Chapter 3: League of Villains; Terrorise
POV: Y/n
The water was heavy around me as I sank. I watched aquatic quirked villains swim about as I tried to fire my blaster at them, but the water slowed them down. "Nautica," I said, transforming into the female relations officer and growing in size. Transforming into her vehicle mode I traveled through the false ocean searching for land until I saw Midoriya fall in and sink down into the water. I rushed at Midoriya, only opening my cockpit at the last second to keep him safe. "I got you Midoriya," I said as he freaked out, "I'll get this water out for you." As I evacuated the water inside my cockpit I watched as a shark man rushed at me, ready to take a bite. "Hold on Midoriya, this could get rough." I said as I rushed towards the surface. "How do you know my name?" Midoriya asked as I felt something hit my back and stick. "It's Y/n" I said as we breached the surface of the water, "Get ready to hold tight!" I said as I transformed, throwing Midoriya out of my chest and revealing Tsu in the air with us. "Spinister!" I shouted transforming into the decepticon savant.
Transforming into his helicopter mode, I flew down and grabbed both Tsu and Midoriya. I noticed a boat in the sea and flew over before landing, and dropping my friends off on the floor of a boat before deactivating my quirk and landing beside them. “Boy are we in a pickle.” Tsu said as we looked over the water. “We’ll need a plan to leave. I doubt there is a true safe zone for us to stay without getting into crossfire.” I said leaning against the back of the railing. “Well, there goes the curriculum!” Midoriya said with a shudder, “If you think about it, yesterday’s ‘break-in-by-the-media’ must have been a ploy to obtain information. Just like Todoroki said, they were watching for an opportunity to swoop in, and now their preparations are complete.” “That may explain why he’s here.” I said with a scowl. “The question is; why here? All Might was supposed to come. Did they get word he was missing?” “They likely have a way to kill All Might.” Tsu said as Midoriya looked at me. “Who is this “he” that you bring up Y/n.” Midoriya asked as I scanned the environment. “His name is Weaver.” I responded, “And he’s my bastard of a brother. I heard my parents discuss that they were afraid of him becoming a villain after he ran away from home. Though I’ve seen him since then, I didn’t think he was actually a villain.” "So that's why you ran off against Aizawa's orders." Tsu said with a plain face. "We should try to get rid of the villains surrounding us first." I said looking at the villains circling the boat, lead by the shark from before. "How do you suppose we do that?" Midoriya said looking at the three of us, "They may not know of our quirks, bar you of course Y/n, seeing as they sent Tsu to the… Shipwreck Zone…." "That tells me we don't have long before this hunk of junk sinks." I said, "Anyone have an oxygen tank? Just Jaws this asswipe." “As much as I hate the idea of that.” Tsu said with a faint scowl, “We don’t have many other options.” “We have to fight back.” Midoriya said as the boat started to crack where we stood. “Shit!” I shouted as I tackled Midroiya over the crack as Tsu jumped behind me. “We don’t have time to plan. I’m going to try something!”
I grabbed Midoriya and Tsu before leaping into the air over the water. “Blitzwing!” I shouted transforming into the Animated Decepticon Triple-Changer, transforming into the jet with ice based attacks. “Do not worry,” I said with the German scientist accent, “I’ll frieze the water and zoze villainz inside.” As I fired the blasts of ice, I watched a whirlpool form and take in all of the villains in the water, some encased in ice. Midoriya jumped out, bound by Tsu before reaching over the edge before launching an attack. “Delaware SMASH!” Midoriya shouted as he cancelled the whirlpool and pushing the water deeper, before a massive spout rose from the sea, launching the villains and a mixture of ice and flesh into the air. “Did you know that would happen?” “No.” I responded as I flew closer to the water, landing right by the shore amd deactivating my quirk as the villains stopped appearing through the portal.
POV: None
In the landslide zone instead of fallen debris, ice layers the ground, encasing all of the villains in the up to their heads in ice. “Scatter us and kill us… huh?” Todoroki said as his breath froze in the air, “Sorry to say it, but to me it looks like you’re just a load of mooks who don’t know their quirks from their rear ends.” “That Fucker!!” A villain said as his body glowed red, “Once I heat up I’ll…” Before the villain could finish, Todoroki placed his hand on the villains face and froze it over. “Is he really just a kid?” Another villain said as his chin froze before his ability to speak left him. As the heterochromatic teen walked closer to another villain, thinking to himself. At first, I’d surmise they thought they could overwhelm elites and pros with sheer numbers. He thought, And they thought they could just pop open the lid and use us as pawns… What a motley of goons. From the looks of them, the number of actual threats here caps at four people, maybe five… That’d be my estimation, seeing as Y/n ran off to fight one of villains after Aizawa told us to stay back. Well, one thing left to do. “Hey,” He said, squatting in front of a villain, “At this rate you guys will gradually succumb to death by necrosis, hypothermia, maybe trench foot. But since I’m aiming to be a top hero, I want to avoid doing horrifying shit like this as much as possible. Tell me what I want and I’ll make sure you don’t die. Do we have a deal?” “DDDDDDDDeal!” The villain said with a chill in his voice. “What’s the basis of your plan to kill All Might?” “Aren’t you a cold one Todoroki.” came a feminine voice as Todoroki froze the land behind him, freezing the invisible Hagakure up to her ankles. “Geez, nno need to gggive mmme cccold feet!”
In the mountain zone, Momo, Jiro, and Kaminari stand surrounded by villains as they step ever closer. "Holy crap." Kaminari shouted as he ducked below an attack, "This is too close! I was at death's door! Who are these guys? Where are we? What is going on? How did we get here?!" "We can worry about the specifics later!" The rocker Jirou said as she wielded a thin sword. "Right now we need to worry about getting out from under them or away." Momo said as the three students got closer. "Aren't you electric kid?" Jirou asked "Just fry them all!" "DID YOU NOT PLAY ATTENTION WHEN WE WERE A TEAM IN THE MOCK BATTLES?" Kaminari shouted as he coated his arm in electricity, "I can only wear lightning! I'm basically a source of it. Yes I can discharge a bit of lightning, but I can't control what the lightning does. Do the two of you want to be fried as well? Maybe I act like Todoroki and not care about my surroundings?"
Jirou and Momo looked at each other as Kaminari channeled lightning into his communicator. "I'm trying to communicate with others or the school, but it seems that they have a jamming quirk or a jamming device. So that means I'll have to rely on the two of you while I try to bypass the jam." Jirou and Momo nod as Jirou walks behind Kaminari. "Ok, then be our human stun gun!" Jirou shouts as she Spartan kicks Kaminari at a large muscular male with a metal helmet. "What are you doing you idiot? The human body isn't…" Kaminari shouted as he collided with the man, "Oh, he's a conductor. I guess I am really strong. Alright ladies, you can count on me!" "Man he's an idiot." Jirou said as a villain with a stretchy arm lifted his arm as it turned into a boulder. "Fuck around and find out you little shithead!" The villain said as he swung down, bashing the stone into Kaminaris head, the stone shattering and the lightning traveled to the villain.
A villain with knives reared back his hand, ready to throw the knife in his hand when a chainmail net, made by Momo ensnared him. "Where did this come from?" He asked as Momo shouted "YOU TWO NEED TO STOP ARGUING." "Sorry. My bad." Jirou said as her right earlobe jack worked its way to her boot. "I have a plan. Kaminari! Metallica!" Kaminari smirked as a heartbeat echoed throughout the USJ, but it was loud enough that the villains within a few meters had their ears bleed. "Good thing I had the costume guys add a directional option for attacking." Jirou said as she blocked an attack with her blade. Momo swiped at the villain with her staff, knocking the villain back before she knelt on the ground, her red leotard expanding out before ripping open. "It takes time to make something this big!" Momo said as a thick beige sheet unfolded and covered her and Jirou. "A sheet…" a villain said, "A fucking sheet?" "Is it supposed to be a shield?" Another villain asked as they stepped closer. They watched in confusion as the sheet coiled in on itself. "You're looking at a 100 mm insulator sheet." Momo said from inside, "Kaminari, it's your turn."
Kaminari looked back and smirked, blood oozing from his nose. "I see what you want." He said as the blood plopped on the stone floor and he raised his arms high above his head. "In that case… I'm stupid strong!" The light bulbs around the USJ started to burst as the lightning emitted by Kaminari ruptured through the area. The villains just acted as terminals as the lightning channeled through them, their weapons falling to the ground, each charged with a faint bit of lightning, the villains all fell with a heavy thud. As Momo lifted up the insulator with her left hand, covering her chest with her off hand as her costume had been destroyed, she surveyed the area and the damage nearby. "I'm worried about the rest." She said looking back as Jirou, who squatted in shock at the sight. "We should get back to them as soon as possible." "Yeah," Jorou said as she took off her coat, "but you have a pretty big tear in your shirt, take my jacket so Kaminari doesn't ogle." "I can make another one." Momo said as she pulled a new leotard from her stomach. "Where is Kaminari?" "Duh-huh-ha." Kaminari said with a dumbfounded face and his thumbs up.
The villain covered in hands ran in a stumbling motion towards Aizawa as the teacher fights his way through countless villains. Aizawa threw a band at him, only for it to be caught by the Handy villain, the tip falling off and turning to ash. As the Handy Villain counted down, Aizawa rushed in and delivered an elbow to the villains gut. The villain grabbed Aizawa's right elbow, causing the cloth to disintegrate and give his skin a fast acting necrosis, exposing the muscles in his elbow. "You move around so much it's hard to tell." The villain said with a scratchy voice, "there are moments where your hair falls down over your eyes, whenever you complete an action. And the interval is getting shorter and shorter. Don't bite off more than you can chew Eraserhead." Aizawa threw a left hook, cracking the villains jaw before jumping back as two more minor villains jumped him.
The first villain threw a palm as a small Xenomorph tongue like mawl protrudes with a loud chomp. Aizawa grabbed the wrist of the attacking villain, wrapping his torso in his scarf before using him as a club to take out a villain armed with a knife. "Hehehehehehahaha." The Handy Villain asked as he stood back up, moving his jaw with his right hand, not touching his pinky to his jaw, "You're out of your element Eraserhead. Your quirk isn't made out for this. Doesn't it struggle to take out masses over prolonged periods of time?" Aizawa rushed at the monologue giving villain before a red skinned, four armed villain tackled Aizawa towards the water a dozen yards from Y/n, Tsu, and Midoriya. "This is out of the norm for you isn't it Eraserhead?" The necrotizing villain said as he smirked, noticing the three students nearby. "I thought your speciality was short-length sneak attacks?" Aizawa came back out of the water, towing a mass behind him before slinging the villain out and leaving him unconscious on the floor, the water being pushed out of his lungs on impact. "So why did you jump into an open battle like this?" The villain asked as Aizawa checked the unconscious foe for a pulse, "Oh!" The villain said pointing at the students, "It was to protect them! Give them some peace of mind. You're so cool and noble!" "You're not going to harm them." Aizawa said as he rushed at the villain, his hair upright as his quirk was active. "Oh Eraser, I'm not the one going to hurt them. He will." A dark shadow loomed over Aizawa as a massive humanoid raven with an exposed brain appeared behind him and slammed him into the ground.
Number 13's helmet was covered in cracks as the purple mist villain spoke up. "No. 13, I expected this much of a disaster relief specialist." The students stood in fear, watching what the hero before them was doing, "You're weaker than the others aren't you? You have little battle experience, you turned yourself into dust with your own quirk." "Iida! Midoriya told you to run!" Sato shouted as the villain looked at the young knight. "You may go, on the condition that you only get All Might and deliver him a message: 'The Symbol of Peace is wanted dead by the Artificial Human Nomu.'" Iida rushed out of the massive doors as the villain glared at the students. "So…" the villain said as he reconposeded himself. "Anyone want to play Go Fish?"
POV: Y/n
I watched with fear as the Bird like Nomu broke the bones of Aizawa and beat him into the dirt. "We have to do something." I said as I watched my brother approach the other villains and stare right into my eyes. "Come on brother." He said touching a strange sword in his bag as he activated his quirk, transforming into the full sized Animated Megatron. "Why don't we finish this here." I couldn't agree more. Optimus Prime!" I transformed into the iconic Autobot leader, growing in size, and blasted The Touch by Stan Bush over the radio. I transformed into vehicle mode and drove through the minor villains as Weaver led me away from the others. "You're too easy to deal with brother." Weaver stated as we stood before each other. "You will be." I said as I pulled out Prime's blaster and fired a shot at my fallen brother. He swung one of his blades sending the blast of plasma into the ground. "Did you really think that would work?" Weaver asked as he aimed his fusion canon at me before firing and charging at me. I dodged past before rushing in for a grapple. "Do you want me to kill you with my bare hands?" Weaver asked as I threw jabs into his abdomen. Weaver raised his hands above his head and slammed them down on my back, causing me to fall slightly before I grabbed him by the waist and charging the two of us in a nearby ruined building.
POV: Bakugo
Kirishima and I had delt with the 'villains' that attacked us in the ruins zone. "Is this all of them?" I asked, taking off my broken gauntlet as the other had visible damage, "Man they were weak. At least I know what my gauntlets can handle now." "C'mon!" Kirishima said, wiping a bit of blood from his lip as heavy metal clashes echoed in the background. "We've got to go save the others! Since we were warped here the others should still be I'm the USJ! I'm a bit worried for those who aren't meant to be fighters." "Tch. They'll be fine." I said as I walked towards the exit. "We rushed ahead to attack," Kirishima said as he stood before me, his face stern. "So Number 13 was forced to hang back and play rear guard. If Number 13 had been able to suck up that purple mist villain, things would have turned out differently. We wouldn't be in this position! So as men and heroes, we need to take responsibility…" "Go alone if you want." I said pushing past him, "I'm just gonna go murder that warp gate motherfucker."
"Really?" Kirishima said as he turned around and followed after me, "Now of all time you say things like that? Things a child would say. You know physical attacks won't work on that guy especially…" Kirishima was interrupted by the wall beside us falling down as a massive grey and red robot came flying through the wall, causing a villain to be flung out of nowhere. The robot grabbed a piece of rebar and ripped it from the wall before throwing it like a javelin at a red and blue robot with window pecks and grill abs. "You will never beat me Y/n!" The robot shouted before firing his arm mounted cannon as his strange sword fell to the ground. "I'll blast him onto next week." I said, sparking small explosions in my palms. "No." Kirishima said putting his hand on my chest and looking in my eyes, "This is Y/n's fight. We're not able to fight him, his finger is as big as us. We will be squashed. Let's get out of here and find the head honcho. There we'll be more useful." "Fine." I said as we skulked away from the robot fight before us.
POV: Tsu
Midoriya and I shared in fear as Aizawa was being brutally beaten by the Nomu as the hand villain called it. "I know you can erase quirks." The villain said with a laugh, "A very respectable ability. But when faced with overwhelming might, you might as well be quirkless." "We should leave. Ribbit." I said with a nervous croak. "Yeah…" Midoriya said, "it's a miracle that Y/n wasn't scared."
We watched as the purple mist appeared behind the hand villain as he looked back at us, knowing we were there. "Shigaraki Tomura." The mist villain said as the hand villain cackled, "Black Mist." Shiharaku said as he turned to face him, "You're back. Does that mean Number 13 is dead?" "I incapacitated him." The mist said, "However on of the students that I didn't scatter, made his way out. I made sure he told All Might that he would die here today." "You dumbass." Shigaraki said as he turned towards us and began to scratch himself, "If you can't be a proper warp gate, our plans've changed. There's no doubt we'll loose if we face off against dozens of pros. It's game over for now. Shall we hop back?" "Hop back?" I quietly said as Shigaraki turned away "I have a bad feeling about this."
The next thing I knew, I saw a cracked hand in my face, millimeters from contact. "Let's lower the morale of the Symbol of Peace." Shigaraki said as he made contact with my face and squeezed gently. "Ypu really are cool Eraserhead, too bad it won't last long." Out of the corner of my eye, "LET GO OF HER! SMASH!!!!!" Midoriya shouted as he lunged for a punch, only to have it blocked by the Nomu. I pushed the villain's hand away and shot my tongue at Midoriya before finding myself in a ruined stairwell as Y/n rushed at Weaver, who was right in front of and below me.
POV: Y/n
After Weaver threw rebar into my abdomen and narrowly missed a blast, I charged at my brother, ramming into him and plowing through the building as a green blur kept up and around the falling debris. I then threw Weaver away and grabbed Primes Ion Blaster and fired at Weaver as he did the same, missing me and destroying the remainder of the building. Weaver then ran at me with his one sword, he jumped at the last minute, leaving me open to deliver a massive uppercut. As he landed he delivered a deop kick sending my on my back as we went into a grapple. "I'll rip out your eyes and give them to our mother as a trophy." Weaver said ad I held him away from tearing at my eyes. I pushed up on him enough to grab and throw him back toward the destroyed building, the rubble of the other buildings falling on him, causing his quirk to end.
"Please brother, have mercy on me." Weaver said as he crawled towards me. "You, who showed no mercy now plea for it?" I said as I walked towards him. "I thought you were made of sterner stuff." I charged the Ion Blaster as Weaver reached forward with his left hand. Before I could fire a tongue shot from above him. "Tsu! Stay out of this!" I shouted seeing the frog girl on the side of a building with fear in her eyes before she was swung as a flail towards me as Weaver transformed again. As Tsu made contact with my chest, I transformed into vehicle mode and drove off. "Are you okay?" I asked as I avoided being shot by my brother. "Yeah." Tsu replied as I drifted around a piece of debris and dropped TSU off behind it. "Stay here. I don't want you getting hurt." I said driving off at my brother.
As I drove at him, he landed one good blast on me, knocking me out of my quirk causing me to roll for a few meters. As I got into a kneeling position Weaver walked up to me charging his Fusion Canon. "I would have waited an eternity for this my brother." He said as I weakly looked up at him. "Any last words?" "Only two." I said as I caught a glimpse of Tsu out of the corner of my eye, "Omega Supreme."
[I put in the wrong clip, the fires had cut storyboard scenes]
POV: Tsu
I watched as Y/n turned into a massive robot as he launched his foe through the roof and into the sky. After a few seconds, the robot didn't come back and I heard Y/n speak in a booming, robotic voice. "Villains remain." He said as he aimed his right arm at the other areas of the USJ as a myriad of weapons appeared all over his body. "Extermination required." I watched in fear as Y/n opened fire on the USJ. "Y/n!" I shouted, "You need to get control of yourself! Ribbit." I leapt from the building I stood on to Y/n's shoulder and crawled my way to his face so he could see me. "Get to safety." Y/n said a black blur flew through the roof. "Target locked. Firing." I watched as Y/n fired a large beam of energy through the hole. I saw sparks fly off Y/n's head as his legs began to freeze. As Y/n began to fall back he reverted back to his normal form, still in the air. I wrapped my arms around his neck and back, using my tongue to swing out of the crossfire and onto a tattered building.
POV: Y/n
I felt a heavy weight on my chest as I started to wake up from my fight with Weaver. I opened my eyes and saw Tsu with her ear to my chest. "You okay?" I asked sitting up. "Yep." Tsu said with a croak. "Medical staff are making their way here." "I don't need them." I said getting up, only to be stopped by Tsu. "No." She said looking me in the eye. "You're waiting here. Once they clear you, you'll be fine." "I owe you one." I said looking away from her. "Ribbit?" Tsu croaked. "I owe you one for saving my life." I said, looking down at the ground. "I remember falling back as Omega Supreme, one of my strongest forms, and I blacked out. Next thing I know, you're listening to my heart. It only stands to reason that you got me up here." "You don't owe me." Tsu said with a really quick hug, "It's what heroes do." "I guess I'm not cut out for this." I said looking away from her. "Neither is Bakugo." Tsu croaked, "That's why we're students."
After half an hour, I was sitting in the back of an ambulance in front of my classmates as a detective spoke to us. "Not counting the one with the broken leg and the other one with a minor concussion." The detective said as my classmates looked around, "Everyone is pretty much unharmed, other than scratches." After a cavalcade of talking from my classmates the detective told us to go back to class as Tsu and I walked up to him. "Hey Detective." She asked as she reached for my hand, "How's Aizawa? Is our teacher ok?" "Yes and no." The detective said as Tsu squeezed my hand in fear, "His arms are shattered or fractured in many places, and he has facial fractures as well. Thankfully he somehow avoided brain damage. The sad thing is, the bones around his eyes, or the 'Orbital Floor' was turned into a fine powder. They fear that it will negatively impact his eyesight." The class grew silent, "But the doctors say Recovery Girl hasn't gotten to healing him yet."
Tsu croaked as a tear fell from her cheek. "As for Number 13," the detective said, "I fear his back and upper arms sustained heavy lacerations, but his vitals have stabilized and he's set to make a full recovery. The same goes for All Might: he's not in critical condition and currently has Recovery Girl looking at him making rounds." "What about Deku!?" Ochaco asked as Iida spoke up. "How's Midoriya?" "He's in the infirmary." The detective said as everyone calmed down, "I have business to attend to there. Sancha, you see to the rest."
"Are we free to go home?" I asked as the feline officer glared at me. "You're not going anywhere son." My dad said as my parents walked into the area. "Are you okay?" My mom asked as she looked into eyes. "Yes mom, I'm fine." I said as she stood in front of me. "I found Weaver… he's one of those responsible for what happened here today." "We figured." My dad said as my mom grabbed her phone. "We got this text from him the other day." My mom said as she showed my a single text that read 'Goodbye'. "After he sent this he destroyed his SIM card." My mom said sadly, "When we heard about what happened we hoped we wouldn't find his body." "He got away. Ribbit." Tsu said with a croak, "I saw him fly out and away from the USJ." "Good he's out there." My dad said with a faint smile. "We'll find him yet." Mom said with a smile. "He's changed, a lot." I said "He tried to kill me. He won't come home willingly." "We'll find a way." My parents said as they looked out at my class. "It's a miracle you all are unharmed." My mom said as she looked at Tsu after looking over my class. "If anyone needs a ride home we will gladly take any of you." My dad said, "We're parents first and heroes second."
We had a day off from school so I stayed at home doing nothing while my parents worked. Carley and her fiance Chinatsu [it is a female, I don't know the difference between Fiance and Fiancee] came by to check up on me. "How's my favorite brother doing?" Carley asked as she gave me a big hug. "Bored." I said as she let go of me, "Mom dosen't want me doing things that are too strenuous for my brain since I'm concussed." "Told you so." Chinatsu said with a smirk, "I'll get to the kitchen."
After my sister's fiancee left for the kitchen, my sister wrapped her arm around me and got close to my ear. "Soooooooo what's her name?" Carley asked with a smirk. "Who?" I asked in confusion. "Your girlfriend stupid." Carley said rubbing my head playfully, "Mom said that she caught you holding a girl's hand after the USJ. What's her name? How long have you two been dating? Are you keeping it PG?" "One. She's not my girlfriend. Two her name is Tsu. And three, I only held her hand because she was scared and she saved me from falling." "You lost control again." She said looking solemnly in my eyes. "Who did you turn into?" "Omega Supreme." I responded. "You didn't stop did you." Carley said as she hugged me tight, as the tv turned on with the news in the background, "Promise me, you'll stay away from the strong ones. You can't control them yet. Much less got to full size." "I know." I said breaking the hug and walking off.
The next day at school Midoriya spoke to me before class started "Hey Y/n, I had a question about your quirk." "Yes I can transform into any Cybertronian or similar species of my choice including the Pretenders, Action Masters, God Masters, Combiners and Transtecters." I responded as Midoriya wrote that down and my phone vibrated with a text from my sister. "That wasn't my question actually." He said as I glared at him, "I was wondering how your limit worked. Tsu said that you transformed again almost immediately afterward and lost control." "Oh that." I sighed, "I have on average 10 minutes before my quirk stops working, if I end it before then, I can use it again with the same limit. If it ends before then due to fatigue or damage, I can use it butI am much more likely to lose control, especially as a Decepticon. Omega Supreme, at least the one I chose was an Autobot war machine. Damage doesn't flow into me unless it is extremely serious, I think, I haven't tested it, but I do still 'age' if that makes sense, meaning I get hungry, tired, thirsty or other stuff like that while transformed." "Oh, uh thanks." Midoriya said, "Good to see the concussion is gone." "Good to see you on two legs again." I said with a chuckle.
I read the text I had gotten from my sister, finding out that apparently when I was in elementary school Tsu had a crush on me. As I was about to ask her about it, Aizawa walked into the classroom. "Don't concern yourself over me." He said over a roar of students, "Afterall, the battle has only just started. Next week is Yuuei's Sports Festival. Be prepared to fight for your position."
Howdy, this has been a while in the making. Well, college in the time of COVID is hard. And that has been my main focus. I also have been trying to get some of my books that are in the same series to be caught up so that way I don't have to keep looking back at the sources and get lost.
Either way, God bless y'all, stay safe, go out and do some good.
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