Chapter 5: Sword of Sealing
Chapter 5: Sword of Sealing
Tungsten ran towards Katashi with his sword out, "Damn you!" he yelled and Katashi quickly dodged.
He growled as Tungsten's sword cut through the magic ropes holding Yumoto and Tungsten picked up the heir.
Katashi growled as Yuudai ran in and Tungsten teleported away with Yumoto, "Katashi, please! You need to stop working with my brother!"
Katashi scoffed, "Yuuma is strong!"
"That's because he killed our family to work for that dumb fish demon!" Yuudai cried and Katashi growled, "Yuudai, I will keep working with your brother until my mission is completed!"
Yuudai looked down, "F-Fine..."
Katashi smirked at him and said. "I still love you, Yuudai...but once I stop the heir, I'll take you with me once more..."
Yuudai gasped as his mouth was brought to Katashi's.
Katashi smirked, "Remember, Yuudai, it was I who saved you from Yuuma to begin with."
Yuudai nodded, "Y-yes, I remember."
Katashi nodded, "Yes, now leave me."
Yumoto woke up in the God of Health's office, he felt better and gasped as he realized something...the Sword of Sealing was with Yuuma still. That was one of the only swords that could now actually kill a God.
"Hara-sensei!" Yumoto cried, "I need to stop that demon!"
"What? Why?"
"The sword that I sealed Hireashi in was stolen!"
Kurou froze, "W-what!? You must go tell your guardians now!"
Yumoto nodded and sat up from the bed quickly.
Yumoto ran to the Battle Lovers and Sulfur looked at him, "You should be in bed!"
"Listen to me first! Th-the sword that I sealed Hireashi in was stolen!"
"Oh yes, but you let me take it."
Yumoto gasped out as Vesta pulled him by the arm and Vesta hissed, "Dammit, why do you always have to get hurt, Yumoto!?"
Yumoto looked down as Yuuma appeared with the sword in hand.
Yuuma laughed and threw an orb at the Battle Lovers. They cried out as they were shot through the wall into the courtyard.
Epinard turned to Cerulean, "We need to lure him away from here! We must go to the mortal world!"
Cerulean nodded and Yumoto looked at them, "B-but the mortals!"
"They'll be okay."
Yumoto bit his lip as Cerulean yelled, "Hey! If you want to fight us, follow us to the mortal world!"
Yuuma smirked, "I was already planning on that!"
The five Battle Lovers cried out as they were hit by another orb and they were teleported away.
Yuuma laughed as he held the sword above his head. "My mortal followers, watch as I bring back our ruler, Lord Hireashi!"
Mortals surrounded the area where the fight was starting at.
The Battle Lovers stood beside Yumoto, while Yuuma had monsters appear beside him. He smirked at his reflection in the sword, "Now how many of you want me to kill the heir?"
He turned to his followers and laughed as they all raised their hands. "The majority has spoken!"
Yumoto gasped and could just imagine the pain of being killed. Yuuma laughed harder as some began to chant "Death to the heir!"
He yelled to his monsters, "Go get the heir and bring him to me!"
The Battle Lovers all got into defensive positions and Yumoto gasped out as the monsters all ran towards them.
"Epinard!" Yumoto cried as Epinard was flung back by a monster and Cerulean was too. Vesta gasped as Yumoto was grabbed, "Scarlet!" he cried and Yumoto began to hit the monster with his fists.
"Let go of me! You dummy! I may be the heir but I don't want to die!"
Yuuma smirked as Yumoto was brought to him. Sulfur growled as he was held down, "Let go of our Little One!"
Yumoto whimpered as Yuuma held the sword in his hands. He gasped as Yuuma put the sword to his neck, "Now should I chop the little Prince's head off or stab your chest and let you die slowly?"
Yumoto squeaked in fear as Yuuma lifted the sword up and Yuuma laughed, "I'd rather let you die slowly."
Yumoto's eyes widened and screamed in fear as Yuuma brought the sword to his ribs. "Aww, you're shaking." Yuuma smiled as he stroked Yumoto's cheek, "Don't cry..." he laughed as he wiped a tear that was falling.
Mortals began to cheer as Yuuma lifted the sword up and brought it down into the heir's ribs.
Yumoto screamed loudly as the sword pierced into him and Yuuma lifted the bloodied blade up.
Yumoto whimpered as he hit the ground and Yuuma turned to the crowd, "How about one more stab? Hireashi should come back."
He smirked as they cheered again and Yumoto tried to crawl away. "Oh no, no, no." Yuuma smirked and Yumoto screamed loudly as he was stabbed again and the sword was pulled out.
Yuuma looked at the blood covered sword and laughed, "Lord Hireashi, please awaken! Take my offering of the heir's blood!"
The ground began to shake and Epinard and Cerulean ran to Yumoto.
Cerulean held Yumoto in his lap and Yumoto began to cough hard. "H-help me..."
"Shh, we will." Epinard whispered and Yuuma laughed, "Lord Hireashi please break the seal!"
Yumoto whimpered, "I-I'm not going to-to make it!"
"Yes, you are!" Epinard replied and Yumoto groaned as Cerulean picked him up.
Blood stained Cerulean's white uniform and Yumoto whimpered as they teleported away.
Vesta and Sulfur ran inside to tell Araki to keep Haruki busy. Araki nodded and spoke, "Is he hurt?"
Vesta nodded sadly, "Yes, he was stabbed twice."
Araki gasped, "What?"
Sulfur sighed, "He's bleeding heavily, we have to rush him to the God of Health."
Araki nodded and walked away.
"Come on!" Vesta called and Cerulean walked in with Yumoto. The heir was quickly rushed to the God of Health as the younger Battle Lovers watched.
They followed him and watched in horror as the smell of blood filled the room.
The guardians gasped as they heard a monster growl and Kurou looked at them, "Go get rid of that monster, I'll save the heir."
Epinard looked down at Yumoto and stroked his hair, "I'll be back, alright?"
Yumoto whimpered, "H-hurry back..." he groaned as he watched them leave.
Kurou frowned as the heir moaned loudly in pain and Kitsune frowned as Yumoto screamed in pain as Kurou began to heal him.
Park looked down as he spoke, "I feel terrible...I'm so glad I never hurt him."
Rider growled at the sight of the heir and Kitsune frowned as Yumoto began to cry for his brother and Epinard.
Rider grumbled, "Why can't Haruki see him?"
"Because," Carbon spoke, "The heir is bleeding and Haruki doesn't need to see!"
Yumoto moaned for Araki and Kurou began to finish. "Shhh, your majesty, I'm almost done..."
The God of Health was covered in the heir's blood and the heir began to calm down as the pain slowly stopped, but blood was still pouring out.
The Battle Lovers growled as they saw the monster, which was a dragon. The dragon laughed as it saw the blood on Cerulean's outfit and gloves, "How does it feel to have the blood of a royal prince on you?"
The God of Water scoffed, "Shut up! Cerulean Love Aqua!"
The Battle Lovers all attacked the monster quickly, and as they did, the monster just disappeared...
"Let's hurry to Yumoto...!" Vesta cried
Yumoto panted as he was all patched up, blood had stopped and so had the pain.
"You all need to leave now." Kurou spoke, "The heir has requested that no one but his guardians and brother are allowed in here."
"W-what?" Kitsune gasped and Rider growled, "That's stupid! We already guard his son, so why can't we stay?!"
"I'm doing what the heir has asked of me!" Kurou explained and Rider screeched, "That's stupid!" he glared at Yumoto, "Then why can't we bring Haruki here?!"
"Because, Maximum Gorar has asked for Haruki to never see the heir like this."
"Damn him!"
"Rider!" Carbon yelled and Rider walked over to Yumoto.
Yumoto looked at him in confusion and cried out as Rider grabbed him roughly.
"Let go of him!" Kitsune cried and Park growled, "Dammit Rider!"
Rider hissed at Yumoto, "The God of Light is a damn mortal whore."
The new guardians gasped and Carbon growled, "Rider, get away from the heir!"
"No mortal whore is an heir of mine!" He screamed and punched Yumoto in one of his stab wounds.
Yumoto cried out as he coughed up blood and Rider hissed, "Your brother has taught you to be a whore for the mortals. He dated a mortal man and so have you."
"T-Tungsten isn't a mortal!"
"How do we know for sure? You seem to always enjoy mortals kissing you."
Yumoto groaned, "I don't!"
Carbon demanded, "Let go of Scarlet, Rider! You're hurting him! He's already weak from blood loss!"
"I don't care! I think we should take him to the mortals and whore him out, I'm sure he'd enjoy it!"
Carbon growled and walked to his fellow Battle Lover. "Don't you ever talk about Haruki's mother like that!" he screamed and slapped him across the face. "Now get the hell out of here."
He grabbed Rider and pushed him out the door, "When your father gets here, I'm telling him what you said!"
"I'm older than you!" Rider screamed and Carbon scoffed, "Yeah, but I'm the leader!"
"Rider said what?!" Vesta screamed and Carbon nodded, "Yes, he said the heir was a...whore." He replied.
Epinard growled and stood up, "I'm going to see Yumoto..."
"Tungsten is in there, so be careful."
Epinard nodded and walked into the room, Yumoto was fast asleep, and Araki was stroking his hair. Yumoto looked better, but his wounds were still bad.
"Is Hireashi back?" Araki asked softly and Epinard nodded, "Somewhat, yes. But he's a fish now, Yumoto can stop him, but he's working with our enemies."
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