Tamaki Amakiji X Traitor! Fem|Reader [P3]

Tamaki starting rehearsing his lines in his head he then shortly arrived at the cafe at 5:10 he leaned against the wall and waited for his date. Togata adjusted his fake mustache as he and Neijire sat hidden in a nearby booth. "This is so exciting and he looks so dashing~" Neijire cooed.

Tamaki's hair slightly flowed in the wind, he turned his head to see the H/c female in a knee length light purple dress, while lace around the hem and rim. Tamaki blushes darkly and stepped forwards, giving her the flowers and candy. "Y-you look lovely!-" he says with a smile. She smiles back, "you too!"

The two giggled as they watched their friend blushing. Tamaki holds the door open for her and she walks in. "Ooh such a gentleman," Nejire giggled again. He went in after her and they had their date, it lasted for a few hours, there were funny moments, some serious, than they resolved back to jokes. The entire date Togata and Nejire had followed their friend.

Once the date was over, Tamaki and Y/n said their goodbyes. Togata and Neijire stayed hidden as they watched. Y/n steps closer to him, tamaki freezes. "Are they gonna kiss?" Neijire excitedly squealed as Y/n was very close to Tamaki. She leans in but than an arm wraps around her. "Whatcha doing?" Her H/c friend from the train asks, "we were on a date-" she says, grinning at him. He narrows his eyes. Tamaki was a little confused. Y/n sighed, "Alright... well.. I've gotta go.." she waves to Tamaki than walks with her friend. Tamaki stands in place, confused af and a little sad, though he smiled. Once the two were out of sight, they slipped into an alleyway and put their villain costumes on. "You should've used your quirk." The male comments, "well I couldn't.." "why not?" "His friends were there.. if they say me break his mind, then lead him to some random place, they'd be sure to have found out." She says peeking from the corner at the elfish male. "I already attached the tape to him, so all you have to do is shock him." "Right." The male sends a wave of electricity and it goes to the tape placed on the inside of Tamaki's shirt. "Now we just wait till the others go to him..."

(Quirk for friend: Electricity manipulation/tape creation; literally just Denki and Sero put together-)

Neijire and Togata move out of there hiding place to Tamaki. "What happened? Why'd she leave with that guy?" The blond asked. "I don't know... she just said she had to g-" he couldn't finish his sentence, the male sent electricity coursing throughout Tamaki's body. He twitched, pupils contracting, his face had an unreadable expression. His hair stands up and he goes into a state of shock. "F/n- that's enough.. you don't want to kill him.." Y/n says to her H/c friend. "Fine.." he stopped the electricity and watched from the corner as well. "Amajiki!!" The teenagers yelled the boy's name in concern as he fell to the ground convulsing. His eyes were stuck wide open, lips slightly parted. His heart racing to keep him alive. "We gotta take him to Recovery Girl!" Togata yelled to Neijire who nodded and grabbed Tamaki's other side.

"when she kisses him, she'll get shocked too right?" Y/n asks. "Well if I'm in range. So we'll have to follow them.

In the nurses' office, the two students led their friend to a bed. "Oh my. What happened here?" Recovery Girl asked. "I don't know. He just started acting like this," Togata explains. Y/n and F/n peeked at the window. "Well let's just make him better," the old woman said as she puckered her lips. They slowly extended and when she made contact with Tamaki's cheek, a wave a shock over took the woman and she jumped away from the boy's body. "Recovery Girl?" Neijire asked concern.

Tamaki started jolting as the lights flickered throughout the school. "We have to strap him down so he doesn't hurt anyone," Recovery Girl said. Togata left to find something that'll hold him down. Y/n and F/n chuckle, the female uses her quirk to make Tamaki get up.

The three were stunned when Tamaki suddenly sat up. "Amajiki what's wrong?" Neijire asked scared for her friend. He started hyperventilating. They started panicking as he started convulsing again. He groans in pain and holds his head. "M-make it stop.. make it stop!" They watched uselessly as the pain continued hurting their friend. Neijire and Mirio both got on either side of the boy. Y/n and F/n both stopped their quirks, leaving the elfish boy crying and twitching.

"I don't know how much more of this I can take..." he covers his face, tweaking out every once in a while. His friends had their arms around him trying to comfort their friend. "Someone's doing this to Tamaki on purpose and I want to know why," Mirio said with a dangerous look in his eye. "Now young man don't be trying to seek revenge alright. I know what that looks is," Recovery Girl said. Tamaki shivers, feeling their body energy as they hold him. Togata gets up suddenly. "I'm going to find the cause of what's happening with Tamaki. You two take care of him," he said running out the room.

Y/n and her friend get away quickly, she changes back into her uniform and goes into the school casually, seeing some of her other friends and uses an excuse for not being there sooner, F/n honestly just disappears.

Togata runs into Y/n, accidentally knocking her back. "Oh sorry about that. Hey! You were Tamaki's date," he noticed as he reached out for the girl. "Oh.. y-yeah I was..." she says shyly. "Hey was Tamaki acting strangely during your date?" "No, not in the slightest.. why?" "Just.. something is going on with him and I wa- need to know why." "Well, I don't think I would know. What's been going on?" She asks tapping a toe behind her other foot. Togata stared at her for awhile before deciding to trust her on Tamaki's condition.

"He's just having some sort electrifying seizures." "How'd that happen?.." she furrows her eyebrows with a worried look on her face. "I don't know but I'm gonna find out," "Alright.. good luck." "Thanks." He said walking off somewhere else. Y/n glared at his back as he walked away. 'If he finds out anything.. it's game over.' She tried to walk but twists her ankle. "Ahh.." she sighs. 'At least I can go to Tamaki. Make it seem like he's having a meltdown again, and make it look like I'm innocent.' She hobbles to the nurses office.


Neijre comforts Tamaki as the door creaks open. She turns her head to the sound and saw Y/n in the doorway. "L/n! You're just in time! Amajiki needs your comfort," she said as she dragged the girl into her spot. "Uh..." Tamaki looks at her, tears in his eyes. Her eyes widen a bit, she feels a little guilt for what she did. She hugs him cautiously and he cries silently in her arms. Neijre watched as they embraced each other. "So cute~" she cooed. Y/n used her quirk it talk to him. He starts to panic a bit but she pats his head, 'hey.. it's okay Tamaki... I'm just gonna talk to you.' He calms down when hearing her voice in his head. 'Listen... I was the one doing this to you... and it wasn't very nice of me.. I'm sorry... I'm just gonna come clean and say it. I like you.. but I don't love you... you're a really sweet and lovable guy. But we aren't meant to be... I'm in a whole different world than you... you are gonna become a great hero.. without me. So find someone worthy of calling your first love, and make it count. Do everything you have to do, to keep the love alive...' she tears up a bit and murmurs, "I'm sorry..." she takes her quirk off of him and he sits on the edge of the bed, holding her in a caring position. "I forgive you..." he murmurs back.

Neijre, confused by their exchange, simply stood there. "Did I just miss something important?" She asked. Tamaki shakes his head. "No..." "Okay," she said still confused when Togata returned. "I didn't find anything yet but I'll keep searching until I find out who did it. Oh hi Y/n," he said waving to the girl. She wipes her eyes. "Hey..." she stands up. "Remember what I told you okay?..." Tamaki nods. "Alright..."

She grabs an ice pack and heads out. Tamaki leans his elbows on his knees and covers his face. "What is it? And what did she tell you? All I saw was you two hugging," Neijre said. "She.. used her quirk.. and told me the truth..." he sighs. "And what was it?" Mirio asked. "She said.. she was the one doing that to me... and that I should look for someone else to love because she isn't in the same world as me..." "Dang. I'm sorry Tamaki. I know how much you liked her," Mirio apologized as he sat down next to him. "It's fine. Next time.. I'll take the time to get to know a person before I just admit feelings.. I've got to work for their love not hope for it." He says looking at his blonde friend with a determined look. "Well that's very mature of you Tamaki but we should tell someone what she did to you," Mirio said and Nejire agreed. "Yeah it's not right that she just gets away with it." He looks down, "Who though..." "She used her quirk against you to hurt you. She shouldn't just get off Scott free," Mirio said, "like maybe a slap on the wrist should do." "Alright.. please don't do it too hard Mirio.." the smaller male begged. "I just want her to get a little warning not to do it again next time," he said as he left the room with Neijire following soon after. Tamaki tries to stand up to go after them, but his legs give way. "Sonny you better not be trying to get up," the old woman scolded pushing him back down on the bed. He looks down, "based on what happened.. do you know if I'm suffering from something I can't feel yet? Like.. are my nerves damaged?" "Your nerves seem alright but I would like you to stay the night so I can check on you." "Yes ma'am.." he twitches a bit. "Good. I'll be in my office if you need anything," she said as she too left. He lays down, shutting his eyes.


Y/n walked up to the roof, F/n was there as well. "...you failed." He said leaning against the wall." She turns around a bit startled. "Don't do that...! And put your mask on..!" She puts it on for him. "What was that hugging fest you had with him all about?" "I decided to tell him the truth..." "about your occupation!?..." "no... just that I was the one who made him go crazy. I didn't tell them that you helped though. Even though he's hiding his feelings... I can tell he just wants to curl up in the dark, hide from the world and cry his problems away.." she looks down. "Hey, don't get soft. It's too late for that. We've killed hundreds of people and you didn't care about them." He lifts her chin up, "I know but... he's different..." "you're both in two different worlds. It would never work." "I know that!" She slaps his hand away, "just let me clear my head..." she leans against the rail. He back hugs her. "You staying with me is the number one priority. Remember what you were told was gonna happen if you broke our little promise..." he whispers to her. She shivers and sweat drops down her temples.


It was a weekend and Shinsou planned on training today but not before visiting Tamaki, who he heard had gotten hurt. Shinsou dressed in his workout clothes and left to the nurses' office.

Tamaki wasn't himself, his eyes were dull and he couldn't feel anything anymore. "Was she even worth my time?.. I risked my mental and physical health trying to show how much I cared, but that was all in vain.." he sits up. "Who was I trying to prove my love to?.. her... or myself... thinking that I was capable of loving someone.. thinking I loved her when it was just my head messing with me.. that's all it was. No feelings attached, I was blinded by the feeling of being loved, that I actually thought someone loved me... turns out I was wrong..." he talks to himself. Shinsou walked in on the boy's one-sided conversation. "What did I walk in on?" He asked moving closer. Tamaki looks up at him than looks off to the side. "Nothing important..."

"So what happened? I heard you freaked out yesterday," he said putting his hands in his sweats' pockets. "Nothing happened..." "Alright. Don't tell me. I just want to know why you looked so down when I came in." "It just can't and won't work out..." is all he says. "Fine then. I have to be going anyway. But if you need to talk I'm here," he said walking towards the door and closing it behind him. Shinsou went to the school gym where he worked out for an hour.


Tamaki snuck out of the nurses office and goes to the roof where he sees Y/n. Tears immediately strike his eyes. He covers his face and falls to his knees. The female hears a plop and turns towards the male. Her lips part slightly when she sees Tamaki. She walks to him and squats in front of him. He pulls her into a tight hug, which caught her off guard, but she lays her head on his shoulder, letting him have his moment. F/n then zaps Tamaki, knocking him unconscious. Y/n gasps, "why the hell did you do that?!" She holds Tamaki's body. "We made a deal." He pushes her away and puts a bag over Tamaki's head, he cuffed his hands and hoisted him over his shoulder. She stumbles back but than twists the male's arm, he grunts but pushes her harder this time, she falls back against the railing, she screams as she slips. The male clicks his tongue and disappears along with Tamaki.

Y/n's left holding the railing for dear life. She cries and tries to climb up, but because of her twisted ankle, she couldn't. Tears streamed down her face as she looks down at her death bed. She then sees a window to her far left. Sucking in all her fear, she slowly slides over there. The railing was weak however, and she slipped from that. She screams as she plummets down a story, she then hits a ledge and grabs onto it. Her foot twisted more from the impact as she gulps back tears. Shaking, she bangs against the window, trying to get anyone's attention. She cries bagging against it more. "Someone help me!! Please!!"

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