R5: The Groundskeeper's Secret, @lelakayy

(R5 is short for Review 5)

Review : Book5 (Fantasy/Romance)
BOOK TITLE: The Groundskeeper's Secret
AUTHOR: @lelakayy

--This is my personal analysis, with the present contents of book, and the mentioned judging criteria. It may change after author edits the book or if criteria is changed.
--Any other person judging the same book, on same criteria/points, may hold different opinions/comments/suggestion/advice, than highlighted here.
--Nothing is written/criticized to offend anyone. If you don't agree, it's alright, I don't mind others having different opinions.


1. Cover, Title, Summary (6/10)
Cover is 'ok' (use larger font and Color contrast, as title isn't strikingly visible). It shows the dragon princess, who is anxious and lost in a new world, struggling for her own forgotten identity. Though it's ok, but, since the plot is fantasy based, the cover could be made more colorful and attractive, showing the dragon princess, taming or riding a dragon. The colors on the cover are white and give an impression of peaceful/frosty environment (it's neither). Instead it should depict fire and it's colors. It would be more attractive.
Title shows the POV of dragon princess, who comes to know, of her identity, by the groundskeeper. Hence, it's relevant. It relates to the story contents, but not to story theme or plot.
Summary is written with precise and apt information, but there are certain grammatical errors, sentence formation mistakes. It could be refined to include the gist of story too, which is not even hinted at.

2. Images/photos etc., audio, video, GIFs- Graphics (2/10)
No graphics present, other than the cover image. These effects are introduced after book completion, since simultaneously working with graphics is a straining task. I understand that they could be time taking, but a fantasy theme book like this, can have many graphics included, to enhance readers' imagination and interest.

3. Grammar, Spelling, vocabulary (9/10)
Spelling mistakes- I couldn't spot any.
Grammar: Punctuation - mainly comma mistakes few places.
Verb tense mistakes are present, and may be removed.
The relative clauses (defining as well as non defining clauses), are used appropriately, to convey the proper sentence meaning to the reader.
Word mistakes - few, but present (though there are some words absent, in some lines)
Word repetitions -are few, but they don't deter the reader.
Vocabulary is good.and engaging.

4. Literary elements: plot, setting, characterization, conflicts, POVs, mood, tone (8/10)
The plot environment is appropriate for a fantasy novel. The story and plot chosen is intriguing.
Settings (meaning living environment, clothing, conversation styles, food habits, etc.) need elucidation. The time and place where the story takes place, also need to be mentioned.
Characters are developed gradually with their thoughts, feelings, behavioral patterns, concerns etc., but they still require some refining.
Conflicts are properly woven with the story.
The book is written in third person POV (lead female character, Adela Heart, or Dragon princess). It allows the author to include detail and explanation from anyone's point of view for better clarity. And that's an excellent choice of POV for fantasy books. However author needs to be more elaborative.
Moods (emotions aroused in reader) are amusing, thought provoking and vivacious. Tones (author's attitude) are introspective, mystical, fascinating and captivating throughout. Altogether, POV, moods, tones are very well expressed.

5. Diction, writing style, pacing (8/10)
Diction means the choice of words for the narrative, as per the genre and subject. And it's very good.
Sentence formation errrors, with punctuation mistakes, make the narration slightly off at a few places.
Writing style is narrative, with a healthy amount of descriptive tone. Pacing is moderate and in synchronism with events & conflicts. I understand that, in first time writing, incorporation of all elements need time, so I wish good luck to the author.

6. Allusion, epigraphs, euphemism, foreshadowing, metaphors/simile, imagery (7/10)
Foreshadowing is awesomely used throughout book chapters. The author divulges little information, with each chapter.
Imagery of the story is very good and the reader can picture the events in his/her mind very well. But it still need the detailing of the environment with magical/fantasy traits.
Other devices not used, but epigraphs/quotations/simile can be used.

7. Structuring (7/10)
Starting & ending of chapters clearly presented in text. Paragraphs, dialogues, dream narration during dreamwalking, are appropriately structured. Chapters are numbered sequentially. Book structure can be improved- you can add prologue, introduction etc. Prologue proves to be a book's strength, and in fantasy novels, it could be used to enhance the imagery and description of the magical elements in the story.

8. Cliffhangers, twists/turns/incident presentation (9/10)
Cliffhangers are excellent and maintained throughout Chapters.
The storyline is intriguing & engaging and the inter related sequence of events makes it more interesting.
Intensity of emotions isn't felt due to lack of related vocabulary. Some scenes need elaboration at a few places. The mystery is properly woven, with the various incidents cited in each chapter. The linking of incidents in each chapter is presented interestingly.
Twists and turns are abundant which maintains reader's curiosity & keeps him bound.

9. Originality, creativity (7/10)
Though the concept of dreamwalking, dragon princess, magic isn't new; the concepts, scenes, events etc. are very creatively presented. And the story seems to be slightly different from the mythological names, places and events.
It will be revealed in the later chapters, how much originality the story contains (until now, only, 10 chapters are published)

Rating/Marks :
6+2+9+8+8+7+7+9+7= 63/90

Reviewer's note (to readers) :
The story is very interestingly, framed in words by the author. And, once I started reading, couldn't stop myself. The readers would find this fantasy book puzzling, as well as absorbing and enthralling.

ADVICE (to author):
I already wrote some suggestions, if the author would like to pay attention to.

If there is anything you don't understand, let me know, as an inline comment here. I will surely explain, if I find time for it.

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