Chapter 33: The Attack
Minoru:"N-no way! Why are there villains attacking the camp..?!"
The purple haired boy as they faced two villains who clearly overpowered one of the pro hero: Pixie-Bob.
Izuku runs after Pixie-Bob but got restrained by F/n. Izuku and the others were facing against the league of villains as he panicked on where Kota was.
Izuku:"Oh no, F/n! where's Kota?!"
F/n:"Why are you asking me?! I don't know where that kid is!"
-Meanwhile, At Aizawa's Position-
Mandalay (using her telepathy):"Attention! Villains invaded the whole area! Students evac back to camp! We're regrouping, do not engage any enemies!"
Aizawa:"Vlad, protect them! I'll look for the other students!"
Aizawa:"Well, if it's a full-scale attack, then we're in big trouble.."
Just then, out of the shadows come in Dabi, the villain with an unknown quirk speaks with his hand ready to attack Aizawa.
Dabi:"Looks like your concern is you're distracting yourself.."
Just as he exits the building and sees the burning forest, Dabi suddenly attacks him with a burst of blue flames.
Dabi:"You pros gotta lay off.."
Dabi:"We haven't come for any of you so just stay out of our way.."
-At Izuku's position...-
Spinner:"We are part of the Vanguard Action Squad of the League of Villains!"
Ojiro:"The League of Villains?! What are they doing here?!"
Magne:"I could crush this kitty's head so easily! How about a deal, should I?"
F/n:"Hands off my fucking kitten!!"
Tiger:"You get away from her! F/n! Use your quirk!"
Spinner:"Now, now! Hold on big sis mac, you too, Tiger! Calm down. We're deciding if someone lives or dies. We must be careful because we're abiding by Stain's principle."
Tenya:"So you're the one's he ended up inspiring!"
Spinner:"At your service! That's us!And you!! Four eyes, I believe I recognise you! You're one of the self-righteous brats who attacked Stain in Hosu City. Let me introduce myself! I am Spinner! I will make Stain's dreams a reality!"
Spinner suddenly unsheathed his freakishly horrifying blade. As it is composed of smaller swords stuck together dangerously with only duct tape.
Tiger:"I don't care who you are! You're criminals! That girl right named Pixie-Bob! She's a pro hero who saved countless lives! She's giving her all for us..pushing them to reach their full potential! She's looking for a mate...but otherwise she's content! And I certainly know who that is!"
In the crowd, F/n nervously laughs about what happened when Pixie-Bob invited him to eat dinner with her.
Tiger:"What gives you the right to making such a happy life short?!"
Tiger's gloves then made sharp claws as he growls with anger.
Spinner:"Are you telling me that it's not a hero's right to be happy?!"
Mandalay:"Tiger! I've talked to everyone! Trust the student's job to Ragdoll! Tiger and me will stay back and hold them off, you students go back to camp! Class rep, you're in charge on your way there, don't engage on any enemies!"
Tenya:"Leave it to me! Let's go!"
F/n and Izuku was left behind until Tenya calls out to them.
Tenya:"L/n! Midoriya!"
Izuku:"Go on without us! Mandalay, Kota! I know where he is!"
Deeper in the forest, Tetsutetsu runs into Itsuka and gives her a gas mask created by Momo's quirk.
Itsuka:"Tetsu! Ibara! Where'd you get those gas masks?"
Tetsu:"Yaoyorozu from Class A
made them for us! Awase's taking her to the rest of the class to save them! Take some!"
Itsuka tells Tetsutetsu to retreat with her, but he refuses.
Itsuka:"We need to get to camp fast..who knows how many villains are lurking here."
Tetsu:"No..I'm staying to fight. You make sure these get back to camp."
Itsuka:"What?! Mandalay told us to retreat!"
Tetsu:"You always feel monotone when he compares our classes to them..but you feel it don't you? We're not the same. We all got into U.A. with the same exams. We studied the same curricular. So, why are they better?"
Tetsu:"Don't you get it? Class 1-A has gotten so much stronger because of their fights with villains. They gone to crisis after crisis and turn each one into an opportunity! They had so many chances to prove themselves."
Tetsu:"And come on, Kendo! A real hero doesn't turn his back and run from a bad guy! Fighting villains is what we do."
Itsuka:"Yeah but.."
Tetsu:"Don't try and stop me, we're in the hero course. If we don't stand them down now, then when will we? I'm going to find these guys..and show them what we're made of.."
Tetsutetsu believes this is the perfect opportunity to fight back and catch up with their peers.
Kota receives Mandalay's message but he's paralyzed with fear after being confronted by a masked villain.
????:"I came up here to scout a nice vantage point, and yet I found someone who's not allowed to see this. By the way, nice hat kid, I like it. Why don't you trade it with this lame mask? They said I need to wear it because I'm new. Said they couldn't ship any other good ones in time."
Kota then ran past the Muscular but he only appeared in front of him. Ready to crush the little kid. The villain removes his mask, and Kota recognizes him as the man who murdered both of his parents: Muscular
Muscular:"Oh well, I could at least get some good fun!"
Kota:"Papa! Mama!.."
Suddenly, Izuku and F/n came as they both caught Kota before Muscular could kill him. They roll over as F/n managed to land. Both of their phones were destroyed in the process.
Kota:"What are you doing?!"
Muscular:" you two, I recognise."
Izuku and F/n:"We came up here to make sure Kota got back safe..We didn't think that we would run into any villains..! And damn it...that landing broke our phones..we didn't tell anyone where we were going so we don't need to hope that reinforcements are coming..all by ourselves...we need to stop this guy all by ourselves..!"
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