Experiment ED-319 : Inherited

This is about Ty's past. This happened nine years ago.

Oct 2017- Major editing, let's go.

Ty huddled in the corner, hugging his knees. He has only been in this facility for a month and it had already started to feel like hell on day one. He was just taking a stroll in a forest nearby his cabin when men attacked him and dragged him to this lab. He had spoken to some other hostages in there and they all were "hybrids'. They said that the people treat them like dirt, punching, kicking and experimenting them.

He was in a branch of a bigger sick organization that focused on breeding and taming humans with creatures, making slaves out of their experiments.

They had chained him to the floor and the rust was burning his ankles and wrists. The door creaked open and Ty looked up. He shivered as the cold air from outside took over his frail body. The man came in and ordered, "ED-319, get up."

He did not want to, he just could not. He was tired and sleep-deprived.

The man growled and yanked him up, holding him against the wall. Ty grumbled and tried to pry the scientist off, but stilled when he saw the man pull out a whip from his pockets.

"Failure to comply will result in punishment."

Ty braced himself with a daring sneer.

Ty sat in his corner, tending to the lashes on his back when the man said, "You will be needed in a few minutes. Prepare yourself and obey, or else."

The man slammed the door behind him, leaving Ty in a mess of sweat and blood. Ty rolled his eyes and stared at the wall, his vision gradually growing blurry.

"ED-319, get up. Experimenting time."

Ty shook his head and looked up to see the man who hurt him earlier. Not wanting to get whipped again, he stood and stumbled over to him. The man grabbed his shirt and dragged him to the hallway. He pushed him down on a bench and chained him to a metal pole, grumbling "Wait here."

Ty nodded wearily and the man walked away. He became bored, and started pulling at the cuffs until someone sat-or got chained down- next to him. He studied the boy, who looked about his age. He had golden brown hair and a nice set of turquoise eyes. He wore a torn up blue coat, with a simple black shirt underneath. He looked over at Ty and smiled, fighting the bruises on his face. Ty shifted back, wary and hostile.

The boy spoke, "Hey... It's alright. I won't hurt you."

Ty gulped and looked away.

"What's your name?"

Ty hesitated to speak but replied, "Ty. Ty Warren Ellis."

The boy grinned and said, "Nice to meet you, Ty. I'm Jason Probst."

Ty looked down and opened his mouth to say something until the man from earlier took him away. He locked eyes with Jason, who sent him a reassuring smile. He was taken to a room and the man chained him to a chair. More men came in and Ty shivered. The room sure was chilly. One of the scientists grinned and said, "Don't worry, kid. This won't hurt. Not to us anyway."

He burst out laughing and his colleague drawled, "We get to experiment on the weaker people of this country. We honestly should get paid for this, getting rid of the weak and altering them to be useful."

Ty gasped and cried out, turning his head away. The men tied a strip of cloth to his mouth to prevent him from making any noises. Then, a cart was pushed in by a female scientist and it was full of scalpels, syringes and many surgery tools. Ty widened his eyes as they filled a syringe of glowing purple liquid.

They held his arm down and injected him with the liquid, Ty yelling against the gag as a wave of pain flooded him.

"Hey look! I guess the enderdragon DNA is taking effect! His eyes are purple."

"Let's just hope he actually turns out to be a success. Boss will have our heads."

Ty felt his two canines extend painfully and he chewed on the cloth. It broke and Ty spat it out, directly on one of the scientists' startled face.

He spat, "E-Enderdragon DNA?! Why are you doing this to me?!"

All of them stepped back cautiously and one replied, "Once you learn to form and use your enderdragon counterpart, we'll use you as a slave, using your enderdragon powers as an advantage. You have no idea the lengths people would go to to get someone like you working under them, kid."

Ty seethed, "You'll pay for this."

One of the men raised his hand and ordered, "Take him to hybrid room."

The men let Ty free from the chair and dragged him to a room full of other test subjects. They pushed him inside and all the other people turned to face him. Ty stood from the floor and looked around, his deep purple eyes piercing the surroundings. One person stepped up and growled warningly, "What hybrid are you?"

Ty hissed on instinct and bared his brand new fangs, "They said I was an enderdragon hybrid. Is there anyone else like me?"

Millions of gasps broke the silence and one hybrid yelled, "Damn, you've made it far."

Ty tilted his head and asked, "What do you mean?"

"What's your experiment number?"

The brunet raised a brow and answered, "ED-319. Why? Does it mean anything?"

A hybrid answered, "Obviously, your first initials stand for the hybrid they're trying to get you. ED stands for enderdragon in your case. The numbers mean you're the 319th person to be an ED experiment."

Ty's eyes widened, "318 other people had been enderdragons? You said I 'made it far'."

The person explained, "There were many test subjects for enderdragons before, but they all failures. When they came here after taking the DNA, all of them freaked out and started attacking us. Their eyes were tinted with blood red and they killed many. The scientists took them away and put them down."

Ty nodded and looked around, a voice called out, "Ty! There you are!"

Ty's eyes narrowed as he tried to find the source of the voice within the crowd, just then, someone ran into him and tackled him. Ty gasped and saw the boy from earlier. His turquoise eyes seemed to have a silver sheen, and he looked much more brighter than last he saw him. The enderdragon smiled, "Hey, what's your experiment number?"

Jason blinked up at him, "W-305. The W stands for Wither."

Ty's eyes widened. He looked away, still trying to figure out how to escape. Jason probably knew what he was doing and sighed. Someone said, "We are here because we have some tests coming up."

Ty's eyes widened and he asked, "What kind of tests?"

A boy came up -a wolf hybrid- and replied, "We have tests or experiments to test out our hybrid skills. Stuff like combat, flying, agility and other things."

The enderdragon hybrid widened his purple eyes. The torture never seemed to end. Suddenly, the door swung open, and a scientist came in, "ED-319 and W-305! Where are you two?!"

Ty growled and emerged from the ground and walked over to the scientist, Jason following him. Ty pushed him away, growling, "Jason, stay back."

Jason nodded, looking uncertain and worried. Ty yelped as a large wave of pain struck in him in the head. He heard the scientist yell, "Comply or else you will be-"

He spun around on instinct and bared his fangs at the scientist who hit him and without thinking twice, he bit the scientist. The scientist screamed in agony and tore away from Ty's grip. The scientist glared at Ty, holding his wounded wrist. The hybrid realized what happened but he kept his ground, still baring his bloody canines. He growled, his enderdragon slit irises narrowing in hostility. The scientist scowled and left the room, scoffing, "Nice tail, ED-319."

Ty's eyes widened and he looked at his rear. There indeed was a long tail swinging about, black with dark gray spikes. Ty smirked and swung it around playfully. He reached out and felt his scales and he loved the cold smooth surface of his own tail. He looked around, meeting shocked but pleased gazes. One hybrid stepped up, "You know, you remind me of a hybrid a while back. Mixed spider hybrid. He escaped and helped many others to as well. He was born here, but he was as feisty as you are."

Ty smiled cheekily and replied, "I'll get you all out of here then, just like he did."

Ty paced around his room, growling and flicking his tail in irritation. Every three hours, the scientist would come and give him some raw meat to eat, but it had been five hours and still no meat. He stared at the white ceiling and roared in anger, his newly developed wings beating furiously. He ran to the metal door and clawed at the lock.

After many blows, the lock had still stayed in one piece. Ty growled in frustration, slumping to the ground lazily. He wrapped his tail around his feet and wings around his knees, appearing to be a large ball. He stretched out his hand and made a small bowl formation and blew softly into it, black fire spitting out and hovering above his hands.

He smiled and played with the fireball for a while, bouncing it around and juggling it. Just then, the door swung open and a scientist came in with a large bucket. Ty sniffed the air, capturing the scent of raw cow meat. He frowned and snarled, "What took you so long?"

The scientist placed the bucket in the corner of the room and replied gruffly, "Capturing mission."

Ty nodded and crawled to the bucket, digging in to the meat like a pig. The scientist left him in peace to eat and the hybrid swung his tail around in pleasure of receiving fresh cow meat. He ate a few pieces but left some to eat for later. He licked his blood stained lips and sat in the room in boredom. He played a bit with his fringe, only realizing that it had grown long that it reached his neck. He did his best to put it behind his ear, out of his range of vision.

He grunted and paced round the room again, waiting for something to happen. As if his thoughts were read, he raised his head as a loud explosion was heard outside. Smirking, he ran up to the door and peeked out from the small peephole that allows him to see the outside. He widened his purple eyes as he watched someone scurry through the halls, unlocking the other cages and releasing the captive hybrids.

The person stopped to catch his breath and Ty could see the person's body. He had cuts and burn marks all over him, and there was fire from the experimenting room at the end of the hall. After a few seconds of rest, the person started again, freeing the hybrids. Ty swung his tail in delight as the figure unlocked his own door with a key.

Once the door was opened, Ty burst out and tackled the person playfully, burying his face into the person's chest. Enderdragon instincts had taken over, and the dragons were rather grateful creatures. The man gasped as Ty tackled him and he exclaimed, "Hey! Get off me, I need to get the others free!"

Ty smiled and looked up, eyes widening at the sight of the man's pure white eyes. Ty quickly got off him, realizing who it was. He asked, "Aren't you Herobrine?! Why... Why are y-"

He was cut off when the Swede stood and answered, "The bastards captured me to get some of my DNA to make other hybrids of me. I killed them one by one when they aren't looking."

The ender dragon nodded slowly, still shocked at who he was facing. He still remembered his time before he was captured. The man in front of him was a serial killer, he was wanted for many accounts of murder. Herobrine ran off again and freed the rest of the hybrids, Ty standing there, waiting for the Swede. Once Herobrine was finished, he noticed Ty standing there and scowled. He grabbed Ty by the arm and in a flash, he teleported both of them to safety, where some of the freed hybrids gathered. Ty gasped and collapsed to the grass, worn out.

Herobrine growled and stood from the grass and looked down from the hill they were at and gazed at the burning hybrid facility. He grunted and turned to face the hybrids. One spider hybrid went over to Herobrine and bowed in respect, the Swede's white eyes widening in surprise, "Hey now, kid. Stop that."

The hybrid straightened her stance and exclaimed, "But you freed us! Besides, I've heard stories about you from the outside! You were an alpha together with Alpha Noah, the spider who-"

"Shhh, kid. Please."

The spider hybrid just stared, before bowing her head and resting on the grass. Herobrine's eyes narrowed and he looked at the gathered hybrids on the hill, resting. He smiled and closed his eyes, turning to face the burning facility again. Ty watched in awe and went up to him slowly.

He stood next to the Swede and followed his gaze to the burning facility. It was silent at first but Herobrine asked angrily, "When I went to save other hybrids after unlocking your door, why did you just stand there?"

Ty widened his purple eyes and folded his wings in shame. He replied, "I was... Watching you."

Herobrine's eyes glowed brighter in curiosity and he turned to meet Ty's gaze and asked once again, "What do you mean?"

The enderdragon looked away, wary of the man's blank gaze and answered softly, "I don't know. I just, felt something? I don't know, instincts are annoying."

The man laughed softly, "Indeed they are. I know someone else that can inspire you more."

Ty's eyes glistened and he asked out of curiosity, "Really? Who?"

Herobrine chuckled softly and asked, "Seriously? You don't even know who? It's really obvious, kid. I'll take you to her tomorrow."

The hybrid nodded slowly and crawled away, looking for Jason. After thirty minutes of searching for his friend, he had no luck. He was not there. Ty sighed and muttered to himself, "He must have ran somewhere else..."

He looked up at the hill, Herobrine was there, sitting and looking at the horizon. His instincts were screaming at him to join him, so Ty bounded up to him and sat next to him, watching the sun set with the silent Swede.

The sky was dark and the ender dragon looked back to see all the hybrids sleeping on the soft grass peacefully. He turned to Herobrine and asked, "Why aren't you sleeping?"

The Swede's eyes were still focused on the ruins of the hybrid facility as he answered, "Only need sleep if my powers are low. I could go for months without sleep if I took care of my power usage carefully."

Ty understood just a  little and yawned. He settled down and wrapped his wings around himself. He kept his eyes open for a while. Herobrine stood and made a bonfire with a snap of his fingers between Ty and himself. They huddled near the fire, warming up. In the light, Ty could still see the man's burn marks and cuts. He asked softly, "Aren't you in pain?"

Herobrine lifted his head and smiled tiredly, "Don't worry about me. Go on, get to sleep. I'll be here."

Ty nodded wearily and his vision became blurry. Soon, he was fast asleep next to the fire, Herobrine listening the fire crackle in the night. He slowly tended to his wounds.

"Wake up, kid."

Ty opened his eyes and yawned. He looked up to see Herobrine standing before him. He asked grumpily, "Why did you wake me up?"

The legend sighed and answered, "I know someone who could teach you a thing or two. Here, eat up."

Ty's eyes widened as Herobrine kicked a cow carcass towards him. He smiled and dug in, savoring the raw meat.. He raised his head and saw Herobrine tracing a finger down a strange glowing blaze rod.

Out of curiosity, he asked, "What is that?"

Herobrine smiled proudly and replied, "A lightning stick. Charmed it myself."

Ty did not say anything and continued eating since he was not interested. Once Ty was done, Herobrine asked, "Can you change back to human form?"

Ty shrugged and replied, "Never thought about it till you brought it up."

The white-eyed man nodded slowly, "Alright... I'll teleport us somewhere. Get ready, hold on."

He held Ty's arm and teleported. Ty looked around, he was now in a stronghold. Right in front of him, was the End Portal. Herobrine stepped forward and without even placing the materials needed, he activated it. All he did was brush his fingers across the portal, and it lit up. Ty crawled next to the legend and looked at the void.

"Jump in, kid. I'll go in after you."

The enderdragon gulped and leaped, his body getting consumed by the void. He yelped as he hit a hard and cold surface. He looked around, he was on a obsidian platform, near a floating island of end stone. There were towers of obsidian with floating... He had no idea what those were.

He spotted a large figure glide across the air. He gasped.

"That's the ender dragon."

Ty jumped at the sound of Herobrine's voice. The man stood next to him. Ty stood too and Herobrine led him to the top of the floating island. The enderdragon caught sight of the two and flew down. It bowed its head to Herobrine and turned to Ty, growling, "Who's that?"

Ty immediately scooted behind Herobrine, not knowing what to do. His instincts told him to either bow and submit or fight. He did not like either. Herobrine smiled and said, "This is Ty, you can obviously smell his link to your kind."

The enderdragon hybrid's eyes widened, "I don't remember telling you my name..."

Herobrine's eyes glowed more brighter and he chuckled, "All I need to know is in your head. I let myself in, hope you don't mind."

Ty grunted and looked away, growling. He gasped as the ender dragon nudged him with its muzzle. It growled, "It's a hybrid?"

Ty growled back without even thinking, "I'm a 'he', mind you."

The ender dragon growled, "And I'm a 'she'. Stop classifying me as an 'it'. I also happen to be your superior, so don't speak to me like that."

Ty's eyes widened.

"You learnt something new, enderdragons can read minds, although they have a 50% of doing so," said Herobrine.

The enderdragon growled, "I don't like this boy."

She turned to Herobrine, "Why did you bring him here?"

Herobrine grinned, "You don't like him? That's a pity, I wanted you to teach him the basics of being a proper enderdragon. Oh well, I'll teach him what I know. Nice seeing you, Endy."

He grabbed Ty by the arm and walked away. The ender dragon spat, "My name is not 'Endy', Herobrine."

The man stilled, and Ty froze alongside him. Herobrine turned his head, frowning at the enderdragon, "My name is not 'Herobrine', Endy."

Ty was puzzled and uncomfortable. Endy growled, "Whatever you say, brat."

Ty chuckled softly. Herobrine shot him a glare. The brunet gulped.

"Stay here for a while."

Ty nodded slowly and Herobrine ran off towards Endy. Ty swore he saw one of Herobrine's eyes flash green. Endy growled and took off into the air, gliding far away quickly. Herobrine smiled and teleported onto the dragon's back. The dragon growled and bucked, trying to get him off. Herobrine latched on and whispered, "What did you call me again?"

Ty watched from far away, uncertain. He smelled something off with the Swede. He usually smelled of cookie dough, which was really pleasant, but now he smelled of burnt wood.  Endy mumbled, "Brat."

The legend asked, "Pardon?"

"Brat. You are one."

Herobrine smiled. He stroked the scales of the enderdragon and said, "It really is a shame... I have to ruin your beautiful scales for a punishment for calling me that. I hate ruining pretty things."

Endy's eyes widened. The legend laughed and summoned an iron sword. He dug it onto Endy's back, earning a menacing roar. Ty gasped. Blood was splattered onto Herobrine's face and shirt. He held on firmly and dragged the sword down the dragon's back, creating a large gaping wound. Endy kept on roaring in agony. Herobrine finally took out the sword and dropped it onto the void. He grinned as blood streamed down the enderdragon's scales and around his feet.. He patted Endy on the belly, "Be obedient next time."

He teleported back to Ty. Endy flew away, blood trickling down her body and into the void. Ty stared at Herobrine, who wiped his arm on his forehead, unknowingly smearing blood onto his forehead. Ty sees a glimpse of a green eye once more until his eyes were back to pure white. The smell of cookie dough came back. Herobrine was just visibly tense, but Ty correctly chose not to mention it.

"That is what happens once you disobey me. Be aware of what I can do, Ty."

Ty gulped.


Herobrine took Ty back to Minecraftia. They settle in a forest in the South. The Swede started teaching Ty the basics of surviving in the wild, and soon went on to handling instincts and his form. The enderdragon was surprised to find that Herobrine was experienced with hybrids. He pried one night and the white-eyed man told him that he knew three hybrids in the past.

Herobrine guided him through relaxing exercises to connect with his inner enderdragon. He even did basic yoga, and Ty learnt that the menacing serial killer could do a killer split. (Pft.) Ty could not manage a basic Downward Dog, so Herobrine moved on to breathing exercises. Ty learnt something else instead. He learnt how to control fire with his breath.

Finally, Herobrine just shared stories with him, relaxing him. That was when Ty began to get it. The brunet started trusting his instincts more. At first, he had been reluctant at first, always seeking out permission from Herobrine before he could do anything. The man reassured him that he could do whatever he pleased, and soon Ty found himself flying above the trees. The hybrid even built himself a nest, and learnt how to take care of his scales.

He learnt how to use his fangs, how to sharpen them. He also grew used to using his claws, and his muscular wings. His tail could knock someone out, so he kept it in handy. He was busy preening his tail scales to impress Herobrine, when he felt a little itch in between his wings. The itch grew and grew until Ty got frustrated.

He let out a roar, and felt his muscles shift.

He found himself growing larger, until he towered over Herobrine, as a male adult enderdragon. The biggest of his kind. Herobrine had to place several silencing and invisibility charms on him before anyone could spot a dragon in the fucking forests. Ty was a little disappointed, as he felt even more free in his full form. He gave Herobrine a few rides, and allowed the man to huddle close to his cheek where it was warm.

Herobrine could not stay.

He was still on the run, so he bid Ty good luck and farewell. The enderdragon watched his friend gallop away on a black stallion's back, before crawling back into his den.

Herobrine had always told him to never forger who he truly was. Ty had been in half enderdragon form for so long, that he nearly forgot he was a human too. His hair was long and in a mess, together with his clothes. Ty decided to visit the nearest village to restock on necessary items. Maybe get a haircut while he was it too.

While trading, Ty caught sight of a Southern Military squad hand out enlistment papers. Ty managed to nab one, and read the details in interest. His thoughts drifted to Herobrine, who had spoken of being a soldier in the past. His stories had been pretty interesting, and Ty found himself applying for the standard course.

When Ty saw Herobrine again, all the two shared was a knowing glance. No one knew of their short friendship, but they decided to catch up. Ty called the Swede to his office, where he prepared wine. Herobrine had laughed at the sight, mumbling something about a romantic date. Nonetheless, he took a seat, and they drank the night away.

Rive watched his owner and superior get absolutely wasted from his spot on the bed.

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