...A brand new world?...
A/N sorry for not updating for a long time. As you see, even though I had a lot of spare time I did not seem to be able to find any inspiration to continue writing. You must understand that after more then 2 years in writing this and over 70 chapters, when this chapter is published that a lot has changed. When I first started this book, I had sort of a structure and thinking of the plot, however, the me now, the present me has some what decided to change the plot a little from what was originally planned, though still following the bases of what I had come up with in the chapter: the phocerpy. As you see, as time changes, so does a person and to be fair, I have now got slightly different ideas for this novel then what was first proposed to me, by myself nearly 2 1/2 years ago! I will spend the next couple of weeks revising over some parts of the plot and also editing (if I have time). Any ways, that's enough of that talk, NecrozmalordAZ, it's time to start the chapter!
Ash stuttered, too shocked to do anything but look. Pikachu's screeches were for once ignored or should I say drowned out by the endless bubbling lava threatening to engulf the regiments of society. And due to the greed of mortals and the plane plan to get rich or simple hatred or envy and jealousy, the whole humanity had become divided and cruel, and this was what Necrozma had used to rise up and claim his throne in the silken warped world again, claiming the fall of all pokemon as a chance for himself to control the world. Yet there was still a much bigger battle to be fought, and the race of humanity depended on it, but first, there is little steps to be taken... and little steps that have to be done.
Whoosh. Had anyone not noticed, a wave of lava would have swept across the room and engulfed Ash, but fortunately Pikachu was finally able to pull him out of his trance and get him to safety, the countless bricks and rubble collapsing around them. Ash tensed, having to hold someone's body is definitely not what is ideal especially when running for your life, and unfortunately, this type of destruction was only upheld by one thing.
"Groundon! What do you want?" Came a muffled shock as the shadowy figure of the once powerful legendary rose into new heights. It was not yet a shadow pokemon though, it was something much worst, and Ash did not know what to do with it! The poor creature was driven mad, tortured and mutated into new heights, and what Ash had noticed was simple, there was a shard attached to its body, its neck was chained with a stone chain and it was that crystal, that regiment of Necrozma's body that had somehow controlled the poor pokemon, and it was far more worst then being a shadow.
Shadow pokemon, as you see, don't exactly seem to care of feel pain and anger for what they have done, they just do it and even though there is a slight regiment in the humanity they withhold, at least they were not fully conscious of it, unlike the poor magnificent lava beast which was once fully in control of its own body, and yet still right now, except the fact that it was being fuelled with bad thoughts and manipulated mentally and physically.
"How did you come here, what did you do?" He asked.
Unfortunately, pokemon they did not understand what he was saying, or was too much in pain to care. Even though Groudon was not interested in attacking Ash, at the moment, the waves that sprayed up around his could certainly cause enough damage, especially if they were lava waves!
It was Pikachu who came to the rescue. It slowly clinged itself onto Ash's back and with squeak, sent a thunderbolt into the direction of groudon, not dealing any damage but certainly taking and having the animal's attention.
"Grouuuuuu DONNNNNN" The massive creature roared, and sent a doubling stone edge in their direction. The upside was that perhaps the seemingly possessed pokemon could finally release its anger, the downside was that it could have taken well, 2 lives, 3 if you think Pikachu could die...
Groudon wasn't stopping here though, and bit by bit, it slowly started to tear down the chamber. It was briefly given that a wide mass of energy had connected around a outer room, shielding everything from harm, apart from Groudon of course, and also preventing any chance of escape from anything caught inside! First, it accidentally clipped of a bit of its finger when it collided with parts of the crystal keeping it controlled and seemingly possessed making the creature even more angry.
"GrouuuuuDoooooNNNNN" It growled as a ferocious earthquake came tumbling upon everything and anything in the creatures sight that wasn't outside the white globe of energy.
At this point, it was obvious that a flying creature like Buzzwole would be better suited, but of course, it was all too late because a semi-autonomous wave was building up, slowly engulfing...
And then she fell. A giant crevice had formed a few feet away from where Pikachu was and instantly, our hero's recoiled backwards, the upside was that they had escaped from instant death, the downside being that unfortunately the effective was shaking, and it shook all muscles in our hero's arm loose and of course, there was only an obvious conclusion to follow...
To make it even more raging, a group of scientists had somehow gathered around the premise, shielded by the white barrier that kept our heros and Groudon imprisoned, and was taking scientific notes or jotting down facts and making drawing.
This was the final straw, and now, what remained of our hero had enough.
"You *******, don't you know that Necrozma will kill you the moment he completes his goal on taking over the universe?"
The scientists took no effect and continued on what they were doing, or maybe they were just unable to hear what he was saying.
Blinded by tears, stricken with emotion, he jumped. After so long, after so much time and patience, he had finally saw her and then, she was gone again. The crevice seemed to widen as his bruised body slugged inside, filling the empty darkness that bore only obvillion...
Seeing his master jump, Pikachu, with a savage cry and a humongous thunderbolt that shock the dome itself and shocked the legendary Groudon, and seemingly dissipated nearly all of the dome energy, making it on the verge of collapse, at least for a second before it regenerated with Necrozma's power, and caused all the neighbouring scientists to stand up, in awe or shock as they took more notes and took a picture of Pikachu. Then, they realised something wasn't right.
"We're... tecting —bnormal——————-energy" one of them said, thought his voice seemed blurry through the dome so Pikachu couldn't hear it very well.
It was a surprise that it was able to hear anything for the fact, as Groudon had already summoned up more waves of lava, all of which, through its blind sighted rage, were swept randomly, which was the only reason why pikachu wasn't meat soup yet. Perhaps it was Necrozma's bidding or perhaps it was pure luck. However, the determined Pokemon was not giving up, and with a mighty roar, it jumped into the crevice, moments before a wave of lava swept over the top of it.
It was going to save its trainer, or die trying! However, the lava had somehow stopped on top of the crevice and was not spilling in, much to the creature's surprise.
The air seemed thicker then usual and a warm yet dark sensation seemed to cover the whole tube. The little yellow mouse: Pikachu kept falling... and falling into a seemingly endless fall of darkness.
It knew that Groudon was not to blame, and with their close bond, it could feel that its trainer felt so too. All this had cause was more hatred to Necrozma and his evil ways of controlling people to do his bidding. Groudon was innocent... Groudon was innocent. Pikachu could hear his master say, deep in his mind, at least and then it struck him, his trainer must still be alive! All else he wouldn't be able to even hear what he had said, unless it was going crazy or it was communicating to the spirit of his trainer! Pikachu did not want to think of this.
As the fall went on, obvillion seemed to increase into well, more obvillion. Darkness remained, but seemed to increase and soon the air was thicker and thicker as well.
Then, it all stopped. Time stopped, but as usual, it did not seem like it here. Pikachu simply entered a cave like system in the "bottom" of the drop. It was unaware of how far it went or how long it took for this to happen.
"Pikachu, where are you." An echo.
It was from no one but his trainer!
Pikachu winced in suprise and shouted : "pikapika piiii" (Ash where are you).
However, it yielded not response.
Pikachu tensed and prepared to embark a journey... well in such of his trainer! Soon, the cave system split into two.... there were two separate crevices in front, and two ravens that seemed to form a v shape, directing into two different parts of the cave. This gave Pikachu hope. At least hearing Ash meant that he was still alive and therefore Serena was probably too. It did not feel any pain upon landing, which was a suprise, but as usual, it did not want to over think this!
Soon, a foggy mist swept across the two entrances, and led Pikachu no hope but to chose one at random. Then a deadly thought came across it. "What if they had fallen down the crevices in a time like this?". It knew that two crevices were no problem, and two separate paths could be searched again, especially if the two decided to return.
So, after a few seconds of hard descion making, Pikachu finally made a descion go right. After all, it's name implies it right? Right means it's right! Hopefully this works though, or else Pikachu could find itself in... a mess.
After some careful trudging, Pikachu was finally able to reach the opposite side, and to good fortune, found that the mist had cleared, spread away by an evening gust. Gosh, Ash had forgotten to eat for over 72 hours, or sleep for the fact! Weariness clothed itself against Pikachu and even thought its will was stronger then ever, it's determination was soon squashed by the endless odour of doom and weariness.
What a bad descion it made! The moment it fell asleep, nightmares rose like tides in a shark infested sea, and it dreamt of all sorts of things that would certainly take more than a book to explain. And in its deep sleep, it knew Ash was as well.
And then, it's thoughts cleared. There was no more nightmares, but rather a hand. And the hand was pushing the nightmares away. And in its heart, it for once felt truly connected with its trainer. Somehow, it found itself drifting into the endless lybrinth of the cave system, until it finally reached a place. "Ash!" It shouted, for it was indeed Ash! But something was wrong, different! His trainer lay, unconscious and broken, and next to him was... no, it was Serena but Serena didn't seem to be breathing, and either did Ash.
"Ashhhhhh!" Pikachu shouted.
"Ashhhhhh" then Pikachu found that it was not shouting in its dreams anymore, it was shouting in real life! It had woken up. It felt much better now, as if Necrozma's influence had been pushed away... by a hand. And if the hand could push away Necrozma, then certainly it could help them beat it! But again though, this was unlikely as well, that would destroy the story. Or it would end it right here, which was not what is wanted, hopefully.
Necrozma was thrown away, but of course though, it does not mean that Ash was anywhere, alive fore the matter.
After some more walking, Pikachu found itself back in a chamber, the stench, the mist was all to familiar. This was the place where it started of! It wanted to try a different passage, but knew that somehow it would not help.
Then came a figure, a shadow, a regiment of what seemed to have once stood strong, but yet, it was still as strong as ever. And this was the figure that bore the hand... no wait, it wasn't, it was just mist. As fast as it came, it was gone.
"Pikachu, Pikachu" came a frantic series of yells. It was Ash!
Pikachu immediately ran in the direction of the yells and to his dismay, found his trainer dead. Oh, and some metres away, Serena's dead body was laying in a heap of rocks. If it wasn't Ash who shouted, who was it.
"Pikachu Pikachu...Pikachu" gosh, it was indeed Ash who was shouting, but Pikachu checked his pulse again, he was dead! It was sure he was dead! How could he be shouting.
Silently, a shadow crept up upon Pikachu, a figure, and it slowly came upon Pikachu, and slowly raised his hand, the hand at Pikachu. Pikachu jumped in suprise, detecting a figure behind it, and a streak of electricity bursted from its cheeks! A normal person who was shocked by Pikachu would normally die or well, at least shudder, but to its suprise, the figure did not shudder or die, nor did the electric bolt pass through it, it just stopped. The bolt stopped and disappeared.
"Who are you? What do you want?" Pikachu asked, couldn't help but to try to control the shaking of his voice.
The figure repeated his movements. First, it pointed to the body of the dead, then Pikachu, and then pikachu again. Pikachu, still confused, asked "what do you mean?" For once, it noticed it was speaking in human language, not Pikachu language. The figure pointed to Pikachu's eyes, and then lowered his hand, only to raise it and point again.
Pikachu, still confused, could only stutter a bolt of zaps and mutter "pi?"
The figure this time took no interest, but it didn't seem angry, instead, it just pointed at a blank space between the two crevices. And to pikachu's suprise, lay it's own body, dead and still.
Pikachu had enough, it was cold and confused. Would do you mean, it could imagine Ash saying. Instead however, it said "pipipinpikapi" (why.. what is happening?")
To his suprise, he didn't seem angry or annoyed. Simply, it felt calm. Then, the figure faded and a wind swept the mist of again. To its suprise, it found Ash, no, the other version of Ash, dead Ash, sitting on a rock nearby, "Pikachu, Pikachu, where are you" he said.
"Ash...AsHhhhh"! To both of their suprise, Pikachu actually spoke Ash's name in a way that Ash could understand without having to even think about any Pokemon language. "Pikachu, your here!" Ash stuttered. I thought you were dead. He said, pointing at Pikachu's dead body.
Suddenly, out of a nearby cave, trudged out Serena. "Serena, Serena, I thought you were dead too!" Before they could continue chatting though, behind them rose a shadowy figure, it was Giratina. They were in the kingdom of the well, the kingdom which Giratina ruled. Even though Pikachu had seen the "hand", it knew that it was defiantly not Giratina deliberately playing up. It was something else... more.
A/N it's a long chapter, I'm looking forward to updating more often from now on. As you see, my b day is coming up and to be fair, I sort of wanted to upload a chapter before it just to give myself a reminder of how long I have been writing this, since I was barely an "adult" to who I am now. Due to privacy reasons, I do not want to tell you guys how old I am, and an "adult" could be defined by yourselves. Anyways, I'm exhausted. Good luck everyone with whatever your doing and enjoy!
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