Quirkless Kaminari X Villain Shinsou [18+]
(First smut that isn't an Rp so please don't judge-)
{At school}
After class, Denki was told to give a paper to Midoriya, so he went to find him. He found him by the bathroom but Bakugo was there too. "K-Kacchan..?" Midoriya mutters. "Hey damn Deku... Why've you been hidimg this sweet ass of yours from me?" Bakugo slaps his butt earning a yelp from Midoriya. Denki gasps and drops the papers, face turning red. He walks the other way and turns the corner. "Oh god.." He fans his face.
After school Denki waits in the front of the school fro Bakugo. As soon as he walked past him, he calls out, "B-bakugo..." he stutters. He turns his head slowly, "What the fuck do you want Dunce face?!" He glares at Denki. "W-why are you always hitting on M-midoriya?" He asks walking up to him. "Because I say what I fucking want, when I fucking want, and however I fucking want to!!" He makes small sparks come out of his palms. "I-I..j-just-" "Are you trying to fucking get in my damn way of fucking stupid Deku?!" "N-no..! I-I.." Denki furrows his eyebrows fearfully. "You just don't know when to fucking shut up!!" He roars and aims an explosion right onto Denki's neck, also punching him. He gets sent back wards into a pole. "Tch.. weak ass mother fucking loser.." He chuckles and walks home. Denki has a third degree burn on his neck, He quietly cries in agony and holds his neck, the next day he pulls up the color of his school uniform to hide the burn so that no one makes fun of him or worries. It's true he is weak, and now he's payed with his own body. Or has he really?
"Nezu has sent out a mission." "WHAT DENKI?!" the class questions. "Yes. The mission is for Kaminari. Since he has 'amazing' tracking skills...Nezu has chosen him as the best one to go." Aizawa says rubbing his neck tiredly. Bakugo growls lowly as Denki sits there shocked.
After he puts his hero costume on, Which is a black jacket, with matching pants, and a white T-shirt. He didn't need that much protection, after all, it was just a tracking mission...Right? Well it sure was easy to find. He still can't believe they let him go himself. He was sure he'd mess up big time. He had found out that he was going to use the data that the school had collected to track the villains base. True that he was low-key nervous as shit right now, but this gives him a chance to prove that he's worth something.
He peeks through a window that leads inside. He sees two girls talking. One of them seems to be comforting the other about something. Just then he feels a strangle tingle go thorough his body, he grunts as falls off the logs he was standing on. The two girl notice him, and rush over to the window. One leaps out the window and holds him in a head lock and the other stretches her arms to grab her friend. They snatch him inside and tie him up, putting him against some boxes. Nails in the floor poke at his legs, and force him to tuck his knees close to his chest. "You're so cute! But sadly, not my type. But i'm sure shinshin would like you!" the shorter girl says, then they turn off the lights and walk out of the room, leaving Denki feeling confused and even more helpless then before. It takes him a few minutes to process what happened but he eventually gets it when looking around at his surroundings. "I've been caught..." He mutters looking down. "It's true.. I truly am stupid and weak.. Bakugo and the others were right...I'm a quirkless loser with no meaning to life, and all because of that I got captured.." he sighs and leans his head against the boxes. He hears voices since the door was left cracked. He can't understand what they're saying but he can't help but feel afraid for whats coming his way.
Heavy footsteps can be heard as the door creeks open. Denki lifts his head to see a tall dark figure in the doorway. He squints his eyes to try and make out his features but to no avail. "She really wasn't kidding when she said you were cute. But of course I wasn't expecting you to be this cute." He finally speaks with a deep bellow. "How old are you kid?" "Fifteen.." he says with a blank expression. He gripes to himself walking closer. "What are you talking about..?" he asks puzzled. "Tch.." He chuckles, "You're a workin' progress I'll tell you that. So what's your quirk?" He asks sitting on a box in front of Denki. Denki looks away. The other male furrows his eyebrows, "Oi, i asked you a question. And when someone asks you a question, it's best to respond." Denki stays silent, making the other male bend down to him, grabbing his chin, and forcing him to look into his eyes. "Answer me." He says in a sharp tone. Denki looks at him,
"I don't have one.." he mutters. The other male chuckles, "Than why the hell they send you here? A disrespectful boy, yet alone quirkless with absolutely no way to defend himself.... Sounds to me like they wanted to get ride of you quickly." He grins and stares into his eyes. He than sees a bit of burnt flesh on his exposed neck.
He moves his head to the side and examines it. Denki's eyes widen and the pain starts to kick in when he touches it. "Ow-!" He hisses jerking his head away. He pulls his head back and forces his neck to stay in place. "Someone do this to you..?" His voice goes soft, but still stern. He closes his eyes and nods, "mhm.." He lets him go and watches as he shrivels up from how cold the room is. As Denki readjusts himself the nails in the floor poke through his pants and rip the fabric all the way to his thighs, he hears the tear and looks down. When he sees his ripped pants, he blushes from embarrassment. He brings his legs close and tucks them in tight. The other male smiles, "You don't have to hide. I've seen my fair share of thighs, they're mostly open- Besides, I've seen girls way prettier than you." He sits on a box again rubbing his neck, at the time not caring what words came out of his mouth. "Is that all people see in me?.." he relaxes his body, going absent minded. "-An ugly, quirkless good for nothing freak... no good her wannabe with a useless dream that'll never come true.. A failure at life as well as to his family.. an unloved bratty high school loser who doesn't even see an up coming future for himself.." He starts silently crying.
The other male is at a loss of words, regretting even bringing up the topic. "...Look, you aren't ugly.. if anything I'm the ugly one making you say that stuff about yourself. He apologizes the best he can. "I though you'd find my pain amusing since you're a villain..." Sh mutters. "Hey, just because I'm a villain doesn't meant anything. Villains have feelings too you know-" "I never said you didn't." "Tch.." He rolls his eyes. They sit in silence for awhile before the cool air blows through the room, making him shiver and curl up. The other male sighs and puts his jacket around Denki. "Thank you.." he mutters. "Mhm.." he sits down beside Denki, leaning his head against the wall. The moon peeks out from the clouds, shining moonlight on his face. Denki admires his purple messy hair and smooth well kept skin. He props his elbow on his knee as he opens his eyes, noticing Denki staring. "You have bags.. do you sleep much?" He turns his head away. "You don't have to answer.." He says lowering his head, scooting the jacket up on his shoulders more. "I do.. just don't get enough.." He says, "What happened to your neck?" Denki sighs, "He had full intention but I understand why he did it. He was angry and needed to let off steam-" The other male looks over his shoulder out of the corner of his eyes, "Angry or not you didn't deserve to get beat up like that." "Actually, it was a metal pole-" "HE USED A POLE TO BEAT YOU UP?!" "No- I hit a metal pole.." He says. "I can understand the bruises, but there's no way a metal pole can do that to your neck." He says changing positions. "I'm board.. besides, I know a good way to warm up~" He grabs Denki from behind. "Woah- wait-!" He blushes and jerks awya, throwing his back against the wall. Shinsou looks at him with raised eyebrows. "D-don't grab me like that all of a sudden.." he lowers his head. Shinsou smirks and grabs his waist, "like this?-"
Denki jumps and wiggles out of his grasp, popping up behind him. "I just met you and besides...I don't really like being touched..." He mutters. "Well that's too bad. While you're around me, you're either gonna get touched in some way, or manipulated. And I for one would rather not see you as a brainless dipshit for god knows how long." He turns around to him. "Besides it's not like I'm gonna hurt you, you could be... actually be worth something." He sits next to him. Denki blushes more and tenses up when Shinsou puts his arm around him. "Just relax." He says quietly looking at him. Denki sighs and lays his back against his arm, feeling his large warm hand grasp his shoulder. Shinsou looks at Denki's expression and grows a light tint to his cheeks when seeing him placing this amount of trust is him when not more than five minutes ago he insulted and made fun of him.
A few minutes later Denki falls asleep, laying cuddles up on Shinsou's lap. He watches as Denki's back rises and falls due to his slow and calm breathing. He rubs his back gently, feeling his spine and shoulder blades. He traces his finger tips all the way down to his lower back. He puts his hand on his hip and rubs his thigh going to his inner torso. He slips his hand into his jeans and rubs his lower belly. He wakes up and Shinsou quickly takes his hand away. Denki than switches to a more revealing position and falls back asleep. After Shinsou knows he's hout, he grabs his knees and spreads his legs, laying him on his back. He slips his pants off and rubs him through his boxers, biting his lip. He slides them off with his teeth and stares admirably at his member. Tempted, he licks his shaft, slowly going up to his tip. By feeling Shinsou's warm muscle on his member, he closes his legs, whimpering a bit. Shinsou looks at denki, seeing that he's still asleep, he grips his thighs and pulls his legs open, again. Feeling his hot breath, he bites his lip, awake now, but eyes still closed.
Shinsou swirls his tongue around the tip and slowly takes it in his mouth. Denki swallows a lump in his throat, trying to keep calm. Shinsou sucks him off, rubbing his thighs with his thumbs. Denki bites his lip and clenches his fists. 'This is wrong... but it feels so goo..!' He thinks arching his back. Shinsou chuckles and pulls away before Denki can reach his climax. Denki looks at him, "W-why?" He breaths out. "I want you to fuck my face." He mutters. "W-What?" "Do you or don't you understand Japanese? I said I want you to fuck my face and please yourself." He sits back. "Oh.. alright-" Denki sits up and Shinsou sits in front of his member. "A-are you sure?" "Yes." He sticks him member in Shinsou's mouth. Shinsou swirls his tongue around and sucks him. Denki starts bucking his hips, bites his lip and breaths heavily. Shinsou groans, sending vibrations through him member. His eyes widen and he slams into his mouth, feeling an unfamiliar release. Shinsou swallows it all and sighs getting out from under him.
He wipes his mouth and sits back, his forming boner sticks up. Denki sees it and his face turns red and stares wide eyed at it. Shinsou smirks, "It's so painful.. but with the right treatment it can be fixed." Denki blushes more and lifts a brow, "W-would I be able to help?" "I don't know... I don't think you're skilled enough to do it.." He shifts around, the pain getting worse as it gets harder. Shinsou winces quietly and breaths out. "I can help.. just tell me what to do." Denki looks at him than back to his member. "A-all you need to do.. i-is make sure it f-feels better." "o-okay." he crawls closer. Shinsou unbuckles his belt and pulls his pants off, the bulge shows more in his boxers. Denki gulps and his blush deepens. Shinsou pulls his boxers off and his member pops out. Because of how hard it is, Shinsou touches himself, "Ahh~" he winces. Interred, Denki pulls his hand away and uses his own. Feeling his hand grasping him sent chills up Shinsou's spine. He slowly starts to stroke him up and down, watching his facial expression shift. Shinsou graons and bites his lip. Denki jerks him faster and licks the tip, making him buck his hips. He than puts his mouth down onto him. He bobs his head and sucks. "oh- oh yeah~" Shinsou moans and bucks his hips more.
Denki licks his shaft and groans, sending vibrations through him. Shinsou lets out a load grunt and grabs a clump of his hair bucking into his mouth, keeping his head still. Denki's eyes fill with tears when he feels Shinsou's member touch the back of his throat. "Uhh~ every time... huff, huff... every time, your damn throat closes around my cock when it hits your throat.. K-Keep doing that~" He groans out pushing his head to match his bucks. Denki keeps squeezing his throat and eventually tastes a bitter-sweet liquid pour down his throat, almost making him gag, but he keeps it in. Shinsou pulls out before hitting his climax though and stares at Denki while he catches a breath. Once he's good again, Shinsou picks him up and leans him against the wall. He holds onto his hips and pushes his cheek against the wall as he leans ever him and plays with his nipples. He bites his lip and looks out of the corner of his eye at him. Shinsou grinds against his bare ass, but not poking into him yet. Denki grinds against him as well, putting his forehead on the wall. Shinsou grabs him by his waist all of a sudden and rams into Denki. His eyes widen and he pushes against him. "Mmh~!" He groans and gasps for air at the sudden but subsiding pain.
Shinsou starts thrusting and puts his chin on Denki's shoulder. Denki moves with his thrusts as he goes faster. They start panting and Denki moans, Shinsou grunts and thrusts harder. "I-I f-feel something..~" Denki moans out. "N-No..! Not yet.." Shinsou goes faster and pounds into Denki, he moans and grunts pushing against him harder. The sound of skin against skin fills the room. "Ha..ha.. Harder~..!" He digs his nails into the wall. Shinsou wraps an arm around his stomach and his other hand around his mouth. He pounds and thrusts harder into him. They quickly switch positions and continue these moves. As Shinsou moves in and out between Denki's thighs he feels himself about to release. He pounds as hard and as fast as he can into his ass. Soon enough they both cum, letting out harsh grunts. As Shinsou fills Denki up with his sweet juices, they catch their breathes and kiss. They sit on the ground, Denki wraps his arms around Shinsou's shoulders and press their bodies together. "You feel better?" Denki asks smiling. "Much better." Shinsou mutters and rests his head on his shoulder, burying his face in the crook of Denki's neck. He giggles a bit and rests his head against the wall.
'Guess what Bakugo.. THIS LOSER JUST GOT LAID!!!!!'
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