Tristen Jabez

(A/N: This gets... dark, and makes mention of Child Abuse, Suicide, and Sexual Assult. You are Warned)

Full Name: Tristen Axinite Shatterstar Jabez

Nicknames: Son (Brookite), My Child (Brookite), Boy (Brookite), Shatterstar (Brookite), Hybrid Slayer (Brookite, Garnet, Gems that can see the future), 'Big guy' (Steven, Amethyst), 'Big Palooka' (Spinel), Troll-bod (Amethyst), Brookite's Monster (Garnet, Gems that know of his past and are unsympathetic), Poor Bastard (Pearl, Gems that know of his past and are sympathetic), Skyscraper (Kevin), Crazed Maniac (Kevin), Unsettling Giant (Peridot, Hessonite), Freak-of-Nature (Ronaldo)

Age: 300 years (Stuck somewhere around 25 physically; mental age is difficult to calculate due to the manner in which he was raised)

Species: Gem-Human Hybrid (Axinite; Gem location: Stomach, above the Navel)

Height: 9' (Check comment for comparison to Steven's cannon height)

Weight: 600 lbs

Relationships: Brookite (Mother), Axinite (Birth Mother; Deceased), Jackson Jabez (Father; Deceased), Steven (Best Friend), Garnet (He likes Garnet, Garnet hates him, but tolerates him for Steven), Amethyst (Friend), Pearl (He likes her, she pities him), Connie (Considers her a Friend; She is disturbed by him), Other CG's (He likes them, but they are generally wary of him, due to the danger he poses), Greg (Friend), Kevin (Neutral, but tries to be polite; Doesn't grasp that Kevin hates him)


Hand-to-hand Combat: He was trained to be deadly in all situations by Brookite, and is exceedingly adept at fighting bare handed.

Hand-to-weapon Combat: He is trained to take on armed opponents while unarmed.

Gunplay: Long hours being taught how to shoot people as a child have made him an expert in lethal firearm usage; his gun safety record is abysmal however.

Killers instinct: Killing is far easier for him than defeating an opponent. 

Hybrid Slaying: He knows more about how to kill a fellow Gem Hybrid than should ever have been learned by one person. Garnet hates him for this, as when he's around, she sees a thousand thousand potential futures where Steven dies at his hands, and, often, there is little anyone can do about it except hope it doesn't happen. Of all the people Steven knows, Tristen is the most capable and likely to kill him.

Astounding Pain and Trauma Tolerance: Due to the manner in which he was raised, pain, injury, and mental torment do not bother him. He has gone weeks walking and running on broken legs without noticing, and rarely registers traumatic events as negative.


Standard Gem-Hybrid Powers: He has the standard powers one should expect from a Gem Hybrid, such as Shapeshifting and a Gem Weapon (It's a Warpick).

Unnatural Super Gem Strength: As a side effect of his Gigantism, and his mother's attempts to turn him into a killing machine, he is out and away physically stronger than he appears, and he already looks like he's super strong. Able to keep up, and even occasionally surpass a Steven that's not holding back (On a purely physical level); his strength is something to behold.

Tireless: As a consequence of how he was raised, he has seemingly infinite stamina for physical activities, even outstripping Full Gems in terms of how long he can keep an action up without rest or slowing down.

ESP: Inherited from his Axite mother, Tristen has Extra Sensory Perception, and can see events that he has no way of seeing. Everything within 100 ft of him, in all directions is known to him. He can also 'throw' his senses out into the world around him, to any point within a distance of 10 miles. He can also tell, if his mind or emotions are being read, regardless of if it should be possible for him to know this, and can also tell if he is being watched. This power can't let him read the future, but can let him know if he is being perceived by future vision or related powers. This power is underdeveloped, due to Brookite not knowing how to train him in it, and failing to do so many times, so he has largely had to figure it out himself.


A combination of Gigantism and Gem Heritage have resulted in Tristen being exceedingly tall and big. He often stands hunched over so that people don't have to strain as much to look at his face. 

He's rather nice to look at, if you get past the rings around his eyes and the vaguely haunted look he always has regardless of emotion. 

He's gaunt yet muscular, and looks very dangerous.

His hair is thick and heavy like Steven's, but unlike Steven's hair, it is perfectly straight. His hair is white. 

When angered (an extremely difficult task) or when someone convinces him that someone has to die (a distressingly easy task) he glows Violet-Brown, the color of his Gem.


His Birth Mother Axinite and Mother Brookite were two Gems in love. Having hidden deep underground to hide from Diamond retaliation (Brookite saw it as inevitable when Pink Diamonds "shattering" was announced), they were not caught out by the Diamond blast, and were not corrupted. When they crawled out the ground, they decided to keep living their lives on Earth, with the creatures that fascinated them so... Humans.

Time went on, but Brookite and Axinite knew it wouldn't last. While for Brookite, humans made for decent companions (but, unbeknownst to Axinite, they served much better as pets and toys to Brookite), Axinite had a deep respect and fascination for them. Brookite knew that one day Axinite would meet a human that she connected with on the same level she did with Brookite, and that she would one day give up her gem to make a child with that human.

That day came, and that human was Jackson Jabez. He and Axinite formed a deep bond, fostered and egged on by Brookite, that blossomed into love, and, eventually, resulted in Tristen. Before she gave up her gem to give birth to her beloved son, Axinite asked Brookite to "Raise him up, in the way I know only you can." And Brookite took that oath.

But love is blind, and Axinite couldn't see the Evil that lurked in Brookite's gem. Interpreting her lover's request to "raise him up, in the way I know only you can" as "In what everway suits you best" she settled on a parenting strategy for the innocent newborn... 

She was going to "Raise him wrong, as a joke."

And so she did! As a small example, She's: Taught him random oft contradictory morals that if he doesn't follow "makes him a bad person", taught him that Murder was legal under certain conditions (These conditions had little connecting thread and were often unrealated to reality), taught him that Gems and Women could sexually harrass and molest a Man without his permission, telling him that his father killed himself when Tristen was 8 because Tristen didn't "respect and appreciate him enough, so he was forced to kill himself for being a bad father" and making Tristen think it was all his fault.

She sexually initiated Tristen when he was 13 (She considers this a mistake on her part as "It was boring" because he "Didn't last long at first" and that she "Should have waited until he had more control" but that he was a "Fast learner".) Despite Tristen seeing her as a mother figure she has no qualms about having sex with him for her own pleasure. Because of this Tristen doesn't know how to say "no" to sexual advances from Gems or Women, making his romantic relationships rather toxic as he believes he's "not allowed to say no". Despite this, he wants to be loved, and often tries to develop friendships with them.

He is extremely strong, has great endurance, and is an extremely good killer, especially in regards to other Hybrids, due to training and pressure to train and push his limits in these regards by Brookite. She's done everything she can to facilitate his transformation into the Ultimate Hybrid Slayer. Her reasoning for this is that it would be "The funniest goddamn thing in the world" if he "was just incidentally the best in the universe at killing his own kind." This, combined with her raising him to not see murder as morally wrong, has resulted in him having quite a body count, thought he doesn't talk about it; he views bragging about kills the same way most would bragging about their paycheck, rude and gaudy, if nothing else.

The worst thing she ever did, however? Was to convince him that this was all normal, and that she is an amazing parent. That he's actually a normal person, flawed sure, but who isn't? That most other people share in the views she has instilled in them, and that their horrified reactions to it are just "Cultural acknowledgement of his statements/actions as correct." and that their attempts to dissuade him are them "being polite, and making sure you really were following the law."

All this has resulted in Tristen being a horrifically, tragically damaged figure, but he holds no malice or evil in his heart. He is (or at least, is by the metrics that his mother has instilled in him) a good person, that only wants to do good things. 

When he and Steven met, they hit it off wonderfully! Tristen considers Steven one of his best friends, and tries to do right by both him, and his own mother constantly (this is impossible, but the anxiety of having to follow two contradictory viewpoints is so normal to him, that he doesn't even consciously feel stress over it anymore). 

He sees almost everyone as a friend, even more so than Steven, and is seemingly incapable of understanding that he creeps people out or that people can hate him. Even assaulting him does little, as he just assumes he did something to deserve it and moves on.


He knows that he is incredibly likely to kill his Best Friend Steven; he considers this to be "Obvious, and not worth worrying about". Steven has been told by Garnet that she sees many futures where Tristen kills him, but Steven knows that this isn't really Tristen's fault, and wants to help him break through his worship of his mother.

Doesn't know that his father tried to take him away from Brookite when he learned that she was intentionally raising him wrong for her own amusement. He killed himself to escape the blackmail, and the sexual and physical violence that she inflicted on him to keep him in line and not stop her from raising Tristen her own way. The evidence of these facts were lost over a hundred years ago.

Believes that the Diamonds are Goddesses (and that Steven is a Demi-God). He came to this conclusion on his own, without being told it by his mother, and has shown considerable resistance in being dissuaded from this.

Absentmindedly discuss hypothetical ways to kill someone (Especially hybrids) as a manner of small talk. Does not realize this is socially unacceptable.

80% of his current kill count comes from police officers and security guards that have tried to stop him from killing someone his mother told him to kill. 13% are humans his mother told him to kill, 7% are Gems she told him to kill 4% is hybrids she told him to kill, 1% are people (of any species) that he's killed of his own volition.


"Why would I not kill her? I'm allowed to, legally I think. Mom always said there's nothing wrong with killing someone over food. It's just nature's way." -To Connie, when he mentioned offhandedly that he was going to kill Amethyst for stealing his lunch by accident.

"There's no need to get upset guys, women are allowed to do that to a man; permission or not. Everyone knows this." -To a horrified Pearl and Steven, when he mentioned that he had been sexualy assulted at a party Kevin had thrown.

"Hey, do you think Steven will be missed for very long if he went missing?" -To Spinel, when he considered killing Steven, without any anger or hatred towards him, over an argument they had previously.

"If you want Steven to respect you, try killing yourself. My father killed himself and now all I can think about when I think of him is the good times we had before he slit his throat. But you gotta actually succeed. If you try and fail at killing yourself, it'll probably make things worse." -To Greg, given as genuine advice when he worried that Steven doesn't respect him anymore.

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