14| a happy pill
❝Everyone has a happy pill. Mine just happens to be you.❞
Word Count: 3746
Requested (by anonymous) for doctor-themed romcom feat doc!tae and patient!lis. A rom-com as you wished for anonie! ◡̈♡
"Where are we going Hobi oppa? This doesn't seem like Starbucks to me." Lisa rasped out, walking along with her roommate Hoseok who seemed determined to take her somewhere. "Just some steps more and we'd be there. I did suggest you a taxi but you insisted on walking, so here we go."
His answer was everything but not the appropriate response to her previous question, it just got her a little more frustrated, the pain excruciating in her stomach. Apparently Lisa had been running a fever for days, feeling constipated almost all day long and the pain never seeming to reduce despite taking a number of painkillers from the local pharmacy. Although experiencing fatigue, a congested nose, nausea and a raging headache, she had made it clear she was not going to the doctors.
So when Hoseok suggested an idea to grab a coffee, she just couldn't decline the offer, simply because she needed something to survive. Although Lisa did think it was quite odd of Hobi to suggest it, since he wasn't a fan of coffee. But what she didn't think about was an evil plan he had up his sleeve. Lisa's condition looked nowhere near a normal fever — moreover it was nearly a week and she was undiagnosed, pretending to be the fittest person on earth and he felt sorry about that, especially when his roommate was like his younger sister.
He knew Lisa wasn't going to leave the apartment nor could he get a doctor to their house, thus he devised a plan; he brainstormed on the internet last night after booking an appointment at a doctor's practice nearby, to convince Lisa to come with him, before the idea to lure her for coffee seemed ideally helpful. Of course he had to improvise and gimmick his idea, so he used the excuse of a flash sale and well thankfully it worked because coffee and discount don't really go together. And when they do, its a mind-blowing collaboration.
"For the last time Hobi—" Lisa groaned before she noticed he had halted on his steps, standing in front of a huge complex — her eyes widened. When did the coffee shop change into a medical clinic? She gasped widely, adrenaline stimulating her flight but Hoseok's reflexes were fast to captivate her in his hold, before walking in.
"Stop freaking manhandling me....we are so not stepping in." She struggled and cried out.
"Yes we are Ms Lisa. Now let's act like civilised people and understand what the hell is wrong with you."
"Civilised you say? That place is full of sick persons!!"
"You are a sick person. Now if you complain one more time—" Hobi spoke in an authoritative manner as Lisa rolled her eyes — nobody got the best of his temper, in fact nobody dared to. Because everyone knew that even though he was the calmest beings on the planet, but once he lost his temper they had it.
When the fuck did this man get so beefy anyway? Lisa wondered before giving up her helpless cries.
"Appointment for Ms Cho Lalisa?" Hoseok inquired from the receptionist as Lisa writhed away from his grip, standing a few steps away from him. There was a strange smell as soon as they had walked in through the automated glass doors, a peculiar sickly smell unique only to hospitals.
"Just a moment sir." The lady politely greeted, going through the database. "Oh yes, please have a seat in the adjacent room until your name is called out."
"Thank you." Hoseok gave another charming smile, taking Lisa to the gestured waiting room — the most unsafe region in the entire hospital as Lisa believed, filled with a number of undiagnosed sick people and bacteria floating around. Waiting rooms were one of the most prominent reasons why Lisa hated hospitals so much and the disgust was visible when she was made to sit on one of those uncomfortable, tiny cushions.
"I said I was okay. Now watch for an exaggerated diagnosis, they will prick me with unnecessary needles can you believe that?"
"I made an appointment cause I know you wouldn't make one. And stop with the fear of injections, you are a grown ass woman for fuck's sake Lisa. The kid over there is doing better than you." Hoseok grumbled under his breath, gesturing at the little boy of nearly twelve years of age sitting patiently with his mother from the seat across.
The mother makes an awkward eye contact with Hoseok when Lisa childishly whines out of utter mood swings, hitting his arm and the man exhales a heavy sigh, anxiously shrugging as if he doesn't know what to do with her.
"Miss...Cho Lalisa?" The nurse reads out the name as Lisa's ears instantly shot up and nervousness pitched in — the people in the medical seemed very intimidating and Lisa had made up her mind long back that she would do anything but never, ever date a doctor. Because interacting with doctors itself was a task in itself, one that was absolutely scaring the wits out of her.
Hoseok stood up, yanking Lisa from her seat to smile at the nurse. "Please follow me."
"You aren't tagging along?"
"Of course not, it's you who is sick not me—" Hoseok excused himself but Lisa passed him pleading eyes like a homeless pup, adding a few sniffles to exaggerate the melodrama.
"Fine." He sighed before he trudged behind her for giving moral support like a loyal friend. Upon reaching an examination room, Lisa was made to sit on the table and Hoseok leaned against the wall behind her, observing how the nurse marked a few things on the clipboard she was holding before requesting them to wait for the doctor.
"Why aren't they here yet? Isn't there a thing about punctuality?" Lisa swung her legs, a little pessimistic and anxious. "The nurse left only a minute ago and I am sure she said the doctor will be up shortly."
"Will you stop defending strangers over your friend? I feel so fucking betrayed." She paused her rant when Hoseok decided to ignore the conversation and check his phone instead. There was a seemingly comfortable silence for some minutes, before there was an impulsive knock on the door before the doorknob twisted open.
"Good afternoon! I am so sorry to keep you waiting—" A heavily soothing voice was heard before a man standing about six feet tall with black permed hair entered the room with a bright, rectangular shaped smile. The stethoscope lazily slung over his neck along with an ID tag hanging from his long white coat — he placed the clipboard in a nearby table causing his muscles to flex through the fabric.
To say Lisa was flattered was probably an understatement.
The girl was too flabbergasted to come up with a coherent reply, the stutter already making its way through her throat. Lisa didn't believe in love at first sight — but she couldn't deny that the doctor looked like a runaway model out of a magazine cover, his tongue swiping over his soft yet luscious lips that looked ever so alluring—
"Ms Lalisa?" There was a surge of heat violently shaking down her body upon hearing her own name — Lisa was nervous but for an altogether different reason — the breathtakingly handsome doctor seated before herself.
"Ah yes, she is Lisa." Hoseok's reply managed to break her trance that her lips sputtered wordlessly, looking for an appropriate response.
"I am doctor Kim however I prefer just being addressed as Taehyung. So what seems to be the problem, Lisa-ssi?"
You, Dr Kim.
"I...I j-just don't feel...uh...well." She mumbled, gulping a lump of embarrassment down her throat.
Initially expecting a valuable answer, Taehyung soon realised that he will have to treat the patient like the paediatric children because he could detect the sense of nervousness in her eyes. The quietness and the blush forming across her cheeks didn't go unnoticed, he found her adorable.
"I am sure I understand that, Lisa. But there isn't a harm in being just a bit more specific?" He gently asked, holding up the incomprehensible gap between his fingers. Nodding, Lisa took a deep breath before turning to face Hoseok, a desperation painted in her face.
"She...she's been nauseated and ran a temperature of nearly 104 the past three days, somewhat sluggish I guess?" He explained with an inaudible groan that Taehyung seemed to notice. Hobi's desperate sense of apology was duly noted in his eyes.
"Okay, okay. I will now be running a few tests to examine if there's any difficulty breathing, cool?" He asked before sticking the stethoscope in his ears. Lisa could feel her heart thrumming loudly and now Taehyung was practically about to hear it. She couldn't ignore the sparks that lit up when his hands would brush against hers, the touched area burning on fire — were these the effects of lovesickness?
"Can you just....adjust your collar before I start checking for your lungs? The metal might feel cold against bare skin." He warned as he applied a disinfectant to the diaphragm of the stethoscope. Lisa turned her torso just so that her back was facing Taehyung, her hair brushed to the side and the blouse lowered a little enough to expose some portion of her back.
Acknowledging the same, Taehyung rolled his chair closer to the examination table where Lisa was seated, she could feel his breath fanning her back before he placed the stethoscope as she cooed when the metal came in contact with her skin.
"I am sorry. It's cold?"
"Hmm...y-yes." Lisa mumbled. "Okay, just a little hold in for some time and do as I say."
Moving the circular diaphragm further down, Taehyung paused at a specific point. "Take a deep breath for me." He emphasised his words by doing the same himself and Lisa copied him as he had expected. He smiled.
"Good....any trouble breathing?" Taehyung inquired again and Lisa shook her head sideways in denial. "Hmm. In.....and out." His voice was huskier than ever before and the proximity wasn't helping either.
The saga continued for another two minutes before Taehyung lowered the stethoscope. "Great, well done."
All this while Hoseok had been struggling to keep his laugh and it was quite evident given that he sheepishly kept smiling and smirking all the way, amazed by the patience Taehyung had to treat a twenty four year old woman like a six year old child. For a fact he had known Lisa hated being babied yet this served as the only exception, because only Taehyung managed to have a hypnotising effect on her.
Lisa glared at Hoseok who immediately got the hint of how awkward the scenario must be to witness. It was obvious that Lisa had taken a liking for the doctor and it only felt as if he were unintentionally enough, third wheeling.
"Uhm, I'll just be back in a moment, I need to urgently use the restroom." He interfered, as Taehyung smiled at him. "Oh, okay! Do you want me to wait up—"
"No please continue, its cool with me." Hoseok waved his hand before his silhouette disappeared from the tainted square window at the door.
"No I will be examining your throat." Taehyung stood up from his seat and explained, after scribbling his observations in a clipboard. He brought a tray filled with a number of tools, after having slid the gloves with relative ease, the mundane action itself was so hot.
"You mentioned you were feeling nauseated, well....your boyfriend mentioned at least. How long has—"
"Excuse me," Lisa coughed mid sentence as Taehyung halted speaking. "Did you say boyfriend? Oh, Hobi oppa. He is my friend, not boyfriend haha." She let out a light hearted laugh, waving her hand at the joke.
"Ah, alright. Good. Good...to know." It was now Taehyung's turn to be a little flustered, even though he shrugged it off, his pearly white teeth couldn't refrain from showing his smile, as if his heart had now bloomed after hearing the fact.
"Anything else that bothers you? Please share whatever discomfort you are feeling right now, its my job to cure you not judge." Taehyung spoke in a comforting tone as Lisa nodded.
"I...my stomach." She felt nervous yet again, not being able to form words. "Are you feeling cramps?"
"N-no, uh...just a little unusual p-pain...yes." Taehyung nodded, comprehending her words, before making her lay on her stomach. Her cheeks kissed a pink tint, just like he combusted from inside; Lisa was extremely cute. And beautiful too.
Chuckling at his own thought, he proceeded. "Can you...possibly lift up your shirt a little? It is weird and unprofessional—I mean its your wish."
"No, I am completely okay." Lisa mustered up all the courage contained within herself, to respond in one go.
She allowed her shirt to ride up till her belly button, her low waisted jeans giving an attractive view of her curvy waist. In literal sense, Taehyung was struggling to maintain his own composure. Somehow breaking away from the trance and reminding himself to keep it professional, he prodded on her stomach gently. Pushing the shirt blouse up higher, Lisa shivered as Taehyung pressed near the aching area.
"It just pains a little here, others feel ticklish." Lisa affirmed with a tiny smile and Taehyung couldn't help but admire her — she was slowly getting more comfortable around him and it was quite noticeable by the way she added more to the conversation.
"Alright. Sit back up. We are only left with the oral inspection."
He pulled out an unused wooden stick from the same tray that somewhat resembled like those popsicle sticks as Lisa watched over with wriggled brows. "What...what is that?"
"What is what? Oh...you mean tongue depressor? I will be requiring it for oral examination." Lisa wordlessly looked in shock after hearing it, the stick being in her mouth was the nauseating part of the entire visit.
"Don't worry, this will be very, very brief. You can trust me on this." Taehyung convinced, the sweet rectangular smile made its comeback. "Now say aaah for me?"
Lisa shyly opened her mouth as Taehyung had directed. "A bit wider please. And stick your tongue out." Lisa followed the instructions given, before Taehyung placed the instrument on her tongue and focused some light on it to take a slight peek. From the corner of her eye she could notice his tongue prodding the insides of his cheek as he shifted the position of the stick, causing Lisa to gag when it accidentally brushed against the uvula hanging from the roof of her mouth.
"Oh my, I am so sorry!" Taehyung withdrew the stick and discarded it hastily to stroke her back gently whilst the other hand slipped into hers. Lisa coughed from the gag reflex, before the feeling slowly faded away as she sucked in a staggered breath. She looked up to find Taehyung staring at her, holding his gasp, his eyes warm and apologetic.
"It's fine, I am fine. Not your fault."
"Sure?" He confirmed against any other red flags as Lisa shrugged. "No."
A brief moment of awkward silence took over, although it didn't matter because now the two of them were locked up in each other's gaze, wanting this moment to last forever. Their noses almost nudged against each other and a slight movement could cause their lips to meet as Lisa predicted.
"Hey guys—" Hoseok's voice pulled both the persons out of their trance, instinctively he gasped at the scene before him; Taehyung standing in between Lisa's legs, leaned at an angle that they could kiss any moment. "Wow, okay."
"Can't you knock, Jung Hoseok?!!"
"Fine I am sorry, I wasn't expecting to interrupt something—" He rolled his eyes as Taehyung instinctively backed away.
"Oh there's nothing really. We are finished up." Taehyung answered, getting rid of the white gloves he was then wearing.
"I am waiting outside." Hoseok slid away again, leaving the two of them all alone for the second time of the day.
Taehyung retracted back to his desk and studied the clipboard before pulling out a pen to mark the necessary stuffs.
"I don't think it is very fatal to worry about, your mouth has developed some blisters which is a sign of common cold and your stomach must be aching from acidity. I would've just prescribed a single dose per day but you seem to have developed a little serious symptoms so I have adjusted your medication accordingly. Don't prolong the meds for long, stop taking them once the temperature comes down. Just see to it that you take the prescribed meds in correct doses and also don't skip meals. Any other questions for me?"
Are you single? OMG please date me DADDY—
Taehyung snapped his fingers before Lisa's face to bring her back from the pool of thoughts in her mind. He fished a toothy grin before handing her the prescription note in surprisingly n e a t alphabets. She shyly hung her head low, pushing behind a strand of hair behind her ear.
"N-no, uh...that would be okay."
There wasn't a response from Taehyung for a brief moment before he smacked his lips with his tongue in heavy thought. And that was until when Lisa suddenly blurted an inaudible sorry, taking him by surprise.
"Woah woah. There was—"
"No I just wanted to apologise for my behaviour today.....I am not very paranoid like this, I just cranky due to mood swings and.....sometimes in hospitals..." She sighed in exasperation, already regretting about whatever she ranted to Hobi on the way here; if anything must be grateful to him because then she wouldn't have met Taehyung nor would the notion have changed—
"I kind of noticed. But hey, there's nothing to feel sorry for." He caressed her palm with his long fingers, her instincts wanting to record his voice so she could listen to his soft baritone all night. "If your symptoms show up again and you're feeling unwell again, you can come back again."
Although Lisa merely nodded getting the slightest hint of what he suggested, there was a sudden constraint in her mind; she didn't want to let go very soon. Moreover, she was starting to like Taehyung despite this bring her first visit and she was aware that this crush could lead her nowhere, although she wanted to keep trying.
"Is something still bothering you?" Taehyung asked taking a notice again, and Lisa suddenly realised she couldn't contain her urge any longer.
So she barfed out, "Do you maybe want to go out with me? For grabbing coffee..." she shined bold, taken aback by her own confidence.
Her bold move got Taehyung somewhat speechless too, as he mindlessly searched for words to still maintain his professionalism. "I'm....uh..."
Okay but Lisa, that was definitely unprofessional....look how awkward you got him?!! She scolded herself, feeling sorry all over again.
"You aren't advised to have coffee or anything acidic for a while." Taehyung cautiously explained, and Lisa still decided to run her mind in search of other ideas.
"Then ice cream?"
"Avoid cold stuffs."
A visibly pale frown puckered at her lips that Taehyung was quick to notice. He burst out into a hearty laugh, his eyes shimmered under the hospital lights. His lip later twitched into a smirk.
"There's a ramen place that has newly opened nearby. I can see you there sometime when you're recovered..."
"Sure!" Lisa exclaimed in sheer enthusiasm and he chuckled in response. Lisa could've sworn she heard the ringing bells from heaven and cupids celebrating love all around the place.
"Well then, it's a sealed promise. I will take you out for whatever you want, but only after you are much, much better." He extended his pinky and Lisa instinctively locked her pinky with his, heartily giggling at their pinky promise.
"Thank you so much for having me today, Dr Tae." She greeted before slowly making her way out of the room, he smiled at the nickname she gave him.
Once when Lisa was out, Hoseok eyed Lisa with a devilish grin, nudging her elbow to spill the tea; this was the most Hoseok thing ever, by the way.
"I think somebody needs to thank me for getting them here? I only accept pay checks and coffee offers." He chortled whilst teasing her.
"Fine, fine. You win Hobi oppa. Despite being a literal pain in the arse I'm thankful we are here, but that doesn't make me less mad at you. Besides, he advised me not to have coffee and we might be having a date soon."
"Enough Hobi oppa!!" She playfully hit his elbow as he continued to tease her as they slowly made their way to towards their shared apartment.
A little while later, Taehyung's phone buzzed with an anonymous notification, his heart thrumming rhythmically loud as he felt a gush of adrenaline and oxytocin through his system when he read the message.
I will let you know soon when I am not feeling cranky and pathetic like this anymore...maybe then we can go out for our scheduled date. —Lisa💜
He grinned widely, a reward smile adorning his face. She was adorable and definitely the type of woman he wished he had met earlier in his life.
On the other hand Lisa simpered after reading his text response too—
Of course Miss Lisa, whatever you wish for. You have my word. —Dr Tae🤍
She was certain that she wouldn't get cranky in name of hospitals anymore; especially not when they were concerned with her happy pill, Dr Kim Taehyung.
My initial thoughts were to make an angsty fluff but I later changed it to tooth-rotting fluff with an added tinge of comedy as per the request. Also, can we please talk about how ideally perfect Dr Kim Taehyung is? My man screams paediatric surgeon given how loving and kind he is with kids🥺 An extra remark that this is prolly the best romcom type oneshot I have ever written lmao, I am proud of it!💜✨
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