Lilith : something important and read what written 'must be taken alive' that means he must know something big for Hyperion maybe even a way to access a vault or the location of another so obvious we need to get him first.

Zero : hunted by hyperion/now hunted by us/ how sad for him

Axton : do we know where he is ?

Mordecai : if im still a little sober i think i heard one of my scouts report somebody like this guy at the shore of the killer waters sea.

Lilith : then lets go, you need to guard Santuary while im gone

Axton : your coming with us ?

Lilith : i have been running this show ever since the bunker...... i need to get back in the field.

Gaige : cool we get to see you in action.

Lilith smirked cocky and followed the six to the fast travel station bringing them as close as possible then they got some bandit technicalls. Lilith jumped in with Maya and Gaige while the guys took another. Lilith lay in the back looking at the wanted poster wondering what so impormant about you was. 

The ride took long when they reached the shore seeing your tower in the distand but also smoke.
Lilith : shit

They activated the boosters hoping to get there as soon as possible hoping Jack wasn't faster in reaching you but it seems he was........ judging of course from all the destruction around the tower.

The field around the tower was filled with holes and bodies of bandits hunting you down for the bounty and loaderbots providing a second wave but all of them died outside only a few getting inside but if they lived is unsure.

Your traps killed a lot with the turrets being a great defences for the raiders and first wave of loaders only the second wave destroyed the turrets so it looked like you fight the rest on your own filling them with bullets, throwing grenades, sword, about the remains of the element attacks of, acid, ice, fire, slag, lighting, only lacking bullets that could have caused it.

Axton : damm that guy was prepared.... (checks a body) looks like the raiders walked into a trap with mines and hidden grenades while the guy himself seemed to have used a acid sniper rifle. The window could have been placed with more turrets or guns that shoot on their own that guarded this place until what looked like a second wave. Then he must have done this himself i see wounds of a automatic gun, shotgun a kind of energy wound maybe and element damage only lacking the bullets holes.

Maya : grenades ?
Axton : no then we would have seen the damage of that close but i don't see it on most.

Lilith walked over to a WAR loader in two pieces on the ground the top being frozen in solid ice. She found another body being burned alive but that guy had no wounds of fire bullets or grenades.
Salvador : but where is that guy (engine roar)

You drived your runner around the tower and speeded past them firing away with the minugun but Axton threw his turrest to protect them and then Maya phaselocked your runner.
(Y/n) : damm

You activated the eject seat and was fired out of the runner with Dukino on your lap your other stuff stored in your locked Echo, you landed on the ground letting Dukino run himself and the two of you try to make a run for it when you suddenly were out of nowhere pushed to the ground.

Zero stopped his cloaking not to far from you while the others caught up watching you struggle to stand up thanks to the wounds on your right arm, feet and the wound from a bullet to the stomach enough that medicine you had wasn't enough.

Maya : damm he is beat up
Lilith : makes taking him easy
(Y/n) : dream on

You stood up Dukino on your left side while you placed your left hand on your stomach wielding your sword in your right hand.
Lilith : just give up your wounded and we're vault hunters.

You shook your head pointing the sword at her head threathing them to try anything.

Gaige summoned Deathtrap behind you who reached to grab you by the back of your shirt but you turned around cutting his hand off and then stabbed the sword in the chest causing the robot to go back wherever it came from.
Gaige : DEATHTRAP !!!

Zero shot forward slashing with his sword but you blockted his katana getting face to helmet so you could see yourself, you pushed hard enough for your blade to slowy cut through his so Zero jumped back and just stood there but you weren't stupid.

You slashed around you hitting with Zero in the arm making a pretty big burn wound and then you shoulder slammed him in the chest for him to stumble backwards. Before you could attack again somebody hit you in the back of your head knocking you out cold.

Lilith placed her gun back when your body hit the ground with a thud happy she could teleport.
Lilith : and thats how a badass does it

Dukino roared and almost jumped on her back but Maya phaselocked your Skagg and Krieg held him in a iron grip so he would't try anything while not trying to harm the Skagg.
Lilith : nobody saw that

The others rolled their eyes and carried your body back to the techincalls doing a quick scearch around the tower but you either took or destroyed everything that possible could have given them a clue about why you were hunted.

Timeskip brough to you by Moxxi arena

You woke up in a empty room tied with chains to a chair Lilith sitting on a different chair opposite of you trying to unlock your echo but without luck.
Lilith : well welcome back to the land of the awake

You shook your head then noticing that your wounds were threathed pretty good you didn't feel any pain. Atleast they threathed your wounds so maybe they weren't so bad.
Lilith : listen there is a big bounty on your head and i wanna know why

You smirked and lay back in the chair looking the siren in her yellow eyes losing yourself for a second in them but you shook your head before she caught you staring and opended your mouth.
(Y/n) : why would i tell you ?
Lilith : (smirks) maybe because your our prisonor.
(Y/n) : (shrugs) ain't still really much what are you going to do torture me ?
Lilith :....... maybe

You laughed already knowing she didn't want to lower herself to that when she suddenly stood up and threw your Echo on a table at the end of the room.
Lilith : fine have it your way maybe you just need some time to realise the trouble you are in (walks to the door)

Your heart told you you didn't want her to leave just yet so maybe your could tell her something.
(Y/n) : two honest answer for two honest answer ?

Lilith stopped with her back to you when she turned around walking back to her own chair.

Lilith : sounds fair
(Y/n) : tell me why did you come her and what did you find out ?

Lilith :............ like most for loot... and a bit of hope i would fine something about sirens and hey its Pandora this is supposed to be the home of sirens. Only i admit i only have more questions then answer but you got a answer now i want mine. Why is Hyperion hunting you ?

(Y/n) : (sigh) because they believe i can help them with a vault and sirens, im a expert on the old Eridium ways and sirens
Lilith : you are ? (stands up) how ?

(Y/n) : a long story, when i was young i lived on a planet in harmony with nature where found this old temple in the woods and started looking around dodging those damm guards, but after looking a lot around i found some old paintings on walls, holograpics imanges, a old ancient book i sadly lost in my second adventure.
After some studying i found out it was a book containing special information in a death language so i took the information after by accident triggering the core and blowing the temple sky high. Then i met a old scientist looking to discover the same things as we and Hyperion..... he was interested in what i found and together with my protection and knowledge we found a vault with a big group of our own a small vault but of course without a siren we could't open it.

Lilith : and you know why ?

(Y/n) : yeah sirens are kinda keeper of the vaults, a long time ago the universum was filled with high tech and dangerous creatures to dangerous to stay free, im not sure what happend to the people back then but in that time the things locked in vault were to dangerous so they needed a place to keep them away from hands that would use that power to destroy everything. They build vaults and some of the most loyal guards to the cause promised their live to guard the vaults feeding of the energy to stay alive but of course they could't use the power but someday the vaults would be discovered even how hard they fought to keep it away. Then there came sirens no idea how they did it but they managed to get sirens in this world with a single purpose to keep the vault out of hands like Jacks and see when the next living spieces was worthy of opening it but right now we're not worthy.

Lilith : so thats why the guardings didn't attack me ?

(Y/n) : yep sirens were meant to find the vault because the sirens won't be blinded by power and know how to use it the right way and when the guardians knew you were a siren and just let you through to get what yours. (Shrugs) your kinda meant to keep the vault away from bad hands really

Lilith : well thats a lot to take in but that makes me think of something else... did you ever get in ?
(Y/n) : (sigh) yes..... roll up my sleeve

Lilith rolled your sleeve showing to her surprise siren tattoos only in (f/c).

Lilith : impossible

(Y/n) : no im the only male siren in excistense, the scientist was a genius he found a way to use the power of Eridium probaly the way they made sirens to make a siren of his own but most people died in the tests. Saying he was so close i voluntured and let him do the experiment on me and yeah you guess it yourself i became the first male siren with the power of the elements....... inside we found knowledge everything we told you so it was actually a libary with a very big guard. A monster i never saw before attacked us fighting for the vault with every bit of his streng killing the scientist and all of the members of our group. Being a made siren it attacked me too but with my remaining streng i wounded it but in his final act it damage the vault causing it to collaspe taking almost everything with it... (Deep breath) I escaped and ever since im trying to finish what my friends worked for its the reason i came here to find out all i can and then stop Jack and what then i wasn't sure but i would see how things go from there.

Back in Tannis work place everybody heard the story and things you found out over the security cameras all processing the information in their heads.

Maya : so im just doing already what im supossed to do ?... huh guess the warrior was supposed to be mine and Lilith pet.
Axton : while now you know (pats her back/gets a elbow in the stomach)

Lilith paced infront of you getting slowy on your nerves not sure if she would release you or burn you alive

Lilith : so all that damms thing in those fucking vaults are actually my responsebility.

(Y/n) : they are the damm responsebility of every siren, you girls just have the power to keep them out of bad hands.

Lilith : (chuckle) no we don't or else we would't be in this mess
(Y/n) : (shrugs) then stop it before it goes to far.

Lilith looked at you for a few second with her hands on her hips then she grabbed a key from her pocket and freed you from the chains wrapped around you.
Lilith : well then thanks and welcome to the vault hunters and if you don't mind i have some people to talk to.

She left the room leaving you suprised alone in the room looking after her then chuckled wondering if all vault hunters were so easy as that very interesting woman... you stood up throwing the last chain off then walked out the door to get your stuff and Skagg back.


You sighned watching the stars from your roof sitting on the edge, after Lilith just made you a officaly members of the team they gave you a old home not the best but you loved it. You now just sat on the roof watching the stars something you loved with all your travels they were calming.

You could hear somebody behind you on the roof hearing small footsteps, you haven't pissed of anybody YET so you didn't bother turning around to see if it was a threath.
Lilith : so your stargazing huh ?

Lilith stopped next to you holding two cold beers in her hands one for you and one for her.
(Y/n) : a hobby i gained

Lilith sat next to you pushing the beer in your hands then took a sip of her own looking like you at the stars something that you didn't see often on Pandora with such a peacefull air.
Lilith : you know i have been thinking a lot about what you told me....
(Y/n) : and ?
Lilith : well its seems to make sense with being related to Pandora and sirens, also jealous we have been looking for pretty long and you knew all the secrets all along. 
(Y/n) : (laughs) i only know some by luck but most from that old scientist.... i just had a book that was a help in his guest it was him who told me everything.
Lilith : he sounds like he was a good guy
(Y/n) : he was......... he believed in humanity saying that with the ancient technology humanity might finally end all the wars and sickness....
Lilith : (chuckle) im sorry be he sounds like a dreamer.... i can't see how those things in those fucking vaults can be used for good
(Y/n) : he believed that somewhere something could help..... im just finishing what he started because i know those vaults need to stay out of the hands of bad people..... and as a way of thanking the man for making me a better person
Lilith : better person ?.... what were you some kind of punk ?
(Y/n) : oh hell no i was a good guy the type of guy who stays inside and plays games or watch movies and sometimes go out with friends and family..... but i was also a lazy complainer and not somebody who would fight for what he believed or fight at all so kinda pussy really, (drinks beer) after i found the damm book and knowlegde i just stayed home while i was having so much at the tips of my hands but then he found me and finally got me to actually do something with my live something worth leaving home for to fight so i went with him and i became a fighter somebody i can look at in the mirror...... i had a good live but i just needed something more.

Lilith : huh so he changed you ?
(Y/n) : no im still me just with a fighter side now somebody who fight for what he believes.... i believed in that man cause and learned how to fight so i could protect him.. i failed but atleast his research loves on.

Lilith nodded her head sipping her beer with her right hand placing her left hand next to her but by accident on your hand blushing she pulled it back looking at you seeing you blush like her.

Lilith : sorry
(Y/n) : its okay really

You turned your head away with a blush the buring sensation on your hand would't leave for the rest of the night lucky it was a good feeling. You and Lilith finished your beers in a akward silence throwing the empty bottles down in a trashcan below you.
(Y/n) : while i guess im gonna test the bed out with a nice long sleep.......
Lilith : yeah see you in the moring

Both of you were feeling so uncomvertble you two even forgot to stand up and go.
(Y/n) : while (stands up) thank you for accompany me
Lilith: yeah its okay i didn't mind the company either

You smiled and walked back to our home, Lilith waited for you to be gone before she smacked herself on the forehead.
Lilith : why am i so akward with this damm things ?

She shook her head and just teleported back home into her bedroom, she held her hand that accidently touched yours wondering why she missed the feeling of touching your hand.

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