Chapter Ninety Three ~ Our Victory
Luffy and Lucci went at their fight once again, the Strawhats plus Franky were still fighting off marines "Be careful some of these guys have devil fruit powers!"Franky yelled after having a run in with one, Zoro had a run in with another one that rusted away Yubashiri, he was in a bit of a bind when Nicole came rushing in "Rising Sun!"she said cutting down the guy with a flaming slash.
Nicole quickly put one of her swords away and tossed it to Zoro "Catch!"she said "Thanks Nicole"Zoro quickly said drawing the sword and facing another group of marines standing back to back with Nicole.
Luffy finally defeated Lucci "It's over we should be okay now"Luffy said before taking a deep breath "We're all going back together! Robin!"he yelled and grinned "He won! Luffy won!"Usopp cheered "Luffy you had us worried"Zoro said "Yeah no kidding"Nicole grinned "You finally beat him way to go"Franky said "Luffy, everybody head to the escape ship we're getting out of here!" Nami said.
Then the voices of those from the Franky family and Galley La rung through the speaker system, of course the others had known they were okay thanks to Nicole but it brought a new sense of relief to actually hear their voices the fight continued however.
"Our target is Strawhat he's on the first column"one of the vice admirals said "Right understood sir but he doesn't seem to be moving, he's severely wounded"someone said over the speaker "What?"Zoro and Nicole asked after cutting down some marines.
Usopp went to check it out "Luffy! What are you doing?! Hurry up and get the hell over here! If we don't escape we're all gonna die! What's wrong with you damn it?! We're almost there! Use your powers to slingshot yourself over here! I'll carry you the rest of the way! We're surrounded by sea and battleships on all sides if we stay here we're gonna be killed! Luffy!! Luffy answer me say something!"he yelled.
"I-i can't, my body won't"Luffy trailed off too tired to even talk "What?"Usopp asked "My body won't move"Luffy said "It won't move? Come on don't be stupid! You just beat Lucci didn't you?! And we already saved Robin! The only thing left to do is run! Try harder you can do it!"Usopp yelled.
"Usopp let's take the ship to Luffy we'll grab him and get out of here! Everyone move get on board!"Nami said just as said ship was blown up, they lost their only means of escape, those that had been on the ship were fine though thanks to Sanji but that didn't help their current situation.
"Sanji what the heck happened and where have you been?"Nami asked "Sorry there was something i had to take care of, damn this is pretty bad we're pretty screwed right now i never thought they'd attack us as long as we had Robin here i was sure that the ship would be safe" Sanji was cut off as Nami was held at sword point by one of the marines.
"Don't you touch her!!!"Sanji yelled kicking the marine away, just as the marines started destroying the rest of the bridge not even caring about their own men as they cornered the Strawhats to the central pillar.
"Damn it they took out the bridge we're stuck on this column these bastards have got us cornered"Sanji said "There's nothing else we can do we're surrounded"Zoro said "Then this is where we'll make our stand let's fight"Nami said "Don't be stupid they'll just keep sending more of those captains at us"Franky said "Then we'll just keep fighting them"Nicole said.
The ships aimed at the first column planning to take out Luffy first, they couldn't do anything even Robin could only use her powers to toss him into the sea, the others were yelling at him to get up but as much Luffy tried he couldn't move an inch "A voice?"Nicole muttered hearing something approaching and looking over to Usopp it seemed he could hear it too.
What bugged her though it was a familiar voice, the other Strawhats heard it too but weren't sure if they were just hearing things "Jump in the sea! The sea!"Usopp yelled "What are you trying to kill us jumping into the sea won't help a damn thing!"Zoro said "Yes it will! Can't you hear her?"Nicole asked and sniffed a bit tearing up "She came all this way for us!"she said.
"Yeah she came to rescue us, jump it'll be okay we still got one more friend here"Usopp said getting in Zoro's face, Robin used her powers to toss Luffy into the sea as the others jumped down following their captain "MERRY!!!"Luffy yelled seeing their beloved ship waiting for them below.
Sanji was the first one on board and was baffled that no one was there and rope ladder came down on it's own, Nami climbed up next followed by Zoro who was carrying Gonbe and Chimney followed by Nicole who rushed over to the mast giving Merry her biggest hug yet "Thank you so much Merry"she said.
Kokoro tossed over the devil fruit users and Franky caught Robin while Luffy and Chopper were just tossed on board "The question is who sailed it here"Nami said "We'll figure it out later just get us out of here"Zoro said prying Nicole off the mast to help with getting the Merry sailing again.
Luffy went to thank Robin but she shut him up with her powers "Luffy, everyone thank you"she said, the others just smiled at her "Don't worry about it"Luffy grinned, they sailed the Going Merry out of there, the marine ships fired at them but they completely missed and the ships started running into each other.
The gates of justice were closing again "So that's what you were doing"Nicole smiled "Yeah, i figured it'd take more then just guts to get out of here alive"Sanji said smiling back at her "You're brilliant Sanji!"Nami grinned "Do you love me now Nami~swan?!"Sanji asked with heart eyes dancing around, she giggled a bit "Sure, now just hold them off while i find a path for us"she said.
The others were holding off cannonballs as Nami worked out a course and Chopper was steering the ship, Nicole was using her flying blade attack to blow up the cannonballs mid flight "Guys save some for me i wanna fight them too!"Luffy yelled after managing to crawl his way up to the back of the ship.
"Oh really are you gonna squirm them to death?"Usopp asked "Hate to brake it to you captain but this one's our battle"Sanji said "Just leave it to us"Nicole said "Go take a nap or something" Zoro said "You go take a nap i'll take care of these guys you'll see just gotta get there"Luffy said crawling around like a worm.
Every ship fired at them Zoro and Sanji held up Luffy stretching him out like a blanket and bouncing the cannonballs back at the marines "You never let us down huh captain?"Zoro asked with a grin "Nice work captain"Nicole grinned giving a thumbs up "Guess we needed you after all"Sanji said "You people are monster!"Usopp yelled at them but they just held up peace signs with a "Uh huh"
"I've got it the path to victory, Chopper helm hard to port nine o clock"Nami said "Alright you got it!"Chopper said steering the ship, the Strawhats made their way out but before they got too far Robin got her final revenge by using her powers on Spandam and doing her clutch move braking his back.
Franky used his move sending the Merry flying and Usopp created a smokescreen so they could get away, the marines weren't even getting close to hitting the Going Merry as the ship and her crew made it out of here, the Franky family and the Galley La people used the sea train to get out of there.
"You sure you wanna sit on the sheep head?"Kokoro asked "Sure i do that's the captains seat" Luffy said "Well there you go careful not to fall"Kokoro said setting Luffy down on the Merry's figure head "Sure thanks for your help monster granny you're the best and thank you Merry we never would have made it if you weren't there i was pretty surprised when you showed up but when i think about it you've always been there to protect us we've always counted on you anyway i'm just happy you've been a part of the team Merry, you're a good friend to have"Luffy said.
"I don't mean to spoil the mood but damn you guys did some crazy stuff back there, i don't think the government is gonna let you off that easy after you burned down their flag"Franky said "Eh whatever doesn't feel like a big deal to me the only reason i did any of that is they took our friend and i wanted her back we couldn't have done it without your help so thanks a lot"Luffy said a big smile on his face.
"Well like you said it wasn't that big of a deal i just did what i had to do"Franky said blushing a bit "Point is we're all together and coming back in one piece and this fight was our victory!"Luffy said and the rest cheered.
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