Tamaki Amakiji X Traitor! Fem|Reader [P4]
(Beware of what's coming...)
Nejire sees Y/n hanging from the roof and uses her quirk to bring her down, "calm down calm down..." the female says as Y/n holds onto her. "What happened?" "Someone pushed me off.." "You didn't deserve that much.." The blue haired female mutters, "hm?" "Oh, nothing." She puts her down and stands off, "T-tamaki got taken.." "What?! Where?!" The blue haired female demands as she steps closer. "I.. I can't tell you.. but I can show you later.." She says as she hisses in pain from her ankle. "What? Did you break something?" Nejire asks. "No... just hurt my ankle.." She mutters limping a bit. "Let's get you to recovery girl.." She mutters.
The two girl soon get there. Recovery girl huffs due to all the kids getting hurt, "You darn kids these days.." She says and heals Y/n's ankle. "Take it easy.." the older woman says to the younger female. Mirio passes by the office then sees the two girls, "Oh, Hello Nejire, Y/n.." He walks in. "Have either of you seen Tamaki?" Y/n looks down, "She says he got taken!" Nejire says having a worried expression on her face, "What?!" Togata furrows his eyebrows, "Take us there.. now." He demands, Y/n nods slowly, "Alright.." She leads them off campus. They follow her to a strange side of town, almost abandoned, then leads them to a once abandoned factory. "If anything seems strange, or if you feel she's lying.. we get away from this place asap." Togata says to Nejire, she nods her head as Y/n opens the door. They then hear screams and cries from inside the factory. "TAMAKI!" Togata yells out and runs into the place with hesitation, Nejire does the same and follows the sounds and busts through a door. F/n was standing in front of a cut and blood covered Tamaki, his shirt completely soaked as it falls down his torso. "NO!" Nejire cries out fighting F/n, along with Togata. Y/n grabs Tamaki and drags him out of the factory. The other two see that Y/n escaped with the revenette and so they make a quick exit. "Aw... bummer." F/n whines licking the knife he used on Amajiki.
Y/n cries slightly while the other two grab each of Tamaki's arms and wrap them around their necks. "I'm sorry.." She whimpers out. "Let's just get him back to school.." Togata sighs and walks with the smaller male and blue haired female. As soon as recovery girl heals most of the wounds she wraps him in a few bandages. "He'll need to rest for a while.. but not here. I'll be out for a while so you can take him to his dorm." Togata nods and picks up the male, carrying him on his back as he walks to the ravenette's room. He lays him down and covers him in a large soft blanket. "Let's leave them be." Nejire grins and the blonde, he grins back and nods, closing the door, leaving Y/n in the room with him. "Uh-.." You swallow a lump in your throat then look back at the male.
She then sits at the edge of the bed, gently rubing his back, avoiding the scars. He peeks out at her. "Tamaki.." She leans closer, he hugs her and sobs. She sighs, blushing a little. She than starts to gently hum. He soon clams down and sits up, still holding the blanket over his limp body. "Listen Tamaki.... I may not love you.. but I know someone who does. She even came up to me and threatened me to tell the truth." "About what?..." She looks at him seriously. "About being a villain." His eyes widen at hearing the word and he covers himself more. "And..." She looks away, "It's true.... I am one..." "You- you tried killing me!?" He suddenly bursts out. "W-what?.." "You guys planned that all this time! You and your H/c friend! That's what you were talking about on the train the other day, and that's what you were talking about when you used your quirk on me!" He gets up, talking towards her, she backs up. "N-no.. Tamaki j-just listen to me-" still not wearing a shirt and an angry face clear on his features, he pins her to the door. "Why should I listen to you?!" Her lip trembles."I'm trying to tell you about someone who you might get a chance with-" "All I've done is listen to your lies! When we were at the library... when I confessed... that was a lie! You didn't want to get to know me at all! You just found and opportunity to strike at me!" His eyes fill with tears and he pulls away and holds a hand to his forehead, tilting his head down. "I can't believe I liked you...." He then shoots his head up, "No.. not like.... love! I can't believe I freaking liked you!! And all this time you couldn't feel any sympathy for me when I was in clear mental and physical pain! You are the worst!..." He lets tears stream down his face. "I hate you!" He yells out. Y/n's eyes widen, knowing that the first person he could ever hate...is her. "Tamaki I-" He covers her mouth. "No! I'm done with your lies! I don't want you to apologize at all!"
"I know that you're just gonna do the same exact thing again! I freaking know it!" He paces around the room in rage. "I don't understand why my heart does this to me... I don't understand what I did wrong..." He mutters to himself. Y/n starts sobbing. "I'm sorry Tamaki!" "Shut up! I don't want to fucking hear it!" He cusses in a full rage. Y/n covers her mouth and gets pinned against the door again. 'What have I done?..' Tamaki stares into her eyes, all the shine gone from his own. "I... won't ever forgive you... you lied.. so- many times..." He hiccups as he cries. She nods her head, "I know...~" "And what do you show for it?! You don't deserve to cry!" He punches the door beside her head.""Tamaki! Quiet down- people will here you-" "Let them hear! I'm always the one apologizing! But not this time.." "Tamaki..." "Get my name out of your mouth.." he grabs her and throws her out of his room.
Mirio was passing by when he heard Tamaki's angry voice. He perked his ear listening for more, curious at why he's so mad. "Tamaki! Just listen to me!" "I don't want to! I don't want to be lied to anymore!" "If you just listen, I won't lie! I'll only tell you the truth!" "And you expect me to believe that lie too?!" "Tamaki!" "I said-" she grabs his hand and cups his cheek, "just listen... I won't lie.. not anymore... not to you." She looks him in the eyes, tears spill from his. She lets herself back into his room, still making eye contact as she closes the door with her foot. After a few minutes, Mirio peeks through, opening the door a crack to see them standing there. "What'ca looking at?" Neijire shouted. Tamaki hears his friend's voice and pulls Y/n onto the bed, sitting on the edge hunched over. "I won't lie to you." Hana says pulling her face up from the blanket it was buried in. "Just listen to me." She pulls his face towards hers again. "Quiet Hado. They'll hear you," he whispered. She nodded as she moved to listen too.
He puts some cloths on and faces her, though tilting his head down. "This girl... she goes to the Library too. She's been keeping an eye on you, she loves you to the point where she'd challenge the person who hurt you directly. Even if it meant that she got hurt. She's willing to fight for you Tamaki... something I'd never be able to do." She tilts her head, trying to get him to look at her. "That's.... I don't care.. It'll just turn out the same. It always does.." "That's not true-" she puts her hands on his shoulders. "I tend to always like the people the second I see them... their looks are all I see first, than when the first introduction is over... I feel like I'm in love... but it isn't that... it's the fact that I can't fall in love that hurts me. My heart likes to think it needs a lover... but it doesn't... all I need are my friends to stand by me... and they'll even leave me soon..." he sighs. "No they won't... and your heart isn't wrong. You should listen to both your head and your heart, they know what they want. And if what they want is love.... than give it to them. You may be heartbroken multiple times... but that lets you know what you need and what you don't, what you lack and what you have, even what you need to look for and what you left behind. It lets your mind see what's in your way, and your heart to find what you can't see." She says pulling him into another hug, laying his head on her shoulder. Tears fill his eyes again, "but what if what I need is out of reach?..." "Then try. Try and grasp it with everything you have. And reach for it until you have it, and once you do, never let go, don't even think twice. Pull it close and keep it close." She says rubbing his back. He clutches her shirt and buries his face in her shoulder crying silently. "I know you may not love me anymore, at least you know that what you're looking for isn't in me." She smiles, hugging him a bit tighter.
"Tamaki! We would never leave you!" Togata said opening the door so fast causing Nejire to fall on her face. He gasps a bit pushing away from Y/n. The blue haired got up making a face at the blonde. "Warn me next time Mirio," she puffed her cheeks. "Oh sorry Hado," he apologized then turning to Tamaki, "now why do you think we'll leave you? You're one of us Tamaki." "I...I- just thought that... when you guys find your lovers... you'll end up leaving me behind.." Hado and Mirio had then started to laugh. "We won't leave you Amajiki!" Nejire laughed. "Yeah that's ridiculous! No one would break up the Big Three!" Togata added. Tamaki's shine goes back to his eyes and he looks down a bit flustered. Mirio goes up to him draping a muscled arm over his shoulder. "So tell us why you were so upset," he said. "Yeah! Why were you shouting so loud?" Hado asked. "I..uhm..." he looks at Y/n. She looks down and nods. "She... told me something that upset me..." "What was it?" Hado asks tilting her head to the side. "That I'm-" Y/n was about to speak before Tamaki covers her mouth. "It's just a secret between us.." "Oh alright. Well do you two need us to go? So you can continue your loud argument," the blond joked, trying to lighten the mood.
"Well... it's not much of an argument now.." he looks at her, then down. She looks down as well. "It was just a slight misunderstanding that just needed to be sorted out with reason and a bit of bonding..." 'bonding..' Tamaki blushes slightly at the word. "Oh ho! Bonding now is it? Well we'll go so you two can... "bond"," he said chuckling as they left. Hado closed the door giggling at them. "That's not what I meant-" Y/n's jaw dropped slightly. Neijire and Togata laughed as they walked away. Tamaki and Y/n look at each other before laughing a little. "So.... what's it like being a... villain.. and being in this school..?" "Well.. it makes me nervous to think people will find out if I'm not careful, that and the other fact that my best friend will stop at nothing to get what he wants out of people." She says looking at him with a serious expression. He looks away a bit, sweat going down his temples. "Wait.... don't tell me..." her face goes pale. He nods his head. "OH SHIT!!!!" She screams throughout the dorms. Everyone in 3-A stopped at the sound of her scream.
"What was that for?!" "You- damnit-" she covers her mouth than peeks out the door. She sees everyone staring at her and her face goes red from embarrassment, 'they probably thought of something dirty- shit..' she slowly closes the door. "So... what was that about anyway?.." "You told F/n something didn't you?" He looks down, "you did..." she sighs, "well, what did he want to know and what did you tell him?" "Well... he wanted to know if I knew a Shigaraki..." he mutters. She freezes. "Why would he ask you that?" Her voice gets serious. "He said.... he has something planned and needs to 'repay' him for something..." "and what did you say?!" She asks getting closer to him. "I said- that I knew who he was but didn't know where he'd be next... but since you guys work together, and you're more active... I told him that you would know..." he sweatdrops. Her eyes widen, "What was his reaction?!" She gets even closer. "He just... slashed my back..." They make eye contact. "This.... this... this is fucking bad..." she looks down. She than gets even closer, "I need to tell you something important, but you can't tell your friends about this at all!" She was about and inch away from his face. "Promise me!" "I- uhm...."
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