R8: Moonlight's Curse, @CShiauJing

(R8 is short for Review 8)

REVIEW: Book8 (Fantasy)
BOOK TITLE: Moonlight's Curse- The Dead Citadel
AUTHOR: @CShiauJing

--This is my personal analysis, with the present contents of book, and the mentioned judging criteria. It may change after author edits the book or if criteria is changed.
--Any other person judging the same book, on same criteria/points, may hold different opinions/comments/suggestion/advice, than highlighted here.
--Nothing is written/criticized to offend anyone. If you don't agree, it's alright, I don't mind others having different opinions.


1. Cover, Title, Summary (8/10)
Cover image pertains to the lead Character, Nigella (nicknamed & addressed as Ny, by her twin brother, in the book), and moonlight's effect. The color contrast and font on the cover are good, as per the story context.
The title likewise relates the lead characters, as well as the theme & plot of the story.  Title goes with the cover.
Summary needs improvement, as a few grammatical, spelling mistakes are present. It is too complex for the reader, oblivious to the terms 'Lears', 'Lias' etc., and thus puts off the readers.

2. Images/photos etc., audio, video, GIFs- Graphics (2/10)
Images- cover photo is the only image used. None other graphics used.
Though, I don't judge any story based on the presence of graphics, but it sure does entice a reader to further delve in the book. I understand that it takes times for incorporating such features, and I wish the author good luck, for that.

3. Grammar, Spelling, vocabulary (4/10)
Spelling mistakes- few but present, eg. 'burried' in place of 'buried', etc.
Grammar: Punctuation - comma, single & double quotation marks mistakes, exclamation marks, period placement, verbs usage and verb tenses (eg.- 'was' in place of 'were', 'lose' in place of 'lost' etc.) at many places.
The usage of past perfect is erroneous at many places (eg.-'had befall', in place of 'had befallen'). Past perfect tense is used for narrating the reminisces of the past events of characters (when the story narration is in past tense).
The placement of determiners (a, an, the) also require editing in chapters.
Word mistakes - couldn't spot any.
Word repetitions are also present, but not much and don't retract the reader from reading further.
Vocabulary is good and appropriate for acquainting the reader well with the details, incidents, characters and story progression.
Sentence formation mistakes are overwhelmingly present in all chapters. Some longer sentences can be divided into two.

4. Literary elements: plot, setting, characterization, conflicts, POVs, mood, tone (9/10)
The plot is magical, it's environment is chosen appropriately and will attract readers who love fantasy. The plot includes many mystical beings like, wizards(called Lias, in the book), mermaids, mermen, nymphs, leaf  people, undead etc. I believe background information, in prologue, should be elaborated, to build interest. Author can leave some obscure hints there (not divulge directly), to indicate a few superpowers the twins possess,so that reader is tempted to read further. As of now, prologue is a little boring
The time when the story takes place (history eg. 1800s, or present or future time) and the place must be clearly mentioned.
Settings (meaning living environment, clothing, conversation styles, food habits, Transportation, etc., as per the time cited in story) need elucidation too.
Characters are developed very well gradually with their magical abilities & behavioral patterns unfolded slowly, as the chapters progress. Their thoughts, feelings, concerns etc., are very clearly & relevantly included.
Conflicts are properly woven with the story.
The book is written in third person  POV, and author wrote with the right mixture of tones and moods.
Moods (these are the emotions aroused in the reader by the write up) induced- amusing, enthralling. Tones (meaning author's attitude) are preternatural, whimsical, exciting and explorative. In short, POV, moods, tones are effectively presented.

5. Diction, writing style, pacing (8/10)
Diction is good, with a nice & fitting choice of words, but at some places the choice of adjectives need replacement for providing the reader a good imagination (called imagery).
Writing style is narrative ( formal and informal both used, as per requirement), with the adequate amount of descriptive tone. No description seems to be extra or irrelevant. Pacing is very well balanced with the events, incidents, characters' arc development and the various conflicts.

6. Allusion, epigraphs, euphemism, foreshadowing, metaphors/simile, imagery (6/10)
Foreshadowing is properly used throughout book chapters. The author divulges little information, with each chapter which, while satiating readers' curiosity, keeps him bound for continuing to the next chapter.
The imagery of the book still need refinement, in all the chapters. For eg.- what sort of pain Nigella felt with the moonlight, how did she suffer (physically/metally or both) due to it; description of Captivating 'light feet', if he is  undead & so powerful as described, why would he be captivated by tree branches etc.
Other devices not used, which may be due to the story requirements.

7. Structuring (7/10)
Starting & ending clearly presented in chapters, as well as text. Paragraphs, dialogues are properly structured. Some paragraphs are very lengthy, which can be divided into shorter ones. Chapters names are precisely chosen according to the person's POV. All chapters are sequentially numbered. Structuring of book sections is also satisfactory. Prologue proves to be the book's strength, as the plot background gives much needed spice, but it still needs addition of some information and removal of oblivious terms.

8. Cliffhangers, twists/turns/incident presentation (9/10)
Cliffhangers are maintained throughout Chapters.
The storyline is intriguing & engaging.
Twists and turns are abundant which maintain reader's curiosity & keeps him bound, but they need better presentation.

9. Originality, creativity (7/10)
Many magical elements are combined together in the book, and there are many magical beings like Lias(wizards), mer people, nymphs, leaf people, etc. Though every being or the whole plot can't be said original ; still, the linking of all these beings is done very creatively, with a slight tone of originality.

Rating/Marks :
8+2+4+9+8+6+7+9+7= 60/90

Reviewer's note:
The story is intriguingly put, and it has many elements combined into it. Every chapter has some new revelation and is a relish to read. Readers will find it interesting. I couldn't stop reading it myself and will be reading the book, as and when, I find time.

ADVICE (to author):

1) To take the suggestion or not, is at author's discretion, but my opinion is, modify the Summary section.
-shorten it in length and preferably write an interesting story essence (don't reveal whole story, give a hint/gist of story).
-Use an easy language known by readers, as most are not acquainted with the terms and concept of the story.
-first paragraph is very complicated to grasp. Easy language with omission of story specific terms (Lears, Lias etc), would be better for readers.

2) The author may also include some more related images of the magical kingdom and magical creatures/beings, with that aura surrounding them. When the topic is a little off beat, I understand that it becomes a cumbersome task (since many effects, in images, need  to be created). But it enhance readers' imagination and interest.

3) A section may include the names of characters (and any  description you wish to reveal to the readers). It may also highlight the meaning/significance of some story specific terms (like Lears, Lias, Gorudo), or people (eg- Daralis, Hebe) etc. , to better acquaint the readers.

4) Improve imagery of the book, as such a book which has so many elements woven together, needs proper visualization of all the magical entities and their elements/skills.

If there is anything you don't understand, let me know, as an inline comment here. I will surely explain, if I find time for it.

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