Chapter 51 - Reception

Ashton in his tux--^


After arriving at the place of the reception, I changed into a different dress so I wasn't in this long one the whole night. Ashton began finishing the little details, and when I was done changing, I helped him. As people started to show up at the reception, I got even more excited, and so did Ashton.

"I love you so much, Mr. Irwin," I kissed him.

"I love you more, Mrs. Irwin," he smiled widely. I loved the new name.

Kaely had gone with my mum, and when she arrived, she ran over to us. Ashton picked her up and smiled at her.

"Mummy and daddy are married now?" She wondered. I told her yes as the boys came over to us.

"Congrats, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin!!" They exclaimed, hugging me then Ashton.

"And.. I've officially adopted Kaely, as of yesterday," Ashton kissed Kaely's forehead.

"You didn't tell us that! That's great!" They all smiled at Kaely. She smiled back.

"So there's also a Miss Irwin now?" Luke smiled. Kaely nodded.

"How do you spell your last name now, Kaely?" I asked.

"I-r-w-i-n," she bobbed her head every time she'd say a letter.

"And that's mummy's last name now too," I told her.


"Yeah. Now that mummy and daddy are married, we have the same last name," you could not have smacked the smile off of my face.

Many people had come over to me to talk to me or Ashton, but I saw some people that stood out in the crowd of people walking in.

"Jean? Patrick?!" I smiled widely as they looked over at me. I made my way towards them and hugged them both tightly.

"I knew that we would be here. Ever since that night we watched that movie, I knew," Jean kissed my forehead. I knew what she was talking about. It was when Ashton and I were cuddling on the couch. Later, then, Ashton had asked me to be his girlfriend. That was where it all started, about four years ago.

I stood at the door and talked to people as they were walking in. I talked to Kendall (A/N: from youth), Paisley (A/N: Kaely's gymnastics instructor), Jaclyn (A/N: Kaely's dance instructor), Joseph (A/N: Mrs. Smith's son), Chris (A/N: Terri's boyfriend), Dan and Oliver (A/N: Jacob's brother and dad who are now actually really nice to Chloe, Ashton, and Kaely), Rebekah (A/N: her cousin), all of Kristen's family, and Liam. I hugged Liam and asked him where the other boys were. He told me they'd be here soon, so I nodded. I kept standing there until I saw someone I hadn't seen for a while.

Mrs. Parker, my old guidance counselor. I stopped her and hugged her. She asked me how I had been.

"I'm great!"

"How's Kaely?" She asked as a man walked up to her with a little kid in his arms that I recognized.

"She's good. She couldn't be happier now that Ashton has officially adopted her and that mummy and daddy are now married," I couldn't stop thinking of where I knew that little boy from. He looked to be about Kaely's age.

"That's great. I don't think I need to ask how you and Ashton are doing, relationship wise. That's why we're here."


"And this is my husband, George," she motioned to the guy holding the little boy.

"Hi, nice to meet you," he smiled and I repeated that back to him, "nice to meet you too."

"And this is my son, Noah." Oh!

"I think I know Noah. I think he might be friends with Kaely. Didn't he come to her fourth birthday party?" I asked.

"Yes! He did."

"I knew I knew him from somewhere. Hi Noah," I smiled at him.

He said back, "hi Miss Walters."

"Noah, it's Mrs. Irwin now. She just got married. That's where we just were, at her wedding," Mrs. Parker told him.

"Oh. Well, hi Mrs. Irwin," he corrected.

"Hi Noah. Do you want to go see Kaely? She's in here somewhere," I told him, and he nodded. I asked George if I could take him, so I did. I took him in to play with Kaely.

After everyone was there, we ate. At the front table was Ashton and me in the middle with Kristen to the left of me and Luke to the right of Ashton. Terri was to the left of Kristen, then Piper another seat to the left, Alexia next, and Lauren last. To the right of Luke was Michael, then Calum, then Devin, and finally Harry. Kaely was sitting with Noah, Mrs. Parker and George along with my parents and Ashton's mum.

We had finished eating, and it was announced that Ashton and I were about to have our first dance as husband and wife. I had picked out a song, and Ashton didn't know what it was yet. It as going to be a surprise to him, but he was going to love it.

As we made our way to the center of the dance floor, many people crowded around us, and the music started.

As the music began to play, Ashton looked at me and kissed me. The song was the last song that played at prom, the last song we listened to before he proposed. Marry Me by Jason Derulo.

Every step we took was amazing. We were in sync, not taking our eyes off of each other. My gaze was glued to Ashton's beautiful hazel eyes staring back at me. My bright blue eyes wouldn't let me look away, I mean, if I wanted to. I stared at Ashton, and I could tell his happiness. Not by his smile or his dimples showing, but my looking deep into his eyes. I believe he was doing the same as the song played in the background. This was like a movie scene. I was dancing with my new husband, not taking my eyes off of him, and I hardly even noticed there was music playing.

105 is the number that comes to my head when I think of all the years I wanna be with you. Wake up every morning with you in my bed. That's precisely what I plan to do.. Yeah.

I grabbed Ashton's face and kissed him, ending our first dance as a married couple. Everything was magical.

My mum began a speech after everyone had sat back down, "I can't believe my daughter has grown up this fast. I can remember when she was just tiny and when she'd have us give her piggy-back rides. I honestly couldn't imagine this day coming this quick just five years ago. You just don't think when your child is small that in just a few years, it's gonna be completely different. Then you look back and say, 'where did that time go?' It goes by fast.."

I had the DJ then play "Mama's Song" by Carrie Underwood, the song mum had been listening to that one day I picked her up from their house.

Mum looked up at me and smiled. She knew that I knew about her listening to this song. She walked over to me, grabbed my hands, and kissed both of them. I wrapped my arms around her neck, and she wrapped her arms around my waist. We swayed back and forth, crying quite a bit. I whisper-sang the lyrics in her ear.

"Mama, there's no way you'll ever lose me. Giving me away is not goodbye. As you watch me walk down to my future, I hope tears of joy are in your eyes. Cause he is good, so good. And he treats your little girl like a real man should. He is good, so good. He makes promises he keeps. No, he's never gonna leave. So don't you worry about me."

Kaely walked over to us then, and I picked her up, swaying back and forth. I was getting so emotional. I sang to her, "and when I watch my baby grow up, I'll only want what's best for her and I'll hope she'll find the answer to my prayers and that she'll say.."

I couldn't continue. My tears overflowed down my cheeks. I wasn't sad, I was happy.

The song came to an end, and many people were in tears. Ashton even teared up watching us. My dad made a speech next, no I decided to play the song he had been listening to, Butterfly Kisses by Bob Carlisle.

He walked towards me, smiling as my mum had. He put both his hands around my waist, and I put my hands around his neck.

"I love you, daddy," I whispered to him.

"I love you too, princess," he hadn't called me princess in forever. I missed it.

"Gave me butterfly kisses with her mama there, sticking little white flowers all up in her hair. 'Walk me down the aisle, daddy, it's just about time. Does my wedding gown look pretty, daddy? Daddy, don't cry. Oh with all that I've done wrong I must've done something right to deserve her love every morning and butterfly kisses," he sang to me. I missed times like this with my dad.

The song had finished, and everyone had made their speeches, so all we did the rest of the night was dance.

As a slow song played, Ashton and I danced as we did with our first dance. It was still such a shock to both of us that we were actually here, at our wedding reception, celebrating what had just happened at our wedding. What my mum said was true, time does go by fast.

My mum came up to me and asked, "may I?"

I nodded and left to find my dad. I would dance with him for the remainder of this song. Before I had left, however, I heard mum whisper to Ashton, "you better treat my little girl right."

*Ashton's POV*

"You know I will," I told Audrey, smiling. Everything was so overwhelming.

"Good. You don't want to see what happens if you ever don't."

"I never will," I promised.

*Chloe's POV*

The night was coming to a close, and I was saying goodbye to everyone as they left. I walked back to help my mum before she stopped me and said, "Chloe, you have a flight to catch. I'll get this cleaned up. You go. Get Ashton now, and you guys can leave. We've got this," she motioned to herself along with dad, Anne Marie, Lauren, Harry, and Kaely.

"You're taking Kaely home, correct?" I asked her, making sure.

"Yes. Anne Marie and I have already worked it out that your dad and I will keep her some, and she can keep her some. Now you two go!" She exclaimed, smiling at me.

"Okay," I went off and got Ashton. After hugging everyone, we walked out of the place and got into our limo. Our luggage was already in the back.

On our way to the airport, I was resting my head on Ashton's shoulder, just thinking. This was going to be amazing, my honeymoon with Ashton. I couldn't believe everything that has happened, has actually happened. I knew that I was living the present, and I was loving it.



Prologue of book three will be up in a week:)

-Lizzie xx

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