For the gentle boys / OCs


❝ Run, Wolfboy, run. The hunt has begun. ❞

(nb this is a wip - not totally finished but wanted to put the page out. Sorry some of it is short!)

slot. Stray Dog

name. Luke Cloud Wolf

Luko, Cloud Wolf, Lakota, Indian, Stray Wolf, Stray, Núni

preferred name.

birthday & age.
April 28th, younger. 12 when he moves to Bonetree.


gender & pronouns.
Male, he/they

queer, maybe discovering a winkte identity, but unsure

ethnicity & nationality:
Oglala Lakota Nation

Ladianian Crazy Thunder as primary fc, and John Reddy (both Oglala Lakota child/teen actors)

as a kid, Luko is short and squishy. He always sits just under average height, for his age, and grows later on in puberty. He has a middling build, with a broad chest and squishy belly, even though when he arrives at Bonetree he is slightly malnourished. He is just naturally squishy. When he hits late puberty he has a growth spurt and reaches just under 5'8". He elongates like a lot of teenage boys do, but doesn't have that lean look that a lot of the white kids do. At age 14 he starts developing freckles on his face which become very prominent in the sun.

Luko is striking looking, especially for people who haven't seen many Lakota men before. He has square eyebrows, straight dark hair that's spiky or often messy, and mono-lid eyes that people mistake as Asian heritage. His eyes are enachanting, and hint to the things he's seen. They are rich and lined with dark eyelashes that some girls think is mascara. He has a wide mouth, well defined lips and a flat nose. He is beautiful, but has a hard time seeing this as he displays native features not widely considered 'attractive' by mainstream American media.

notable features.
Light brown skin, face freckles, a beauty spot under his right nostril, untamed straight black hair and eyebrows, long eyelashes, twinkling dark monolid eyes and a rare but sweet smile.


Luko is a stone shaped by the seas around him. They say Rez boys grow up fast, but remain boys all their lives. Luko hasn't got anyone around to show him right from wrong, and he took a lot of big steps before he could walk. He's seen a lot, done a lot, but is still just a kid. No amount of life experience can change the fact that he has barely gone through puberty. What sort of person he is going to be is not yet clear to himself. He's not the loud one, or the quiet one, or the clever one. He's a real person who hasn't quite yet got his grip on the world.

Luko is passionate, and strong willed. He is very stubborn and quietly haughty. He can hold a grudge, and gets wounded by people sometimes. He is very determined, and works by instinct. Although he likes to surround himself with a small tribe, he has a very hard time trusting people. He is having a hard time adjusting to his new life because he is actual quite a social creature, but doesn't have the trust of many yet.

You have to earn his trust, especially if you represent some kind of threat to him. Then he is loyal and will have your back. When he lets go of his inhibitions you see that he's just a child, and like any child loves to scream, shout and play.

Luko is self-sufficient, and entrepreneurial, like a lot of kids from the Rez. He knows how to get what he wants, or at least try. He is good with money and is earning some coins selling sweets in school. He can be a bit of a ruthless salesman, but he's going off instinct. Seem the tough guy even if you ain't. And whilst he is not the softest, he is kind and has a certain intuition meaning he can read people. That kind of empathy comes with watching people suffer. He's seen it all, and his type of care is to simply be there beside you.

He is cleverer than he is given credit for, too. He doesn't have the best reading skills yet, but he has a spark. If he were rich and white he'd definitely be getting into the top colleges. But he isn't, so those sorts of things are unlikely.

Luko is very curious, with an active mind, which often gets him into trouble. He pushes boundaries, as sneakily as he can. Stealing candy from stores, sneaking into the Principal's office, trying his luck at underage gambling. His foster parents worry about him because they know his history, and according to psychiatrists these things are slippery slopes.

defining traits.
strong-willed, stubborn, holds grudges, independent, untrusting, curious, daring, entrepreneurial, aloof

INTP-T Logitician
I 68% N 63% T 52% P53%

Logicians pride themselves on their unique perspectives and vigorous intellect. Logicians often lose themselves in thought - from the moment they wake up, their minds buzz with ideas, questions, and insights. At times, they may even find themselves conducting full-fledged debates in their own heads. Imaginative and curious, Logician personalities can find endless fascination in the workings of their own mind.

They have a reputation for being pensive, detached, and a bit reserved. That is, until they try to train all of their mental energy on the moment or the person at hand, which can be a bit uncomfortable for everyone.

But it would be a mistake to think that Logicians are unfriendly or uptight. It is rather, for Luko's case, that he has severe trust issues. But not everyone gets the silent treatment. When they connect with someone who can match their mental energy, these personalities absolutely light up, leaping from one thought to another. Few things energize them like the opportunity to swap ideas or enjoy a lively debate with another curious, inquiring soul.

Adam Cloud Wolf, father
Maya Yellow Tail, mother

Marcus Robinson, adopted father/ guardian.
Connie Robinson, adopted mother/ guardian.

friends/notable figures in their lives.*
Luko was born an only child to Oglala Lakota parents on Pine Ridge Reservation, South Dakota. Federal Neglect, alcohol and drug addictions. It is statistically among the poorest areas in the USA due to federal neglect. It's a colonial shit show, you know the deal. But as far as Luko is concerned, he's had a normal childhood. He spends most of his time messing about with his friends, riding bikes, stealing candy, eating popsicles and playing soldiers till he got to old for it. He liked the Rez coz people were friendly and you could always get around of you had some charm. Plus, it's easy to get hold of weed, and a little of that never hurt anyone. White people ain't got nothing on Lakota hospitality.

Luko's psychiatrist writes in her reports 'amnesia' and circles it with a question mark. It's probably more like selective memory. Over the past two years Luko's life changed rapidly, and he has blotted out a lot of the trauma. I'll keep it brief.

His mother was a meth addict. They were never particularly close, and his parents never married. He gradually stopped seeing his mum around. She was never really a force in his life so he didn't miss her much. His psychiatrist underlines 'mother' in her book. She knows it's important, even if he doesn't seem to mind. His dad was a recreational meth user, and was abusive towards Luko a few times. Luko tried his hand at selling his Dad's weed once, and was kicked out of the house. He moved into an Auntie's house nearby and started selling meth in school with a few other boys to pay rent.

Together with his friends, he wrote a letter to his dad apologising and asks to come home. He gets no reply. His psychiatrist scribbles 'seeks approval from father'. She has noticed this pattern.

Some time passes, and things are going well. He gets a little money on the side, and although he's sharing a room he has more friends. He gets caught one day in school dealing meth, and he flushes the evidence. He is sent home from school with a warning. His Auntie shakes her head. She can't have trouble like that in her tipi. She shakes her head gravely, packs him dinner and tells him to find somewhere else to stay. His friends don't have space, and he winds up outside his dad's trailer. There is no one home, and it doesn't look like there's been for weeks. The windows are boarded up. He finds a blanket and stays there as winter sets in. In a few weeks they find his dad's body washed up in a nearby Creek. He is officially, as far as anyone can tell, an orphan. He returns home after the funeral and police are searching the trailer. He turns and runs. A few nights out in the wilderness by a campfire make up a week. He gets hungry, and eyes up a house in a richer part of town. Rich is a strong word. He pulls his hoodie up and sneaks in, taking as many cans as he can carry. He is caught red handed, but with kindness, and taken to social services. Six months later he is moved to Bonetree with a foster family, to a Húŋkpapȟa Lakota man and his white wife.

what do they struggle with?
I think I've hinted at it in the above, as with his background it's understandable he struggles with things. He also feels disconnected from his Lakota heritage, moving from Pine Ridge. He also does not speak the language and sometimes struggles to remember.

likes & hobbies.
going to the skatepark, playing basketball/Rezball, spraypainting, scrapbooking, math, logic, hikes, dogs, the feeling of dirt in his nails, whale sounds, weed, hoodies, horses, rice, Cheetos, graphic novels, animated films, burning sweetgrass, rap music, cheese, guns (he's a kid, he thinks they're cool but he'll grow out of it), wool hats, yellows and greens, raincoats, board games

white kids, rich kids, teachers, strangers, cannot swim, adults and authority figures, meth (he hates what it does to people and how it stained his past), the feeling of ice pops on his teeth, feeling like he's not Lakota enough, being told off, caged in, church, will come to realise drink is not his friend

Original, an intense desire for curiosity, objective, logical, rarely "over emotional", curious, savvy, cheeky, independent, has really good eyesight, somehow wins all board games, it's weird

Disconnected, stubborn, can be insensitive and rude, impatient, perfectionistic

Abandonment issues, feeling like he'll never take hold of life, that he doesn't belong etc

supernatural ideas.*
I don't want to spoil but I am basing his experience off the Kukeri, which is a Bulgarian custom. Not strictly 'Kukeri' but inspired by them as they're some of the coolest things on the planet.

thoughts on the supernatural.
He's not stupid, and he doesn't believe in stupid ghost stories, plus he's not familiar with the history of the town. He's lived too much real life to be occupied with sprites and fairies. But he does feel a certain cultural guilt with the land. He knows he's supposed to few connected to its forces as Lakota, but he barely remembers a word of Lakota prayers. He gets cagey whenever anyone brings it up, like when a parent tells you to straighten your back. It's complex, because white people seem to tell him more about what he should be as an indigenous kid than his blood ever did. And he doesn't want to give into their stereotypes, but he is keen to learn if he can get out of his own insecurities on the matter.

I don't envisage romance as a central part of his narrative, however, a childhood li/early teen would be fun! Giving cute but not permanents. Open to all ideas though.

dresses to hide out. Raincoats, hoodies, hats. He hardly has fashion because is he is very poor and it has never been a central concern. His clothes are old and worn. Street style but second hand. I could imagine he might go goofy gorpcore if he ever got rich, but it's not a priority.

dirty trainers, ripped jeans, rucksack, kids trainers, cigarette, weed, pine ridge/ Rez kid aesthetic, bruises elbows, dirty nails, Lakota aesthetic, chain fence, kids bike, old basketball hoop, old skateboard, doodling in math books.

mixtape/theme song.*

always has a can of pop on him/has never been to the cinema before / is double jointed/wears earrings, which remind him of home

headcanons you would like to see?
Would be nice for Luko to connect with other kids his age and loosen the ties of the past.

Exploring his queerness with others, especially his winkte aspect.

Hiking, roaming the woods

Meeting kids in the woods, reluctantly accepting a friendshop

ideas for relationships with other slots.



slot. the sparrow


Cathalláin Eamon O'Donoghue

name meaning.
Callan—— "battle" and "rock." from the Gaelic Ó Cathaláin,

eamon—— pronounced 'AY-mun', meaning 'wealthy protector'

O'Donoghue—— descendent of the brown haired man

Cal, Aim (shortened form of Eamon) O'Donoghue, Irish

preferred name.
Callan - this is the common name of the original Gaelic, and the only person who uses Cathalláin was his dead nan

birthday & age.
potentially slightly older, but flexible. July 17th


gender & pronouns.
he/him, male

closeted homosexual. Potentially bisexual but he's mostly a gayboy tbh

ethnicity & nationality:
White, Republic of Ireland

Aubrey O'Mahoney

—younger: this scrappy, skinny white kid with a long squinting face and a shock of curly sandy blonde hair. Looks homeless half the time, wearing clothes four sizes too big. Covered in scrapes and bruises, scrapyard kid who needs a shower

Tall, lanky with broad shoulder and lean build of a scrappy boxer. He's already one of the tallest guys in the year, at 6'3". He has a lean and angular face with a Roman nose making his face out to be like the stone-carved heads of Easter island, and he often has bruises/scrapes from boxing. He has short light brown curls, and blue-grey eyes with a subtle hint of green. He often wears two small hoop earrings
He has a tattoo of a crucifix on the left side of his ribs, which his mum hates. He's not religious, it's more of a cultural thing with a bit of irony.

notable features.
his angular face and roman nose, curly hair and protruding ears.


Callan is playful but original, with a quick wit and an eye for fun and games. He is not the popular heart-throb, as he can be a bit more hot-blooded and confrontational than them. He is outrageously funny and always cracking rude jokes. He is a good guy, but has a habit of running his mouth and is loyal to the last. Callan is an intuitive person, for whom the mantra "think before you act" has always been a challenge. He likes to live life in the moment, thinking and feeling there and then, rather than agonising over the past and future. He has a cheeky youthful spirit, and a slightly clumsy laddish energy and movements

Callan's popularity is dubious, and he can be a bit polarising. He has the makings of the school's charm boys but is just a bit too turbulent. He has quite a rude sense of humour for one, and a rather quick temper. He gets offended easily and often mistakes a joke for a provocation to fight. He is largely extroverted, and when he is spending time alone he likes to be doing something. For example, some of his favourite hobbies include fishing and gardening. He is a very tactile person, and likes things that are quite "hands on". He is also interested in culture finds reading a bit of a struggle so prefers visual or audio aids such as paintings or lectures rather than books because they are generally more engaging. He has always been a bit difficult in class, and his ADHD meant he often caused trouble. He has learned how to control it now, and it is partly responsible for his "quieter" side that likes the odd solitude and the focus of gardening, activities he finds calms his nerves. He has this raw energy to him that he struggles to master. He is also very protective and puts others above himself without even realising it. Although he can sometimes behave like a true eejit and cause more trouble than he's worth, he does want to be good and he is very supportive of those he believes in.

Callan is stubborn and resilient, but sometimes needs to control his impulses and remember to think before he acts, but he doesn't seem to take much seriously, ever. He always dodges responsibility, and always looks for the fun option to keep him entertained. He is quite prone to taking risks and doing something stupid for the fun of it.

defining traits.
loud, impertinent, provocative, funny, witty, troublemaker, stubborn, suspicious, lighthearted, troubled.


ENFP-T, Campaigner

Campaigners (ENFPs) are true free spirits – outgoing, openhearted, and open-minded. With their lively, upbeat approach to life, they stand out in any crowd. But even though they can be the life of the party, Campaigners don't just care about having a good time. These personality types run deep – as does their longing for meaningful, emotional connections with other people.

Friendly and outgoing, Campaigners are devoted to enriching their relationships and their social lives. But beneath their sociable, easygoing exteriors, they have rich, vibrant inner lives as well. Without a healthy dose of imagination, creativity, and curiosity, a Campaigner simply wouldn't be a Campaigner.

In their unique way, Campaigners can be quite introspective. They can't help but ponder the deeper meaning and significance of life – even when they should be paying attention to something else. These personalities believe that everything – and everyone – is connected, and they live for the glimmers of insight that they can gain into these connections.

When something sparks their imagination, Campaigners can show an enthusiasm that is nothing short of infectious. These personalities radiate a positive energy that draws in other people, and Campaigners may find themselves being held up by their peers as a leader or guru. But once the initial bloom of inspiration wears off, Campaigners can struggle with self-discipline and consistency, losing steam on projects that once meant so much to them.

Campaigners are proof that seeking out life's joys and pleasures isn't the same as being shallow. Seemingly in the blink of an eye, people with this personality type can transform from impassioned idealists to carefree figures on the dance floor.


Father Gearóid O Donoghue, farmer. Callan's relationship with his dad has been strained at best. Granted, Callan was a difficult child but Gearóid was not patient with him, and was always distant at most. Maybe it was because he knew that Callan was close to his mother, and he was not. But also because Gearóid was living a lie and didn't feel happy in their family unit (when he should have left years ago when it would have been easier).
Played by Paul Anderson.

mother: Máire Mahon, Gardener & odd jobs person. Callan has always been a lot closer with his mother than his father, and since Enda's birth they have been closer.
Played by younger Anne-Marie Duff

older brother: Dónal O Donoghue. They don't get along hugely well, as Donal is quite like his father - strict and stern, and tired of Callan's behaviour and mistakes. Played by Desmond Eastwood

— younger sister: Aisling O Donoghuez Although the closest sibling in age, they are not hugely close, but there is a mutual respect as she is generally more understanding than Donal, and often more measured and mature
Played by Daisy Edgar-Jones.

younger brother: Enda Mahon, younger half-brother, very innocent and sweet. Despite the considerable age gap, the two are very close. Enda is very innocent and sweet, but also sharp. Despite the age gap, the two are very close and Callan acts like a surrogate father. It is quite a surprise how good he is with him, and it's quite heartwarming
Played by young Matthew Illesley

Desmond is in Ireland, and Aisling is currently living with Desmond but may transfer to America. She was doing well in school (she has a scholarship to an Irish boarding school) and didn't want to leave.

friends/notable figures in their lives.
Would love a friend OC, ideally a girl who took to him when he first came to Bonetree. Another delinquent, partners in crime.

Callan was born to dairy farmer Gearóid O Donoghue, and landscape designer Máire Mahon in Sligo on the West Coast of Ireland. They were a poor family but they got by. He was definitely the trouble child and was known for his tantrums and tricky behaviour. When he was seven, the family moved back to North Dublin for work, whislt Máire struggled at home with three challenging children and her job as a gardener.  When he was fifteen, his parents relationship became strained and they got divorced. He was old enough to cope with the split, and new that it was coming. His Dad claimed it was because things werent working, and Máire never attended to his needs the way "someone else did". His father has never conceded who this "someone else is or was", and has been quite distant from Callan.

When Enda was born, a new side of Callan surfaced. Máire was a single mother, so she had to give up her love for landscape design and did odd and lowly jobs gardening, which Callan could see made her sad. Callan had always been a bit of a rough boy, with a reputation around the rougher parts of town, but he acted like an older brother and a paternal figure to little Enda who is currently eight.

When he was a teenager, he started causing trouble in school, and became one of those very difficult kids. His teachers found a scheme for him in a charitable American school, and they moved to Bonetree to start a new life. They are poor, and live in a mobile home on the edge of town as a three - him, Marie and Enda.

what do they struggle with?
Has severe ADHD and dyslexia, struggles a lot in school.

He is also closeted and coming to terms with his sexuality. Culturally it's a lot for him to deal with - Catholic guilt, toxic masculinity etc so compensates with compulsive heterosexuality

likes & hobbies.
fishing, sailing, handicrafts, sport, gardening, Irish literature, jokes, being funny, boxing, smoking, dogs, comedy, karaoke, jeans, grass, nature, bunking class, cracking jokes and trouble-making

exams, most classes, academia, American culture, bad singers, he is also very suspicious of camels, his brother Dónal, sitting down for too long, bullies, reptiles 

Funny, incredibly funny. A real prankster and although he doesn't realise it he is a comedic genius, strong willed, passionate, will fight for what he believes in, will defend his friends, scrappy and resilient- he can throw a good punch and doesn't give up even when the odds are against him

reading (he is dyslexic), science subjects, academia, concentrating, knowing when to stop, had a stammer as a boy which occasionally surfaces when he is stressed or impassioned, knowing when to keep his mouth shut is not his forté, can be rude and stubborn, cracks jokes at the wrong time, swears A LOT (mostly in Irish), gets into fights

Being "boring"
His sexuality
Being emotionally vulnerable
His friends being bullied
Being denied self-expression

thoughts on the supernatural.
It's not his thing. He's grown out of children's books. But he does respect the environment and finds it nurturing.

love interest?
I think he'd benefit from someone who is confident, but a lot more grounded and less messy. They don't have to be outwardly confident, but someone who can rise to the fun of Callan whilst also bring a calming nature to him, and allow him to love himself. Someone grounding (but not devoid of fun), kinda like Cedric Diggory as a character. Also preferably male - he is closeted bisexual and has difficulty accepting himself. But open to all ideas!

Jeans, t shirt, baggy old sweatshirt, old blue jacket, converse, Irish football shirt. Simple, but they suit his form.


mixtape/theme song.*
Boys in the Better Land, Fontaine's DC
Ghost of O'Donahue, Johnny Flynn
(both are great for him and Irish)

Weird Fishes, Lianne La Havas
Man Like you, Tom Misch
Roy's Tune, Fontaines
Ketamine, Versatile (lol)

-has ADHD and dyslexia, both quite severe. School and academics are just not the place for him
Has a VERY strong Irish accent - north Dublin to be specific. If you listen to an interview of Fontaine's DC (a band, all members of which are from north Dublin)and Barry Keoghan you'll get the idea
-his first language is Irish
-Cheeky & impulsive
-Raised Catholic
-has a puppy Belgian Malinois dog called Dympna, who he calls 'Dumpy' for short
-he is mischievous and fun loving
-loves Irish soda bread
-great with animals, especially dogs
-is a competitive boxer and does quite well in state competitions, but he's not disciplined enough to go fully pro


- Callan is a menace, and his neurodivergence heightens this. He can be incredibly disruptive in class, and often gets into fights. Despite being a liability, he has a strong moral code and will be the first one to call out the büllshit of popular kids. I think he could start a verbal fight in class where one of the popular kids is being mean to someone else, and to distract them he insinuates something like 'I may be failing maths but at least im not a narcissistic cünt." And that fight turns into a physical one outside. He ends up with grazed elbows and a black eye, because the fight ended up being 3to1, but he's got a grin on his face all the same
- Being a delinquent in detention with a friend
- Going swimming, for walks/ gardening to clear his mind
- Falling in love with a boy (or anyone) and torturing himself over it, but he can't escape the feeling that he's never felt more at home in his arms
- Pushing him away because he's scared, and then pining for him. But Callan is too stubborn to admit he's sorry. Eventually they talk. Callan explains it all, and he's never felt more vulnerable. They kiss, sleep together and he feels warm again
- Tossing, tumbling with his lover down a hill in the grass towards a stream
- Callan playing with his dog Dympna who is badly trained but sweet, and just like him in dog form.
- Callan looking after his younger brother Enda, and his love interest seeing a caring, mature side to Callan that they didn't even know was there
- Callan having a loud-mouth that gets him in trouble all the time.
- Callan swearing in Irish, a lot, and struggling to translate to English
- Missing Ireland, missing home. Missing the Irish Sea and it's cold sand between his toes
- Callan slowly maturing. Finding that sense of calm, of grounding in himself, and learning to love himself which he struggles with the most
- Works at the local supermarket and a farm on the weekends to earn some money

relationships with other slots.
Stray Dog - Callan has no strong opinions on the kid, could get along but does not know them. They connect on being from another place

White Rabbit - he hardly remembers her but she's funny looking

Starboy/ Boy Wonder - to him, this kid is just another brainwashed American all star. He doesn't like what he stands for and his offhandedly rude to him at first. Ideally this is his love interest and things change!

Mother Courage and her Children - he dislikes how stuck up she is and does not like her.

Raw tooth - could be a kindred spirit but they keep butting heads and getting into fights. Some sought of mutual admiration, or dislike.

That Mysterious Angelic Creature - potential for best friends. Two outsiders who stick together.

Wiccaman - they're a bit annoying but he doesn't mind them really.


"How do you say 'hello' in Gaelic"
Callan: "Tiocfaidh Ár Lá"

"You try that again and I'll do ya head in"

"Gonna be honest, fella, I'd expect your dad to have a bit more meat on him."

"Shut yer mouth you lousy bogger eejit."

"Big aul Irish head means ma big aul Irish brain."

"What's the craic?" (Meaning, what's up)

"I just seem to fück things up, all the time. Why can't I get it right, and all?!"

Trainspotting, dir. Danny Boyle.
Boys from the Better Land by Fontaines DC

applyfic 2023

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