Chapter 2
Moons have passed, and Ratkit and Fawnkit have now become Ratpaw and Fawnpaw. Flickerkit woke up to Wolfstone and Snowfeather poking their heads in the nursery.
"Have any of you seen Ratpaw and Fawnpaw?" Wolfstone asked.
"They said they were going hunting near the Ancient Oak." Slitherkit mewed. Wolfstone nodded as Flickerkit watched them step away from the nursery and out of camp. Flickerkit padded out of the nursery and headed over to the dirtplace. He saw Mochapaw padding out of the dirtplace tunnel. Tigerstar leaped up onto Highledge.
"All cats old enough to catch their own prey join beneath the Highledge for a Clan meeting!" She yowled. Cats started making their way towards Highledge as Tigerstar got ready to speak again.
"Before I start the meeting," She began. "I would like to say that we have learned that Sweetheart is expecting kits." Tigerstar let out a soft purr. Furzefoot, Sweetheart's mate, also let out a purr. Flickerkit flicked his tail, and accidentally bumped into Frozenkit. He started walking away and smacked right into Jaguarpaw. The friendly tom gave a chuckle, picked up Flickerkit and put him back where he started. Flickerkit shot a glance at the older tom.
"But that is not the only reason we are here today." She flicked her tail slowly, and Mochapaw padded up slowly. She was trembling, so hard she almost fell, but Darkpaw helped her up. Flickerkit always assumed there was something going on between those two, but he never said anything about it. Mochapaw sat down, still trembling from excitement.
"I, Tigerstar, leader of ThunderClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend her to you as a warrior in her turn. Mochapaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?" Tigerstar asked. Flickerkit noticed she was giving a suspicious look at the new warrior.
"I do." Mochapaw's voice rang out clearly.
Tigerstar gave an approving look as her gaze drifted to Mochapaw's mentor, who also happened to be her father, Spiritclaw, who gave her word a small nod.
"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Mochapaw, from this moment on you will be known as Mochapelt. StarClan honors your bravery and kindness, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan." Darkpaw's eyes were shining with pride for his friend as Tigerstar layed her muzzle on Mochapelt's head, and Mochapelt gave her a friendly lick on the shoulder. Flickerkit expected the meeting to be over, but his mother's gaze moved to her two kits. Flickerkit looked at his sister, confused. Then it hit him. We are six moons! Flickerkit realized excitedly.
"We also have two kits to be apprentices." He watcted his leader until she beckoned to Frozenkit with her tail. Flickerkit felt pride for his sister, as she warily padded up to Highledge.
"Frozenkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Frozenpaw. Your mentor will be Desertsand. I hope Desertsand will pass down all she knows on to you." Frozenpaw flicked her tail excitedly, and Flickerkit watched as Desertsand padded up to sit next to Frozenpaw. Tigerstar's gaze moved slowly towards Desertsand. Desertsand looked at her new apprentice, Frozenpaw, with a gleam of pride in her eyes.
"Desertsand, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from Cricketbreeze, and you have shown yourself to be cunning and independent. You will be the mentor of Frozenpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to her." Tigerstar flicked her tail, pleased with her choice. Then suddenly, she beckoned to Flickerkit. His heart was pounding with joy, and he wondered who his mentor would be. He searched the clearing for possible options, and then noticed some good warriors. Gingerfoot would be a good mentor, he thought. Or maybe Rushingstream? Maybe I'll get the deputy! His gaze flowed to where Stumpystripe was peacefully sitting at the base of Highledge. As Tigerstar spoke the words of the meeting, Flickerkit snapped out of his daydreaming.
"Flickerkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Flickerpaw. Your mentor will be Froghop. I hope Froghop will pass down all he knows on to you." She motioned for Froghop to come up.
"Froghop, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from Stumpystripe, and you have shown yourself to be loyal and courageous. You will be the mentor of Flickerpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to him." Flickerpaw's new mentor, Froghop, padded over to him and lowered his muzzle so that they could touch noses.
"I promise I'll train really hard." He whispered.
"I have no doubt about it." Froghop mewed back to him, a grin wide on his face. Flickerpaw gazed at his sister, as she and her mentor padded over to Froghop and Flickerpaw.
"Should we show them the border?" Desertsand mewed, flexing her claws briefly. Froghop nodded slowly, but hesitated. Then he called across the clearing to Howlingwolf, asking him to bring Jaguarpaw out.
"I think we should do some battle training," Froghop mewed to the fluffy tom, before turning to face Desertsand.
"We can train together another time." Froghop promised. As Howlingwolf padded over to where Jaguarpaw was sharing a mouse with Tigerstar, he told him about the training, and came back over after Jaguarpaw had said his goodbyes.
"Come on, Flickerpaw." Froghop called from the camp entrance. Flickerpaw raced over to where Froghop was waiting. Whoa! Flickerpaw thought. The forest is so big! Froghop saw the look on his face and chuckled.
"Come on, this way to the training hollow." He trotted over to a dusty hollow, which Flickerpaw thought was perfect for training.
"Froghop and I are going to demonstrate the back kick. Yes, Jaguarpaw, you already know this, but let it be a review." Froghop dropped into a crouch, keeping his paws steady. Howlingwolf crept up to him slowly. Froghop is crow~food! He thought. But just as his doubts entered his mind, Froghop leaped around, glanced at the forest floor beneath him and Howlingwolf, and Froghop kicked out his hind legs, taking all the wait off his front paws. Howlingwolf tried to get out of the way, but instead got knocked over by Froghop.
"Wow! That was amazing." Flickerpaw admired the warriors' strength, and how slick their moves were.
"Flickerpaw, why don't you try the move on Jaguarpaw?" Howlingwolf mewed.
"Alright." Jaguarpaw braced himself. Flickerpaw demonstrated the move perfectly on Jaguarpaw, and Froghop was pleased.
"Well done, Flickerpaw!" Froghop praised. Suddenly, Flickerpaw smelled something. Rabbit! He left the hollow and crept along the trees until he saw a plump rabbit, nibbling berries on a stump. He dropped into the hunting crouch that Timbertail had taught him, slowly moving towards the creature. He pounced, swiftly killing the rabbit with one quick bite. He struggled to pick up the large rabbit, dragging it back to the hollow.
"Flickerpaw, where did you-Hey, did you catch that?" Froghop meowed, surprised. He nodded, and Froghop, Howlingwolf, and Jaguarpaw praised him for his catch.
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