P4: The Beauty of Pain, @Summersprit

(P4 is short for Poetry 4)

Poetry Review: Book4
BOOK TITLE: The Beauty of Pain
No. of Chapters: 6
AUTHOR: Summersprit

--This is my personal analysis, with the present contents of book, and the mentioned judging criteria. It may change after author edits the book or if criteria is changed.
--Any other person judging the same book, on same criteria/points, may hold different opinions/comments/suggestion/advice, than highlighted here.
--Nothing is written/criticized to offend anyone. If you don't agree, it's alright, I don't mind others having different opinions.


All poems are free verse style. No Aesthetics (related to poetry).  Annotation/Author's notes are not present. Line breaks are properly maintained throughout, but all the poems need appropriate line endings (full stop/period), for clarifying the verses and stanzas.
Assonance, metaphors, simile, personifications- used in almost all poems.
I am giving the analysis of 3 poems individually here, before the full review, so you can understand the  places to improve.

Poem1: The Beauty of Pain
Ottava rima (i.e. eight verses or lines), with free style and imperfect rhyming. The stanza endings need to be defined. Internal rhyme is used (meaning rhymes within the same line or verse).
Repetition - a few verses are repeated, but they provide meaning to the poem and also enhance it's texture and significance.
Metaphor, personification (eg- wonderland in his eyes) -used in poem effectively accentuating the impact on readers.
Figurative language and embedded layers of meaning are observed in a few verses.
There are some verb and tense mistakes (I highlighted one).
I loved the poem. The emotional impact of poem is good. It leaves the readers thinking and questioning and that's very good.

Poem2: Charmed from Afar
The poem is a cinquain (7 verses), with free style and imperfect rhyming.
Metaphors- used.
Repetition - None
Grammar mistakes- present (tense, punctuation). Word mistakes present (eg- 'a far' in place of 'afar')
The usage of him/his/he in starting few stanzas and then you/your in later ones, creates confusion and breaks the flow of poem. The poem is written in first person POV, so I would suggest using one pattern either he/his/him or you/your (since you are referring to the same person, usage of both create confusion for the readers).
The poem is good and sentiments are very well conveyed.

Poem3: Mask of Truth
Ottava rima (8 lines)- free style and imperfect rhyming. Again line endings need to be specified.
Consonance is exploited too in a few verses, for providing the rhyme.
Repetition- a verse from previous poems is repeated which connects it to previous ones and lends a good impact.
Metaphor- used
Simile- used
Figurative language used (very effectively).
Emotional impact isn't much.
Grammar mistakes- present (tense, sentence formation)
Spelling mistake- one
The poem is good but needs some editing.


1. Cover, title, summary (6/10)
Cover is simple and very modestly highlights theme of the poem i.e. beauty is always associated with pain. The cover image however isn't attractive and could be changed. The color contrast of cover also needs attention. The font color of the title on the cover image is white+translucent red and isn't visible.
The title is very good.  
The summary is very interestingly written but contains some grammar errors which can be easily fixed.

2. Poetic devices - (8/10)
The author has used poetic devices wherever necessary.

Repetition- used for words/phrases in most poems. Almost all repetitions give meaning to the poem, and accentuate the importance of the accompanying text.
Metaphor (implied comparison)- used in some poems, not all, but the ones used effectively.
Simile (compare using 'like' etc.) - used.
Some personifications (human characteristics attributed to non living things) used too.
Consonance (repetitive sounds in latter syllables of words) - observed in poems (but lesser and could be increased for providing rhyming in poems).
Figurative language, embedded layers of meaning are used too.
symbolism, hyperbole, onomatopoeia etc - not attempted.

3. Form/style, verse (Rhyming Metered-RM, Free Verse-FV), Rhyme, figurative language (8/10)
Form- Mostly cinquain and ottava rima observed, but with varying rhyming syllable patterns (not conventional).
Style- free verse style (here, it means, the number of lines/verses, rhyme type, meter type etc. is used/exploited, as per the wish of the author). Free verse style is most commonly used, since it give freedom to writers, to sum up and put forward their thoughts, without any limits on poetic devices.
Verse- divided in stanzas of four, five or more lines.
Rhyme- Imperfect rhymes+ some others too.
Figurative language- is exploited in some poems.

4. Emotional Impact, tone, mood, POV (4/10)
Emotional impact is ok and as per the theme and narration, the intensity depicted is satisfactory.
Tone- loving, gloomy.
Mood- in correspondence to tones.
POV- first person (prominent).
The moods, tones are good. POV is justified but in some poems, you/your have been used in the perspective of second person POV in later stanzas of poem, with the first few stanzas in first person POV. I wouldn't advice mixing of two POVs in the same poem.
On the other hand in some poems, you/your is used with his/he/him (though in different stanzas), for referring to the same person. This is erroneous and unclear too.

5. Complexities, embedded layers of meaning, significance. (6/10)
Not much complexities observed. However poems contain embedded layers of meaning (eg: in poem5 'Pains Warning'- the author signifies water as a swarm of people, who praise him while others criticize. This is a great concept however it could be included in Author's notes, for making it clear to the readers,though it's the author's wish).
All these are significantly utilized with the subject of the poem, none is added just for the sake of increasing poetic devices.

6. Clarity of purpose, meaning, comprehension, coherence, conclusion (6/10)
Purpose of each poem is clear to author, which reflects in the connection and rhythmic flow of verses (from starting till end) on the particular subject/topic of poem.
Meaning of poem is however, not very clear to reader in some poems, where you/your + his/him/he are used in that same poem, indicating the same person.
In other poems where you have used figurative language, you may include annotations wherever necessary, it would be good for readers too.
The poems concern the same subject but somehow they are not coherent with each other in the terms of flow of story (as they don't carry the story forward, they are recollections of the dead person and each poem narrates a different memory). They are connected no doubt and are related with each other (the repetitive phrases/sentences/verses, add to the spice and interests the reader).
Conclusion of poems can't be conveyed for each poem, as they are the past remembrances. However the gist of poem may be conveyed by Annotations or Author's notes (wherever figurative language+embedded layers are used). But, it's not necessary, it solely depends on author's wish.

7. Word selection, spelling, grammar, line endings, line breaks (5/10)
Word selection is good.
Spelling mistakes - one
Grammar mistakes- present in a few number, in almost all poems.
Line endings(by period) need to be specified in all poems. Line breaks, however, are properly maintained, throughout poems (by commas) which retain the necessary pause required, at that particular point.

8. Universality (4/10)
The subject and the content of the poems, highlight the general feelings(like love, neglect, remebrances etc) by a person grieving over the demise of her beloved.
Poems don't have the features of universality, because they are the remembrances of a person mourning over the loss of another (every other person's memories are different and remembrances needn't be same; they may be similar in some cases coincidentally).

9. Annotation (0/10)
None present. But the poems contain figurative language and embedded layers; I think they are needed to explain some points to the readers from author's perspective. Therefore this marking has to be considered. The point to keep in mind is- every annotation has a purpose, and it's meaning should be clearly conveyed to the readers.

Rating/Marks :
6+8+8+4+6+6+5+4+0= 47/90

Reviewer's note (to readers) :

The poems are the past memories of a person who is grieving over her beloved  after his demise. The poetic devices are effectively used and all the poems concern the same subject, however they don't carry the story forward.
Each poem deals with a different recollection of the mourning person. Emotional impact is satisfactory.
The poems are enjoyable and touching. Readers will definitely love all of these poems.

ADVICE (to author):
To take the advice or not is at author's discretion, however, I have mentioned my suggestions in the above points.

If there is anything you don't understand, let me know, as an inline comment here. I will surely explain, if I find time for it.

If you like the review, please take a second and vote.

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