𝒙𝒙𝒗𝒊𝒊. the reunion
chapter twenty-seven, episode one
the reunion
BONNIE was shaken away by five who was already wide awake. bonnie groaned smacked him in the fast softly, running her hand down his face and then placed it in his chest dozing back to sleep.
"gorgeous, is time for us to go." five whispered to her lifting himself off from the bed and walked over to her closet taken back by her clothes. Bonnie mumbled cursed words underneath her breath sitting up on the bed and rubbing the back of her palm against her eyes.
when she opened them the girl immediately saw stars and with a loud groan she dropped herself back down onto the bed. five grabbed the most comfortable outfit he could find for the girl and threw it on her bed. "ill be in the living room." five teleported out of the room and into the living room sitting on the couch.
Bonnie — with eyes closed — stood up from her bed and grabbed her clothes. the light from her bedroom was already on and Bonnie giggled at fives choose of clothes. he picked out a green sort of baggy overalls for Bonnie, a long sleeve white shirt that reached up to her belly button. she put that on and then walked over to her clothes grabbing her converse that she has always worn, the red ones.
bonnie checked herself in the mirror and sighed deeply heading over to the bathroom and doing her normal routine such as: brushing her teeth, washing her face and fixing her hair. she put her red hair in a low ponytail leaving a few strands in the front free and not tying the hair tie too tight on her hair.
walking out of the room Bonnie was greeted by Sebastian being held in a headlock, five's arm being the one around Sebastiana head. "what the fuck."
her two boys glanced up at her and gave her an innocently smile while five glared back down at sebastian who patted his arm. "tap out! i tap out!"
five let him go pushing him to the couch and sebastian wasn't going to let himself so he pushed him back. bonnie rolled her eyes leaving them again and going back inside of her room remembering something. she opened up her window and reached out to the brown box that was still at the bottom of her window.
she smiled widely but then it stopped when sebastian and five entered her room. "I want to come!"
"you don't even know where where we are going!" five argued back to sebastian who rolled his eyes.
"I dont care!"
Bonnie ignored them opening up the box, her smiling now reappearing and now larger than before. while the two boy teenagers argued back and forth, bonnie admired the butterfly knife in her hand. the handlers are a violet color, the one silver part has actually butterflies engraved on them.
Bonnie twirled it in her hand and let out a laugh closing it in her hand. she placed it inside of her shoes and then glanced back over at sebastian and five who have come to an agreement.
"so?" bonnie asker crossing her arms over her chest.
"he's coming with on one condition!" five said, his last words glaring over at sebastian. "he doesn't speak, ask questions or anything that involves him to open his mouth."
"that wasn't the ag—"
"are we going or not?" Bonnie asked fed up with both of their arguments and wouldn't shut up. five nodded his head and intertwined their fingers together and he regretfully placed his hand on sebastians shoulder, who rolled his head and grabbed his wrist.
"wait why are we holding onto hi—"
SEBASTIAN moved fives hand away from him and went over to the nearest plant, which wasn't even a plant it was a pizza box on the side of the sidewalk. Bonnie rolled her eyes crossing her arms over her chest as they both watched sebastian puke it all out.
"who the hell — hold on." Sebastian panted heavily before going back to puking his liver out. "he has powers too?!"
"he knows about the powers?" five whispered to bonnie who nodded her head. Bonnie took her hand away from five who whined going to reach her hand but bonnie had her hand on Sebastiana back patting it softly.
"he knows about everything along with Penelope."
"what?!" five shouted but bonnie shook her head giving a look that said, not right now, and five rolled his eyes. bonnie moved away from Sebastian who glared at five.
"why are we here?" Sebastian asked glancing down at Bonnie who smiled widely turning her body completely over at him.
"going to see my dad!" Bonnie giggled but then it died down, "in a asylum."
"not weird at all. no." Sebastian said sarcastically shaking his head and crossing his arms. five grabbed Bonnie's hand again hooking them together and Sebastian followed behind them entering the asylum.
the registered in and a minute went by when the women called them and pointed over to the door where they had to wait for Diego. Bonnie happily and anxiously walked in front of them and sat in the middle as sebastian sat on her left and five sat to her right.
the door then flew open making Bonnie sit up straight and anxiously trying to get a glimpse of Diego. Bonnie's leg was bouncing, she was fidgeting with her fingers and her lip was in between her teeth.
"in you go." the guard said and instantly Bonnie felt tears whelm up inside of her eyes. Bonnie stood up and Diego stopped walking as his gaze landed on Bonnie. he glanced back over at the guard who closed the door and stood directly behind it before letting out a chuckle breath.
Bonnie pushed her chair back and ran inside of the arms of the man she missed so dearly. sebastian and five sat awkwardly in the back letting the father and daughter duo have their moment.
Bonnie wrapped her arms tightly around his torso and sunk her head onto his chest and Diego wrapped his around her shoulder. Diego pulled away and placed his hands on each side of her eyes and smiled gently.
"you've grown." he whispered his eyes starting to get blurry. Bonnie shrugged her shoulders before sighing and throwing her arms around his waist once again.
Diego the lifted his head up to gaze at five and sebastian. "five and—"
"Sebastian." Bonnie introduced letting go of Diego and going back to sit down in her chair, wiping her tears in the process. "I've been living with him and his mom."
Diego nodded his head still shocked by the visit. he pulled the chair that scarped on the floor and sat down, his eyes traveling from the three teenagers in front of him.
"Diego," five nodded his head looking at him up and down, "you look good in white."
"about time you showed up." Diego deadpanned at five who lifted his head.
"how'd you know id be back?"
"because that's the kind of shit you pull." Diego leaned forward more mad at five then at Bonnie. the truth for Bonnie was that she never even knew where Diego was, she tried finding him but nothing. even after telling penelope about him the women has tried as well but since penelope is a work at home mom she doesn't really get much outdoor news.
"where are the others?"
Diego looked between them all frowning his eyebrows, "they're not with you?"
"we'll find them." five muttered softly, guiding his hand down to Bonnie's and intertwining them together before placing them down in his lap. needing her comfort. "how long have you been here?"
"seventy five-days." Diego said his head dropping down. "landed in the alley behind commerce and knox."
"commerce and knox." the three of them said at the same time giving each other a knowingly look while sebastian sat there confused.
"you?" Diego asked five.
"I got here this morning?"
"a year ago." bonnie whispered and a part of her ache as she noticed the way that Diego's face dropped. "im sorry."
"it's okay, bon." diego forced a chuckle shaking his head softly before looking back up at five, "how'd you find me?"
five hummed before taking out a piece of paper, "page sixteen," diego groaned lowly leaning back against the chair. Bonnie raised a eyebrow at diego and looked over fives shoulder to read. "disturbed man with multiple knives arrest outside 1026 N. Beckley."
"isn't that Lee Harvey Oswald's house?" sebastian asked making five nod his head as he slid down the piece of paper of to diego who grinned mischievously.
"care to explain?"
"let's just say, Dallas Law Enforcement has not been supportive of my attempt to stop the assassination of—"
"diego, what the fuck." Bonnie cut him off already knowing who he was talking about. john F. Kennedy, the president. "it hasn't even happen yet."
"and it isn't going to happen. not on my watch." Diego whispered shaking his head and the leaning his body forward making the three of them lean forward as well. "look, I've been shaving down the bars in my room. another day or two and I'll be out of this place, then I'm going to stop Oswald and save the president. you want it, say the word."
"listen to me very closely, you gibbering moron." five whispered harshly to diego, "you are not going to do a goddamn thing."
"why not?"
"why not? why not?! because we have another fucking apocalypse!" Bonnie argued back at diego who rolled his eyes and muttered a, "no shit. that doesn't happen for another 60 years."
"not that apocalypse. this is a new one." five snapped, "it followed us. I've seen it. nuclear war, Diego, in ten days."
Diego chuckled like a maniac and he leaned back against the seat crossing his arms ontop of the table and smiled widely at five, "and I'm the one they locked up, huh?"
five scoffed shaking his head and Diego shrugged his shoulders, "fine, ill play along. what causes it?"
"I dont know. maybe some looney-tuned asshole with a hero complex tried to save the president and screwed everything up." while five was talking Diego leaned forward his face completely dropping.
"so you're saying it worked."
"oh my gosh." Bonnie groaned throwing her back head.
"I saved the president?" Diego started growling lowly and grunting softly smiling evilly, "I knew I could i it. okay, okay, I'll help you."
"you know, I'm new here but even I know that he's not in the right state in mind." sebastian chimed in looking over at Bonnie and five while pointing at Diego. "just saying."
"so you'll help?" Bonnie asked Diego again and he nodded his head.
"after I save Kennedy and then you swing us back a few decades so I can slit Hitlers throat off with a butter knife." Diego said acting like a true manic leaving the three teenagers beyong confused and worried or annoyed with him.
"this is why you don't have any friends."
"okay deadpool." Bonnie whispered underneath her breath understanding her own reference and giggling underneath her breath.
"you know what," five stood up with a sigh and he glanced over at sebastian nodding his head over at the door and immediately he knew what he was talking about. so when five unhooked their hands and Sebastian wrapped a arm around her shoulder and lead them outside, Bonnie was confused.
"guard. my brother is plotting an escape. the bars of his room have been shaved down."
Bonnie's eyes widen and she turned her body around quickly going to head inside of the room but Sebastian held his arm in front of her body.
"piece of shit!"
"Diego!" Bonnie shouted worriedly trying to get past sebastian who held her in his arm. Bonnie heard the way that Diego struggled in pain, screaming out words that she couldn't quit understand. "what's going on?!"
"we'll be back later." five said softly coming out of the room and now sebastian let go of Bonnie who was glaring at five.
"come on, we have someone else to visit."
authors note
okay so I changed it all back
to its original time line
cause even I was getting confused 💀
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