Chapter 16.... Chasing the Moon
I sat at my desk, looking out at the back yard as I watched Kari and my mom dig up Vegetables for tonight's supper from the garden, and sighed. It was a relatively slow day, and I had MUCH to pick apart after coming to terms with myself all those days ago..... Will I return to Uva Academy? I watched as Kari ripped a turnip from the ground, causing her to fall backwards as my mom ran to check on her; Kari smiling wide as she held up the root plant to my mom and making her laugh brightly. It was like she suddenly acquired a second daughter from the way the two of them would chat on and on about the little things in life- even going into topics on how to care for Pokémon while she and her worked in the kitchen! Where was I in all of this? Why am I just watching life fly by me? "I think now.... I FINALLY know the reason..... The reason for being so impertinent and cynical about EVERYTHING...." I murmured, continuing to watch Kari spring across the grass as Hálogi chased behind her- so full of life, and energy! I hated to admit it, but I've lived a virtually, as one would call it, a "dead life", or a life so bleak and dull that you feel it's normal to have. THAT'S why I was so insistent on being alone... THAT'S why I was so uncomfortable with Nemona, Kari, and Arven almost this whole time, and why it hurt so much to trust them...! My upbringing was waking up, and shutting myself away from the joys of life to stick with what I believed was a healthy day to day: Getting dressed, having breakfast with mom, reading a book until I fall asleep, being gently shook awake by mom to do arts and crafts with her, and eventually having supper on the back porch before bidding mom goodnight. Now that I thought about it, it wasn't THAT much of a life to live at ALL! "Did mom KNOW this...? Is THAT why Clavell gave me River..?!" I asked, reminiscing the first day Clavell introduced Sprigatito, Fuecoco, and Quaxly to me... A feeling that I never felt a day in my life as I watched the little cuties running around my feet as I met up with him at Nemona's.... "River, come out please? I want to ask you something." I said, taking River's ball into my hand, and sending him out much to his confusion. "River? You remember the first time we met, right? Before I became your trainer?" "Qua-Quaxwell!" River replied, his cry deeper than it was as when he was a Quaxly, and he gracefully bowed to me as if to agree. "Did you feel something in me...? Something that sort of.... I don't know.... Like a Pikachu using "Spark" on an electric billboard? A sort of linking that kind of... Drew us together?" River's eyes widened in shock, then, melted into an almost happy look as he exclaimed, "Qua-Well! Quax!" I smiled in response as I asked, "You did, huh?" I turned from him to face the sky outside my window, causing River to scale my drawers until he could look out the window observantly as I admitted, "I always thought being alone was normal.... That, being by myself was the best way to live.... I see now that I couldn't have been more stupid in all my life!" "Quaxah." River replied, turning to look at me as he swung his tiny legs over the desk, and I blushed out of embarrassment as I exclaimed, "H-Hey, don't rub it in!" River and I began to giggle, with his sounding like a gurgling of his cry with my Mightyeana laugh. There was something about admitting to River that I was wrong that seemingly made my heart lighter, and I felt the two of us become closer instantly as I outstretched his wings, and stroked his feathers. "What a handsome boy you've become, River. I promise that I'll make you stronger, and for that to happen, I must first become strong myself! I hadn't thought of it before, but Kari was right about Pokémon being an extension of the best self you can be. I'll make you the greatest part of me that I've got!" I declared, making River dance happily at my promise as he leapt into the floor. I was determined to keep my promise to Riv, even if I struggled, I know I won't struggle alone.... Not EVER again..! During River's cries of joy and gladness I failed to notice Kari standing at the top step with Hálogi, and her Pokémon partner rushed to join River in his dance of merriment as Kari giggled, "The spirits in this room are high this hour! Er, not to make a pun or anything..." Kari giggled, and I waved her off as she entered to watch the two Pokémon cry happily and dance to a beat only River knew. "I sense some bonds were fixed today. Is that why you wished to be alone?" "For the most part... But I was really just trying to sort out my thoughts a little bit at a time before jumping into things. How was the Veggie haul?" "I tucked and rolled a few times, but even the most stubborn plants were no match for the great Kari, daughter of Munin The All-Knowing; Granddaughter of the nineteenth clan chief Erling The Greater!" "Huh?" "Over time, if a nord is deemed worthy, they acquire a title befitting of their great deeds. It's also a sign of great respect to whom you speak of! Like you, your mother and her father- what is your mother's name?" "Eh?! U-Um.... Her name is Alison...." "and your Grandfather?" "H-His name is Richard, but I've only heard stories. He passed when I was only two!" "Oh.... May Valhalla keep him, I'm truly sorry for your loss..." Kari consoled, quickly bowing her head. "I-It's alright, really! I've only met him maybe twice, so I don't really know him all that much..." I replied, embarrassed. "Well, what can you tell me about your mom? Something that you feel is title worthy, mind you!" "Errrmmmm.... Sh-She sings really well.... and she mentioned that my Grandpa at one point was a gymnast!" Kari laughed for a minute before replying, "In my region, you would be dubbed Spirit The Timid, Daughter of Alison The Soft-spoken; Granddaughter of Richard The Flexible!" "What?! No!" I laughed, trying to run the greetings through my head were I WAS in her region! "Hahaha! The look you made was just as funny as the one my older sister gave me!" "What did you say to HER?" "I called her "Ingrid The Nosy"." Kari laughed, causing me to follow along with her sense of humor. "Kari? Spirit?" I heard mom call, and, leaping from my chair, I joined Kari as we went to see what mom wanted- our Pokémon close behind us. Once at the threshold of the kitchen, mom looked up, and spotted my adorable little River running around my feet as Hálogi nipped at him playfully as she laughed. "Are you taking care of my Spirit, then?" She asked, making River nod in confidence before jumping happily in place. "Alright, settle down you silly Pokémon. Here, have a Berry!" My mom held up a Lapapa Berry, and a Tomato Berry in her hand to present to the two Pokémon as they watched in eagerness. Once mom set the Berries before them, the two took the Berries for their own, and began to munch happily on them as we all laughed. "Kari? Spirit? I was wondering if perhaps you two would like to help me with supper?" "It's a Nord's honor to help prepare what was harvested into a feast of well known proportions. I'm in!" Kari replied, running from my side to join her as I lingered. "Spirit? Would you like to help us too?" Mom offered, pushing the freshly picked crop before me in a bowl as I smiled a weak smile. "Sure, mom, just tell me what I need to do." I replied dryly, taking the bowl into my hands to take to the sink. I've lived too long in seclusion and shadow, and in choosing that path missed a ton of memories that I could've been making. I didn't want to make the same mistake! Like I promised River, I helped my mom and Kari in the kitchen, never even daring miss a moment of laughter, or a chance to communicate. Once we finished preparing dinner, the three of us sat in the living room while mom put on a movie for us to watch with our meal. "So, Spirit." Mom began, taking a spoonful of mashed potatoes and putting it on her plate, "How are you feeling?" "I-I'm feeling alright.... Just.... A little light headed is all...." I replied, cutting into a peice of steak. "Uh-huh... So, are you okay enough to go back to the Academy?" I froze, unsure how to respond as I stared blankly into the broth next to my plate. "I-I..... I-I'm....." I couldn't put it into words, mainly because I didn't wish to hurt my mom, but I knew if I didn't come clean River would REALLY let me have it later! "I.... Don't know if I want to just yet....." I admitted shamefully, making Kari hang her head as a look of sadness filled her eyes. Noticing how both of us were reacting to the choice, my mom asked, "How come? I thought you were having fun with your friends?" "I-I am! Don't get me wrong, they're good people, but I feel like a train in Galar just hit me, and strewn my being around! It was all so sudden, and it just tore me up emotionally as time went on because I wasn't really able to SEE Paldea, and make my OWN judgement. I wasn't able to find the joy I should've had...." from my peripheral, I noticed Kari's saddened gaze kind of perk up, almost as if she was devising a plan, and I grew curious as to what it was she was thinking at such a crucial time. "Ah..... I see..... I suppose most of that was my fault- seeing as I signed you up for the Academy, and pushed you to go out and talk to people. I'm sorry, sweetheart, I never meant to hurt your feelings like that, and make you feel rushed!" Mom replied, a guilty look across her face which was the ONE thing I was looking to avoid! "No, mom, it's not your fault at all! It's just me.... I've seen myself push others away, and I never addressed it until today, but going forward now leaves me uncertain about where I should start!" I explained, pouring my heart out in front of the two people I've trusted the longest. That seemed to give Kari an affirming thought as she simply gave a sneaky smile, and replied, "Not to worry, I feel that by the end of tonight you'd have made your decision. That is, once you've finished your supper, and are ready for bed!" Kari was up to something with how confident her claim sounded, and I couldn't help but knit my brows in worry as mom added in agreement, "I suppose rest is as good an indicator than any after a long, tiring day. Are you girls done eating?" "I could go for seconds, but there's a long day ahead of us tomorrow. Eh, Spirit?" Kari asked, looking my way with a smile. "Uhhhhh, Y-Yeah. I-I suppose you're right, Kari!" I replied, still trying to figure her out when my mom said casually, "Alrighty then. Don't worry about cleaning up, alright? You girls go straight to sleep! Tomorrow I'll make pancakes with cream and strawberries on top." "Sounds delish! See you in the morn, ma'am!" Kari said, hopping up from the sofa energetically before ushering me up to my room for the night, leaving me shocked by her sudden behavior as she practically pushed me onto my bed, and sat in the floor. "Kari? What ARE you up to!?" I asked, unable to contain my curiosity much longer as she replied, "Meaning of what?" "You're up to something, I can see it! Don't deny the truth, Kari." " I'm not denying anything. I'm just merely planning for tomorrow's journey, and to await your answer of course." She yawned, laying her head down on my Skwovet plush on the floor before curling up to sleep. I hated seeing her sleep on the floor, but before I could say anything, the room filled with Kari's soft snores- forcing me to forget the whole concern as I put my own body to rest for the night.... It was quiet around the the house, with the only sound being the night crawling Pokémon outside when I was gently shaken awake by someone. Groggy, I opened my eyes, and nearly jumped out of my skin when I saw Kari looming over me with a grin like a meowth on her face! "Hey there snoozy!" She whispered, and I bolted wide awake as I opened my mouth to scream. Startled herself, she clamped a hand hard over my mouth before giving me a warning to keep quiet, and listened for any sign of stirring from my mom before sighing in relief. "Kari, what on EARTH-!?" I scolded quietly, trying to calm my rapidly beating heart as she beckoned, "Come with me. I have something I want you to try!" "Whatever it is, can't it wait until morning?!" "Silly, there's no moon in the middle of the day! Now hurry up, while the night is still young; don't forget your Pokémon either, you'll need them in case we find ourselves in a rut." "M-Moon? What do you MEAN?!" "Get dressed, and meet me outside with Miraidon!" With that, Kari crept down the stairs, and I watched from the loft as she made her way out the front door. Did she HONESTLY want me to sneak out?! Feeling anxious, I sat on my bed to collect my bearings, and I clutched River's ball in my hand before asking him to come out. "River? What should I do?!" I asked, feeling a strong conflict brewing within me as he tilted his head, and raised a confused brow to me. "It's Kari.... I-I think she wants me to sneak out, and go with her somewhere! I-I don't feel right about it one bit..." I explained, giving him more context as he widened his eyes, and seemingly sighed out of exasperation. He marched over to my dresser, quietly swung open the door, and pulled out a coat for me before tossing it my way. "R-Riv! You can't be serious!" I replied, shocked that he would go along with such a preposterous idea. "Qua-Quaxwell! Wellqua!" He replied, picking up a pair of house shoes, and dropping them at my feet before pointing at them. "Geez, you got bossier when you evolved..." I sighed, giving into his request as he simply smiled at me in a smug way. Once I had my coat and shoes on, I tiptoes my way down the stairs behind River, and slipped quietly out the door with him to meet up with Kari on the patio. Hearing my steps, she quickly turned around in shock before smiling my way. "You're FINALLY here! I was worried you'd just leave me out here for a moment." She teased, leaping back onto her feet. "Trust me, if River wasn't going along with this insane plan of yours, I'd still be back IN my bed. So, what in the blazing Bunnelby tunnel tantrum are you up to?" I asked, crossing my arms as River ran around the two of us. "Isn't it obvious? We're going to chase the moon!" She replied, casually pointing up to the starry night sky above us. I was baffled as I dropped my jaw, and I asked, "P-Pardon me? I thought you just said we were going to "Chase the Moon"..." "You heard me precisely!" Kari chirped, reaching in my bag before clutching Miraidon's ball, and handing it to me. I was BEYOND flabbergasted as I exclaimed, "Kari, we CAN'T chase the moon. We're down here, and it's ALL the way up above us! Do you have ANY idea how crazy you sound right now?!" "How would you know if you never tried?" "BECAUSE THAT'S NOT HOW PHYSICS WORK, KARI! GRAVITY WEIGHS US DOWN, WE CAN'T TOUCH THE PLANETS AROUND US!" I was tired, and visibly irate with how insistent and persistent she was! Kari simply laughed before taking Miraidon from my hand, and calling it out while explaining, "In my region, when my siblings and I are restless or stressed, Ingrid would get Mount Pokémon for us, and we'd chase the moon until sunrise all across the region! It not only gave us a chance to explore, and get to know what's out there, but it also clears our heads long enough to help us process what we're thinking. So please, Spirit, let us chase the moon across Paldea. Let's explore what you feel you never got to!" The whole idea felt like a fantasy, but I knew it would only make Kari sad if I continued to refuse her offer. I looked down at River, and my blood ran cold as he gave me a look that pretty much said, "Or else...", and I sighed reluctantly as I recalled him, and said, "Fine, Kari. Show me how to chase the moon!" "Splendid! Now, hop on Miraidon, and we'll be off." She replied joyfully, taking the reigns on the mysterious beast as I sighed again. "I hope you know what you're doing..." "Don't sweat it, I've done this COUNTLESS of times! It'll be LOADS of fun to just sit back, and admire Paldea from the background for a bit, hm?" And just like that, I found myself on a night time drive with Kari. First, we went back to the small town of Los Platos, and made our way up the mountain side to the East. From that mountain, I saw the lively city of Mesagoza shining like a star, much brighter than the city of Levincia to the west, and my chest grew quite heavy.... I missed seeing Arven's and Nemona's faces in the halls, and I wondered how it was they were doing now on their treasure hunts. "I wonder if Arven found any more of that Herba Mystica stuff for Mabosstiff in my absence..." I thought aloud as Kari simply shrugged. "Guess we'll find that out when we get back. Say, have you heard from Nemona since you fell ill?" "Not a word... But I get it, y'know, being a champion and wanting to be her best- that kind of takes a lot from someone!" "But it should NEVER get in the way of checking on a friend. You should call her tomorrow to see what she's up to!" "Yeah... I-I suppose..." I looked at the moonlit valley beyond us- rolling hills, tall mountains, and shiny, healthy grass on the horizon as peculiar Pokémon I've never seen before played beneath the stars. I never knew what was beyond those cliffs, and it took my breath away to see just how alive it was as Kari laughed. "You seem enthralled already! Guess this adventure was a good idea after all, yes?" She joked, making Miraidon speed up slightly. "Wh-Where's the fire, Kari?!" "The Moon is getting away- we MUST keep up!" Somehow, feeling the cool wind force itself down my lungs made me feel refreshed, and I continued to observe my surroundings as we passed through towns, land sights, cities, deserts, with me spotting all sorts of Pokémon I was eager to catch for myself, and basking in the beauty of each stop we took! Some of the adventure was even taken on foot, walking through an autumn like wood down a trail, and traversing strange bridges across waterfalls until we reached the snow caps of Glaceado mountain, and I was thrilled by the sightseeing in a small, gothic looking town called "Montenevera"! "Wow, Kari, this is AMAZING! Just look at all the candles, and wrought iron decorations!" "Fitting with all things considered. This IS the birthplace of Gym Leader Ryme!" "Who is-" "A rapper, with a fondness for Ghost Types!" "Eep! Spooky!" I cried, hugging her tightly as she continued to drive. "Not ALL Ghosts are scary. Just get to know them a little, and you may just find a Ghost Type meant for you!" Kari chirped, riding down the mountain at top speed to keep up with the moon. It was so much fun, zipping down the mountain at top speed, and it wasn't long until we neared another cliff top towards Zapapico. At this point, I felt a tremble of excitement as I pointed out the many Pokémon I knew on the way to Levincia, and we once again were on foot as we ran through the large city's streets, giggling while everyone else watched in shock and confusion. Normally I'd be self conscious about how someone would look at me, but this felt different for SURE! Like I was on top of the world, and didn't care who knew it! We continued our beaten path on foot, with the moon gradually fading away, and once we explored Artazon, we made our way towards the rocky cliffs and canyons nearest to Mesagoza's west gate to watch the sunrise. Sitting atop the highest cliff with her, I felt like a whole new person: refreshed and energized as I put to rest the growing sense of unease that plagued me the whole time! I was ready now, no matter WHAT came my way, I knew I'd persevere! "So, what do you think?" Kari asked, taking a seat beside me after dismounting Miraidon, who came to lay beside me. "I NEVER knew what I was missing out on! Paldea- it's more amazing than I thought it would be." "Better than Kalos? I'm shocked!" Kari teased, and the two of us laughed before going quiet, and welcoming dawn as it peeked over the horizon. "Spirit?" Kari finally said after a while. "Hm? What is it, Kari?" I asked, worried that she may have been feeling tired when she looked my way with a bright smile. "I just wanted to say welcome to Paldea- for REAL this time!" She replied, and I couldn't have been happier to call myself Paldean... In fact, if it weren't for mom, Clavell, Nemona- ALL of them, I would've NEVER found this feeling of joy, and closure that I needed. All of it happened so that I could be my best me, and never once did any of them give up on me! And Kari.... She helped me realize just how dull I was living, and I'm glad for the day I bumped into her on those steps on my first day of school. "Kari... Thank you!" I replied, keeping my eyes on the sun as it rose higher in the sky. Eventually, we returned home to try and get SOME rest before we had to wake for the day, which, thankfully, my mom wasn't up to see us come in, and while Kari slept from an eventful night of traveling the ENTIRE region, I counted the blessings that I had ignored this whole time as I whispered to the air, "Thank you.... For everything...."
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