That's a TON of people! I never thought that many would follow me. I really appreciate those of you who like to read my one shots, my meme book, or any of other books I have!
Anyway, I got bored and.... Oof I did the hunger games thing again.
District 1:
District 2:
District 3:
District 4:
District 5:
Kirigirgirigiriginging (kirigiri)
District 6:
The asassin (Maki)
The asassin's bitch (Kaito)
District 7:
Monodam (the one and only monokub)
Blueberry cosplay thot (Tsumugi)
District 8:
Cockichi (Kokichi)
Shoe (shuichi)
District 9:
District 10:
Fire extinguisher
District 11:
Moo the cow (Miu)
Upside-down okay sign
District 12:
Despair-Chan (Junko)
As the tributes stand on their podiums, the horn sounds.
Denkimemesmemes runs away from the Cornucopia.
Ame runs into the cornucopia and hides. (I'm stupid)
Michał, TheVampireGal, and Mori work together to get as many supplies as possible.
The assassin's bitch runs away from the Cornucopia.
Despair-Chan runs away from the Cornucopia.
Mioda runs away from the Cornucopia.
Monodam runs away from the Cornucopia.
M and ms takes a sickle from inside the cornucopia. (KORK IS THAT U-)
The assassin runs away from the Cornucopia.
Moo the cow takes a handful of throwing knives. (kInKy)
Upside-down okay sign grabs a shovel.
Coi runs away from the Cornucopia.
Kirigirgirigirig inging and Blueberry cosplay thot fight for a bag. Kirigirgirigirig inging gives up and retreats.
Cockichi steps off his podium too soon and blows up. (Boi.... Are r u seriously serious rn?? You're better than this... YOURE BETTER THAN TH-)
Panta runs away with a lighter and some rope.
Shoe and Orrin fight for a bag. Shoe gives up and retreats.
Popcorn grabs a backpack, not realizing it is empty.
Fire Extinguisher breaks Username's nose for a basket of bread.
Lunar runs away from the Cornucopia.
Day 1:
Denkimemesmemes is pricked by thorns while picking berries.
Popcorn, Blueberry cosplay thot, Shoe, and Moo the cow raid M and ms's camp while she is hunting. (POPCORN, YOU BETRAYED YOUR WAIFU!!)
TheVampireGal camouflauges herself in the bushes.
Monodam severely injures Mioda and leaves her to die. (NOOOO MIODA!! SHE DIED BY A FRICKEN MONOKUB XDDDDD)
Orrin makes a slingshot.
Despair-Chan chases Lunar. (I TOLD YOU, ITS TRUE LOVE!!!!)
Ame fishes.
Coi sets an explosive off, killing Fire Extinguisher, and Kirigirgirigirig inging. (;-;)
The assassin's bitch defeats Panta in a fight, but spares her life. (I forgot I made panta a g I r L. PANTA-CHA-)
Upside-down okay sign and Michał split up to search for resources. (The best team)
Mori receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.
Username sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.
The assassin tries to spear fish with a trident.
4 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
CockichiDistrict 8
MiodaDistrict 2
Fire ExtinguisherDistrict 10
Kirigirgirigirig ingingDistrict 5
Night 1:
Orrin, The assassin's bitch, Ame, and Username tell each other ghost stories to lighten the mood. (There once was a monster who dyed people's hair BRIGHT GREEN in the middle of the night!! *Proceeds to pull out hair dye* watch out Orrin, Kaito, and Username)
Popcorn begs for Coi to kill him. She refuses, keeping Popcorn alive. (Because popcorn is best husbando)
Upside-down okay sign begs for Blueberry cosplay thot to kill her. She refuses, keeping Upside-down okay sign alive.
Mori climbs a tree to rest.
Despair-Chan, The assassin, and Michał discuss the games and what might happen in the morning.
Monodam receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor. (NO)
Panta receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
Moo the cow looks at the night sky.
Shoe destroys Lunar's supplies while she is asleep.(HAAAAAA)
Denkimemesmemes receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor. (STOP! SHES GONNA BECOME BAKUGO!!)
TheVampireGal goes to sleep.
M and ms thinks about winning.
Day 2:
Shoe and Lunar split up to search for resources. (But shoe literally destroyed your stuff last night...)
The assassin's bitch and Upside-down okay sign split up to search for resources.
Popcorn scares Panta off.
Mori discovers a river.
The assassin practices her archery.
Moo the cow, Username, Blueberry cosplay thot, and Monodam hunt for other tributes. (Username, who have you chosen to surround yourself with???)
M and ms makes a wooden spear.
Despair-Chan constructs a shack.
Ame sprains her ankle while running away from TheVampireGal. (AAAHGGG!!! IM SORRY! I WONT ROUNDHOUSE KICK YOU AND YOUR CAT SIM MATE AGAAAAIIINNN)
Coi stalks Michał. (wOoOoOtTtT)
Denkimemesmemes tries to spear fish with a trident.
Orrin is pricked by thorns while picking berries.
No cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
Night 2:
The assassin's bitch and Blueberry cosplay thot huddle for warmth. (KAITO, ITS IN YOUR NAME!! your the ASSASSIN'S bitch!!!!)
TheVampireGal and Panta talk about the tributes still alive.
Coi quietly hums.
Username and Orrin talk about the tributes still alive.
Upside-down okay sign defeats Shoe in a fight, but spares his life.
Despair-Chan questions her sanity. (You don't even have to question it. You're LITERALLY INSANE)
M and ms, Popcorn, Moo the cow, Mori, and Lunar sleep in shifts. (Finally popcorn and M&Ms are together!)
Ame, Monodam, The assassin, Denkimemesmemes, and Michał sleep in shifts.
Day 3:
Lunar and The assassin track down and kill Despair-Chan. (HOW COULD YOU KILL YOUR TRUE LOVE, LUNAR???)
Username sprains her ankle while running away from Michał (EEEHHHHHHH BE GOOD CHILDREN!!!)
Denkimemesmemes receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.
M and ms injures herself.
Upside-down okay sign goes hunting.
TheVampireGal runs away from Monodam.
Coi discovers a cave.
Moo the cow injures herself.
Popcorn begs for Shoe to kill him. He refuses, keeping Popcorn alive.
Panta diverts Orrin's attention and runs away.
Ame searches for firewood.
Blueberry cosplay thot receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.
Mori practices her archery. (HAHAHAHAH WHO'S TAKASHI NOW???)
The assassin's bitch thinks about home.
1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance.
Despair-ChanDistrict 12
Night 3:
M and ms, Orrin,and Coi cheerfully sing songs together. (AT LAST AT LAST AT LONG LA-)
Michał is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth. (*clair de lune*)
Ame cooks her food before putting her fire out.
TheVampireGal attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.
Monodam defeats Blueberry cosplay thot in a fight, but spares her life. (Consider yourself lucky Tsumugi! Wait... It's probably because she created him)
Shoe decapitates Upside-down okay sign with a sword. (First of all, WHY IS SHUICHI ALWAYS A SAVAGE IN MY HUNGER GAMES??? Second, how???????)
Panta attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.
Popcorn lets The assassin's bitch into his shelter.
The assassin, Denkimemesmemes, and Lunar discuss the games and what might happen in the morning.
Mori lets Username into her shelter.
Moo the cow screams for help. ("HELP I JUST GOT KINK SHAMED!!!")
Day 4:
Panta sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.
The assassin's bitch tries to spear fish with a trident.
Mori and Blueberry cosplay thot split up to search for resources.
Lunar and Ame work together for the day. (BESSSTTIIIEEEEEE-)
Orrin attempts to climb a tree, but falls on Shoe, killing them both. (gosh diddly darn)
Coi sprains her ankle while running away from The assassin.
Denkimemesmemes thinks about home.
M and ms explores the arena.
TheVampireGal explores the arena.
Username scares Moo the cow off.
Popcorn injures himself.
Michał scares Monodam off. (He should win an award for that)
A swarm of tracker jackers invades the arena. (BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSS!!!)
Lunar survives.
TheVampireGal is stung to death. (NOOOOOOO)
Monodam and Username run out of places to run and are stung to death. (NOOOOOOO)
Coi survives.
Panta survives.
The assassin and Michał run out of places to run and are stung to death. (WHHHHHYYYYYYYYY????? RIP THE POSEIDON OF SWEAT)
Ame survives. (yay!)
Blueberry cosplay thot slowly dies from the tracker jacker toxins.
Denkimemesmemes survives.
Mori survives.
M and ms survives.
The assassin's bitch survives.
Moo the cow survives.
Popcorn slowly dies from the tracker jacker toxins. (NOOOOOOO)
10 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
Upside-down okay signDistrict 11
OrrinDistrict 4
ShoeDistrict 8
TheVampireGalDistrict 2
MonodamDistrict 7
UsernameDistrict 3
The assassinDistrict 6
MichalDistrict 4
Blueberry cosplay thotDistrict 7
PopcornDistrict 9
Night 4:
Moo the cow sees a fire, but stays hidden.
Denkimemesmemes receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.
Panta passes out from exhaustion.
Ame attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.
M and ms cooks her food before putting her fire out.
Coi thinks about winning.
The assassin's bitch loses sight of where he is.
Lunar questions her sanity. (That's cause.... Your insane)
Mori cooks her food before putting her fire out.
The cornucopia is replenished with food, supplies, weapons, and memoirs from the tributes' families.
M and ms shoots an arrow into Panta's head. (hA)
Denkimemesmemes bleeds out due to untreated injuries. (OOOOOF)
Coi and Lunar get into a fight over raw meat, but Lunar gives up and runs away.
Moo the cow decides not to go to The Feast.
Ame decides not to go to The Feast.
Mori bleeds out due to untreated injuries. (NOOOOOOO)
The assassin's bitch decides not to go to The Feast.
Day 5:
Coi tends to M and ms's wounds. (Awwwww)
The assassin's bitch searches for a water source.
Lunar chases Moo the cow. (No wonder Miu keeps getting kink shamed...)
Ame discovers a river.
3 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
PantaDistrict 10
DenkimemesmemesDistrict 5
MoriDistrict 1
Night 5:
Coi begs for Moo the cow to kill her. She refuses, keeping Coi alive. (For once, THANK U MIU)
Lunar attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful. (hA)
M and ms is awoken by nightmares.
The assassin's bitch starts a fire.
Ame attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful. (God Damnit)
Day 6:
Lunar goes hunting.
Moo the cow steals from The assassin's bitch while he isn't looking.
M and ms attempts to climb a tree, but falls on Ame, killing them both. (M&MS HOW COULD YOU???? I THOUGHT YOU WERE THERE FOR ME! YOU ALWAYS HAD MY BACK!!! I TRUSTED YOU! AND YOU GO AND PLAY ME LIKE THIS????? Also how can u die from m&ms falling on you.... I don't know about you, but I just imagined this character as a tiny pack of m&ms running around XD. BUT STILL TOP TEN ANIME BETRAYALS)
Coi discovers a cave. (Coi is now the queen of caves!!!)
2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
M and msDistrict 9
AmeDistrict 1
Night 6:
Lunar receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor. (NOOOOOOO! YOU CANT TRUST HER WITH THAT!!!!!)
Coi, The assassin's bitch, and Moo the cow discuss the games and what might happen in the morning.
Day 7:
The assassin's bitch camouflauges himself in the bushes.
Moo the cow bashes Lunar's head against a rock several times. ("THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR KINK SHAMING MEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!")
Coi makes a wooden spear. (let's go fishing for Korekiyos!!)
1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance.
LunarDistrict 12
Rip the kink shammer
Night 7:
The assassin's bitch and Moo the cow talk about the tributes still alive.
Coi dies from thirst. (so I guess she didn't find any Korekiyos.... RIP)
Day 8:
Moo the cow accidently detonates a land mine while trying to arm it.
2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
CoiDistrict 3
Moo the cowDistrict 11
(Wait a minute that means.....)
The winner is The assassin's bitch from District 6!
KAITO WON?????????????????
Welp. That was unexpected.
At least I survived longer than I thought I would!
AND THANK Y'ALL (why tf did I just say "y'all?") FOR 300 FOLLOWERS AGAAAAIIINNN!!!!
I was thinking of taking some drawing requests (probably like three to five) and drawing them! So if u have a request, go ahead an say!
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