15. Uber Disaster
Pruthvi's face was stuck in an incredulous expression-blood draining, unblinking stare, mouth open and heart racing. He was still looking through the lens, his brain completely jammed gazing at his friend after a complete span of five month. Tyrell still had his sight met with Pruthvi's when he suddenly stepped back and disappeared from his camera's frame.
"What's wrong?" asked Leena, as Pruthvi removed his strap of his camera out of his neck and handed it over to her.
"I'll be back," he gasped and dashed in a headlong speed without caring what this movement might lead to. He hated to ignore Leena's disgruntled expression and to be unable to fill her with the information, but he did not comprehend that he had time for it.
Running swiftly all over the corridor of the amphitheater, Pruthvi was stubborn enough to not take his eyes off the throng that began to scatter, giving a free way to one person trying to escape. Tyrell was running ahead, towards the end of the corridor and dashed into the door that contained the staircase leading towards the exit of the amphitheater.
"Tyrell! Wait!" Pruthvi shouted out of his impulse, his heart thrumming in his chest. Many heads among the audience craned over to look at him as the one causing disturbance in the middle of their celebrations. Pushing a few of the people out his way he reached the spiral staircase, that Tyrell had used, and followed his instincts to descend down taking a couple of steps at a time. There was a sudden shift in the smell-heavy and festering, in this closed section that Pruthvi quickly grasped and refused to forgo.
Reaching out of the amphitheater, Pruthvi looked around, smelling the certain odor he thought that belonged to his friend. He was sure he had seen a glint of a person in black, amidst of all wearing white, running towards the rocky area. Without further delay, not caring the knights who were watching him run in a hurry, he increased his pace now running far away from the amphitheater.
"Tyrell! Please, wait!" he shouted again on finally finding his friend who was still at quite a distance away. But Tyrell did not turn around, neither his momentum slowed down hearing his former friend's voice.
"Earthly Bind!" Pruthvi commanded his Emerald and the rocks shot up in the form of a hard stony cage right in front of Tyrell.
But to his utter surprise, even after creating a hurdle, Tyrell did not stop. It was as if he wanted to run right through the cage.
"Electric Cutter Formation!"
His friend's voice, strong and restrained, made goosebumps explode all over Pruthvi's skin. Razor sharp lightning spikes emerged out Tyrell's fingers and the cage divided into two, collapsing down like a shattered building.
Adrenaline crossed all over Pruthvi's system, he felt his anger piling up due to his incompetence to match his pace with his friend. He eyes began to burn and muscles contracted. He was changing, he felt himself using his alternate kinetic power. His body stooping down towards the ground, his hands and legs turning into brown hairy limbs, his clothes magically disappearing.
Pruthvi was now running after his friend in the form of completely turned giant hound.
His pace automatically increased. He was getting closer to Tyrell. He growled fiercely, his impulse demanding him to leap over and push Tyrell down on the ground.
But before he could do any of such things, Tyrell abruptly stopped at the spot and turned around to face him. Panting heavily, yet keeping his face straight, he casually lifted his hand and pointed at the hound's head.
Pruthvi squealed, forcing a sudden halt to his sprint, that only gave him extra physical strain. He fell on the ground completely, dust lifting off on the contact. Then he realized that he was hit by sudden migraine struck in his temples, his nerves in his brain exploding. He couldn't keep up with the pulsating sensation that threatened to crack open his skull. And the Theroekenisis in him had to give up. His body automatically transformed yet again, growing back into his normal humanly shape.
"Stop it!" He shouted as soon as he found his voice. He was on his knees pressed against the rocks, his body shivering with intense pain. His lashes brimmed with tears and his hand were clenched into tight fists holding his head. This pain reminded him of the day when he had barely cheated death.
"Do I have to tell each and every one of you to stop running after me?" Tyrell said, his voice calm and composed, and his hands still pointed at Pruthvi. "It's not worth it, why don't you get it?"
"Tyrell..." Pruthvi croaked, pulling up a lot of strength to only look up at his friend, the one he has been missing so badly. But now that he was giving him the kind of pain...Hayden is so right. He is learning dark magic and he has become one of them.
In the midst of going through all the pain, Pruthvi's mind did not forget to give him the crucial information. Wait a sec...Tyrell can use dark magic even in this month?
"Where is Leena?" Tyrell asked gravely, staring down at Pruthvi with his dark emotionless eyes. "You did a big mistake coming out without her. I might have failed to stop her sister marrying a monster but if anything happens to her now, you should hold yourself responsible for it."
Saying whatever he had to say, everything that was obviously far from Pruthvi's understanding, Tyrell turned around and resumed to flee away. The pain in Pruthvi's head gradually began to reduce. Gathering himself up, he searched for his friend and when he did, Tyrell was already blowing the powder in the air.
"Gates of Chandrika-Open at Dakshinpur," Tyrell shouted and as soon as Gates opened he jumped out of it.
Pruthvi pulled himself up to run after his friend and to snatch him out of the Gates. But it was already closing and Tyrell standing at the other side, now facing Pruthvi, shook his head, as if he wanted to warm him to not to repeat the mistake.
And then he was gone.
Pruthvi's blood boiled and heart hammered erratically. He felt his rage getting out of control, when his eyes changed it's color to amber. He had this golden opportunity to talk to Tyrell, to fight him senseless until his soul could have awakened. But he had lost it so easily, succumbing to the dark magic once again.
Without even concentrating on his stone, he shrieked aloud and pounded the stony floor with his tight fists.
He quickly realized that he shouldn't have done that. He was literally watching what Shourya had stated, that he was physically too powerful. His Geokinesis amalgamated with Thereokinesis acted upon his careless reaction. The stone beneath his hand cracked open, creating the vibration from below. The fine line of crack traveled all through the rest of the stony area, and watching it gave Pruthvi a nauseating sensation in the pit of his stomach.
And I couldn't break that mahogany box?!
He was about to stand up but yet again was forcefully dropped on his knees. There was a sudden huge blow of explosion that made his eardrums burst. Shivering, and setting his glasses straight, he turned around to experience full horror happening in front his eyes.
The humongous amphitheater, Rang Mahal exploded creating shock waves beneath his feet, slowly collapsing down into debris. The colorful stones shattered casting in all direction like a wild projectile. The thick black cloud of smoke rose high in the air. His nauseating sensation doubled on seeing the disorderly outburst of the legion of people, pushing and shoving one another, rushing out of the entrance in a vain attempt to save their lives. Huge stony walls of the theatre detached, and began falling on them, crushing their spines within a snap and blood flooded all over the surface.
Pruthvi shook with fear, when his mind reminded him of Leena's safety. Even though being Samagraha was a bonus and that he was sure this destruction wasn't a detriment to her life, he still wanted to see her unscathed. Finally letting all his fury go, he ran towards the amphitheater. Gush of heat penetrated through his skin, dust making his vision blur. Intense smell of rusting iron invaded his nostrils and he tried not to puke over the blood pool that was formed at the entrance of the theatre around the dead crushed people, limbs ruthlessly been cut off their bodies.
Tyrell did this, he thought, his eyes filling, he did this to kill.
"Stone Abrade Formation!"
He commanded, pushing the plummeting rocks away from the people and exploding them into fine smaller particles. He repeated the same command again and again and felt a little satisfied to save atleast a few lives. He wished he could bring his Constellia out, Makara might actually be a real help in the current terrible situation.
"Whoa!" he shouted, when he at once had to jump aside to give some space for the running horses of the knights to escape from the commotion. His eyes fell on the entrance door, the huge wooden gate was already broken, pieces scattered down on the floor. The knights guarding at the entrance, now fewer in number, were on continuous duty trying their best to lead people out safely.
"It's them!" He heard a knight informing another, "Hounds! Clan of Pradhan!"
Pruthvi's mouth fell. His instant judgement was that Shourya had come back accompanying Tyrell and if there was any of his internal affair to cause this disaster. But watching all the dead people, it seemed totally otherwise.
Indistinct barking and growling sound grabbed his attention and lured him to run inside. The knights who found him running in the opposite direction as of the audience, tired to stop him. Pruthvi had no time to tell them who he really was and why he was required to get inside. He took a precarious chance and blasted few of the stones, showed his skills while saving a few people. Finally understand that he was the Samagraha of the current generation, knights stepped back giving him a freeway.
There were still a large number of people running around the corridors, in a flight to get away from the hounds chasing them. Pruthvi, running towards the stage of the theater, looked here and there in search for his girlfriend.
"Leena!" He rasped, trying to concentrate on his stone amidst all the howls of anguish and hoping for her to respond. But the cries of the people and continuous barking of the hounds wouldn't let him concentrate enough to have a connection.
From the corner of his eye he spotted an old man standing in middle of the stage and fighting the hounds. Pruthvi trotted a little distance ahead only to realize that it was Doctor, using his Aerokinesis to stop all the hounds chasing the innocent people. Pruthvi immediately joined to give him an extra support.
Doctor looked at him breathing heavily, his face drenched with immense sweat and completely worn out, the bandage over his forehead torn apart. A silent conversation, a plan, passed between them and together as a team they galvanized themselves into action.
The mixture of hazardous air and fire that came out of Doctor's hands helped gathering the hounds that were trying to flee away from his attacks. Pruthvi immediately began creating chains of hard solid cages to trap the hounds in them and to end the madness.
"Stay away from the tree!" Doctor shouted at him, looking pointedly over his shoulder.
Pruthvi was startled hearing Doctor's grating angry voice and on looking around he noticed he was standing beside the tree of Vrindahina. Its leaves and flowers completely fallen down, separated from the branches and the only spotless area was it's trunk. It was indeed too surprising that the blast had not caused any pinch of damage to it.
It took them a while to bring a closure to all the hounds' lunacy. Pruthvi wished there was water around anywhere to bring some settlement to the eroded areas. That once again reminded him of Leena. He looked above at the damaging tiers in search of her but luck wasn't in favor yet.
"Doctor, where is Leena?" He asked, finally seeking the opportunity.
"She is helping her family to evacuate," said Doctor digging his hands all over his pockets and then whispered beneath his breath, "I lost my phial."
"What?" he asked.
"Pruthvi, listen to me very carefully," said Doctor turning completely towards him, "As soon as Leena comes out with her family, take them to the stable. King Aghasthya knows where it is. Grab a carriage and get back to Sharad's Palace. Do not wait for me. Leave as soon as possible. Do you understand me?"
"What!" he said again in a different sense, raising his eyebrows, "Are you asking me to leave without you?"
"I have to take care of these hounds and then have to go somewhere else from here," Doctor replied, pressing his eyes, "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine."
"Now go!" Doctor said, pushing Pruthvi aside. "Leave!" he shouted, widening his eyes pointing at the entrance.
Helpless, Pruthvi nodded at him and respected his orders. He immediately turned around and began to run towards the entrance. He had no idea when and how he was going to meet Leena. He tried to contact again, several times, but there was no reply from her. This caused him his nerves fray.
He was almost about to pass the area with the staircase that lead to the High Gallery, when the door suddenly burst opened and to his immense satisfaction a few well known people came out of it.
First he saw was Dhanunjay holding his fainting father by his shoulders and then King Aghasthya, dusting the sleeves of his shirt.
"Pruthvi, where have you been?" The king asked gravely, his face blackened and droplets of blood gliding down his temple, "Leena is worried for you."
"Where is she?" Pruthvi asked, his nerves now almost in the verge of breaking.
"She has gone back to bring some stuff. I don't know why but she finds them very important."
Pruthvi gulped down, scratching his head, irritated. For once he wished Leena to try and forget about her cosmetics. "Alright," he said, "Is everybody here? Where is Lithika?"
"She and Archit Garg have already left. Archit's father made arrangement for them."
"Great!" said Pruthvi, without really meaning it, "We need to get to the stable. Doctor asked us to. Can you please take Dhanunjay with you? I ll go and get Leena."
"No, it not safe for you to go inside. Everything is ruined. Both of you will be lost altogether. Leena said she will meet us near by the entrance. It's sensible to wait for her there."
Pruthvi stomped his leg out of frustration. This wait to see her safe was killing him. Then the ground shook, tremor making them lose their balance startling the four of them. Dhanunjay stared at him in suspicion and Pruthvi didn't want to think the tremors happened because of his kick.
Together the four of them unsteadily walked out of the entrance. King Aghasthya was ahead of them. Dhanunjay, even though Pruthvi was helping, seemed to be in trouble to walk having the huge man, his father around his neck. Pruthvi turned several times to see if Leena has come out already. There was only dense smoke everywhere and not finding her around knotted his stomach.
Informing them, King Aghasthya went straight ahead to bring the carriage to them. Dhanunjay made his father sit down on the floor, whose breath was labored and struggling to stay put.
"Leena" Pruthvi called her in his mind, tears now almost streaming his eyes, "Please..."
"Pruthvi, please answer!"
He gasped as soon as he heard her voice.
"Leena, where are you?"
"Why haven't you been responding to me?"
"I was.."
"Okay listen, did you get to see Dhanunjay and others?"
"Yes, I did. But why aren't you with them?"
"I needed to get our bags."
"Forget the bags. They are not important."
"Don't be silly," she scolded, "Hardik and King Harsh's scroll aren't important? Oh my goodness scroll is already ruined and..."
"And what?"
Connection between them turned disoriented and then completely lost. Pruthvi was irritated, but satisfied on atleast hearing her voice.
Taking all the troubles, King Aghasthya finally came back with a carriage. It was harnessed with a couple of horses, tied up in line. The puller was trying to calm the frustrated horses. Then on observing the group including a dying person, he immediately opened the door in the side of the large hooded cage.
Pruthvi helped Dhanunjay to step over the carriage, pulling Sharad's minister up. King Aghasthya followed him from the other side. Everything and everyone was set to leave this damned place, except Leena who was still nowhere to be seen.
Pruthvi fidgeted for few minutes, unable to stand still at the spot. The entire amphitheater was now almost flat on the ground. He kept his eyes from looking at the series of dead people and controlled his mind, that began to shift anywhere towards Tyrell.
He is capable to use dark magic in this sacred month. He is being a true opal user.
This thought was slicing him from inside as an icy knife. He blinked the moisture in his eyes trying to understand the warning he had received from him.
"If anything happens to her now, you should hold yourself responsible for it."
Leena's voice jerked him to present. He looked up finding her running towards him, holding three set of bags. Her dress was torn in a few areas and her face completely dripped with sweat, hair loosened. He walked ahead when she came closer and threw her hands around his neck to give him a tight hug.
"Are you okay?" he asked, pulling her back caressing her cheek to wipe her tears and sweat away.
"I am just so hungry," she said, slightly shivering, making Pruthvi realize that he was hungry as well.
"Kids, let's go." King Aghasthya called them out having his hands on the knob of the door, ready to close.
Pruthvi, after taking all the three bags from Leena, walked over to help her get into carriage. He was glad that everyone he cared about were now safe but he wasn't having a slightest idea that it was going to take forever and a day to finish their journey to reach Dakshinpur.
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