Tamaki Amakiji X Traitor! Fem|Reader [P1]
(So- I was gonna write a story with this- but I decided to just put it in meh book- so...here it is!)
Tamaki strolls down the dorm hallways, trying to clear his head. He holds his head down, mumbling sort sentences to himself. Tamaki was acting strange, he wasn't hanging around Nejire or Mirio, and he wasn't talking to anyone else. The other students in the dorms looked at him in worry. Deku even came up to him. "Hey, you okay Amajiki?" He asked softly. The shy male nodded frantically and shook a bit, "I-i'm perfectly fine.." He whimpered out. "Are you sure? Cause if there's something up, don't be scared to ask for help." He smiles kindly. Amajiki nodded again, "Actually... do you know w-where S-shinsou i-is?.." He asks quietly, the green haired male tilts his head, "Yeah, I saw him go off over there with a girl." "T-thank you..." Tamaki walks around looking for Shinsou, going off of where Deku said he might be.
(Pretend the girl is your bff-)
The girl stopped laughing shortly after when she saw an elfish looking boy approach them. "Hey Hitoshi do you know that kid?" She asked as they got closer to the boy. "Yeah. He's one of the big three here, Tamaki Amajiki." he said briefly as he looked up ahead. "Then why does he look so nervous? If he's one of the most powerful students here shouldn't he be a bit more confident?" She asked confused. "He has social anxiety so he prefers to keep to himself, with the exception of the other members of the big three," Hitoshi explained. When hearing his name, he immediately walks over to the two. "h-h-h-h-h-h-h-......hi.." He says holding his head down. "Hello Amajiki. How have you been?" Hitoshi asked the stuttering male. "Hey," The girl with Shinsou greeted then gives a friendly wave to the boy. He waved to her shyly. "I-i-i-i..-ve b-been a-alright... I j-just need s-s-s-s-s-s-ome advise-" He tries saying without running away, his body clearly shaking. "What do you need?" Hitoshi asked, curious why Amajiki would come to him. "h-h-h-h-h.. how do you t-t-t-t-t-alk t-to g-g-g-g-g-g-irls...?" He asks shuttering and stuttering a lot. "Hm," Hitoshi hummed as he scratched the back of his neck. "Why do you ask?" The girl nudged him softly with her elbow as she smiled wide. "Obviously he likes someone!" She said grinning, "would you like to hear some advice from me since I am a girl." "mhm.." He nods his head slowly. "Well you should be a little more bold if you want to ask this girl out and also be the best version of yourself when you see her," She advised. "h-h-h-h-h-h-ow d-do I d-do that..?" "Just show her your best qualities," She smiled. "I-.. don't know what t-those are.." He looks down twiddling his thumbs. The female deadpans at Amajiki. "You know the things that make you you," she tried to explain.
"What makes me...me?.." He asks. "W-well.. I s-s-s-tutter a l-l-l-ot.." He rubs the back of his neck still looking down. He lifts his head but brings it right back down, his face flustered pink. "c-could y-you h-help m-me?.. like t-they d-d-o i-in the m-movies?.. y-you know... w-with the ear p-piece's?.." He laughs a tiny bit. "Sure if that'll make you comfortable," She says before turning to Hitoshi, "that is if we aren't doing anything later." She gives him her pleading face. The lavender haired male laughs and nods. "I'm curious about who Amajiki likes anyway," he says smiling. "Then we'll do it!" The girl cheers putting an arm in the air. He flinches and scratches a cheek with his finger. "I.. don't know how to t-thank you.." "You can thank us by going out on a double date sometime," She suggested and Hitoshi nodded in agreement. "Eh- I h-haven't even asked her out yet- And..." He swirls his foot around in the dirt stuffing his hands in his pockets. "-I don't know if she has a boyfriend yet..." His ears wiggle a bit. "Hmm that is a problem," the girl hummed, "but that's why I'll help you!" "You don't really have a choice now," Shinsou grinned earning him a playful jab. "C'mon Hitoshi! I'm serious," she said grinning as well. He trembles a bit from the sudden touch. "I- I know some things about her.. I met her at the l-library.. she doesn't seem too social.. well at least not there......" He steps away a little. "-Maybe that gives me a chance.." "Then do it!" The girl cheered again. Tamaki rubs his neck. "o-okay." "Well we would love to stay and chat but I have a surprise for Hitoshi that I would like him to see," The female says grabbing onto his arm once more. They waved to the shy boy and walked away.
Tamaki watches them walk away. "I probably should've asked them if this note was okay.." He pulls a note out of his pocket than walks off. Tamaki keeps walking until be accidentally bumps into someone. "Ah-! I-i-i-i-i- I'm s-sorry!" He stutters out. "Oh it's alright." The stranger pats him on the shoulder and walks away, he sighs than looks at his hands. His eyes widen, 'Where's the note?!' He starts to panic. Tamaki looks around breathing heavily. He than spots it but it starts flowing with the wind. "NO-" He chases it, making his hand into tentacles to try and grab it. The stranger saw the note on the ground and reached down to pick it up. "What's this?" They ask as they flip the paper over. Tamaki freezes as his face turns pink. "d-ahhhh-ah.. da.. mm..!" "Is this yours?" The boy asked as he held it out to Tamaki. "Y-yes.." He nodded and took the paper. "T-thanks.." He bows than runs off. Tamaki leans against a tree as he fights to catch his breath.
About two hours later, Tamaki was still leaning against the tree eyes closed, Shinsou had just gotten back on campus when he saw Tamaki clutching a note. "What's wrong Tamaki?" He asked when he was a foot away. He flinches but sighs once he sees it's shinsou, "i-it's j-just y-you..." He gulps and shows him the note. "I w-w-was a-after t-t-this.." Shinsou moved a box of kittens to his side as he took the note and skimmed it. "So this is for that girl you like Tamaki," he said handing it back. "Mhm.." He looks at it. "I know it's cheesy but.. it's how I really feel.." he gets a little flustered. "It's fine Tamaki. So when do you plan to give it to her?" Shinsou asked as the kittens moved around restlessly. "Um.. later today.. at the library.." He puts the note back in his pocket. Shinsou nodded. "Well definitely tell me how it goes alright," he said as he left for his dorm. "A-alright.." He looks down. 'can I do this?..' He asks himself than feels and arm wrap around his shoulder. He jumps and punches whoever it was.
"Woah! Calm down Tamaki! It's only me, Mirio.." the blonde said holding up his hands in surrender. He shivers. "Why is everyone trying to give me a heart attack?.." "No but you are so easy to scare, huh?" Togata laughed as he put an arm around Tamaki. "So what has you so freaked that you're blushing?" He asks, smirking. He looks down taking out the note. "Oh this must be serious. So who is it Tamaki," Togata said. "It's for.. a girl I like.. in class 2-A..." He gets a little flustered. "And when do you plan on telling her?" Tamaki's friend asked. "Later today.." He says looking at the note. "But if I mess up... it could go very wrong.. or she could take it the wrong way- or she could reject me cause she already has a boyfriend, or she could even see me as an enemy-" He starts panicking. Togata squeezed his friend's shoulder snapping him out of his panic. "Calm down dude. You'll be fine," he reassured, "plus if she rejects you than me and Nejire will treat you to some ice cream." "a-alright.." He calms down. "Let's go catch up with Nejire before our work studies. I know she'll like to hear about your crush," he smiled. "O-okay.." the elfish boy looks down.
In the 3-A dorms Nejire was squealing with the delight at Tamaki's new crush. "If it works out you gotta introduce us!" "O-okay.." He nods. "I.. I don't think she knows I like her though.. we've only talked in the library.. She has H/c, pretty E/c eyes and.. a really cute smile-" His face flushes red. "Oh Amajiki! You're just too adorable!" Nejire cooed as she squished his cheeks. He trembles, "I just hope she sees that and not a coward of a man.." "No way Tamaki. You're one of the bravest guys I know," Togata said. He looks down, "Thanks Mirio.." He mutters. "It's true!" The blond smiled. "Now let's get you ready for your confession!" Neijre exclaimed. "a-alright..!"
Soon enough the time came for Tamaki to confess. "I-i'm so nervous..." He says leaning his forehead on a wall. "You got this Amajiki!" Neijire encourages as she fixes his sweater. "Yeah! Just go in there, hand her the note, and tell her how much you love her," Togata said. "r-right." He nods.
Tamaki goes over to a table where Y/n was. "H-hey.. Y/n.." He mutters. The girl looks up to him. "Oh, hello Amajiki." She smiles softly at him. He hesitantly took out the note, his hands shaky, his face pink. "..I j-just wanted t-t-to t-tell you... uhm-" The girl tilts her head. "I-I like you! I always have since the first day we met! We locked eyes and I felt my soul get taken right out of me.. you took it and made it new, with feelings I've never felt before.. so- please go out with me.. we can go to a cafe, the movies.. anywhere you like.. just to show how much I care for you..!" He puts his head down and gives her the note. Her cheeks flush a tint of pink and she smiles more and takes it. She reads it and giggles a bit and stands up. She stands directly in front of him and looks him in the eyes. "I would love to go out with you. You seem like an amazing guy, so I'd like to spend more time with you." She smiles. "r-r-r-r-r-r-really?!" He says a bit surprised. "Mhm." She hums, her smile not fading. "So I'll meet you at the cafe tomorrow at 5:15." He smiles and rubs his neck. "Yeah.. c-can't wait to see you there..!" They wave goodbye and Tamaki walks back out to his friends. "So???" Togata asked as he and Nejire appeared behind a suitcase. "Were we right?"
"It's a date!" He smiles. "We knew she'd say yes! Didn't we Mirio?" Nejire rambles as she jumped out to give Tamaki a hug. He laughs a bit. "Thank you guys for helping me. It means the world.." "All we did was give advice, you're the one who did it Tamaki! You should congratulating yourself." Togata said slapping his shoulder. He shutters, "I'm just glad I could talk to a girl other than Nejire for once.." He rubs the back of his neck. "Yeah but now all we need to work on is that stutter of yours." Togata laughed jokingly causing Nejire to giggle with him. "I- is it that b-bad?" He asks looking at them innocently. "No! It's fine I was just joking! Don't be hurt by it okay?" Togata quickly apologized. "It's alright." He smiled. "Now let's talk about your first date!" Nejire said excitedly. "I'll love to but I have my hero study," Togata said, "we'll talk about it after okay!" "Have fun with that Togata. Oh and Nejire, I'd like to put all my effort into making the date perfect on my own... That's the only way I"ll show her how I truly feel... So I'll see you guys later.." He smiles. "Okay. I guess I have my work study too," and with a sigh the two third years waved goodbye to their shy friend.
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