Chapter 15 - Bitch

About two weeks later, I had dropped Kaely off at Ashton's, and I went home and had an idea. I was going to call Alicia to see what she knew about the kiss two weeks ago. Maybe she would tell the truth if I used a voice that she wouldn't recognize me in.

I dialed her number which I got from one of her friends. She didn't pick up the first two rings, and I was worried. Finally, right before the third ring, she picked up. She didn't know who it was.

"Hello?" She wondered who I was, of course.

"Hey," I said in a weird voice, "I was wondering if you and Ashton are dating?"

"Um, no.. I asked him out, though..." she was so stupid. She was telling me these things and I didn't even tell her who I was, "He said no because he has a girlfriend. I knew that, though. It's that bitch Chloe, do you know her?"

"Yeah, I know her," I said, talking regularly now.

"Chloe- I-"

"Shut it. But thanks for telling me that stuff.. I really appreciate it," I smiled, even though she couldn't see me. Ashton was telling the truth. I did feel like a bitch.

"Oh.. You're welcome?" She said, and I hung up. I began to cry a little. I didn't believe him when he was telling the truth. I feel so bad.

I decided just to go over to his house. I rummaged through my purse to find my car keys. I realized Ashton must've dropped his phone in my purse by accident before I left earlier. I picked it up and turned it on.

He kept his screensaver the same: Kaely and me doing splits. I couldn't believe he hadn't changed it. I unlocked it. His password was still the same. It was 2456, because that spelled out "Chlo". I looked in his pictures. I wasn't being a stalker or anything, but I just wanted to be sure he hadn't been with anyone else. All he had were old pictures of me, Kaely and me, him and me, or all of us. I missed that. I wanted that back.

The only new pictures were of Kaely when I had dropped her off at his house the past few times. Also, he had some screenshotted photos, but that's all.

I put his phone in my pocket then continued searching for my keys. Once I found them, I walked out to the car after yelling to Mrs. Smith about going to get Kaely. She knew something was up because it had only been thirty minutes or less, but she didn't question it. I began to drive towards Ashton's house, thinking of how I'd tell him I forgive him.

When I got to his house, I didn't knock. I just walked in, and I looked to my left to see "Tangled" playing on the TV, Kaely's favorite new movie. She's seen it lots of times, too many times. Kaely was sitting on the recliner, stretched out. She saw me and smiled. She was about to say something when I put my finger over my mouth, telling her to be quiet for a minute. I walked over to Ashton, who was asleep on the couch. I placed my legs in either side of him and sat down on him, waiting for him to wake up.

Slowly, I saw his eyes starting to open. When his eyes were opened the whole way, he wiped them, still being asleep a little. Then he looked back up at me, his eyes widening because he was surprised, then his face created a confused look. He didn't know what was going on.

"Chloe..." He said, quietly and still confused.

"No.. It's babe," I whispered, then began to kiss him. He kissed me back, but I could tell he was still confused about what's was going on. I knew he didn't mind, though.

He pulled his lips from mine, and asked me, "is this just a dream? You hate me, though.."

"No, Ash, it's not a dream. It's real life, and I feel like such a bitch for not trusting you."

"Babe.. I don't get it. Why are you doing this all of a sudden?"

"I called Alicia to see what she said. She told me that she asked you out but you said you have a girlfriend. She told me the truth, and I wanted to be sure of it from her, but I don't know why I didn't trust you when you said it.. I guess I was just mad because I saw you two kissing."

"It's okay, babe," He paused and kissed my cheek, then whispered in my ear, "I love you.."

"I love you too," I whispered back and saw that Kaely was just looking at us, waiting patiently. I motioned for her to come over to us, and she came trotting over.

"Mummy love daddy now?" She asked.

"Yes, Kaely. Mummy loves daddy now..." Ashton told her and smiled at me.

"Yay!" She clapped her hands and jumped around a little, happy that we were now together again. I was so happy to be a little family again.

Once I got off of Ashton, he had sat up, so I sat next to him. Kaely sat on his lap, and we started to talk.

"So.. What's been going on during the past two weeks?" I asked.

"Not much.. But mostly missing you," he answered, and I could tell he was telling the truth. I felt so bad.

"I'm sorry.. I saw you two kissing and couldn't control myself. I was actually jealous and mad at the same time.. I didn't know what to feel," I admitted.

"It's okay, babe," he assured me.

"I was just being so selfish.. I'm sorry," I apologized.

"Don't worry, Chloe.. I was never mad at you. I just wanted you back, and bad.." He smiled at me, then pecked my lips. I leaned my head into his shoulder.

"Well I'm here now. And I'm not leaving," I whispered.

There was a long silence after that. We were both content, and Kaely was tired, so she didn't say anything. She just rested her head on Ashton's chest while I still rested mine on his shoulder.


Later, I had awoke from sleeping, and I realized I had fallen asleep in the position of having my head on Ashton's shoulders. I had moved from being partly sitting to laying down while I was sleeping. Kaely and Ashton were still watching "Tangled", but it was towards the end, so I must've slept a while.

I took my head off of Ashton's shoulder and he looked at me, "oh, hey baby, you're up..."

"Yeah, and I'm tired.."

"Well I could tell. You just slept for an hour or so."


"I'd say. If not more than that."

"Wow.. But after the movie is over, I want to go home, to my house."

"Okay, babe. I'm coming with you too," he smiled at me, and I nodded, telling him that was alright.

After a few minutes, the movie was over, and I started to grab Kaely's bag. I held her bag in my left hand and Ashton's hand in the other. Ashton held hands with Kaely, too. Before we left, Anne Marie came out to where we were and talked to us for a little bit.

"You two are back together now?" She asked.

"Yeah. Don't ask me how, though," I laughed, "it's a long story.."

"Okay. But I'm glad. I like seeing you two happy again," she smiled, and we left.

We got into my car after I strapped Kaely into her seat. Ashton insisted on driving, even though it was my car. I let him and I got into the passenger's seat.

He drove us to my house, and we got there within a few minutes. That's one thing I like about where we live. We are only a few minutes away from Ashton's house.

I unbuckled Kaely, and she wanted Ashton to carry her, so I let him. We walked in the front door, and Mrs. Smith was walking out of the kitchen.

"What do we have here? You two together again?" She asked.

"Yeah," I answered, not explaining.

"After you were that mad at him?"

"Well, I called the girl that I thought he was cheating on me with, and she cleared things up. She called me a bitch in the process, but she helped Ashton and me get back together," I smiled, and Ashton looked at me worriedly. Mrs. Smith nodded and left. She didn't want to interrupt our conversation. Ashton put Kaely down and she ran into the living room.

"Why'd she call you a bitch?" He asked.

"I pretended to be someone else so she would tell the truth, and she told me the truth, but then said, 'he was dating that bitch Chloe' or something like that. I'm used to it," I brushed it off.

"Babe, you can't just let people push you around like that. I can't stand it when people call you names like that! They don't understand what you've been through,"

"And I'd like to keep it that way," I told him, "I don't want them knowing. They'll hate me even more then.."

"Okay," he responded.

We walked into the living room with Kaely. No sooner did we sit on the couch then the doorbell rang.

I got up immediately and walked over to check who it was. I opened the door to to see a man that I did not know. He looked like he was a drug or alcohol addict. I could tell. That is always what my parents looked like.

Ashton had stayed in the living room with Kaely in case it was somebody that would hurt Kaely. We never knew anymore.

"Could I see my mother-in-law?" He asked, and I instantly knew who this was.

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