Chapter 35 - First Day
Kaely was now in her cute little pink dress that I had picked out for her for the first day of school. She loved it and was spinning around everywhere. As I tried to get my breakfast, she was spinning throughout the kitchen.
"Baby, could you go into the living room for now, please?" I asked her. She spun off towards the living room.
I just decided to grab a banana. I grabbed my book-bag, already full of books, along with my lunch. I took some of my paint brushes, my special pencils, and a canvas that I needed for my art class in my bag. I threw that into the passenger's seat of the car as Kaely got herself into her seat. I strapped her in, and we drove off towards the elementary school.
When we got there, she grabbed her princess backpack after she got out of the car. I kissed her forehead, but before I sent her off, I realized she didn't seem very happy.
"Kaely, what's wrong?" I asked.
"Daddy's not here to say goodbye to me," she frowned, "he usually does.."
"How about when we talk to him tomorrow, we can set up that you talk to him right before you go into school and he can say goodbye to you? Does that sound good?"
She nodded and smiled. I kissed her cheek and hugged her before letting her go. She trotted off into the school. She was about to enter the school when she turned around and looked at me. She waved, then turned right around to go in the doors. I smiled before I got into the car to begin the now-twenty-five minute drive to the campus. I was going to be cutting it close, but I'd make it.
I got to campus five minutes early. I only needed three minutes to get to my first class, thank god. I quickly ate my banana on the way there with my book-bag on my back. It was completely full. It was only the fourth day, and I had lots of homework to do the night before.
As I made it into my first class, I took my seat next to Kristen, my new friend. I had met her on the first day, and she was super nice to me. She knew about Kaely and Ashton already. I really liked her, and she was wanting to be an art teacher too. She was from Melbourne. Kristen was actually a fan of the band. I told her a lot about them. She said she was getting tickets to see them and One Direction in Melbourne in October.
I told her I'd have to have her meet them sometime. Their first break was in late April, and I told her she could come over and meet them then since they'll be home for a little while. She said she'd love that. Since her birthday was at the end of April, I thought it would be good if she could come over on her birthday and meet the four of them.
Professor Harrison entered the room and began asking us if we did our homework. I looked at Kristen and rolled my eyes. She laughed as he began to collect the homework.
I arrived home later and found my mum at the house with Kaely. This was the first day I had come home without seeing Ashton. I was going to miss him so much.
I thanked my mum, hugging her before she went home. I asked Kaely how her first day of preschool was.
"It was awesome!" She exclaimed, "I got to see all of my friends again!"
"That's good," I smiled at her. I got out my books from my book-bag. I sat them on the island and started working.
"When can I talk to daddy?" She pouted.
"Daddy's on a plane right now, baby. We will talk to him tomorrow before going to school, okay?"
"Okay," she agreed, and pranced into her playroom.
The next morning, before Kaely went into school, I called Ashton. He picked up, and answered with a, "hello?"
"Ash.. It feels so good to hear your voice again.." I sighed, "I've missed not seeing you."
"I've missing not seeing you too. Well, we're in London now. We got off of the plane around six hours ago. Maybe seven, I don't know," he told me.
"That's good. You're just chilling in the hotel now?"
Kaely looked up at me. She wanted to talk to him. I crouched down to her level and put it in speaker.
"I have someone here who wants to talk to you," I smiled at her.
"I wonder who that would be.."
"It's me, daddy," Kaely giggled.
"Who's me? I don't think I know anyone named 'me'.."
"It's Kaely, daddy!" She giggled once more.
"Oh, Kaely! Shouldn't you be in school?"
"Getting ready to."
"She wants to talk to you every morning before going to school so you can say goodbye," I told him our plan.
"Okay. I think that will work. It's about ten here, so I can talk to you after the shows, I guess."
"Okay," she smiled at me and looked back down at the phone.
"Bye daddy," she began to put her backpack on her back.
"Bye Kaely. I'll talk to you tomorrow, then."
"Okay," she smiled. I gave her a kiss on the forehead before sending her off towards the school.
"Bye Ash," I smiled, loving hearing his voice again.
"Bye Chlo," he said back, "I love you."
"I love you too.. Bye," I hung up. I got into the car and left for college.
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