The Skywing Battle Arena

( for Hoodkitty )

Aquamarine whirled around as leaves brushed beside her. She saw silver scales glinting in the light as a larger dragon appeared behind her. Ultramarine blue patterns dotted her body and patches of teal and brown marked her scales. Her eyes burned into Aquamarine's a piercing night black shade.

She gulped and edged back. "W-well?" Aquamarine squeaked.

Albatross shushed her with a glare of her eyes. "We'll find it soon enough. I'll take the credit, of course, and if you say word about it, I will teach you a little lesson," she growled.

Aqua's eyes widened as she stepped back. "Albatross, you'll tell them I did half of it though, won't you?"

The pale dragon smirked. "They won't even believe that. You can just be . . . the dragon who cowered behind me."

Aquamarine's face fell into a frown. "But without me, you'd still be back home. I've done all the work so far! It's not fair. I'm leaving!" She yelped, and turned around.

Her sister's teeth gleamed as she hissed. "You leave and I'll have your wings! If you want to see your sea again, you'll stay with me."

"But this place scares me. We're not supposed to be here. W-w-what if they c-catch us?" Aqua whimpered.

Albatross swished her tail in irritation. "Listen, we have to find that stone before the Skywings do. We'll be doomed if they discover its powers! Why did you have to make it in the first place?" She bared her teeth.

"Mother wanted a stone that could grant a dragon's single deepest desire, so I did," Aqua huffed.

The tiny blue dragonet heard wind billowing through trees and rippling waves. Even from here she could hear the gentle swish of the tide spreading on sand and the waves thrumming on rocks.

Then Albatross' loud squawks cut through. "Well thanks to your brother, we have to retrieve the stone from Skywing territory!"

Aquamarine shuddered as she felt the waves of anger rising from her older sister. "My claws are tingling. We must be getting close!" She was desperate to lighten the tense mood from her six year old sibling, but she realized she actually did feel an odd twinge from her lit claws.

Albatross snorted but stomped behind her, her eyes closed as she inhaled deep breaths of fresh, misty air. Suddenly she felt scales against scales as she bumped into a frozen of fear Aqua, sending her flying until her snout was a claw length from the talons of a Skywing.

She stood up in horror and backed away. This wasn't any ordinary Skywing, it was Queen Ruby! And on either side of her were five of her greatest soldiers. "Looking for this?" She snarled, holding a glowing green rock.

Even Albatross was speechless as she could only watch as the soldiers formed a tight circle around them. "More Seawing prisoners, delightful. Seize them," ordered Queen Ruby.

Claws gripped every part of her as Aquamarine struggled desperately. She could see Albatross wrestling five dragons nearly twice her size. Aqua tried to squirm away, but they had a tight grip. Thinking fast, she blew frost breath at the closest enemy.

Claws loosened. She heard a roar of pain and shock. The queen gasped, "Seawings don't have frost breath! What's going on?"

"I'm a mixed breed," Aqua answered. "And my mother shall have your heads for this. You don't treat a princess like that!"

Queen Ruby's eyes lit up. "Heirs to the throne, both my prisoners? This is splendid!"

Aquamarine snapped indignantly, "we are not your prisoners!"

The red dragon smiled, her eyes sparkling with malice. "But you will be. Knock them out, we don't have all day!"

The tiny dragonet's eyes widened as frantically she tried to get free, but it was too late for she felt a stinging pain on her head and slowly the world turned black.

Pale light seeped through cracks in walls as Aquamarine awoke. She turned around frantically, trying to figure out what happened when it all came buzzing to her. She remembered everything. Looking around, she found herself before the throne of Queen Ruby. Not too far from her growled a feisty Albatross.

"Look what you've done!" she shrieked. "You should have fought like a true Seawing!"

Aqua shook her head. "We both know I'm not a true Seawing."

The silver and blue dragon could barely hold herself together. "So what if you're part Rainwing and Icewing, you run deep of Seawing blood! But where you got the idea to tell her we are valuable princesses heir to throne, I can't even imagine. Next you'll tell her you're an animus!"

Aqua whimpered as she slouched down only to find metal restraints keeping her in a standing position. She struggled against them but they were too strong. She realized with a jolt of panic that there was no getting out of this.

A dragon crimson red appeared into view, decorated with millions of tiny, sparkling jewels of every kind. From head to shoulders she was draped with every accessory a queen would desire. Queen Ruby halted and veered left, neatly sitting down on her throne.

"My new prisoners are awake finally. Good, we should talk a bit." Her tone was venomous like snake. "What brings you into my territory?"

"We were looking for the stone," babbled Aquamarine. "We were going to leave as soon as we found it, but you reached it first."

"Interesting," the Queen noted. "And what makes this stone so special?"

Aquamarine chattered without even a thought. "It's animus touched so that-"

"It's powers only work with Seawings," Albatross cut in with a glare at her sister.

Queen Ruby raised her eye at the silver dragon. "Really? Might you show me what it can do?"

Albatross shifted her shackles, snout fuming. "Can't."

The queen rolled her eyes. "If my tribe can't use it, then I guess nor shall yours." With that she broke the stone, sending glowing green bits across the polished floor. "General, take these two to their prison and get somebody to clean up this mess," instructed the queen.

Aquamarine heard wings beats as dragons the colour of fire loosened her restrained and lifted her into the air. She let out a squeak once she discovered how far away she was from the ground and gripped her claws into the nearest dragon. He glared at her as she shrugged back.

Below her, she watched countless dragon struggling for freedom in their prisons. They each were stuck up high on a pillar, while their wings, snouts, legs, and tails were chained into the rock.

Several areas had no dragons, and she couldn't help but wonder what happened to them all. At last they dropped down into what would be Aquamarine's new home. She felt a tightness all at once around her paws. She heard the clinking of metal shutting and then she was all alone.

Her first idea was to locate Albatross. Looking around, she realized that would be impossible. A dragon of every colour of the rainbow could be found. Big or small, skinny or fat, weak or buff, young or old, everyone was different. She could even see Skywings locked up.

Aquamarine flopped onto her stomach, her head on her paws and her eyes gloomy. She could well be stuck here forever. This is all Albatross' fault! She tugged me into this mess. I could be at home, trying on a new pearl bracelet! Instead I'm stuck up here, in this smelly, filthy prison! And it doesn't help that I've a fear of heights!

Her scales sparkled into the colour of rain clouds and her wings a faint black. She closed her eyes and sighed. This was the worst day ever! Aqua tried to fold her wings down, but the chains held then in a painful, unnatural angle.

Aquamarine's sky blue eyes gazed at the pink horizon. The sun was slowing making its way under the ocean, it's fading rays shimmering once, before giving way to a magenta sky. Indigo edged the side, slowly spreading out, behind it a trail of radiant white stars.

Aquamarine shuddered as the air got colder and she huddled down to get body heat. Her wings tightening, leaving her unable to curled down into her favourite position. Huffing, she let out a yawn, letting the light of the moons soak her in glowing whiteness. Her eyelids felt heavy, and her head droopy, as she let sleep overcome her, despite her fears of what tomorrow would bring.

The bright sunlight softening everything with a pale, golden glow woke Aquamarine. Her scales shimmered a lime green in the rays. Little pink and orange clouds skidded across the horizon, and birdsong filled the air. It was beautiful, a sight she never had a chance to witness before in her dark blue home.

A dark red speck slowly flew up through the colour streaked sky, massive wings beating through the air. He carried what looked to be a small, rusted-metal dish. The Skywing spun it over to her feet and loosed the chains on Aqua's snout. "Eat up, you're needed in the arena soon," he grunted.

Curiously  Aquamarine looked down to find a black, burnt strip of foul smelling pig. She shuddered. "What is that supposed to be? Don't you know Seawings like fish? And raw meat? I refuse to eat that!" Aquamarine complained.

The Skywing shrugged. "Then starve." He locked his burning eyes into Aqua's until she looked away.

Realizing the throb of her hunger pangs, she swallowed the measly scrap of burned pork and groaned. Bleh!

The mahogany red Skywing clicked off Aqua's chains, gripped her paw tightly, and swooped down faster than if she fell. He neatly landed down while Aquamarine collapsed on the hard ground. As she regained herself of the blurred second, she realized she was in a bowl shaped area.

She let out a squeak when a Sandwing growled at her from the other side. "What . . . Who . . . Where?" She stuttered out loud.

"Welcome to the Skywing battle arena. Here you might find yourself battling for your life hourly, daily, or even monthly. Your job is to take the Sandwing's life before he takes yours. You may fight whichever way you want. Your opponent is Stab the Sandwing. You may begin," she paused, "now!"

Aquamarine's horror struck eyes did nothing to stop Stab's body rolling over hers. Struggling under the weight, she squirmed towards the light, her breath shallowing. Her tail now free, she whipped its end into Stab's side, her Icewing tail spikes sinking in.

The Sandwing howled, backing up, it's tail curved over like a scorpion's threateningly.

Now, Aquamarine realized, she had her elements of surprised on her side. She let her scales shuffle, and slowly became the colour of the arena. Then, she stood still, becoming invisible to the unfocused eye.

She smiled as Stab's eyes narrowed in uncertainty. He slowly turned around, hoping to find a regular Seawing waiting for him to attack. Back showing, Aquamarine leaped on,
Raking her claws down, feeling tender flesh tear, and warm blood welling up.

In fury the Sandwing heaved Aqua off, grabbing her paw at the last second. Her heart raced, thrumming loudly against her chest, until she felt it would pop out. She struggled desperately, and then felt blinding pain in her leg,  as she ripped it from his jaws. Her camouflage turned into red and black stripes.

Out of the corner of her agonized eye, she saw a tail barb swooping down. Thinking fast, she blew frost breath over his tail, stopping it's venom. Stab clutched his limp tail, his eyes burning with hatred.  Forgetting his wounds, he pummelled Aqua over, scratching and kicking to his heart's content. But Aquamarine was ready, each blow he delivered, she matched it with her own. Suddenly, she felt aching on her head as Stab kicked her down as hard as he could.

Desperately she struggled, but it was too easy for him to pin a tiny body like hers down. Whimpering, he sliced his limp tail down her, his barb striking Aquamarine hard in the face. Her vision blurred for a moment, filled with pain and agony. She was certain something was broken.

She looked up, his tail tip pointed at her neck, and she realized she had to do something before the killing blow struck. Angling her mouth, she squirted her Rainwing venom deep into  the Sandwing's chest. The dark liquid spread, eating flesh and scales.

The weight was instantly off her, and she stood, wincing at the agonized screams coming from Stab. In seconds it was all over, his last breath choked, and his eyes unseeing and glazed. She shivered and backed away.

"We have a new winner, Aquamarine!" announced the Queen.

Before Aqua could breath in relief, she was taken back to her prison. Looking at all the empty pillars, she realized in horror that the dragons that once stood there were all brutally murdered.

In surprise, she felt her shackles looses,  enabling her with the ability to curl down. Every part of her body screaming with angry wounds, all she could do was fall asleep, relieving her mind of pain and stress.

When she awoke, her mouth felt dry, and her usually sleek scales were withered. Her wounds were either healing of infected. She felt her head with a paw, before wincing. Something was still broken. Her mind was dizzy, and she almost collapsed into darkness, but she struggled to stay conscious.

The maroon Skywing was beside, looking at her in interest. "It's been a while since I last saw you standing."

Aquamarine looked shocked. "How long have I been asleep?" Her tail flicked in worry.

"Well, you were down five days, woke, then it repeated. You were mostly ok, but you had a milky look like you were dead. You never stood. It was too risky to let you in the arena, so you stayed up here. A friend of mine expects you skull to be fractured. Thinks a chipped bone was playing with your brain," he explained. "But he said it should be almost healed now."

Aquamarine took a deep breath. Two weeks have passed. I've been stuck here for two weeks! Why hasn't Mother ordered a rescue party?

"You might want to eat and drink," the Skywing suggested.

Aquamarine ravenously devoured the meat and drank the water, too famished for complaints. Satisfied with her extra large portion, she waited to go into the Skywing arena. She was prepared now, her scales filled with indigo streaks of determination. Her wings were aching for exercise too. 

To her astonishment, she found no dragon who looked ready to kill her at any time, only a tiny Mudwing looking at her shyly. Her eyes stretched. She wasn't going to fight that!

The Queen's head was resting on her paw. Her eyes were dull and her scales looked clouded. She gave no order to fight, instead looked restlessly at the two.

A male Skywing announced the battle for her and Aqua couldn't help but wondered why. The Mudwing, Beetle, stepped back, it's expression frightened. Aquamarine looked around. As far as she knew, not a scratch would be made from this fight. It felt like hours passed when she well knew only seconds skipped by. Beetle's pants gradually slowed to even breaths as he realized Aqua wasn't going to kill him.

Suddenly the Queen roared. "I want to see action and combat! You two are like snails loafing around! Get him a new opponent!"

The Nightwing killed him in seconds. Aqua looked sadly at the strips remaining of the viciously ripped up Mudwing dragonet floating in pools of blood. And then she realized she had to fight the black dragon.

He blew fire at her before the Queen even ordered it and Aqua dodged it at the last second. She whirled around as claws lunged at her. She whipped her tail as a shield, and knocked him down. Snarling he aimed fire at Aquamarine, singeing her wing and side. She squeaked, moving back from.

Thinking quick she lunged under him, raking her claws across his legs. Bad move, he buckled and caught her underneath him. Struggling, she lashed out her wings, trying to unbalance him but he was too giant.

Aquamarine struggled as he squeezed down, trying to smash her. Surrounded by darkness, Aquamarine felt the air tightening. Gasping for breath, she bit the nearest part of the Nightwing.

Rising up, she shot ice breath at his snout and eyes, as the dark dragon fell down in roaring fury. Heaving as sigh of relief, the Seawing blinked at Queen Ruby.

"You and you," she pointed at two Skywing. "Find her . . . And Icewing. That should be interesting."

The Queen got her battle, and Aquamarine's body became more and more wound inflicted. To Aqua's dismay she ordered her to fight another Sandwing.

Two Skywings brought in an elderly Sandwing, who looked to have been here nearly his entire life. "Fight him, Seawing," commanded the Queen.

Aquamarine braced herself for the battle but the Sandwing showed no signs of aggression. "Kill me off, I'd rather this than a long, painful, elderly death. Come on, just do it," he insisted in a frail, raspy voice.

Aqua opened her mouth to refuse, but he gave her a grave look. Closing her eyes, she blew, letting frost breath take over the rest.

Queen Ruby smiled in delight. "I've seen enough now. Cancel all battles scheduled for the rest of the day. I'm going to . . . " she paused, eyeing the soldier, and flew away leaving the sentence unfinished.

It felt like everyday repeated. Aquamarine had no idea how long she's been imprisoned for but her need for water grew stronger. Her scales were so dry and flaky, they looked like they'd fall off at any second. She changed her scales a dark purple to hide it, but her throat was hoarse and the blazing heat didn't help. Sighing, she curled down. The boredom was too great, so she found herself watching battles from up high to make time pass.

The Skywing who brought Aquamarine her food flew up, greeting the Seawing. "There's some good news for you," he grunted. "Or bad, it depends. You are requested at the arena immediately."

The two flew down, and to Aquamarine's surprise, Albatross, sat on the other side. She looked almost scratchless, and her eyes shone brightly.

"Your mother has given up a good amount of riches so that one of you may return to home. She refused to give up even more treasure, so only one of you will ever see your home again. To conclude who will return, you are to fight, the winner getting freedom. All being said there, you may begin."

Albatross lunged at Aquamarine instantly, not even thinking about her kinship. Shocked, she stroke back. Albatross dodged and threw a blow back, hitting Aquamarine precisely. Squealing, she aimed her frost breath, catching the forepaws of her older sister.

To her amazement, her sister didn't even wince. She slammed her tail down on Aquamarine, unbalancing her. Quick as a shark Albatross pinned her down, victory dancing in her eyes. "I would have killed you for throne anyways," she snarled.

She aimed her killing bite, as Aquamarine screeched to get free. Her tail flicked, hitting Albatross constantly. Albatross smacked it away with her forepaw and in that split second Aquamarine squirted her venom straight at Albatross's eyes.

Aqua curled her ears, blocking out the screams from Albatross, shuddering until they died away. Heart racing, she stood up, paw on Albatross's chest. "So I can leave now?" she asked Queen Ruby, unable stop her tone of desperation.

She nodded. "But don't you ever dare step on my land again. You know what will happen."

Without hesitation, Aquamarine spread her wings, her eyes sparkling, and took off into the sky.

Ok so word count is 3317. Sorry the story's so long. Well, I hope you enjoyed. So yeah.

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