Dr. Cameron Clay and his Four "Great Successes"

These are a set of OC's I will be using in the MHA story I am making about Muscular. These are going to be a bit bare bones for now, both because I am still working on the story, so details might change, and I want to make sure I have things figured out so I don't accidently Spoil plot details before I start publishing the story. I may update them later as things develop on my end.

Name: Dr. Cameron Clay 

 Hero Name: N/A 

 Quirk: None 

 Age: 73 

Height: 5'9"

Appearance:  A bald, elderly man with glasses, Dr. Clay normally wears a lab coat, as he is more concerned with practicality than form. If he needs to wear more "Formal" Attire, he prefers business casual.

 Bio: A world renowned expert on Meta-Anthropology, most of what the world knows about the physical differences between quirk users and non-quirk users (Such as how muscular structures change, differences in biochemistry, differences in brain growth patterns) either stems from his research or has been corroborated (or discredited) from his work. Recently, he has found that with proper technique, a Quirk user can be placed in a state of hypnotic suggestion that is simply not possible to reach with someone without a quirk (due to minute differences in lobe structures that quirks produce in the brain). He has devised a way to help "Aid in the removal of the criminal impulse" using this method, and is looking for the ultimate, and final test of it before publishing his work. One villain named "Muscular". 

 Quote: "The Criminal Mind is not that different from a normal one. If I can help them, I will."

Name: Vojkan Vasić 

 Ex-Villain Name: Killer Swarm 

 Hero Name: The Hive 

 Quirk: Human Beehive: His body is a self-contained ecosystem of microscopic bees; though outwardly human, his internal organs are almost completely alien to accommodate these tiny symbiotes. He can open up "honeycomb" holes on his body to release them, but they also fly out when he is cut. Double Membranes keep air and debris out of the holes and his wounds. The bees, on contact with the vast quantities of Nitrogen in the open air, grow to normal size and become hyper aggressive (but never to Vojkan). He can produce Pheromones to control the bees outside his body.

Age: 32 

Height: 5'7"

Appearance: Gaunt and haggard looking, with stringy hair that looks unwashed (even though it is clean), he has the appearance of someone that doesn't take care of them selves. It makes him look 'deranged' and he quite likes it. He wears cheap suits, but they tend to get winkled as he doesn't take good care of them.

 Bio: One of the four "Great Successes" of Dr. Clay, this man was once the Notorious "Killer Swarm" of Serbia. Though only a bank Robber, the nature of his quirk and his wanton use of it resulted in many casualties. He was captured a few short years ago, and was the first test of Clay's hypno-therapy. He now goes by "The Hive" and even has a hero license. He has been trained to make best use of his pheromones to prevent casualties... He is still rather creepy though. 

 Quote: "When you cut me out fly a swarm of BEES! Hehehehe!"

Name: Shelyapin Abram Vladislavovich 

 Ex-Villain Name: Hell Grizzly 

 Hero Name: Ursine 

 Quirk: Bear: He has the body and all the powers of a Bear; specifically a "Grolar Bear" (Grizzly and Polar Bear mix) due to the quirks of his parents. 

 Age: 41 

Height: 6'4"

Appearance: He looks like a brown and white bear, standing on its hind legs, and wearing a track suit for comfort. When needed, he can wear a nice, formal suit to events.

 Bio: One of the four "Great Successes" of Dr. clay. A Russian super-criminal, Shelyapin was once an enforcer for the Russian Mafia. During a massive fight between Russian heros, villains, and the military, he was incarcerated and sent to Tartarus. It is currently unknown how he ended up in Dr. Clay's hypno-therapy program, but he has since turned his back on his life of crime, and is a licensed hero. His gruff attitude has remained unchanged, according to his old friends. 

 Quote: "You are allowed to make one bear pun; any more than that, and you'll piss me off, so make it count."

Name: Irene Venegas 

 Ex-Villain name: Biohazard 

 Hero Name: Vapora 

 Quirk: Chemical Gas Sweat: Her sweat glands can produce admixtures that combine with her normal sweat to create various gasses. She can currently produce: Knock out gas (less effective than Midnight's), Tear Gas, a thick Smoke-like gas (as a smokescreen), Mustard Gas, and Nerve Gas. She is immune to any gas she can produce, thanks to altered internal structures, and membranes over her eyes. 

 Age: 33 

Height: 5'4"

Appearance: Normally wears sleeveless Jerseys and basketball shorts to keep cool indoors and help better expose her skin to air without looking too "Obvious" about it. Enjoys showing off dresses at more formal events due to enjoying people having their eyes on her.

 Bio: One of the four "Great Successes" of Dr Clay, Irene was once a monster in her home land, Regularly holding buildings hostage to have her demands met. She would join up with extremist groups but was often politically neutral; She cared more about using her quirk to terrify and hurt people than she did any particular cause. She has been rehabilitated by Clay's hypno-therapy and now wears a harness to detect when she creates more dangerous gasses (Such as Mustard Gas) to alert local authorities, and is a licensed Hero. Those who knew of her before report she is still a sadist however, so crossing her is not advisable. 

 Quote: "It's so hot in here... you might want to turn on the AC; if I start to sweat, it will quickly become YOUR problem, understand?~"

Name: Naomi Merritt 

 Ex-Villain name: Mind Spider 

 Hero Name: Mentalist 

 Quirk: Full Psionics: Naomi has extremely powerful Psychic abilities. Rather than having any one set of powers (Like Telepathy, or Telekinesis) she appears to have them all, and at a potent level. She divides them into 6 categories: Clairsentience, Metacreativity, Psychokinesis, Psychometabolism, Psychoportation, and Telepathy. Using even one power at a moderate level causes her stress and pain, and pushing herself too hard can cause aneurysms in her brain; many times after a battle, she has to rest, and utilize her own power in small doses to undo the damage using it has caused her.

Age: 36 

Height: 5'1' (Slouched to 4'11" normally)

Appearance: Disheveled purple hair, bags under her eyes from stress, a gaunt, wiry frame, and a resting "Done with everything" face, she appears as deeply cynical as she actually is. She normally wears comfortable sweaters and practical pants, not really caring what others think of how she looks.

 Bio: One of the four "Great Successes" of Dr Clay, Naomi was the only Volunteer. Deeply cynical and spiteful due to the brain growth of puberty causing her powers to expand so rapidly that she developed a brain tumor (that is currently held in check by her own Psychometabolic powers), she wanted to stop lashing out at other people out of hatred for how her own quirk was killing her. Though she is now a licensed hero, she seems to be the most critical of the program, complaining that her attitude hasn't changed at all, only that now she doesn't want to hurt any one. Has a thing for huge, aggressive men. 

 Quote: "God is a spider trying to block our path to happiness, but he's endangered, so you go to Hell if you squash him; and that's what life is."

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